The Lonely Crab

The Twentieth Tale

It was the last mission.

They all held onto the sides of the vessel. The captain had announced that this was the end. 

There was no hope. 

Mothers held onto their children. Telling them that they would be in a better place soon. 

It wouldn't get any better. Soon, they would be in neck high water. 

It was all over. There was no point in living anymore. Many had abandoned ship already. 

But he didn't. Jungkook stood tall helping the children find their parents. He told everyone to calm down. 

There was hope. He was their hope. Their salvation. Their way out.  

"Jungkook!! Time to get out of the tub now!!" Jungkook looked up from his little rubber boats and ducks. 

"But Mum!!" 

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Chapter 33: That's so cute.
JYPFan113 #2
Chapter 44: This is so cool! Though I'm a bit confused but still so awesome :)
Hunny_chan210 #3
Chapter 24: Whut the whut!! This left me in a state of confusion. /shivers/ Her smiling in the end tho
Hunny_chan210 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad! I will destroy them for you Jongup! You do belong somewhere! And that is in my arms, kuekuekue (eue)
Hunny_chan210 #5
Chapter 3: Huehue I like this one ;) Well done! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GUYS!
helloshineeworld #6
wow nice one