The Lonely Crab

The Thirtieth Tale 

The hot summer sun burned the peasants who kneeled before him. Summer vacation was here, which meant it was time to hit the beach. 

Bodies of young women were placed at random on the blazing sand. Some facing up, others facing down. 

He stared at them from a distance, his lips at their gorgeous bodies.  Hiding in the shade of a tree, he sat with his binoculars to his eyes looking for his next victim. 

Sanghyuk searched the bay for the perfect woman. Someone who was beautiful. Someone who was naïve. Someone who was—her. Right there near the beach houses, a drop dead gorgeous teen. 

She had silky brunet up to her waist. A y black bikini and dark glasses. She was laying on a bright red towel, which you could see from a very large distance away.  

Sanghyuk stood up and began strutting towards the stunning human being. He rehearsed his so-called 'pick-up lines'. 

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together."

"Was your father a baker, because you sure have a nice set of buns."

"Did it hurt, when you fell from Heaven?"

Sanghyuk was now metres away from the woman. She was even more impressive up close. His palms began to sweat and he played with his fingers. 

Hyuk walked up to her towel and cleared his throat. She looked up at him and smiled. Who wouldn't? He was a pretty cute guy. He took a long breath in and sighed. 

Sanghyuk smiled and stood up straight. He began to speak, but his voice cracked. "I'm not a photographer, because you sure have nice Heaven..."  


The girl cracked up laughing and at that moment Sanghyuk realised that it was good that he messed up. 

Her laugh was very disturbing. She sounded like a drowning whale. How whales drown, he did not know. 

Sanghyuk ran back to his spot. He picked up his binoculars and searched for his seventeenth victim. 

I did this during class.....no hate ono

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Chapter 33: That's so cute.
JYPFan113 #2
Chapter 44: This is so cool! Though I'm a bit confused but still so awesome :)
Hunny_chan210 #3
Chapter 24: Whut the whut!! This left me in a state of confusion. /shivers/ Her smiling in the end tho
Hunny_chan210 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad! I will destroy them for you Jongup! You do belong somewhere! And that is in my arms, kuekuekue (eue)
Hunny_chan210 #5
Chapter 3: Huehue I like this one ;) Well done! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GUYS!
helloshineeworld #6
wow nice one