The Lonely Crab

The Twelfth Tale

A silent library. On a table he sat accompanied. He glanced up from his book. 

There she sat; right in front of him. He darted his eyes from his book to her. Back and forth. 

She looked up at him, he avoided eye contact. 

Myungsoo played with his pen in his hand whilst he scanned the textbook with his eyes. 

He continued to spin his pen as he slowly began peeping at her. 

The teen was so distracted by the angel that he dropped his pen onto the floor. 

She smiled. Myungsoo leaned down to retrieve his pen. 

He not only found his pen but something even better. A bare pair of thin legs. 

Myungsoo swallowed hard. His mouth wide open. Those legs were connected to a fine pair of thighs and those thighs were connected to...

Myungsoo shook his head. He sat back on his chair. 

The girl smiled at him. He blinked; confused. "Did you enjoy the view?" She giggled. 

Myungsoo grew bright red. 

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Chapter 33: That's so cute.
JYPFan113 #2
Chapter 44: This is so cool! Though I'm a bit confused but still so awesome :)
Hunny_chan210 #3
Chapter 24: Whut the whut!! This left me in a state of confusion. /shivers/ Her smiling in the end tho
Hunny_chan210 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad! I will destroy them for you Jongup! You do belong somewhere! And that is in my arms, kuekuekue (eue)
Hunny_chan210 #5
Chapter 3: Huehue I like this one ;) Well done! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GUYS!
helloshineeworld #6
wow nice one