The Lonely Crab

The Twenty-Eighth Tale

Ugly faces. All of them. Not one of them were worth his time. 

It was unbelievable how long he had out up with this. Endless days if running away; cowering in fear

Well, it wasn't going to stop today. 

Wonshik's heavy body was immobile on the cold concrete floor. his warm breath could be seen escaping from his lips. His lip was busted and he had multiple cuts and bruises all over his body. It felt as if his body was sinking into the ground. 

A soft yet sharp voice pierced threw his ears. "Have you learnt your lesson yet, Ravi?" A rhetorical question of course. 

Wonshik began to gain his strength once again and stood to his feet. One shoulder bent down and his legs barely standing. 

The guy chuckled. "Woh, you still haven't learnt your lesson." His voice hardened. "Well, then I might have to teach you another one." The man began walking forwards until he towered over Wonshik's fragile body. With one hand he gripped onto Wonshik's collar and the other hand was held high in a fist.  "Should I teach you another lesson?" Wonshik said nothing. He was too weak to play with his foolish games. 

The guy smirked. His fist swung right into Wonshik's gut. The only thing he could do rig now was nothing. He had to wait until this guy got bored or tired, then he could escape. 

Wonshik's body couldn't take it anymore. He was on the verge of consciousness. His body began to slip.  

A sudden voice was heard from a few metres away. "Hey what are you doing?!" At that moment Wonshik was pushed to the ground; his abusers running away. 

Slowly, his eyes began to close. Just before they could, he saw a glimpse of his saviour. His guardian angel. 

"Hey...hey.. stay with--" Wonshik slowly drifted off. 

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Chapter 33: That's so cute.
JYPFan113 #2
Chapter 44: This is so cool! Though I'm a bit confused but still so awesome :)
Hunny_chan210 #3
Chapter 24: Whut the whut!! This left me in a state of confusion. /shivers/ Her smiling in the end tho
Hunny_chan210 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad! I will destroy them for you Jongup! You do belong somewhere! And that is in my arms, kuekuekue (eue)
Hunny_chan210 #5
Chapter 3: Huehue I like this one ;) Well done! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GUYS!
helloshineeworld #6
wow nice one