Chapter 3


because i am down of the tily written chapters in THE HEIR, I decided to write failed comedy attempt, but at least somehow romantic chapter to this fic, because tbh I love this fic. And this makes me happy and I can't stop thinking about this. I was walking in Stockholm yesterday and my legs are dying. I get occasional cramps but apart from pain and not being able to walk properly, I don't mind lol. Except that I wanna sleep and I will soon because I am like soooooooooooooooooooo dead. ZomDy writing this hahahahahah!!



Chapter 3

Minwoo looked at all the presented food and the saliva was oozing in his mouth. Everything looked extremely beautiful and delicious and he knew it would be tasty as Dongwan’s mother had prepared it all from a scratch. When the last plate arrived at the table, Dongwan wished happy eating and the both started munching the kimchi. Dongwan’s mother joined them after couple of minutes and built a tower from rice to both of their plates.

“Mom,” Dongwan said. “I got a job offer.”

“Ah, you did!?” She leered at the son, having a smile on her face. “From where?”

Dongwan swallowed the spoonful of rice and answered, “I don’t know yet, but boss will talk about it with me the day after tomorrow. Apparently someone needs a photographer quite soon.”

She her son’s cheek and continued eating together with him and Minwoo. Minwoo was flavouring slowly, wanting the mother to see how much he loved her dishes. She had grown very fond of him as soon as they had met years ago. And she could tell Dongwan was extremely happy with Minwoo as well. She also could not stop noticing how many times the two were glancing each other behind their bowls of rice.

“When are you planning to propose, Minwoo ya?” She asked and both Minwoo and Dongwan were choking on their rice.

“I…I…it’s quite soon still, isn’t it mother-in-law?” Minwoo questioned.

Dongwan chuckled silently, feeling foolish as he looked down at the bowl of rice and ate alone till he could see the bottom. It was idiotic for him to wait something so huge from Minwoo. He didn’t care where and when he would do it, but he was sure he wanted it. He would be 30 really soon. He had always wished he’d be engaged by then.

“Don’t force it mom,” Dongwan smiled. “We’re still young.” He added.

                Minwoo thanked for the dinner with a bow, and Dongwan hugged his mother like he hadn’t seen her in weeks. He also invited her to the new apartment since she missed all the ‘other’ sons she had. She never forgot to mention to Minwoo how she had her mother’s ring from the days she had been with Dongwan’s father, but Minwoo assured that when he proposes, he will ask that ring for sure or get him a brand new one that they can then give to their children.

“Minwoo ya,” Dongwan murmured when they were walking down the street.

“Yes?” Minwoo replied, lacing his fingers through Dongwan’s.

“Why do you love me?”

That question surprised Minwoo as he halted his steps and frowned carefully. Dongwan was sincerely asking, as the older man read from the face, but that is why he was scared. Minwoo harrumphed and contemplated before he answered, “If I didn’t love you, I’d be miserable.”

Dongwan’s cheeks turned red under the dim street light. Minwoo leaned in slowly and their lips became one. Then he withdrew and the cheek like Dongwan’s mother had done before and smiled, leaning in again this time planting a slightly longer kiss onto the thick lips. Dongwan’s heart felt what it had felt for 7 years now. Ever since he had seen Minwoo in his photography class, he had known that they will have something special. He hadn’t known though that it would actually last.

“I love you, because you keep me sane.” Minwoo confessed. “If I ever lose you, I will dehydrate like a flower without water.”

Dongwan grinned and was even redder when Minwoo grabbed his hand and fondled it softly. He could feel it. He could feel how much Minwoo loved him, because he loved him so damn much himself. Their eyes met in the darkness.

“You’re my special stupid.” Dongwan sighed.


Andy slammed the door closed behind him and marched into the empty living room. Junjin entered the just decorated room and saw the maknae slumping down to the couch, pouting so fiercely that he concluded to join him and make him slightly happier. Andy was pulling off his scarf and ing his jacket as Junjin sat down next to him and opened the television.

“I dumped him.” Andy spilled out. “I dumped that douche.”

Junjin turned to look at the younger lad and had a sudden urge to hug him, because he had finally done the right thing. Andy was in the verge of tearing up as his lower lip was quivering and eyes glowing from the salt water. He placed the jacket onto the backrest and the scarf onto the coffee table and cupped his small face until the tears fell freely.

“What did he do?” Junjin questioned almost too sternly.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, ok?” Andy responded and placed his head onto the older guy’s lap and watched the commercial of a happy couple brushing teeth together. “You wouldn’t like it anyway.”

Junjin looked down at the young face and reached to the remote controller. He switched off the television and gave his full attention to Andy. The maknae was sniffing already and shortly the huge teardrops rolled down his cheeks. Junjin landed his hand onto the forehead and down through the crown of the head while Andy bit his lip and sobbed. Junjin hushed him and tried to decrease the amount of tears.

“Andy,” He murmured. “That guy doesn’t deserve your tears. He should cry because he lost someone like you. What did he do?”

Andy avoided gazing at the man above him, as the timid look rose on the face. The young man comprehended that Junjin won’t stop until he heard the truth. But Andy knew how short tempered and possessive Junjin always was. If he told him what the guy had done, he would give one of those super long speeches once again.

“What did he do, Andy?” Junjin stated scarily.

“…slapped me.” The older man wasn’t sure if he had heard correctly, but the scowl on his forehead was deep enough. “But…but…it was an accident!! I said I wouldn’t make out with him when he is drunk and his hand slipped. It was an accident. And I don’t even have a bruise…” Andy showed his cheeks.

Junjin sighed and pinched the both of them, puckering Andy’s lips. The maknae sat up, his hair all messy, as he turned over to his best friend and smiled. Junjin stood up and fished out his phone, striding to the door of the apartment.

“Where are you going?” Andy interrogated.

“I have an urgent meeting to attend to.” Junjin informed and stepped out.


“Those rabbits need to soundproof their room.” Eric mumbled on the bed. “I don’t want to have another night with our baby in the bed.”

Hyesung scorned nonchalantly and turned the page on his book. His friend bemoaned and rubbed the lower back as he had spent the whole night on the floor. He was rolling on the bed (as if that was going to help him somehow) until he landed onto the slender guy. Eric raised himself onto his arms and Hyesung stared at him, forgetting the book he now had on his lap.

“Who is the one in your heart?” Eric asked, knowing that the proximity of their faces pressured Hyesung a lot.

“None of your business.” The younger man stung his tongue out jeeringly.

“Oh, come on. Tell me.” Eric begged. “I wanna know.” He lied. He didn’t want to know. He had no willing to know who had been the one to take Hyesung’s heart. There couldn’t be anyone that Eric didn’t know about as he was with him most of the times. “Who is it?”

Hyesung scoffed and lifted the book up. “If I told you, it would have terrible consequences.” He muttered behind the book.

“What would you do? Slam with the book?” Eric laughed. “Why don’t you just tell me who is it? Is he ugly? Or are you just not sure? Does he have horse’s lips? Or bunny teeth? Does he live in a shed? Ha! Is he a fictional character!? Are you in love with a fictional character?” he tried.

Hyesung put the book down and stared at the guy with not so amused look on his face. Slamming with the book didn’t sound that terrible anymore. Eric was bouncing on his legs, bombarding Hyesung with questions.

“What if the guy has bunny teeth? OR even worse, hamster teeth!” Eric spoke. “Or is he fat!? What is the first initial of his—“

Hyesung shut Eric up with a brief peck. It had sounded much better in his head than it sounded now, as they were ogling mouths widely open. Eric said nothing as he got up from the slender guy, grabbed his pillow and blanket.

“I will sleep in the living room.” He muttered and pointed somewhere entirely different place, as he exited the room and pinned his back to the bedroom door. The pillow and the blanket he discarded somewhere so the hands could cover his face. “Babo, babo, babo…”


“Let’s wait Junjin and we can put the video on.” Dongwan said with a smile, cuddling to Minwoo’s chest.

There was weird tension between Hyesung and Eric as neither of them was actually looking at one another. Hyesung sat at the other side of the table and Eric was across him, looking at the empty wall. Minwoo and Dongwan noticed it, not to mention Andy, who had been seated between the two so there were some more obstacles to not let them be awkward. And when the door opened, Hyesung jumped up and made his way to supposedly help Junjin with something.

“Hey, what’s wrong with your eye and cheek?” He asked when Junjin’s black spots came under the foyer light. “Were you in a fight?”

Andy rushed into the foyer and cupped the face of his best friend. He pouted angrily and pinched the bruise on purpose, making Junjin wince out of pain. Hyesung gasped shocked and brought Junjin into the kitchen to have something cold onto the spot. Junjin stared at him cutely and shyly as his heartbeat rose a bit. Andy stood at the doorframe and watched them.

“Who was it this time, huh?” he questioned. “Husband of your client, girlfriend of your client, dad of your client?”

“Don’t reprimand him Andy…” Hyesung said softly, applying some cream onto the bruise. “Junjin is an adult man. He can get into fights.”

Andy crossed his arms onto his chest and proceeded to the two. He then grabbed an ice-bag, wrapped it around a towel and glued it onto the cheek. Hyesung leered at them and smiled, feeling something obscure. Junjin held Andy’s waist like a child when he pressed the bruise intentionally and gritted his teeth at the same time.

“I’m sorry.” Junjin apologised to the both. “But I had to get this guy. He had been treating me...and someone else...badly.” He told and looked up at Andy who was focusing on applying the cream. Then his gaze landed onto Hyesung and he blushed. “Thank you, hyung.” He sang cutely.

“No problem.” Hyesung grinned, Junjin’s cheek and walked out, leaving the maknaes alone.

Andy put the first-aid box back into the cupboard, then turned around and lifted his hands onto his hips. He had a staid but soft expression plastering upon his face as he the spot under the black strands of hair. Junjin sighed.

“Does it hurt?” Andy was concerned.


“Who was it this time, huh? Who did you meet just to get beaten?” The maknae scolded.

“Does it matter?” Junjin interrogated, taking a look at him.

Andy slid his hand off and let it hang next to his thigh. He then shook his head and went over the sink to wash his hands. Junjin got up and checked the bruise and the great cleaning marks made by Hyesung or Andy. He knew it was Andy, but he hoped it as Hyesung.

“Come Andy,” Junjin sniggered. “Time to watch the movie.”


The movie ended late at night. Andy had gone to bed already since he had a party he had to cook to the next day. Minwoo and Dongwan had disappeared too, and Junjin had gotten a phone call from his boss that there was someone coming to the gym first thing on the morning and he was supposed to be there waiting for him and so the baby bird had entered his room too.

Hyesung put the DVD onto the table and sat down to the couch where Eric was already silently watching the rolling fingers. His stuff was still on the sofa and he was still deadly positive about sleeping on it for the night. Hyesung cleared his throat purposely.

“See…” he began. “The kiss…I…”

“You don’t have to say anything.” Eric commented. “Let’s just say it was a pure accident. I was annoying you and instead of hitting me with a book you kissed me…that is…perfectly normal.” He mumbled, the sarcasm emitting his voice.

Hyesung bit his lip.

“Let me make something clear here Hyesung,” Eric suddenly got courage from somewhere as he wasn’t even stuttering. “Since it was just a peck, I think we should forget it.”


“I’m not finished.” Eric cut him.

Hyesung gave a nod and let the older man continue whatever he was trying to say with his arrogant and flamboyant way of talking right now. Eric felt his arms trembling. He was trembling from everywhere. He was nervous. But he wanted to be determined. He could not embarrass himself. He didn’t want to embarrass himself. If he did, he would dig a deep hole and live there forever.

“Did it mean something?” He asked.

Hyesung flinched, regulated his breath and tried to do the same to his prompt heartbeat as he smiled and said, “No. No, it didn’t.” 

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last update will delay a bit. ;) I will keep a week long pause. :D


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Chapter 20: Jindy is so complicated it makes my head hurts... gezzzz.. this two...

I love woodong relationship the most...
Chapter 9: "Wine on the beach…cheese in the bed… in the Jacuzzi." Oh wao WooDong *squeal*
Chapter 20: I loved this story so much xD
Chapter 15: Ricsyung are just two bumbling messes of can't make their minds up. I mean really just stop with all and go bold. They're so cute with their sneaking around and stuff. Like no one will figure it out. Woodang are so cute when they're being devious together. Love it. But why does Andy feel that way? Like how can the guy who loves people have that kinda of attitude? How can he break Jinnie's heart like that?
Chapter 14: Gosh, I'm going to have to go. I can't concentrate on the fic. Doing other stuff. But this chapter is just fluff-a-lis-tic. Ricsyung made me want to holla. But your Jinnie moment with Young Dae - purrfect! Great chapter. Hmm, but will Eric need to try to do a take-back? He'll have a reason to use it now, right?
Chapter 13: You are such a bubble burster. Woodong's dream wedding being smashed to smithereens's. Jindy are fraking like repressed Tom-cats. Like 'Hello? Jindy? You do know that you live with people, right?' hahaha, loving them. Hyesung and his goodnight kisses. He's such a softie.
Chapter 12: Ain't nothing like a Hyesung scorned. Mmhmm, Eric, that's right. Kangta. And your little jealous rant made Junjin become a MAN. A MAN! You hear that Eric? That's how a MAN puts it down.
Chapter 11: Re: A/N - hahaha, so you were in the mood to give of all this fluffy lovey dovey stuff cause you have wicked intentions for later? Thanks for the warning.
Chapter 10: Who's smarter? Dongwan saying leave them alone and let the chips fall where they may? Or Eric, not paying the bills? Hmm, that's a real tough one. Really tough.
Chapter 9: Babo Junjin, "...chili paste on your face"