Chapter 3

Do You Remember Our Last Goodbye


We arrived at the hospital, not sure of what to expect. While we were waiting, I glanced cautiously to him, to see if he was still in pain. He was sitting quietly staring straight ahead. *I wonder what he’s thinking about*. Soon enough, his name was called, I looked back at him, tugging on his sleeve slightly, breaking him out of his trance. He quickly followed after me, clutching my hand tightly. I gazed back at him, to see the fear in his eyes.

“It’s okay, it’ll be alright. I’ll be here for you.” I assured him, patting him lightly before getting onto my toes and giving him a featherless peck on the cheek. He immediately softened, the fear washing out slightly. I lead him into the room, to see a serious looking doctor staring back at me.

We sat down together, I took one last look at Myungsoo before setting my eyes upon the doctor.

“So… Kim Myungsoo is it?” Myungsoo nodded once before the doctor continued. “What seems to be the problem?”

Slowly, Myungsoo started to explain what had been happening the past few days; the continuous headaches and non-stop nosebleeds. The doctor nodded with every word, as if he knew exactly what Myungsoo was talking about.

“So… Do you know what’s happening? Why am I getting all these headaches and nosebleeds?” Myungsoo asked cautiously, still not sure of what to expect. Though I could only see the side of his face, I could still feel the fear present in his expression.

“Well… Kim Myungsoo. These symptoms… Are the early stages of possible brain cancer.”

“WHAT?!” We both yelled at the same time. It felt as if a thousand arrows had shot into my body, leaving me motionless. I glanced wearily at Myungsoo, his eyes breaking my heart into a million pieces. His eyes screamed ‘NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! NO!’ I felt as if my heart had stopped, as if I could not see or feel anything except for the pain deep inside my heart.

“It’s just a possibility though, it could just be a false alarm. But we should take some scans just to be sure.” The doctor reassured us. Though it was not confirmed that Myungsoo had this one-in-a-million disease, a positive way of thinking was impossible. We prepared for the worst.

Leaving the hospital, the atmosphere was incredibly bleak, the silence was deafening. *Was this the sound I would hear when he left me? How would I survive without him?* Without a word, we entered the car. Slowly, I started the car before stepping onto the accelerator, I could see Myungsoo’s pained expression. He slowly turned his head towards the window, gazing out at the fast passing scenery. The silence was suddenly filled with quiet sniffs. Glancing back at Myungsoo, it felt like a knife had been wrenched into my heart, twisting in circles as Myungsoo turned towards me. His tear stained cheeks explained his feeling. *If I felt this way now, how would Myungsoo be feeling?* I quickly pulled over at the curb, turning my head fully towards Myungsoo. No words were spoken as I lightly cupped his face with my hands, wiping his tears away with my two thumbs. He immediately broke down, letting out all of the feelings he had bottled up inside of him.

Breaking the silence, I comforted him,

“It’s okay Honey, let it out. I’ll be here for you no matter what.”

As I said those words, his sniffs became more consistent, his tears continuously running down his hot cheeks. I had to stay strong, I had to hold back my tears, I had to show him that the end was not close. I fought back my tears and swallowed as the tight feeling built up in my chest. I couldn’t cry now. I couldn’t. We stayed in this position for a long time, gazing into each other’s eyes as tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

“Honey, I’m here for you. I always will be.” I didn’t want to mention the end, as this would start Myungsoo all over again. It seemed as if Myungsoo had cried out all the tears possible, but his tears kept on going, as if he had nothing holding back, the deep sadness in his heart forcing the tears out.

Myungsoo had finally calmed down, I didn’t care how long it took, I would let him cry from dawn until dusk. 


I hope you're enjoying my fic. 2 updates in 1 day ^^ Maybe a 3rd? :D Anyone like this yet? (ㅠ_ㅠ)

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Chapter 23: aw, myung remembered her c:
browsing thru your stories, they're all well written!
naznew #2
Chapter 22: i'm crying while read this story..DAEBAK
Your story is a part of my favorite fiction ... seriously I'll almost cry ... I upvote you and you deserve it . I'll just have a question .. and sungyeol with that .. he loves ~~~~ no .. he heartbroken now ?
Chapter 22: jjang! my friend recommended this to me and i had the urge to finish it in one go ...
though i'm not an 'inspirit', i loved this story! XD
Just finished reading it for the 3rd time! Muhahaha (:
LE DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ Gosh I was so happy in the beginning with all the sweetness, then I go to chapter 2 - or was it 3...? Then I become sad lol. Anyways, you write awesome fics as always Cindy ~ teehee <3 (:
Aw.....I finished it already.
Anyway, nice fic! :)
@chapter 22:
Lol, Sungjong "Don't forget to use protection!"
@chapter 21:
Myungsoo better remember that song or I'm going to jump into my computer, get a plane ticket and fly to AFF, then get into the story and smack him updside the head.
And lol, now the story title makes sense!
@chapter 20:
I just want to chuck a cup at Myungsoo.
And dude, that's why you're supposed to keep a diary or a journal!