Floor of hell

Senior year

“Where’s your dorm?” Gummi asked the twins as they aimlessly walked around the campus. The day had gotten dim and the girls wanted to breathe in some fresh air after all that food they just ate. “It’s in the building near pond road, I forget what the building is called” Minsun told. “Mines there too” Gummi chuckled. “Its on one of the all girls floor though, at least I hope” Choa clarified. “Same, I could not stand being on the co-ed floor. I really don’t feel like hearing people having through the walls” Gummi laughed. “I’m worried about that too, the horror stories I’ve heard. But there’s a curfew for our building so I’m hoping that won’t happen” Minsun said.

“Why do I feel like everyone who got in here from chrome high is going to be in our building? I heard that’s how they divide things here” Gummi worried. “Eh? That’s so dumb though, I doubt they would do that” Choa reassured.

“No, I think Gummi is right. They don’t do it for everyone but for high schools as prestigious as chrome high they put the students in a reserved building. It’s seriously so stupid, they prioritize their rich students and give them the best ,” Minsun revealed, rolling her eyes in disgust.

“You’re not serious, are you?” Choa said, completely appalled by the information Minsun had just told them. Minsun just shook her head.

Gummi let out a fake laugh “Ha, well I guess we fooled them then since we’re poor as hell” Gummi said, making the twins laugh. “Not only that but we come from what they would call a “shady neighborhood” where all the sad poor people live!” Choa said, rolling her eyes.

Minsun’s information was semi-confirmed once they saw Ellin and Soyul walk into their residence building. But that wasn’t the reason for their now shocked and confused faces. “Is that Elllin and Soyul?” Minsun uttered, “together” she continued.

“You know it did seem like they were close before…didn’t they come together when we were fighting?” Gummi recalled. “Unnie, you’re right” Choa realized.

What couldn’t be helped, but would be denied, is the amount of envy they were feeling in that moment. “I’m happy she at least has someone” Gummi finally said, surprising the girls, but they also agreed with her “Yeah, makes me not feel so bad” Choa admitted.

“Girls, Gongchan is right, this whole punishment is a good thing. It’ll give them…and us an opportunity to clear up some misunderstandings” Gummi convinced.

“Unfortunately, I gotta agree that that damn Gongchan is right” Minsun said, annoyed. At that moment Minsun heard a chuckle behind her and felt someone tap her on the shoulder. “That damn Gongchan eh?” Gongchan said from behind her. Her heart sunk and both of her hands covered her face in embarrassment.

Shinwoo was with him, as he always was, and the moment Choa saw him she looked at Gummi and gave her a nod, Gummi nodded back to her with a reassuring smile, she understood Choa was uncomfortable and needed to leave. Once turned around to leave, Shinwoo’s expression immediately looked hurt, which made Gummi laugh under her breath.

“Ya, you think because I don’t hate you as much as Jinyoung that you can just approach me like this” Minsun said, boldly looking Gongchan in the eyes. “You’re the one who called my name” Gongchan defended, Minsun scoffed at his reply. “Well you shouldn’t be eavesdropping in the first place!” she shot back.

As Gongchan and Minsun continued to bicker, Gummi continued to be amused by Shinwoo’s state. After a few moments he slightly shook his head and began to walk, Gummi knew what he was about to do. “Not so fast mister” Gummi said, grabbing his wrist.

Shinwoo turned around in confusion; he was too consumed in his own thoughts to notice Gummi was staring at him the whole time “Huh- what is it?” Shinwoo asked, a little irritated. “You’re going straight to your dorm, right?” Gummi questioned with a smile, Shinwoo looked down once he understood what Gummi was getting at. “Yeah…” he said quietly, still looking down. “Shinwoo, Shinwoo, it’s amazing how far patience will get you” Gummi said, surprising Shinwoo “what do you mean? Do you think she’s going to forgive me soon?” Shinwoo said hopefully, his eyes gleaming. Gummi couldn’t help but let out another laugh, he looked so cute and happy “uh…. I’m no fortuneteller but it doesn’t really take a genius to figure out that she still likes you. Do you know what you don’t know about Choa?” Gummi began.

“What?” Shinwoo asked in anticipation of Gummi’s answer. 

“She’s a girl that won’t just sit around when she knows what she wants. Sooner or later, when the time is right, she’ll talk to you. I’m not saying to just ignore her existence until she does though, but just chill a bit, will you? It’s kind of creepy how you’re acting which is a BIG no no” Gummi advised.

“Alright, I’ll take your word. It’s just been kind of long and I wanted to ask her myself if she was okay. ing Jinyoung,” he cursed.

Gummi laughed at his curse “tell me about it” she sighed.


“Goodnight, Gongchan” Minsun said in an annoyed tone. She then turned around to see Gummi waving goodbye to Shinwoo. “Minsun-ah, I expect you to be there. Don’t forget, okay?” Gongchan said before he ran to catch up with Shinwoo.

“ugh, boys are so irritating!” Minsun let out, but Gummi could tell this was just Minsun being in denial. “What, did he ask you out on a date? I know you’re happy about it” Gummi nudged. “Date? Ha, as if. I don’t know what it is but he told me to meet him at some fountain tomorrow. As if I have the time for this kind of bull,” Minsun said half-heartedly. Gummi just laughed at her friend who was clearly still head over heals for this guy.



“Did you see their faces? They looked so confused” Ellin said with a short smile as she began to unpack her stuff out of her suitcase. “I was too scared to even look at them, Gummi’s glares are no joke” Soyul shuddered. Gummi, Choa and Minsun saw correctly; Ellin and Soyul were now close friends. But how could this have possibly happened? How could they have made up and now be rooming with each other? It all seemed so sudden, but not to Ellin and Soyul.


You see, while Gummi, Choa, and Minsun were thinking about where the hell Ellin had disappeared to and whether Soyul may have actually been a victim to the chrome high system, Ellin and Soyul were in the middle of reconciling and began to get close to each other from that moment on.



“Aish… I can’t believe I’m doing this” Ellin sighed as she dialed a number. Ellin was beginning to feel lonely and she could no longer stand keeping her feelings bottled up inside with no one to tell. She wasn’t the type of person to just cry by herself and bear through everything alone, and that’s why she decided to take Soyul up on her offer.


I just wanted you to know that if you need anything, I’m here to help


Ellin remembered those words on her last day of school. How could she possibly forget them when those were the nicest words she had heard for the past few weeks during that time? Ellin also had a lot of pride and figured Soyul couldn’t possibly reject her when Soyul had wronged her and the rest of the girls.


What Ellin didn’t know was how far a single phone call could take her. On that day Ellin invited Soyul to her house, she poured everything out right then and there. She told Soyul all about the incident with the substitute teacher, including Jinyoung and the empty promises he made. She even ranted to her about Gummi, Choa, and Minsun getting angry at her and how unfairly treated she felt. This brought Soyul to open up to her about how wronged she felt about everyone turning against her.


“Ah… so that’s what happened. Sorry Soyul, for doubting you and all. But you really shouldn’t have went through those lengths to protect us… you should have told us the day we came to your house…or texted us maybe” Ellin sighed, patting Soyul’s hands. “I wanted to but…I was scared” Soyul confessed.



Their conversations went on and on and so did their meet-ups.  It got to the point where they were seeing each other every day since both of them literally had no one to talk to and spend time with. Now they were happily rooming with each other and were happy that they had somebody to be with during the transition between high school and university.


As Gummi and Minsun went upstairs they bumped into Baro who was heading out to grab more of his bags. “Do you live on this floor too?” Baro asked, he kept his eyes on Gummi since he knew she was the only one who would answer his question without orally beating him up.

“Yeah… we both do, how is it that all of us have rooms on the third floor?” Gummi asked suspiciously.

“It’s not only us, but Jinyoung, Sandeul and Shinwoo have rooms on this floor too” at that revelation the girls saw Ellin exit a door behind Baro. “is this a joke” Gummi asked herself. Ellin walked over to the three.

“What are all of you guys doing here, don’t tell me you’re fighting” Ellin said in frustration.

“We’re not, we’re just trying to figure out how it is that all of us are living on the same floor” Baro alerted.

Choa then also exited her room, and walked over to her sister whom she was eagerly waiting for.

“Wait what? I get that this building is for chrome high students along with the other schools known for their stuck up students but…”

“ugh I knew it, that damn vice principle changed our rooms when he was on his computer looking us up!” Minsun finally cracked. “Does he think he was being smart?” Minsun continued.
“Whatever, it’s not like we’re living in the same room, let’s go” Choa said, grabbing Minsun’s hand and pulling her away from everyone.

“But we have to share a kitchen, I can’t share a kitchen with those friggen boys, this is why I singed up for the all girls dorm! That and I don’t want to creeps hitting on me” Minsun complained as Choa continued to drag her to their room. The others laughed as they heard her cries from the distance.


“So you’re telling me I have to wake up every morning and see Jinyoung while I eat my breakfast? I’m gonna vomit” Ellin said, putting her hand against her forehead.

“You’re not the only one” Baro let out, the rest taken aback by his honesty.

“Wait what? You and Jinyoung are close” Gummi asked, completely taken aback “Yeah, we are, but living with Jinyoung is a different story. I can only take him in doses after senior year. He’s just really annoying now…like he doesn’t shut up about Ellin at all” Baro revealed, making Ellin feel extremely uncomfortable and frustrated.

“Well you all better keep it civil because I’m so not here for a rehash of high school. I swear I will throw everyone’s things out the window if that happens” Gummi disciplined “Goodnight” she peaced out and headed to her room.

But Gummi had spoken to soon because the next morning it would be her to create the fight.


Gummi woke up at 10AM to the sound of loud music, but it wasn’t coming from her room. Her nose wrinkled in frustration “who the hell is blasting their ty dubstep music?” she mumbled, sitting up half asleep. She rubbed her hands on her eyes, waking herself up. “I’m going to kill whoever it is” she suddenly declared, turning her head to her roommate who was still fast sleep. “Lucky deep sleepers” she mumbled as she got out of bed to find out where the sound was coming from.

She roamed the hallway door to door, putting her ears against the door, As she was putting her ear against someone’s door, it flung open, making her fall. She looked up to see Baro “Aish, you just had to open the door at the moment I was eavesdropping into your room” she complained, looking up at his surprised expression.

He chuckled at her “what the hell are you doing?” he said, taking Gummi’s hand and helping her up. He then brushed his hands through his wet hair as he shook his head at her. He looked like he had just taken a shower. The sweet shower smell made Gummi feel awake.

“I’m trying to find out which monster is playing this awful music this early!” Gummi finally explained.

“It’s Jinyoung” Baro replied with a laugh.

“I’m so surprised, can you see the surprise on my face” Gummi said, pointing to her unamused face, gaining another chuckle from Baro. “So which number is that freaks room?” Gummi asked.

“If I tell you are you going to kill him?” Baro asked, arms crossed.

“Yes” Gummi replied, also crossing her arms.

“It’s number 8” Gummi smiled at Baro’s quick reply before she turned around to storm to his door.


“Ya, Jung Jinyoung you better turn down your damn music!” Gummi yelled, pounding on his door, but there was no change in volume. “Yah, Jung Jinyoung” As she pounded, the door flung open and she accidentally hit Jinyoung on the forehead.

Jinyoung groaned at the sudden hit, it wasn’t that hard, but he decided to overreact since he was pissed off. “What the is wrong with you Gummi!” he yelled.

“I would say I’m sorry but I woke up with that same pain cause of the trash you’re deciding to blast this early!” Gummi yelled.

At the sound of the yelling, everyone slowly began to exit their rooms and go outside to the hallway.

“Wasn’t Gummi talking about not fighting yesterday?” Baro laughed “was she? Doesn’t she know she’s like the leader of every fight” Sandeul joked.

“It’s not my fault your ears are so sensitive, no one else seemed to care”

“Uh, no, we all cared Jinyoung it’s just that none of us wanna have to look at your face anymore” Ellin suddenly spoke. “We’re tried of your bull Jinyoung, but we know you won’t stop being like this so we all just don’t bother anymore” she continued.

Jinyoung looked at Ellin in rage, he couldn’t say anything back when it came to Ellin. He slammed his door shut instead, running away from the situation.

“Well at least he turned off his music” Gummi said, as she headed back to her room.


“Gummi, what’s up with you and Jung Jinyoung, you two seem to have a bad history together” her roommate Hanni asked, she was tall and had long brown hair, her eyes were shaped like crescent moons and her cheeks were a natural shade of pink. “Did you two use to date?” she questioned, making Gummi choke.

“Jinyoung and I? Date!? Haha, not even if hell froze over. Me and my ‘crew’ from chrome high all hate him, he just naturally” Gummi alerted.

“Ah… so are you on good terms with the other guys from chrome high on this floor? You looked to be close with one of them yesterday” Hanni tried to casually bring up.

“I’m on okay terms with Baro, and I guess I’m on good terms with Gongchan and Shinwoo…”

“Shinwoo, that’s the one I saw you with yesterday” Hanni snapped her fingers at the reminder of his name.

Gummi laughed at how excited Hanni was getting “someone seems a little…kiddy?” Gummi said suspiciously.

Hanni blushed “Well, im not the type to keep things to myself, but I kinda think he’s cute, do you think you can introduce us?” Hanni asked “wait no, I can introduce myself but, can you like invite him to lunch and invite me too so we can talk more?” Hanni asked, clasping her hands together.

Gummi looked at Hanni in hesitation, Gummi wanted to say yes but the truth was she wanted Choa to be with Shinwoo and Hanni would only get in the way of that. “Shinwoo…? I- I think he has a girlfriend” Gummi suddenly lied, shocked by her own words. What the hell is wrong with you Gummi, it’s not your place to lie, it’s not like you like Shinwoo!

“Aw, really? That ” Hanni pouted. “Hehe, yeah it does, you two would make a cute couple” Gummi said, continuing to say things she didn’t mean.



“Your roommate likes Shinwoo?” Choa exclaimed as she, her sister, and Gummi ate lunch at one of the many cafeterias located around the university. “Yeah, don’t worry I told her he’s taken” Gummi smiled, but Choa’s eyes squinted in confusion “Why would you do that? Are you dumb!? This is great news!” Choa said, surprising both Minsun and Gummi.

“Unnie, you okay?” Minsun said, feeling her sisters forehead. “I haven’t seen you this excited since you kicked that ball into Jinyoung’s face” Minsun continued, making Gummi nod as she laughed.

“Girls, I think you have something mistaken, I don’t want to be with Shinwoo, understand? I just want to be close friends with him again, but that’s never going to happen until he stops treating me like the one that got away. He needs a girlfriend, that way we can be friends again!” Choa explained, Minsun and Gummi’s stunned and confused expressions not fading even silently.

“So, you want me to tell Hanni that Shinwoo doesn’t have a girlfriend?” Gummi asked, unsure of what Choa’s reply would be.

“Yes!” Choa exclaimed, “Not only that, but you have to set them up. Her idea is good, we should all go for lunch or dinner with Shinwoo and Gongchan and bring her along”

“Ew no, I don’t want to eat with Gongchan. That tease, he keeps smiling at me and touching my shoulder and making me go insane! I swear if he shoots me another one of those smiles im gonna explode!” Minsun complained, now it was Choa and gummi who were giving her stunned looks.

“Wait what? He’s hitting on you?” Choa asked protectively. “Yeah, like doesn’t he understand that I hate him? Gosh, why don’t I feel the hate in me anymore!” Minsun whined, making Gummi and Choa laugh at her frustration.

Gummi Minsun’s hair “Aw, just give up already then if you like him. We all know you two will end up together so just stop your whining” Gummi advised.

“No! I won’t lose this game! He’ll see, I’m going to too, I’m going to make him go insane!” Minsun looks up and smiled as she thought about all the tricks she’ll play on him, giggling as she did.

“Well then, while my crazy sister is day dreaming about putting Gongchans in a twist, let’s set up this Hanni girl with Shinwoo” Choa said, putting Gummi back on track. “Alright, alright, but you better not regret this later! You sure you don’t like Shinwoo anymore?” Gummi asked.

“I’m sure!” Choa smiled, but she was lying. It’s not that Choa was sure she liked Shinwoo either though; she just thought her confusion would end if Shinwoo had gotten a girlfriend and that way the two of them would be able to become friends again.


Well, that’s what she thought, but she forgot to think about how Shinwoo would feel about her plan.


I had this chapter 80% done for a while but had no motivation to finish it and post it. Is anyone still reading this fic? idk lmao

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i promise i'll have the next chapter up before b1a4 make a comeback lmao


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mackJ1416 #1
Chapter 29: Hay cute chapter auothor nim
freia55 #2
Chapter 28: Exited for the next chapter!!!
mackJ1416 #3
Chapter 28: Yay update again soon author nim hwaiting
ktdiva3 #4
Chapter 27: Thank you so much for the update! :)
mackJ1416 #5
Chapter 27: Yay u FINALLY updated author nim it was a good chapter but that cliff hagger not nice but please update as soon as u can hwaiting author nim
Hitomie #6
Chapter 26: thank you for the update :)
ktdiva3 #7
Chapter 25: When is next update?
freia55 #8
Chapter 25: Thx for the update! :-)