Day Dreaming.

My Room Mate

Arriving in front of the dorm room, you contemplated whether or not to run away now and not come back, or go inside and face the man who has been avoiding you. Choosing the option that did not involve the use of exercising, you opened the door slowly. There you heard chitter chatter coming from the living room. Closing the door behind you, you made your way towards the noise. 

"Oh my god Baekhyun. For the twentieth time. I told you to get your stinking feet off the coffee table" clearly that was Luhan. 
"But I feel so comfortable in this position Lu" Baekhyun whined. 
"Luhan, do you know when Gi Ho- oh wait never mind. Your back!" Chanyeol hollered, with a great big smile.
"Ah hey..." You stood there conflicted about what to say or even ask. You glanced at Luhan, hoping to find some sort of answer as to why those two were there, but he didn't even look your way.
Brushing off the urge to yell, you furrowed your brows.
"Why are you guys here?" 
Baekhyun chuckled.
"We wanted to come and visit" Baekhyun grinned. 
"More like make the whole place a disaster" Luhan retorted.
"Hey it's what friends do" Chanyeol chuckled.
"Whatever" Luhan scoffed.
"Hey Gi Hyun come and sit here" Baekhyun patted to a free spot besides him. Nodding your head, you made your way over and sat down. Luhan collapsed down onto the arm chair, not sparing you a single glance. Sighing, you sunk into the couch.
"How are you guys going with your performance?" Chanyeol questioned. Oh glanced back at Luhan, who only shrugged. 
"Great. It's really coming along" you mumbled.
"That's great. Me and Chanyeol are having difficulty compromising" Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol, who only laughed.
"I told you Baekhyun. You cannot rap for your life" you let out a giggle, as Baekhyun only crossed his arms.
"I told you rapbyun is alive and ready to let out some rhymes" 
"Baekhyun I've heard you rap. And there is no so called rhymes" Chanyeol teased, which caused you to erupt into a fit of laughter. 
"Just you wait. Rap Byun will be legendary one day" Baekhhyun huffed. 
"You guys need to see a couples counsellor" you chuckled, amused by their little fight. 
"Right?! Baekhyun I don't think this is working out anymore" Chanyeol sighed. 
"It's over Chanyeol" Baekhyun fainted distraught, which only caused the three of you too burst into laughter.
Once the laughter died down, you heaved a sigh. You glanced at Luhan, who was now staring at you. You could not help but feel belittled under his gaze. It made you nervous. 
"I think it's time for us too go" Baekhyun stood up. 
"Yeah. It was great talking! I'll see you later Gi Hyun!" Chanyeol pulled you into a quick embrace before running out the door. 
"I swear one day that kid is going to run into a door" Baekhyun sighed.
"I worry about that child" you chuckled.
"We'll see you later Gi Hyun, Luhan" Baekhyun waved goodbye, before exiting the door. 

Once they left, you quietly sat down on the  couch. You felt uneasy as Luhan was silently sitting on the arm chair. 
"Well I guess I'll just go and change" you stood up, trying to escape the awkwardness.
"Wait" Luhan called before you could even move. You glanced at Luhan. 
"Yes?" It came out more shaky then you imagined.
Luhan cleared his throat, causing you to tense up even more.
"Ah... How are the lyrics going?" Luhan mumbled. 
"Oh great... We just need to practice once more before the performance" you blabbed on.
"Oh alright" Luhan nodded his head.
Things fell silent from there. It was a good 10 minutes of no one murmuring a single thing. 

"Well I guess I'm going to go bed then" you said once again. You stood up from the couch and began to make your way towards the bathroom, but before you could even enter, you were pulled back hastily. Luhan's arms were now around you and his head in the crook of your neck. Your heart rate heightened. 
"Luhan..." You whispered stunned. 
"I missed you" he mumbled softly.
You were now holding your breath. How could you even possibly reply to that? After everything, what were you meant to say...
"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you... I didn't want too but I had too" Luhan mumbled in anguish. 
Exhaling, you did not in anyway want to face him right now. Your face was like a red tomato. Your heart was running marathons and your stomach was flying with the butterflies. You were going crazy. 
You could hear Luhan sigh. 
"Gi Hyun-ah" he called sweetly. It sent tingles up your spine. 
Next thing you knew, Luhan had spun you around and now you were completely facing him, to your dismay. Luhan traced every inch of your face. He loved the way how he could make your cheeks reddened with embarrassment or anger. He loved the way your eyes would project sweetness, even though you tried to mask it with toughness. He loved the way you would nibble on your lips, when you had no words to say. He loved how he could make you so loss for words. Luhan pulled you into his embrace. Your sweet coconut smell filling up his nose. 
"I can feel your heart beat" Luhan hummed. You completely froze. This was so unlike him. The sudden change of attitude sent various questions that needed answers, running through your mind. Luhan released you from his embrace, but now his hands on both sides of your arms. Your eyes bore deeply into his hazel brown eyes, as he did the same. Slowly and slowly. Luhan leaned in closer and closer. And by then your faces just an inch away. Your eyes slowly, fluttering closed. And with that Luhan's lips were now firmly on yours. 


Hello all! Just another update. Things are starting to spice up ahaha jokes LOL :D Anyway i hope you enjoyed this update! Have a beautiful day full of joy! xoxox

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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!