The Beginning.

My Room Mate

"Come on honey. You need to be the best in school or your never going to get far"
I cringed at her words. So civil yet so demanding.

I know she means well but I don't really care. Tell me anyone in this world who loves school? Anyone I dare you too. Well anyway how shall I start? My name is Jeong Gi Hyun. Yeap it's kind of a weird name but I like it. I'm 17 years old and I'm half Australian and Korean. Well if you could having both parents korean but being born in Australia half? It's half right? Oh well. As you can tell my parents are one of those typical parents. Study study study that's what they care about but I don't. You see I have a love for music. The way the soothing melody can depict what you feel or how you feel in any moment. And wanting to achieve the best I could in this field I applied to study only at the best music school there is. And that was in Korea. SM academy. But you want to know one thing? It was only for boys. But hey who said a girl can't be better than a boy? 

I finished up the last problem. Analysing any mistakes before my dad would check it. Being a daughter of two lectures for Melbourne University wasn't the easiest thing as a child. Being pushed to study and study. I never had free time. I never had alone time even. Everyday, after school it was either study or listen to my parents lecture to me about school. That was my daily life. But one thing they didn't know was I never cared. I've never cared about my studies, what I cared about was music. Music was what helped me distress and it allowed me to feel free and taste the normal teenage girl life. 

"What are you doing Gi Hyun? Stop daydreaming and finish your homework" I snapped back to reality, looking back down at the worksheet that was in front of me. Sighing I grabbed my pencil and began to solve the complicated math questions. 
Aish... I don't even understand what I'm doing. Stupid Mr Hawks. Argh. Seriously! How can a person love making kids suffer by giving them a sheet of problems every day! I mentally yelled in frustration.
"Appa I don't understand"
I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"You would understand if you didn't spend all that time listening to music. So wasteful"
My dad replied hastily.
I sighed. This is how it always was. If I didn't understand my dad would degrade my love for music and call it a 'waste' of time. 

Having enough of doing the silly math questions I pulled my self up onto my feet. 
"Where do you think your going missy?"
My mother sternly said.
"My room" I bluntly answered.
"Fine. But you better finish your homework before you do anything else"
I nodded my head and picked up my sheet and left. 
Yea right finish homework please. It's holidays. It's not 'oh yea let's give them homework day' I snickered. 

Opening the door to my room and closing it, I placed the sheet on the top of my desk and collapsed onto my bed. 
"Ahhhh.... Relaxation"
I muttered. Turning around to face the ceiling I sat up and grabbed my laptop.
Biting my lip I opened the laptop and waited for it to turn on.
Typing in the password I went to open my emails.
Scrolling through the emails my eyes caught the email I've been waiting for days.
"It's here" I squealed.
Clicking on the email, I nervously chewed on my bottom lip.
Please please let me go. I prayed.
"Dear Jeong Gi Hoon, congratulation you have been accepted to attend the 2nd semester of the school year at 
SM academy for Boys. We are glad to that you have applied and are waiting for your arrival...."
My mouth fell wide open and my eyes felt like they popped out.
"OH MY GWAD!" I yelled.
"I've been accepted! Jeong Gi Hoon has been accepted!!!!!"
I squealed. Jumping up and down in excitement I didn't realise my phone going off. Calmly regaining myself I picked up the phone.
"Is this Mr Jeong?"
Clearing my throat, I lowered my voice to sound for manly.
"Ah yes this is Mr Jeong"
"Great. Congratulations on entering our school"
I'm ever so grateful. I can't believe they even believed my application. Thank god for Photoshop.
"Thank you"
"I've called in regrading when will your arrival be?"
Oh shot I didn't even make up some lie to my parents yet. Far out. Okay calm down Gi Hyun. Think. Think. Ah! I've got it.
"I'll be there three days from now"
"Perfect, the second semester won't start for a further 3 more days. We have also arranged your dorm, and schedule"
Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening!
"Ah yes thank you"
"Well we will see you soon Mr Jeong"
Yes yes you will.
"Thank you"
With that I hanged up the phone, breaking into a squealing, excited phase. That didn't last long when I remembered about my parents.
"What do I say?"
I mumbled.
"Come on Jeong Gi Hyun. Do it for your futures. For music"
With that I stood up on my feet. Heading towards the living room in full determination and various turn outs of how this would workout. Not to mention the endless lies I could say. 

Reaching the front of the living room, beads of sweat started to form. The nervousness washed away the confidence I just had. 
Crap. I mentally said.
"Appa... Umma"
My parents heads snapped towards my direction. Eyeing me suspiciously.
Come on Gi Hyun!
"I've got some big news"
There blank faces stayed.
"What is it Gi Hyun?"
My dad bluntly muttered.
"Well, you see wanting to further my education I applied for a scholarship and I got it"
My parents faces changed. There faces now smiling. Pride was written over there faces.
Okay well this is turning out better than I thought.
"Oh really?"
My mother questioned.
I nodded my head and walked to sit beside her.
"I did... And since being the winner of the scholar ship they said I could choose where I want to study. Anywhere in the world"
I watched my parents. They sat with confused yet blunt faces.
My father raised his eyebrow.
"And I chose to study where mum did in Korea. You know where all those smart kids study"
My mums face changed to surprise. 
"Really? My school? Oh honey that's a tough school"
Is she saying I can't do it? I mean I'm not even going there but ouch, my pride just dropped.
"Yes umma that school"
"So what do you want from us?"
"erm- your permission? And a plane ticket?"
I asked in hope.
Please say yes please. I prayed.
I watched as my parents gave each other looks. My mum was smiling and insisted I go, but my dad looked wary. They argued for what seemed like hours.
"Come honey let her go. It would be better for her"
"But what's the point? She goes to the best school in Australia"
"I know but honey not only will she attend the best school in Korea but she will also be learning about where she came from"
"I don't know"
"Come on dad, I'll make you proud"
And I will. I'll make you eat your words about music and make you love it.
"Fine. When do you have to leave?"
Oh Mah Gwad! I'm really going!
"Ahhh thank you appa!"
I jumped up and ran ouved hugging him tightly.
"Okay okay let go now"
I let go and smiled.
"Fine just pack your bags then"
I bowed and left running up to my room.
Entering my room I pulled out my sliver, metallic suitcase and opened it. Walking over to my closet I grabbed a bunch of clothes and shoved it in my suitcase. About to close my suitcase I stopped.
I'm supposed to be boy, I can't walk into a boys school with a dress and s, they probably eat me alive.
Aish... I'm so stupid.

Ruffling my hair in frustration I stopped and smiled.
"If I leave tomorrow I'll have a day to go shopping! Perfect"
I smiled and began taking some of the clothes I shoved inside.
"Well I won't be needing dresses, nor skirts... aww my favourite shorts..." I whimpered as I placed the white silky shorts back into my closest.
Sighing in satisfaction I zipped up the suitcase and placed it in the corner.

Night time came around and I was in bed. Too excited to sleep. 
A knock came at the door.
It was my mother.
"Come in"
My mother opened the door and made her way inside. Sitting on the side if my bed she pulled out a white card board.
"What is that mum?"
Her lips curved into a big smile.
"This it was my certificate for graduating"
What? Why is she showing me this?
"Honey I'm so happy you chose to study at my school"
I smiled in return. Oh only if you knew, but no I don't want you too.
"That's a pretty certificate mum"
I looked at the white with gold writing imprinted.
'Park Sa Ra'
Whoa my mums last name use to be park? 

"Yeap. It's so pretty I have to laminate it"
Laminate it. That's cute.
"Oh and before I forget. Your flight leave at 12:30 in the afternoon"
"Oh thank you"
I smiled.
"I'm proud of you Gi Hyun"
I couldn't help but smile bigger. Unlike my dad my mum was more supportive, and lively. 
I'm going to miss you mum. 
"Oh well I should get out of your hair and let you rest for a big day tomorrow. Good night honey"
My mum kissed the top of my head before making her way towards the door.
"Good night mum"
I smiled. 
Once she left I laid back down on the bed. A big smile still on my lips.
"I'll make you both proud. And I'll become a singer"
I muttered before I drifted off.
I don't know what it would be like but I hope everything goes smoothly. 

*Beep Beep*
I groaned rolling over to turn off the alarm. Opening my eyes I sat up in excitement. 
"It's today!"
I yelped before throwing the blankets off and making my way to the bathroom.
Changing into some jeans and a white top I tied my hair in high bun and made my way downstairs. 
Reaching the kitchen I found my mum smiling and cooking.
"Good morning umma!"
I yelled in excitement.
My turned around and placed a plate in front of me.
My mouth was watering. 
The food. The food.
"Here you honey. It will be awhile you won't be able to have a delicious breakfast so eat up"
I quickly grabbed the fork and knife digging into the eggs, bacon and sausage. 
"So good..." I mumbled.
"So have you packed everything you need? Wait don't you need the uniform? Oh my don't you need books?!" My mother began to panic. Placing the utensils down and swallowing my food I let out a giggle.
"Mum calm down. They said they will pick me up from the airport and they will supply everything"
Yea in which I mean I have to stay at a hotel and go shopping.
"Okay. Good. Anyway I've got you something"
I looked at my mother confused. What would I need for her to get me something?
"Here" my mother placed a credit card in front of me.
Oh my gwad is she giving me this.
"Take it.... I've organised it to be used overseas and I've placed money inside already too"
Oh right did I forget to mention our family has money? Aish I must be really forgetful.
Picking up the card I smiled.
"Thank you umma...."
"And appa"
I stopped and turned around to see my dad leaning against the frame of the door.
"Thank you appa"
"No problem but spend it wisely. We may have money but being wise in what you invest is good for you"
I sighed and nodded my head.
"Well what are you waiting for we have to make our way to the airport now"
"What? What time is it?"
"It's 11:20"
Oh shoot. Jumping out from my chair I quickly ran upstairs. Grabbing my suitcase and bag I shoved the card into my wallet.

Making my way downstairs I found my parents standing there. 
I nodded my head and we made our way out.

Arriving in the airport and checking in if was already time to board the plan.
"Now Gi Hyun. Call is when you land and remember good scores don't come from lazing around they come from studying and hard work"
I sighed.
"Yes dad"
Only if I was studying. I smiled.
"Okay well bye honey! We will miss you!"
My mother bear hugged me. 
"Mum your choking me"
I coughed.
She giggled.
I opened my arms and my dad rolled his eyes.
"Come on dad, I won't see you for awhile"
Come on old man. 
My dad sighed and gave in. Hugging him he whispered.
"Make me proud Gi Hyun"
I gulped and moved away.
"I will"
I will make you proud. 
"Good now go your plane is going to leave"
I waved goodbye and made my way into the plane. 
"Good afternoon miss. Boarding pass please"
I fished out my boarding pass and gave it to the lady.
"Oh first class, follow me"
I followed the lady down the narrow halls of the plane.
Reaching first class my eyes widened. It was so... So extravagant. 

"Here's your seat miss"
Smiling I thanked her and she left. Sitting down I made myself comfortable. 
Thank parents for the first class.
"Oh what this..."
I pressed the button in the side and the chairs went back.
"Oh my god" I squealed.
"Are you okay miss?"
I looked up and the lady and meekly smiled.
"I'm in heaven"
The lady laughed.
"Enjoy your flight miss"
"Oh I will"
With that the stewardess left.
I was deep in thought.
I wonder how things will turn out? Will I be able to hide myself? Come on Gi Hyun you are a ninja. Oh my gosh in being lame. Talking to myself. I let out a giggle and turned towards the window. Yawning in the process I smiled.
"May as well get some shut eye"
Snuggling up in the seat I let my mind drift off and my eyes close.

"Good morning passengers. It is now 2:30am in Korea. We will be arriving in 5 minutes so please bring elevate the chairs to normal positions and buckle your seat bealts. Thank you"
I woke up from the announcement and groaned.
"I was in dream land for that long..."
Elevating the chair I watched as the plane began to make it's landing. 
"I'm finally here.... I'm finally in Korea"
I squealed with excitement as the plane made it's touch down. 

"Have a good stay Miss"
I bowed and walked out of the plane. The airport was beautiful. Full of bustling people. It was overwhelming. Reaching the front of the Incheon airport, a big smile started to form. 
I stepped out and indulged in the surrounding.
"I'm finally here. Your finally here Jeong Gi Hyun. Or should I say Jeong Gi Hoon"
I let out a chuckle made my way to find a taxi. 

My Crappy Rambles:

Hello lovelies. The first chapter is finally up! Do you like it? Tell me what you think:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter. How do you guys like Gi Hyun? Do you think she will make it through living as a boy? ahaha okay well I shall go now^^ Please commonet or Upvote! xoxo

OH and if you'd like check out my other story: Will You ever Love me?



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I've decided to make this fanfic free to anyone:) ENJOY READING!


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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!