The Party.

My Room Mate



Other people thoughts. Your thoughts.

What the heck is this guy doing her-oh my gwad did he just say my room mate?!
"Ar- are you my room mate?" You stuttered. 
Please say no! You mentally screamed.
"No the question should be are you my room mate" 
That kid raised his eyebrows and pulled a cocky smirk.
If your face wasn't so pretty I would have punched it off, you laughed mentally.
"Hello? Weirdo"
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at the boy, offended by his statement.
"Hey the only weirdo is you here buddy"
You placed a smirk on your lips waiting for his comeback.
"One: I'm not your "buddy" and two: get the heck out of my room"
You stared at him.
Who does he think he his? Just because his hot it doesn't mean he can boss me around!. 
"Ah I'm sorry you don't own this place and as far as I know I was placed in this room so deal with it mr 'thinks his top '"
You let out a snicker and smirked.
Oh yea I totally got him. Celebrating in your mind, the kid glared at you.
Who the heck does this brat think he is. Nobody talks to me like that. Nobody
"Do you even know who I am?"
You looked at the boy and pulled a blank face.
"I told you. Your Mr 'thinks his top ' duh"
Laughing at your own joke you didn't realise the boy sending you death glares. In your trance of laugh the boy was getting annoyed and frustrated.
Is this kid really dense? Should he know that the Prince of this damn school is me? 
Wiping away a fake tear from your eye you looked at the boy.
"Awww did mr 'thinks his top ' get offended? There there kid. Everything will be better when you leave"
Pulling a fake smile you suddenly felt the happiness wash away and fear start to creep in.
The boy was silent but his eyes were fierce as if he was going to kill you right there.
"you little "
Before you knew it the boy grabbed you by the collar and pushed you against the wall.
Letting out a sequel you felt a stinging sensation in your back.
Damn his tough.
"What's wrong?"
You acted confused. Either know the fear was drowning you.
The boy started to laugh.
"Does the newbie really think he can talk to the Prince like this?"
Cracking up, your laughter filled the whole room.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You mentally thought.
"Prince? What? Ahaha!"
The boy glared at you in rage and annoyance. 
Controlling your laughter the boys grip on your collar tightened.
"You better watch what you say. I can make your life hell"
You stopped your laughter and eyed the boy.
"What? Who the heck do you think you are?"
You glared at the boy. The grip around your collar starting to suffocate you. 
Damn it what does he have to tighten it everytime. You mentally groaned.
"Well newbie I think I'm Luhan. And I think that i can make your life a living hell"
The boy smirked.
That ought to scare him now. Luhan mentally laughed.

Oh so his name is luhan. Doesn't sound Korean. 
"Well LuHan I don't really give a two s what you do so....."
You grabbed LuHan by the wrist and pulled his hands off your collar. Breathing in air you walked around luhan and sat down on the couch making yourself comfortable. Looking back up at luhan, you analysed his face. He watched in you In disbelief. Smirking you continued on.
"..... Do whatever you want. I came here to study not make friends"
You turned your gaze towards the t.v that was now showing running man.
Laughing you didn't realise luhan blinking in surprise.
Did that little brat just burn you luhan? No. You can't let this thing win.
Regaining back to himself. Luhan looked up to the too Bunkbed.
Smirking he looked back at you. Your full attention on the t.v.
Smiling he made his way to the top. Once he reached the top luhan looked around for it.
"Where is it?" Luhan mumbled.
Searching the top he smiled.
"There you are"
Wheeling out your suitcase luhan walked over towards your closest. Grabbing the handles luhan swung open the door. 
"Oh his so going to wish he never said that"
Smiling evilly, luhan grabbed the pile of your clothes and chucked it in your suitcase.
After emptying out your closet luhan zipped up your suit case. Looking down he saw you still glued on the t.v.
Smiling evilly he carried your suitcase quietly down the steps.
Once reaching the bottom luhan looked back at you making sure your attention was still on the t.v.
Satisfied his silently made his way towards the door.
Opening the door he closed it behind him.

Your eyes drifted away from the television towards the door.
Sighing in relief you stood up.
"Thank gosh that baby faced weirdo is gone"
You muttered. Turning off the t.v. You groaned.
"I'm sooo bored"
Sprawling on the couch you looked up at the ceiling.
You let out a giggle.
Sitting up you ruffled your hair in frustration.
"What is there too do?!"
You yelped.
Looking around your eyes landed on the door. A voice rang through your mind.
Right Chanyeol!
Smiling you jumped up on your feet and made your way to the door.
"Oh what's that mujige? Oh..."
You sang. Opening the door you bumped into someone.
Turning around you looked up and realised it was that other cold head guy from before. 
"What do you want?"
You glared at him.
"isn't this LuHan's room?"
Looking back at the number you smiled.
"Nah that kid got kicked out"
Kris's face changed to shock.
"What do mean he got kicked out?"
He eyed you suspiciously.
"I don't know don't care. So if you mind I have to go somewhere"
Passing by kris you were about to knock on Chanyeol's door when you heard the devil talk.
"Hey Kris"
Turning your head around you growled softly.
"" you whispered.
Knocking on Chanyeol's door you heard him yell something.
"What?" You yelled back.
"oh it's Gi Hoon"
The door whipped open and you came face with an widely smiling chanyeol.
This kid always happy.
"Hey Gi Hoon what up?"
You were about to answer when chanyeol cut you off.
"Hyung" you looked at Chanyeol's smiling face. 
is he behind me? Slowly turning around you found a smirking luhan with kris beside him.
"Oh hey chanyeol"
"Hey hyung's Oh! Right! Hyung this is Gi Hoon! Your room mate"
Kris glared at you, while you only meekly smiled.
Clearing your throat you made you voice deep.
"Annyeonghaseyo Jeong Gi Hoon imnida"
Placing a fake smile you looked at luhan to find that cocky smile.
"Stupid" you muttered lowly.
"What was that Gi Hoon-ssi?"
You looked back up luhan to see him smiling.
"well anyway it's nice to meet my new room mate"
His voice sent shivers down your spine. 
This is going to turn out well. You thought.
"Yeah me too" you sarcastically smiled.
"Hey Gi Hoon what did you want? Did something happen? Oh my gosh are you hurt?"
Looking over at chanyeol you saw worry.
Oh my I this kid cares for me? So cute! You mentally squealed.
"Ahaha no I'm fine bro. I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something fun?"
Chanyeol's face changed immediately, his pearly whites now showing.
"Yea sure, hold on let me get my jacket"
Nodding your head, chanyeol let the door and searched for a jacket.
Standing there you forgot that LuHan and Kris was behind you until you heard on of them scoff.
Turning around you glared at the two boys.
"What now?"
Kris eyed you weirdly.
"Oh sorry doofus what's it to ya?"
Kris's face suddenly went dark.
"yah you little!"
Kris was about to advance towards you when Luhan suddenly stopped him with his arm.
"It's not worth the trouble YiFan"
Scoffing you glared at Luhan.
"Yea your right Lu ge, let's just leave. Oh I heard the girls are waiting for us outside"
Luhan looked over at Kris a smirked.
"Oh really?"
He questioned.
"Yea ge and that chick ah what's her name... Right! AeCha wants you bad"
You looked at both of them in disbelief and disgust.
"Oh really? Well looks like I'm going to get some tonight"
Scoffing the two boys drew their attention on you.
"Have a problem brat?"
Luhan raised a cocky eyebrow.
"Girls aren't just toys they are humans"
You stated. You were annoyed by the fact that they could degrade a woman's name in the open.
"What are you gay?"
"Oh my gosh he so is!"
Kris gasped behind Luhan.
"Oh yea totally, come here ill show you"
Taking a step towards luhan and Kris the backed away.
"Ew get away from me you freak"
Luhan looked at you in disgust.
You cracked up laughing.
"Ha you two actually believed me? Idiots"
Turning around you found Chanyeol smiling.
"I found my jacket, whoa hyung's what's wrong with you?"
You drew your attention towards Luhan and Kris. There faces burning. 
Smirking you turned back to Chanyeol.
"come bro we should go"
Nodding Chanyeol smiled.
"Okay! Bye Luhan Hyung and Kris hyung"
Walking pass the two boys you bumped shoulders with the furious and pissed off Luhan.
Laughing evilly inside your head you couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline run through you.
"This is too fun"
You chuckled.
Stoping in you tracks Chanyeol looked at you confused.
Smiling you threw your arm around the Tall kid.
"Nothing buddy, let's go and get some food shall we"
Chanyeol frowned but smiled. 
"alright tiny newbie let's go"
Laughing you both made your way out of the building towards the cafeteria.

Entering the cafeteria you and chanyeol grabbed your plates and filled them up.
"Wow for a small kid you can really eat"
Chuckling you looked at Chanyeol.
"Bro I may be small but I probably have the biggest appetite"
Chanyeol smiled and handed you, your utensils. Thanking him you both sat down at the closets table.
your lips you stared at the big pile of food on your plate.
Hearing a chuckle you looked up and saw a laughing Chanyeol.
"What?" You looked at him confused.
"Nothing, you don't have to wait just dig in"
Cracking a smile you nodded your head.
Grabbing your spoon you shoved a spoonful of rice in your mouth.
Chanyeol watched in amusement.
He kinda looks like a girl when he smiles. 
"You know you kinda look like a girl"
At that moment you froze and choked on the food. Chanyeol looked at you and quickly passed you a cup of water. Swallowing the food you drank the water.
Chanyeol laughed.
"Seriously your face is like a girl, man your just like Luhan hyung, you could totally pass off as a girl, well if you grew your hair long and you know acted proper"
Chanyeol chuckled but you sighed.
Thank god I didn't get caught.
"What's up with that kid anyway?"
You eyed Chanyeol, waiting for an explanation.
"Hey Chanyeol"
Looking up you found that kid who called you gross and that other boy with him before.
"Hey Tao! Hey Sehun"
Ahhh that's there names.
"Hyun- wait why are you with this dude?"
Tao pointed at you.
Smirking you answered for Chanyeol.
"Were eating what do you think?"
Clucking your tongue, Tao looked at you in disbelief. 
This kid can sure eat.
"Guys this is Gi Hoon, his new here and Gi Hoon this is Tao...."
You looked up at the tall boy.
He kinda looks like a panda. Ha a panda! Laughing mentally you nodded.
".... And this is Sehun"
You turned you gaze to the other talk boy.
Wow he looks so handsome. Whoa what Gi Hyun. 
Nodding your head Chanyeol smiled.
"Why don't you guys sit down"
The boys hesitated for a moment but pulled out the chairs. Tao sat next to Chanyeol, while Sehun sat next to you.
Looking at Sehun sit down you glared at that boy.
Sehun asked you. Shrugging you turned your attention back to Chanyeol.
"Guys come on let's all be friends here"
Sighing you spoke.
The other two nodded tree heads.
"Introduce yourself Tao"
Tao muttered something but you couldn't catch it.
Sighing he looked up.
"I'm Tao, me and Sehun are a year level younger"
Nodding your head you turned your gaze towards Sehun. 
"What?" Sehun looked at you.
"Well introduce yourself"
Chanyeol spoke.
Sighing Sehun looked at you.
"I'm Sehun and what Tao said"
Clucking your tongue you nodded.
"That means I'm your hyung"
The two of then looked up at you.
"Hyung" they both said simultaneously.
"That's right!"
Smiling you snapped your fingers.
The boys couldn't help but smile.
"You know hyung I thought you were a mean person before but your actually cool"
Sehun have you his eye smile.
"This kid. Yah!"
You playfully hit Sehun's arm and snickered.
"So what are you guys talking about?"
Tao looked at you then Chanyeol.
"Oh Luhan. Gi Hoon is room mates with hyung"
You looked at Tao and his face fell.
"Hey what's wrong with you?"
Tao wouldn't answer. You looked over towards Sehun eyeing him.
"Guys? What's wrong?"
You waited for someone to reply but they all stayed silent.
"Hyung you see Luhan hyung is really well known here"
You looked at him and shrugged.
"So... He doesn't like sharing rooms with someone. Every time he does he somehow finds a way to make them move or leave the school"
You looked at Sehun laughing.
"Make me leave? Please he won't even get that far. If so I'll make him leave"
Tao, Sehun and Chayeol looked at you in disbelief. But soon joined you in your laughter.
Calming down you all ended up eating and having a chat.
Damn these guys are actually cool. And handsome, cute, adora- Gi Hyun calm your hormones. Your a guy now not a girl. Giggling at yourself you stood up.
"Ahhh~ I'm full"
The boys followed, patting there stomachs in satisfaction.
"Hey let's go and see Xiumin and Suho hyung!"
Sehun suggested.
Leaving the cafeteria you guys made your way towards your dorm.

Finally reaching the dorm, you all entered in laughter.
"Yah! Gi ge"
Tao whined.
"I'm sorry panda but you do look like one"
The rest chuckled.
"Ahaha Tao your a panda"
Sehun and Chanyeol broke out in laughter.
Tao huffed.
"Shut up"
He muttered.
"Hey come on Tao I was joking"
You smiled.
Tao looked away from you. 
He whined.
"Hey come on ill but you whatever you want"
Tao turned around smiling.
"Even Gucci?"
You looked at him with wide eyes. 
This kid has expensive taste.
Placing a smile you nodded your head.
"Yay! Gi Hoon ge is awesome!"
You laughed at the site of Tao jumping up and down like a little girl.
You looked over towards Sehun and Chanyeol with a pout on there lips.
Sighing you smiled at the both.
"Fine you guys too"
There pouts disappeared and a smile came on theirs faces.
"Yay! Gi Hoon hyung is awesome!"
The two hugged you. You couldn't help but let your cheeks get warm.
Ahh they're hugging me! Hot guys touching me! You mentally yelled.
"I know I'm awesome"
"Yah! Guys! There's a party with the girls come on!"
The boys stopped hugging you and you mentally whined.
"Hey Gi Hoon come with us too the party!"
You looked at Chanyeol waiting for your reply.
Should I? I mean.... May as well... But school starts tomorrow... Oh stuff it.
"Alright let's go then"
The boys high five each other.
You all made your way towards the back of the school.
Walking there you saw a pond.
*quack quack*
You heard the little ducks.
Smiling your eyes gazed the water.
You mumbled.
Suddenly you saw something blue and black floating.
Oh no that...
"Hey guys I'll meet you there yea"
The three guys looked at you and nodded their heads before waving you off. Making your way towards the pond you looked closer at the floating blue, black thing.
Walking into the pond you pulled out the thing.
"That baby face brat"
Opening your suitcase you found all of our clothes.
Holding up a top you found it dripping everywhere.
"Argh!" You yelled in frustration.
"That baby face is going to pay"
Zipping back up your suit case you tried to find a dry cleaners, hoping they had one in the school.
Looking at the sign your read the names.
"Dorm 1, Dorm 2, Dorm 3, gym, Laundry. Yes"
Sighing in relief you wheeled your soaking wet suitcase to the laundry area.
Finally reaching the small building your entered.
Cussing at the baby face brat you didn't realise someone was watching you.
"Are you alright?"
Looking up you glared at the boy.
"I'm perfectly fine. Just perfectly fine"
The boy looked at you in shock and just nodded his head. 
Stomping you walked over towards the drying machine. Opening it up you opened you suitcase and grabbed all the clothes. Chucking it in the dryer you set it to 130 minutes, pressing the button start you sat down on the chair.
"Stupid face baby" you mumbled.
"Hey dude your sure your alright" turning your head you found the boy staring at you.
"I told you I'm fine"
You looked back towards the dryer. Silence enveloping the room.
Sighing you looked back at the boy.
"Hey bro I'm sorry, I'm just pissed off"
You placed a small smile on your lips.
"I'm Gi Hyu- I mean Gi Hoon"
The boy looked at you and smiled.
"I'm Lay"
"Nice to meet you Lay"
Lay chuckled and gave you a small nod.
"So Gi Hoon-ssi what do you study in?"
Wow this is the first person I've met who used formals, it must be a miracle.
"Singing, and you?"
Nodding your head you laughed.
"I've always wanted too dance but unfortunately I have two left feet"
Lay let out a chuckle and you could feel a thump in your chest. 
His so handsome. And that smile!
"Hey everyone can dance you just need to practice"
"Bro seriously I can't dance. If I danced I would probably trip and fall face first" 
Lay cracked up in laughter, smiling you heard and beeping noise.
"Oh my clothes are done"
Lay stood up and walked towards his dryer. Opening the dryer he grabbed all his clothes and chucked them in a basket.
Lay looked up at you.
"Bro I'm sure that won't happen. You should drop by class next time"
You nodded your head.
"I shall"
"So you going to the part tonight?"
Right the party.
"Ah yea but then I found this floating in the pond"
Pointing towards to your suitcase you chuckled.
"Ah~ well how about I meet you there?"
You looked back at Lay.
"Okay then buddy, I'll be there soon"
Lay nodded his head and waved goodbye.
"My he was y" you whispered.
Turning your attention towards the dryer you groaned.
"Come on you stupid thing"
Sinking yourself in your sit you waited patiently while your clothes dried.
And hour past and your finally heard the long awaited beeping sound.
Getting up you opened the dryer and grabbed all the nice warm clothes out.
"So warm..."
You mumbled.
Placing them in a free basket you pulled your suitcase along and held the basket walking towards your dorm.
"I'm seriously going to kill that brat.." You angrily muttered.

Entering your dorm you stopped and catches your breath.
"So heavy" you heaved.
Straightening yourself up you continued towards your room. Grabbing your keys you opened the door and wheeled in your suitcase and placing the basket on the floor.
Looking around you smiled.
"Pay back is going to be a "
Going towards LuHan's bed you smirked.
"I wonder how he will feel with a wet mattress"
Smiling you walked over to the bathroom.
Grabbing a bucket you got cold water. 
Struggling to carry the bucket you placed the bucket besides LuHan's bed. Sighing you pulled the blankets to one side.
"Time to make this wet"
Grabbing the bucket you splashed the cold water onto his bed. Watching the bed make a water stain you laughed.
Pulling the blankets back over you placed the bucket back in the bathroom.
"What to do now? Ah the party!"
Opening the door you made your way down the hall and out the building. Walking along the path you heard loud music and people chattering.
"Drunk heads" you muttered.
Finally reaching the location you halted.
The place was crazy. People dancing. Girls grinding on guys. People who drunk and a mess.
Wow.... You mentally thought.
"Hey Gi Hoon!"
A drunk Chanyeol stumbled over towards you.
"Hey mate. Your drunk buddy" you raised an eyebrow.
"Ahhhhhhh na me j-just hippy!"
Oh my gosh this kid...
"Dude your drunk"
"Naaaaa Yo! Kyungsoo!"
You turned your gaze towards the boy. 
Hey its that blank dude.
The boy came walking over towards you and Chanyeol.
"Hey habe yo met Gi Hoooon"
Kyunsoo looked over to you. 
"Oh your that newbie"
"Yea I am"
"I'm Kyunsoo"
Nodding your head you placed a small smile.
"Gi Hoon, I think you should get Chanyeol back to his room"
You looked over at Chanyeol who was now talking to a tree.
"Hey babe wanna make out?"
"Why aren't you answering me?!"
"Your mean!"
Chanyeol pouted. You and Kyunsoo couldn't help but laugh in amusement.
"Hyung! That chick was ignoring me!!!"
He whined.
Drunk people.
"Chanyeol that was a tree you idiot"
Kyunsoo laughed.
Chanyeol cracked up laughing.
"No your se idiot!"
Shaking your head you watched Chanyeol stumble.
"I think it's time to take you back"
Kyunsoo grabbed Chanyeol and helped the kid up.
"We will see you soon Gi Hoon"
Nodding your head you let out a chuckle.
"How funny"
"Gi Hoon"
You turned your head towards the person who called your name.
You walked over towards Lay.
"Hey buddy"
Giving Lay a high five you didn't notice someone glaring at you.
"Gi Hoon meet my friends"
You turned around and saw the last person you wanted too.
You yelled. 
You walked up towards luhan. Using your finger you shoved him.
"I know what you did you brat"
Luhan smirked, eyeing you he scoffed.
"I told you didn't i?"
You looked at him and rolled your eyes.
"Whatever" you muttered.
"Hey guys come let's not fight"
Lay came in between both of you guys.
Looking at Lay you glared back at Luhan.
Walking away you went over towards the drinks.
"Hey buddy fix me a drink"
The guys nodded his head and mix some unknown stuff to you.
"Here you go"
Taking it you accidenlty bumped into someone.
"Oh my god!"
You heard the person screech.
"You are so-..."
The girl looked up at you. 
"Oh hey cutie"
You cringed inside.
Ew I'm getting hit on!
The girl placed a finger on your Chest.
"You want to go somewhere else?" The girl winked at you.
I'm seriously going to throw up.
"Hey AeCha! Luhan is here"
The girl stopped and turned to face the other girl behind her.
"He is?! Hold on give me a sec"
Oh so she's AeCha.
She turned around and smiled at you seductively.
Cringing on the inside you wanted to escape.
"I'll see you around babe"
AeCha winked and left you.
"Oh my god" you faked a throwing up move.
I'm a girl! Ewwww! 
"Hey hyung!"
You looked up to find Sehun standing in front of you.
"Hey Sehun"
"Hyung I saw AeCha talk to you"
I nodded head.
"That girl has some serious problems"
"Whoa what do you mean?! She's like the hottest girl here. Wow hyung just bad mouthed her, you sure are different hyung"
Oh you seriously don't know how different I am. You thought.
"Dude she's like throwing her self at people. Those girls are turn offs"
Sehun cracked a smile.
"Hyung your awesome"
"I know I am"
You and Sehun clanked cups and drank.
"Ahh~ not bad"
You wiped the imaginary drops on the corner of your mouth.
"First drink hyung?"
Sehun laughed.
"Hey handsome"
Some girl came up to Sehun smiling.
"Oh hey Se Kyung"
"Wanna dance?"
Sehun looked back at you. Nodding your head you told him to go.
Walking off you stood there watching the people dance and scream.
"Hey babe"
You lift your head up to see a girl standing in front of you. 
My can her dress be any shorter.
"Want to dance?"
She winked at you.
"Ah no thanks"
"Come on honey"
She grabbed your hand and pulled you up.
Glaring at the girl you sighed.
"I said no babe"
You growled.
The girl let go.
"Playing hard to get huh? I like"
Rolling your eyes you walked off. But before you could the girl held your arm.
"Come on baby don't leave me like this"
Sighing you grabbed her hand and shoved it off.
"Your never going to get the respect you deserve if you don't stop throwing yourself at guys"
Sighing you walked away. 
"His so...."
The girl watched you walk off, sighing in admiration.

You made your way over to a quiet spot. Finding a tree you sat beneath it.Sighing you heard your phone ring.
"Hey mum"
"How's school? Oh my did you make any new friends? Oh are the girls nice there?"
"Schools hasn't started yet mum, and yea I guess so. They are nice"
Nice. HA!. You groaned mentally.
"Oh okay. Well I want you go and see your Aunty soon okay? JaeHyun wants to see you too, but his at his dorm"
"Okay mum"
"Well we will talk soon! Bye"
Hanging up you groaned.
How the heck am I suppose to meet my cousin like this?! He know me as a girl not a guy! 
"Argh!!!" You ruffled your hair in frustration.

"Tsk tsk tsk"
You quickly looked up to see a boy standing in front of you.
"No way..." You mumbled.
"I knew it was you Jeong Gi Hyun"

My oh My~ Looks like Gi Hoon or should i say Gi Hyun got caught? by who thought?

Hello Lovelies! I hoped you enjoyed redaing this chapter hehe. Took awhile to write><

What do you think is going too happen???

AHAHA okay i should probably go nowww!! BYE BYE<3

Please Subscribe, Comment or upvote! xoxo



AHHA okay i shall fly off now! BYYYYYEE<3


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I've decided to make this fanfic free to anyone:) ENJOY READING!


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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!