
My Room Mate

You and Jaehyun talked about various things, throughout the day. But it ended up with him questioning your decision.
"Oppa... It doesn't matter what I want anymore. I just have to go back" you would always reply with. Jaehyun would  sigh in defeat. He didn't want you to give up this easily. By looking at you, he could tell you were trying to distance yourself from Luhan. He knew you liked him. And he could tell Luhan did too. This 'fake' relationship wanted to be a reality, but there was always blocked roads preventing it from happening. 

Before leaving Jaehyun, you had asked him to stay with him tonight. He gladly accepted and squealed in delight. 
You waved goodbye to Jaehyun and left his office. It was currently 6:30 pm. You had spent the whole day with Jaehyun, reminiscing the past and dealing with the present. It felt nice to get things off your chest. And it felt good to have someone to talk too.
You were now walking along the concrete path near the soccer field, enjoying the silence and peacefulness. 
"Gi Hyun-ah!" You stopped in your tracks and turned around too find KyungHo smiling brightly at you. 
"KyungHo-ah" you smiled.
KyungHo walked beside you.
"Your going on that camp thing tomorrow right?" You nodded your head. 
"Yea... Don't worry, I'm staying with Jaehyun Oppa" you grinned.
"That's good. I wish I could go" KyungHo mumbled sadly.
"But my class isn't doing anything like that. You guys are lucky" he pouted.
"Hey stop trying to guilt trip me. I didn't plan it" you chuckled.
KyungHo turned the pout into a big grin. 
"I'm joking! Are you going back to the your dorm?" You nodded your head. 
"Well I just came to say, I'll see you after then. Don't forget your my date to the ball" KyungHo exclaimed.
"Yes sir" you saluted him.
KyungHo chuckled.
"Okay I'll get going then. I have to go and finish off this assignment" you nodded your head understandingly and waved goodbye to KyungHo, who smiled and walked off.
You sighed and began to walk again. You stared up at the stars. The weather was nice. The summer breeze was perfect.
"mmm the ball..."
You mumbled.
"I'm sorry mum... We're just not meant to be" you muttered sadly.
You finally reached your dorm. You sadly made your way through the empty hallway. 
Reaching upon your door, you hoped Luhan wasn't back. 
Twisting the knob, you heard giggles. 
Oh hell no... You stomped into the room and found SuYi planting kisses on Luhan. Luhan who saw you standing there, stopped SuYi. SuYi looked up and smiled.
"Hi Gi Hoon-ssi~" she cooed.
You faked a smile and did a curt nodd, as you made your way directly to your bed. 
Walking up the stairs, you grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed it with some sleeping clothes, two towels, a bunch of underwear, two spare wraps and your essentials. You also placed two pair of jeans, a pair of trackies and three cotton tees, suitable for the camp. You grabbed three pairs of shoes and zipped up the bag. You carried it down the stairs and glanced at SuYi and Luhan. 
"I won't be staying here tonight. Have fun" you smiled at the couple before making your way out the door once again. You closed the door and made your way down the hallway. 

Luhan watched as you left the room. 
"Oppa... Gi Hoon is gone... We have the room to ourselves~" SuYi whispered into Luhan's ear. Luhan didn't feel any sparks. He felt neutral, No sparks like he use too. 
"Babe... I'm just going to remind him about tomorrow okay?" Luhan stared at SuYi. 
SuYi smiled. 
"Be quick~" she cooed.
Luhan nodded his head and dashed out the door.

After the struggle with the duffle bag, you finally reached outside. Dropping it down on the floor, you stood there waiting for Jaehyun to come. 
You grabbed your phone and dialled his number. 
"Hyunnie~" Jaehyun chuckled.
"Oppa. Where are you?" 
"I'm just finishing off the last paperwork and I'll be their okay?" 
"Okay. I'll be outside" you smiled, before hanging up. 
You sighed and grabbed a hold of your bag. You were about to make your way towards the car park, when someone grabbed you by the shoulder. 
You turned around and found Luhan.
"What is it?" You casually muttered. 
"Where are you going?" He mumbled.
"I'm going to stay at a friends place" you removed his hand away. 
"Whose is that?" Luhan questioned again.
"You don't have to know..." You muttered.
"It's KyungHo isn't it?" Luhan said through clenched teeth, trying to hold back the urge to yell.
"Maybe, maybe not. I have to leave" You were about to turn around when Luhan spoke up again.
"Why won't you tell me?" He muttered. 
You sighed. 
"Because there's nothing to tell you Luhan. I have to go. Go to SuYi she's waiting for you" you mumbled.
"Gi Hyun Just Lis-"
"Hyunniee-ah!" You heard from a distance. You and Luhan's attention, directed towards the voice. You found Jaehyun, waving and smiling. 
"Hey guys" Jaehyun smiled awkwardly. 
Luhan slightly nodded his head. He was annoyed because he could never catch a break. People just kept popping up from every corner. 
"Did I disturb something again?" Jaehyun look back and forth between the two of you. 
"Nope. Come on let's go Oppa" you smiled. 
Jaehyun only nodded his head. 
"Bye Luhan-ssi" you grabbed Jaehyun by the arm and quickly dragged him along with you. 
Luhan gazed at your retreating figure. 
He sighed in anger. 
"Oppa~ are you okay?" SuYi came out of nowhere. 
"Everything is fine. SuYi I just need to be alone" Luhan muttered. 
SuYi frowned, but nodded understandingly. 
"Okay I'll call Mr Kim to come then. But let's go back inside first" SuYi grabbed hold of Luhan's hand and pulled him along with her. 

You stared out the window, as the city lights shine brightly. 
Jaehyun occasionally glanced over at you, to make sure you were alright. 
You enjoyed the comfortable silence between your cousin and you. It made you feel at peace and at ease. 
"Oppa" you smiled at Jaehyun.
"mmm" Jaehyun hummed, while keeping his eyes on the road. 
"Can we get some chicken?" You grinned. 
Jaehyun smiled and nodded his head. 
"Why not" you and Jaehyub headed for a chicken place. Upon reaching that place, Jaehyun had parked his car and you quickly hopped out, dashing towards the entrance. 
"Hurry up slow poke!" You chuckled. 
Entering the restaurant, you sat down and the waitress gave you a menu. 
"Can we please have 1 original and 1 hot" the lady nodded her head and took the menus away. Jaehyun finally entered the place and walked over towards you. 
"I already ordered" you grinned like a child.
"Did you get the normal?" 
You nodded your head. 
"Good hyunnie~" Jaehyun cooed proudly.
The chicken had finally arrived. You had immediately attacked the chicken, causing Jaehyun to erupt in laughter. 
"Calm down. The foods not running anywhere" Jaehyun teased.
You slowed down your pace and looked at your cousin intently. 
"I haven't ate anything besides that bread. I'm hungry" you stated sternly before smiling and devouring your chicken once again. 

You and Jaehyun were in the car once again. The dinner was full of bickering and teasing. Basically Jaehyun was doing all the teasing and you back talked. 
You sighed in contempt. It was such a beautiful night. 
"Dad and mums not home so it's just us!" Jaehyun smiled brightly. 
"eww" you teased. 
Jaehyun glared at you, but immediately smiled after. 
Another twenty minutes passed and you finally reached the house.
"Hey we're here!" Jaehyun informed. You got out of the car and grabbed your duffle bag. 
Entering the premises you kicked your shoes off. 
"I'm gonna sleep Oppa" you yawned. 
"Aigoo... Look at this girl" Jaehyun tsked.
"Okay I'll wake you up so we won't be late" you nodded your head and lazily trotted your way upstairs. You entered the spare room and took off your hair and blazer, before collapsing on the bed. You pulled out your phone from your pocket and checked your messages. 
'Hyunnie-ah~ are you asleep?

You smiled as you read KyunHo's text. 
'I'm going bed now! Night Kyungie~
-Gi Hyun'

You replied back. 
You went to check your next texts. 
'Hyung I want bubble tea!!!!
'Hyung! Where are you???!! Bubble tea is calling!!
'Hyung!!! Fine:(

You chuckled at Sehun's texts. 
"This kid" 
'Yah! Oh Sehun! I already bought you bubble tea! Ask Suho!
-Gi Hoon'
you pressed send.
You sighed happily. Finally getting off the bed you grabbed your duffle bag and opened it. Grabbing out your sleeping clothes and essentials. You decided to go and shower. 

You walked out of the bathroom, drying your hair, whilst humming the theme song  to Pretty Little liars. 
"That song has been stuck in my head too" you jumped at the sudden voice. Turning around, you hit the person.
"That's what you get! Who the hell just sits there and stays silent!" You exclaimed.
"Seriously you will be the death of me Jaehyun!" 
Jaehyun chuckled.
"I just wanted to tell you that mum said goodnight" Jaehyun smiled.
You placed your towel on the chair and sat down besides Jaehyun on the bed. 
"Did she call?"
Jaehyun nodded his head. 
You sighed. 
"Okay you can go now" you pushed Jaehyun up.
"Aww I wanted to sleep here!" Jaehyun whined. 
"No. I want the bed to myself. Besides you have a massive bed, so go there" you continued pushing him towards the door.
"But no one is home except for you and I'm scared to sleep by myself" Jaehyun pouted.
"Stop pouting you look ugly" you teased.
"Come on Hyunnie~" you stopped pushing Jaehyjn and watched has he went full on aegyo on you.
You crossed your arms and sighed. 
"Fine! But if you take all the blanket I'm going to kick your " you exclaimed in defeat. 
Jaehyun squealed like a little girl, before dashing off towards the right side of the bed and making himself comfortable. You shook your head at your cousins childish behaviour before making your way to the free side. Making yourself comfortable underneath the blanket, you turned off the lights. 
"Hyunnie" Jaehyun called you. You faced Jaehyun and smiled.
"mmm?" You hummed. 
"I miss the old times" Jaehyun sighed sadly.
"I do too oppa" you smiled sadly. 
Jaehyun's face immediately lit up.
"Remember when we would always play knights and princesses?" You nodded your head. 
"And I would always be the knight" you chuckled at the memory. 
"Yea and you forced me to wear the dress!" Jaehyun pouted.
"You looked pretty" you giggled.
"I know I did" Jaehyun smugly grinned.
You rolled your eyes and smiled.
"Oh remember when we'd have cooking competitions and we'd used biscuits and random toppings?" You grinned with enthusiasm at the memory.
"Cause we thought the stove was a big scary monster" Jaehyun laughed. 
"Hey it was really scary" you joined along.
"We had so much fun then" Jaehyun smiled at the constant memories.
"Hey we still have fun now" you playfully hit Jaehyun. 
Jaehyun laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. 
"We do" he mumbled.
Jaehyun agreed that you both still have fun and create new memories, but they weren't the same. He missed being a child, he missed the times when they were so much easier. There was no such thing as having to find a job, to have loads of responsibilities, or the constant burden of growing up or having to be married. Jaehyun didn't mind the idea of marriage, eventually he would want to settle down and have kids, but he still wanted to experience life. Jaehyun looked over at you and found you soundly a sleepy. He smiled at your peaceful figure.
But the one thing he was truly grateful was being able to have such an amazing cousin, or as he rather it be sister. Even though it's been awhile that you both have spend time together, he was glad that you were always beside him, supporting him. He loved you so much and he didn't want anyone to harm you. 
"Goodnight GiHyunnie" 
Jaehyun smiled before drifting off. 

Hello my munchkins! another update! Soemtimes i wonder if i can ever be bothered writing this much for my uni essay's LOL! Never going to happen ahahhaha! okay I hope you like the Jaehyun and Gi Hyun moments! Jaehyun is so cute!>< ahahah okay i'll stop now! aight seriously, i'll leave now. BYEEE ahaha xoxo.

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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!