Something Old.

My Room Mate


"Gi Hoon" you heard a faint voice call.
"Gi Hoon" this time you felt a poke on your shoulder.
"Hyung!" Jumping back from your position you frowned. Wanting to shoot whoever did that.
"Oh Sehun!" You yelled. 
Sehun grinned brightly. 
"Sorry hyung. I was walking by and I saw you in here sleeping. You know you look like a girl when your asleep" 
Faking a cough you cleared your throat.
"AHAHA girl please, I'm manly" you hit your chest, but whimpered on the inside regretting your decision. 
Sehun began to break into a fit of laughter. 
"Hyung your just like Luhan Hyung. Manly pshhh" Sehun laughed.
"Yah I am manly" you whined.
"Sorry Hyung don't see it" he laughed again. Making you pout in the process.
"Anyway what are you doing here?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Oh right!" Sehun clapped his hands together.
"The party! Hyung some girls want you to be there date" your mouth fell open. 
Is he serious? You mumbled mentally.
"Hyung close your mouth it's gross" Sehun closed it for you. 
"Who?" You asked.
"Oh well a girl called mina, then there's.... Jin, hyemi and what's her name...... Right! Lily" you cocked your head to the side. 
"Lily? She sounds english" 
Sehun smiled brightly.
"Bingo! She's half english and half korean. Definition of hot!" Sehun sighed admiringly. 
"You can go with her if you want, you can go with all of them if you want" you turned around and began walking out leaving a dumbfounded Sehun. 
"Wait Hyung!" Sehun called as he ran to catch up with you. 
"Hyung your not going?" Sehun linked arms with you. 
"I might and I might not" you casually muttered. 
"Are you serious? It's the party of the year!" Sehun whined.
"Eh. Who cares" you shrugged your shoulders. 
"Hyung!!!!!" Sehun stopped you in your tracks. 
"Oh Sshun you have to the count of ten to move away" you glared at the boy.
"Hyung you have to come it won't be fun! It's like the party of the year! The end of showcase gala!" Sehun pouted. 
"Aish why? It's just a party." you said in irritation.
"Come on Hyung for me?" Sehun gave you the puppy dog eyes. 
"ARGH! Fine! But I warn you I'll be a party pooper" 
"Yay!!!" Sehun embraced you into a bear hug. 
"Thank you Hyung! I'm going to tell the others!" Sehun let you go and ran off excitingly.
Sighing you forgot where you were going. 
"Aish!" You yelled in frustration. Seeing a bench you sat down. 
"Damn kid" you muttered. 
You sat in silence, enjoying your alone time. But that all ended when you heard a voice call.
"Oppa" looking up you found a girl staring at you lovingly. 
"Ah sorry girls aren't allowed in here" you eyed the girl. 
"I'm the principals daughter" she said with a smile. 
"Oh" you nodded your head. 
"Well I'm going to leave then" you stood up and began to walk away, but when your were jerked back. 
"Ah" you groaned. 
"What was that for!" You yelled. 
"Sorry oppa" she meekly smiled. 
Stop calling me oppa... You faked chucked in your mind. 
"Well I'm going to leave" you turned around. 
"Wait oppa" she jumped in front of you, blocking your way. 
"What?" You eyed the girls in irritation.
"Can you be my date for the party?" You asked you. 
You blinked at the girl who was just a bit shorter then you, smiling widely at you with hope.
"Ah... I'm sorry I'm not going" you mumbled.
"But.. But... I just heard you speak to that Sehun" 
You mentally face palmed.
"Well you see I'm just now deciding not to go" you made up an excuse.
The girl sighed. 
"Looks like I'm going to be bullied for not having a date" the girl sighed sadly. 
. What is wrong with this girl. Aish. You yelled mentally. 
The girl began to walk off, but you stopped her. 
"What do you mean bullied?" You looked at her.
"Well no one likes me cause I'm the principals daughter, all the guys think I'm a loser and the girls just think I'm a lonely nerd" she began to sob. You inwardly sighed. Feeling bad for her. Remembering that was like your past. 
"Okay fine I'll go with you" you muttered.
The girl looked up smiling brightly at you. 
"Really?" Her eyes shined brightly. 
"Yes" you closed your eyes and nodded. 
"Yay! Thank you oppa!" She hugged you tightly. 
You tried to wiggle out of her grip but thankfully she let go. 
"I'm Sara" she held out her hand.
"Gi Hoon" you shook her hand.
"I know" she smiled. 
"Appa talks highly of you. He says your a very good student" you looked back in shock. 
I've only been here for a month....
She nodded her head. 
"He really likes you.... And .... So do I...." She silently mumbled the last part. 
"Sorry what was that?" 
"Nothing" she smiled. 
"Well I'll see you after the showcase" you said plainly. 
"Wait oppa" 
"Mmm" you mumbled. 
"Thank you. Really" she smiled.
Ruffling her hair you smiled.
"No problem. Bye" walking past her you smiled.
Your doing a good thing Gi Hyun. Just save the poor girl. It's only for a night. I mean you have pretended to be a guy for like a month already! You got this! Turning the corner you decided to go back to the room before it got dark.

As you walked past, Sara smiled.
"Oppa is daebek" she whispered.
"Honey lets go before your mother yells again" her father came running down.
"Why are you smiling?" He looked at his daughter weirdly.
"Nothing! Let go appa" she linked arms with him and left. 


Kang SaRa (17):


Reaching the room you sighed. 
"Hell" you mumbled. Opening the door you walked in and closed it.
There you found luhan lazing around on the couch flicking through the channels. 
Sighing you decided to ignore him. 
"Hey" LuHan grabbed your wrist before you could go to your bed. 
Shaking his hand off you glared at him. 
"Someone ordered takeaway"
You looked at luhan weirdly.
"I don't know some guy came by with chicken and some beer and said it was for you" he said with his attention on the TV. 
"And you didn't eat it?" 
You were surprised. 
"Don't want to touch some food that's not been ordered by me" he mumbled. 
Rolling your eyes you made your way towards the bag on the coffee table. Opening it the chicken scent went through your nose.
"Oh god this is heaven" taking the box out of the bag you found a note.
Reading it your smiled. 
'Oppa thank you for being my date! I got you chicken and beer! Good luck with you showcase practice tomorrow! Enjoy! share it with luhan if you'd like!' 
"Silly kid" you chuckled. 
"Whose it from?" 
Ignoring luhan you grabbed the beer out of the bag and decided to make yourself comfortable on the floor.
Grabbing a piece of chicken you ate it.
"Heaven!" You squealed. 
Luhan watched you with drool. The chicken calling his name. 
Making his way slowly towards you, you opened a can of beer and gulped it down. 
Luhan quickly snatched a piece of chicken and bit it.
"Heaven" he smiled.
"Yah who said you can have some? I thought you didn't eat food that not ordered from you!" You smirked. 
"Just shut up and eat loser" luhan stuffed his face with the chicken. 
Scoffing you shrugged it off since you were really hungry and lazy to fight.

The night went on and you and luhan were laughing and well drunk. 
"I can't believe we have no school tomorrow because of practice" luhan laughed.
"Thank god otherwise this will be trouble" you giggled. 
"Your such a girl" luhan laughed. 
"I am a girl! You girl!" You laughed even louder.
"I... I manly. Like the hulk" luhan pounded his chest.
"Sit down you barbie" luhan collapsed down on the floor pouting.
"I am man" he whined.
"No you is not man" you laughed hysterically.
Luhan watched you and began to laugh whilst taking another big gulp of beer. 
"Where's all the chicken" you looked around. 
"In here" luhan laughed as he pointed towards his stomach.
"Give me it!" You yelled. 
"Get it from me!" Luhan stuck out his tongue. 
Next thing luhan knew was you lunged towards him and landed on top of him. 
"Give me the chicken" you whined.
Luhan froze. 
He stared at your lips that were pouting. 
"What?" You blushed. 
Luhan leaned forward. 
"Can I kiss you?" He blinked.
Nodding your head you closed your eyes. 
Luhan leaned forwards and placed his lips on yours. 
You felt sparks light up and explode. It felt so right but so wrong.
Pushing luhan back you quickly stood up. 
"Let's just sleep" without another word you walked up the stairs, but struggled due to your dizziness.
Luhan sat on the floor watching you struggle up the stairs. Slowly standing up he walked over towards you and grabbed your hand. 
"Follow me" he stated. 
Not saying anything you just did as you were told. 

After countless bumps and multiple curses you finally reached your bed. Collapsing down you groaned. 
"Now this is happiness" you smiled.
"This is" luhan collapsed beside you. 
"Yah get off you face" kicking luhan off he landed on the floor. Groaning in pain her shut his eyes. 

Hearing no sound coming from luhan you looked over the edge of your bed. There you found a peaceful sleeping boy.
Sighing you grabbed one of your blankets and placed it over him. 
"Loser" you sighed. 
Tucking yourself into your blankets you cuddled in the warmth. 
"Luhan" You mumbled.
"Mmm" you heard a faint mutter.
"I like you" you whispered.
Silence filled the air. 
"The only time I can actually say it" you mumbled faintly to yourself. 
Sighing your eyes began to close. And you drifted off to sleep.

"HYUNG!" You heard a loud bang. Groaning you found tao standing there.
"What?!" You yelled. 
"Where's luhan Hyung? Omg did he get kidnapped?!" Tao looked around frantically.
"Shut up panda I'm right here" luhan stood up rubbing his eyes. 
"Hyung what are you doing up there?" 
Tao asked in curiosity. 
Luhan looked at you confused as well.
"What? How would I know? Now shoo both of you I'm tired" you rubbed your temples, shooing the boys away. 
Luhan eyed you, before shrugging it off. 
Walking down the stairs he collapsed onto his bed. Tao walked over to luhan and sighed. 
"What happened last night? You look hungover Hyung?" Luhan closed his eyes.
Yea why am I hungover? He questioned himself.
"I don't know panda but I have a headache, so leave" 
Tao ignored the older male and sat down.
"Hyung" tao pouted at the older male.
"What is it tao?" Luhan sighed. 
"Come and eat with me" The younger male whined. 
"Fine lets go!" Luhan sat up and grabbed the younger one by his wrist and dragged him out. 

Once you heard the door slam, you sat up on your bed. 
"Jeez everything seems like déjà vu" you shook your head. 
"ARGH...." You groaned in pain.
"Stupid hangover" you whined. 
Looking over at your phone you grabbed it.
"Hello" you casually mumbled. 
"Oppa!" You heard a girl squeal.
"Who is this?" 
"It's Sara" 
Oh it's the girl....
"What is it?" You asked in curiosity and how the heck did she get your number.
"Since today is a free day can you come dress shopping with me?" 
You furrowed your eyebrows. 
"Ah... I'm sorry I can't I have to practice for the showcase"
"Really?" She fainted a sigh.
Nodding your head like she could hear you, she sighed again.
"Hul okay I'll see oppa soon then!"
"Wait! How'd you get my number?" You asked. 
"Oh... You see... Bye!" She quickly hanged up. 
"Suspicious" you glared into thin air. 
"May as well go to the studio" you pushed the blankets off you and stood up. Walking towards the closet you grabbed some black jeans and a plain white top. 

After struggles with the wrap around your girls you finally got your jeans on and the top. Grabbing a baseball jacket you slipped your arms though the given spaces and looked in the mirror satisfied with your look. 
"Hey good looking" you winked.
Chuckling at yourself, you approved of your look and slipped on shoes and left. 
Walking down the hallway you dodge the guys fighting, throwing paper planes around. 
"Wait up!" Stopping at the front of the door your turned around to find lay smiling.
"They are like monsters in there" lay heaved a heavy breath. 
"Monsters? More like animals" you chuckled. 
Good on Gi Hyun. You mentally high five yourself.
"Where are you going?" Lay smiled.
"Practice for the showcase" You began to walk again.
"Oh same here!" 
You and Lay walked together towards the studio's laughing and talking.
"Wait so you didn't even kiss her?" Lay cocked an eyebrow
"Why would I? She's the principles daughter"
And plus I'm a girl... You shivered at the thought. 
"Well she seems nice" Lay laughed. 
"I still don't know how she got my number"
"Uh... Maybe your school file?" 
"Oh my god! Your right!" You and lay cracked up in laughter. But that stopped when you ran into someone. 
"Ack" you stumbled backwards. 
"Ew what are you doing with him Lay" you glared at luhan. Only if looks can kill. 
"Yah Hyung!" Tao hit him across the arm.
"Ow" luhan screeched. 
"Hyung! Do you want to join us!" Tao looked at you. 
"Sorry have to practice and you do too" you glared at Luhan. 
"I don't want to practice" Luhan rolled his eyes at you. 
"Sorry Lay but I have to go. Come on!" Grabbing Luhan by the ear you dragged him along with you. 
"Yah! Let go! It hurts! Aish! Stop it!" Luhan whined. 
"Well you shouldn't act like a baby!" You yelled. 
Reaching the room you opened the door and dragged Luhan in, whilst slamming it in the process.
Letting go of LuHan's ear you grabbed a seat.
Luhan glared at you while rubbing his ear.
"What are you? A monster lady!" He scoffed. 
"Don't be a wuss" you pulled out your phone.
Luhan walked over to the seat across from you, frowning. 
"Come on let's practice" you searched through your music library for the composition.
"Why do we even have to practice?" Luhan eyed you.
"Because we have to get good grades on this okay" you said with full determination. Pressing play, you bobbed your head to the beat and began to sing.

After hours of practice you and Luhan sat in the room, taking a break.
"I told you we don't need to practice we are already good" Luhan rolled his eyes. 
"Was that a compliment?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Ah.... No it was implying I was good not you" Luhan scoffed.
You rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour. 
"Gi hoon" turning around you found Chanyeol standing there with a bright smile.
"Luhan Hyung" he nodded. 
"Yeolie" you smiled brightly. 
Luhan looked at your expression.
Why doesn't she smile at me like that?! He felt bitter.
"Let's eat!" Chanyeol smiled showing his white pearls. 
"Okay!" Getting up followed chanyeol out. 
"Ah excuse me" stopping in your tracks you face Luhan. 
"What about practice?" 
"We don't have to practice were already good" you smiled and left. 
"Aish!" Luhan glared ah you as you walked away.
"Oh Hyung got told!" Chanyeol laughed.
"Shut up you happy virus" Luhan pushed past the tall boy. 
Chanyeol watched as his Hyung walked away. 
"Silly Hyung" he chuckled before running to catch up with Luhan. 

Entering the cafeteria you smiled brightly. 
"I'm home!" You admired the various foods laid out. Grabbing a plate you scooped up whatever you thought was delicious. 
"Shouldn't a girl watch her figure" you heard someone whisper. Turning around you glared at the boy. 
"Shut it or I'll shut it for you" you sneered. 
"Oh I'm so scared" 
"Hyung stop annoying Gi Hoon" Chanyeol slid between you both.
Regaining composure you walked over towards the utensils and grabbed the necessary items.
Walking down the small steps you searched the dining hall.
Bingo! You said your self.
Walking towards the empty table you settled down and dived in.

Luhan and Chanyeol walked over to see you stuffing your face. Luhan watched in disgust while Chanyeol chuckled.
"Lucky his a guy otherwise that would look gross if a girl did that" 
Luhan scoffed.
Only if you knew Chanyeol. Only if you knew. Luhan smirked. 

Chanyeol and Luhan made their way over towards you. Pulling out a chair they both say down.
"Wow Gi Hoon your like a vacuum" Chanyeol chuckled. 
You swallowed your spoonful and smiled widely at Chanyeol. 
"Food is life. Without life we would not be living" you stated with confidence. 
"Your going to get a stomach ache if you don't slow down on your life" Luhan sighed.
"I'm hungry, nothing stops me" you started to stuff your face again. 
Chanyeol chuckled and began to eat. 
Luhan watched as you both played around and fed each other food.
Jeez are they like a couple. Luhan glared intently. 
"Oh that's tastes amazing" you smiled. 
"God are you two like dating?!" Luhan looked in disgust. 
You and Chanyeol turned to Luhan. 
"Bromance" you did a little nod.
Chanyeol chuckled. 
"I don't think Baek will like that but oh well!" Chanyeol laughed. 
"I'm leaving" Luhan stood up and walked away. 
You and Chanyeol watched as he walked away.
"What's wrong with him?" Chanyeol raised an brow.
"God knows. Let's just eat!" You and Chanyeol began stuffing your faces full of food once again. 

Luhan walked past the spring leaves. Sitting down on a bench he closed his eyes. 
Come on Luhan she's not worth it! You've got AeCha. Did you just like not see her just then? Luhan shivered at the thought. 
"Gross" he mumbled.
But it was cute. He mind retorted. 
Deny it all you want. 
"Aish!" Luhan messed his hair in frustration.
Turning his head, he found chen smiling at him.
"What is it Chen?" 
"Nothing. Oh just have you seen Gi Hoon around?" Chen smiled, waiting for an answer.
"Jeez what's so special about he- him!" 
Luhan raised his voice.
"Whoaaaa Hyung clam down!" Chen chuckled. Sitting besides Luhan, he sighed. 
"Hey what's your problem with him? His a cool kid" 
Chen stared at Luhan. 
"Because his an annoying, ill-mannered, disruptive brat" Luhan muttered.
"So? Your like that too" the younger one chuckled at the latter. 
"You little brat! I'm nothing like that!" Luhan whined.
"Whatever you say then..." Chen laughed. 
"So where is he?" 
"ARGH! His in the dang cafeteria!"
Chen stood up and placed his hand on LuHans shoulder.
"You've got to chill. His not as bad as you think he is" chen chuckled and walked away, leaving the latter in confusion. 
Seriously, she's not even.... She is pretty..... And has a nice sm- whoa hold your horses Luhan your not going back there. 
Standing up Luhan decided to go to the soccer filed to see Xiumin.

Chen strides pass the noisy boys in the cafeteria, looking for you. Stopping, he saw you sitting down with chanyeol on the far left corner. 
"Holler Gi Hoon"
Looking up from your plate you smiled.
"Yo Chen Chen" you did a little nod.
"Yeolie" Chen patted his shoulder as he sat down.
"Chen chen chen Chen" he sang. 
"Stop please" Chen laughed. 
"Sorry Chen Chen, no can do" Chanyeol wagged his finger. 
"Aish" Chen pouted. 
"What's up?" You laughed. 
"Right! Sehun said your going to the party?" 
Nodding your head you raised your brows in curiosity.
Chen smiled. 
"I heard your going with the principals daughter" Chen wiggled his brows.
"Oh god can you not please" you laughed.
"What? Your going with Sara?" Chanyeol went wide eyed.
"Yea.... What's so bad about that?" 
You shrugged.
"Dude she's weird" Chanyeol drifted off.
"I don't know but the girls says she talks to herself"
"Yea and apparently she is like a witch" chen and Chanyeol whispered.
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. 
"Guys she's not weird. Matter of fact she's pretty cute and nice" you insisted.
"Ohhhhhhhhh does Gi Hoon have a crushhhhhhh???" Chanyeol wiggled his body around.
"Someone's in loveeeeeeeeee" Chen did the same.
"Guys stop! I'm not in love nor do I have a crush! I'm just saying don't believe everything you hear" you furrowed your brows.
"Fine fine" the two stopped.
"So what about you guys?" You stared at the pair.
"I'm going with my bacon" 
Chanyeol smiled.
You and chen cringed.
"Bromance guys" Chanyeol chuckled.
"What about you Chen Chen?"
Chen sighed. 
"I'm single. I don't need no one!" He smiled brightly.
"Oh my gosh" you sighed in laughter.
"All the single men! Oh oh oh" Chen began to sing.
"No stop! Please no!" Chanyeol laughed hysterically.
"Can't handle it if I'm single and ready to mingle" Chen snapped his fingers.
"Why!!?!" You laughed.
"What's so funny?" Looking up you all burst into laughter. 
"Is there something on my face?" The boy frowned.
"Nah nah nah sit" You pulled the chair out.
The latter made his way to the chair and sat down.
"What's so funny seriously?" 
"Oh nothing Kyungsoo" Chen smiled whilst moving his head in a circular motion.
"You guys are losers" he huffed.
"You love us mini man" Chanyeol laughed.
"Yea you wish" d.o glared at Chanyeol. 
"So kyungsoo who are you going with to the party?" You meekly smiled.
"No one" he sighed. 
"Yasss! We single!" Chen stood up and started to do a dance. 
"Please someone stop him" Chanyeol laughed. 
"Sit sit" you pulled Chen down. 
"Guess what kyungsoo!"
Chen exclaimed.
"What?" He said nonchalantly.
"Gi Hoon here is going with Sara" 
Chen pointed towards you.
"Are you serious?" Kyungsoo went wide eyed. 
"Yes" you nodded your head. 
"She's so weird though" Kyungsoo cringed.
"Guys come on you should stop with these accusations, she's a sweet girl okay" you rolled your eyes.
"weird" you heard chanyeol mumble.
"Yah! Come on she's not. She's really sweet! She bought me chicken!" You huffed.
"Wow you seem like your in love with her" Kyungsoo cackled.
"I'm not. I'm just saying she's not weird, she's a sweet girl!" You sighed. 
"Okay okay. Have it your way. But did you hear?" Chen leaned in, motioning you guys to come closer.
"What?" Chanyeol spoke.
"Apparently AeCha and her bestie are having a fight over Luhan" at the mention of his name, your heart tightened. 
You don't care Gi Hyun. You don't care. You said to yourself.
"So whose the other girl?" You muttered sourly.
"Her name is Park Gayon" 
Chen whispered.
"Oh she's pretty" Kyungsoo mumbled.
"She is" Chanyeol agreed.
"What do you think will happen?" Kyungsoo questioned. 
"Well I'm guessing LuHan will go with Gayon. You know why? New meat" Chen nodded his head. 
Smacking Chen across the head, he frowned.
"What was that for?" He pouted. 
"Women are not 'new pieces of meat' but human beings. Good day" you stood up and walked away. 
What is wrong with me? Come on Gi Hyun you have to keep yourself together.
Exiting the Cafeteria you decided to go for a walk.

"What's wrong with him?" Chen looked at your retreating figure.
"I don't know" Chanyeol laughed at Chen.
"Aish" Chen frowned.

"Pass me the ball! I'm free" Luhan shouted.
The ball came flying towards luhan. He jumped up, head butting the ball.
Get in....
The ball went flying into the net.
"Yessss!!!" Luhan yelled.
"Woooo go Luhan!" His team yelled.
"Good one Lulu" Xiumin smiled.
"Thanks Hyung" Luhan smiled back.
"Let's go again" Xiumin ran off towards the middle.

Strolling by the trees, that swayed with the wind. You took in a deep breath. 
"You've got to stop thinking about him Gi Hyun" 
Don't deny it 
"I can if I want" 
Your just digging yourself a bigger hole
"What are you" 
Your self conscious
Make me
Shaking your head you heard a yell.
"Pass it over here!" Stopping besides the soccer field you found Luhan.
He looks so good.... 
You stood there admiring Luhan.

"hey Gi Hoon" you caught LuHan's attention. Avoiding eye contact you, waved at Xiumin.
"Heyy Hyung!" 
You smiled slightly, feeling LuHan's gaze still on you.
"Okay bye!" You waved goodbye quickly as you hurried away. 
Omg that was embarrassing. You sulked. 

Luhan watched as you scurried off. 
What's wrong with her? He furrowed his brows.
"Luhan come on!" One of the players called.
Luhan shrugged the thought off and rejoined the game.

Power walking away you reached the front of your dorm room.
Sighing heavily you opened the door to come into contact with pure darkness. It scared you.
Why is it so dark? You thought. 
"Hello?" You called out.
Hearing nothing you quickly the light.
Sighing in relief you saw no one. 
Deciding to walk up to your bed, you heard something. 
"Tsk tsk" jumping back in fright you found your cousin sitting there. 
"OPPA!" You yelled as you smacked him across the arm.
Cringing in pain, Jaehyun frowned.
"What?! Can't I come and visit my cousin on her birthday!" Jaehyun yelled. 
Meekly smiling you sat beside him on the couch.
"You remembered?" You smiled brightly.
"Of course how can I forget! I got you something! Close your eyes" closing your eyes you heard small ruffles. 
"Damnit" Jaehyun yelled.
"Yah Oppa be careful!" You muttered.
"I got it! Open your eyes!" 
Slowly open your eyes you came in contact with a shiny gold necklace. 
"Oppa you didn't" you said in shock. 
"Oh I did!" He smiled brightly.
"But... How did you find it?" 
"I don't know one day I was clearing out a few things and bam it was there" he nodded his head. 
"Oppa thank you!" You embraced Jaehyun in a bear hug. 
"Thank Oppa!" You mumbled sincerely.
"That's okay now let me put it on" nodding your head you let go of Jaehyun and turned around. Jaehyun gently placed the necklace around you neck. 

Moving away you took hold of the necklace and stared in awe.
"It's beautiful Oppa" you smiled brightly.
"Like you Hyunnie" Jaehyun smiled.
"Aye Oppa come on!" You laughed.
You and Jaehyun went into a fit of laughter.

Standing behind the wall, Luhan heard everything. 
It's her birthday. He felt a pang of guilt run through him.
Furrowing his brows he opened the door and left.

Hearing a bang, your eyes drifted towards the door.
"What was that?" Jaehyun looked in confusion.
"I don't know" you shrugged.
"Thank you Oppa. Seriously I was looking for this for ages" you smiled sincerely.
"Anytime Hyunnie. Well I'll leave and let you enjoy the rest of your birthday" Jaehyun stood up and waved goodbye. 

Once he left you sighed.
"I can't believe he found it" you gripped the necklace tightly.
"I'll never let you go again" you gently smiled. Standing up, you decided to go for a walk. 

HELLO SUBBIES and MY PEEPS!!! SOrry if it took me awhile to update it was a pretty long chapter. ahaha only if i could write that much for my assignments i'm sure i will do well but i can't oh well ahahha! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! what do you think the necklace means??? let me know! Okay i'll go now! I'll try updating soon! LOve you all! xooxox AND HAPPY #3yearswithExo<3 i love these boys so much. may it be OT12 or OT10 i will always support all of them<3



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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!