A Little Song.

My Room Mate

You heard your phone go off. Rolling over lazily you stretched your arm out and grabbed your phone, bringing it close to your ear. 
"Hello?" You mumbled annoyed.
"Hey punk get up and come too the studio" your eyes shot opened and looked around. 
"How the heck did you get my number?!" You screamed. 
The latter mentioned moved his phone away at the high pitch squeal. Hearing that you were done he placed it back and sighed in irritation. 
"Not important so hurry up" he hanged up and all you could hear was the sound of the dead tone. 
Controlling your irritation you placed your phone down and stared at the ceiling and cracked. Yelling in frustration you kicked your blankets off and stared at the clock. 
"It's only 9:00!" You groaned. 
Mumbling incoherent words you went to your closet and pulled out your clothes.
Black slacks, a white button down shirt and a black leather jacket. 
Looking in the mirror you posed.
"I'm am so handsome!" You squealed. Walking to the bathroom you looked in the mirror and adjusted the wig. 
"damn wigs" you cursed. The struggle.
After 10 minutes of brushing your teeth and washing your face you came out of the bathroom smiling and feeling fresh. 
"Ah this is life" you sighed in relaxation.
In the moment of your peacefulness someone barged in. 
"Hyung!" Sehun yelled.
"It's not my fault. It's yours sehun" Kai followed behind.
Just great... You sighed. 
Sehun linked arms with you and pouted. 
"Hyung Kai says it's my fault bubble tea spilled on him" 
Kai walked over and have Sehun the death glare. But seriously is looks can kill Sehun would be dead. 
"It was your fault" 
Kai growled.
Sighing you stepped in.
"Oh Sehun apologise now" 
"But...but Hyung!" 
"Sehun if you didn't do it why do you have bubble tea in your hand?" You pointed towards the bubble tea which lid was ripped. 
"Ah... I can.... Nope" 
"See I told you!" Kai yelled.
You looked at Sehun you pleaded with his doggy eyes. 
Don't fall for it... You stared at his adorable face.
"Just apologise Sehun" 
Sehun pouted. 
"Fine. Sorry Jongin" 
Kai smiled on victory. 
"Okay now since this is all settled get your butts out of here I have to go and meet the devil" you said with annoyance. 
"The devil?" Kai asked as you pushed them out. 
Closing the door behind you. You stared at the latter.
"Yeap the devil. Okay I'll see you guys" running off you waved goodbye. 

Exiting the building you huffed. 
"Oh my gosh I'm soo unfit" you laughed. 
"You are" jumping from the sudden voice you turned around and found Luhan shaking his head. 
"What the heck! when did you get here?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

Luhan fought the urge to smile at your face. He pulled a straight face and ruffled your hair, well wig.
"Yah!" You yelled in irritation. 
"Hurry" Luhan began too walk away, a smile creeping up on his lips.
Pabo. He mentally chuckled. 

You cursed incoherent words as you trailed behind. Not noticing the building you have entered nor the room. Luhan stopped in his tracks, causing you too run into him. 
"Yah!" You yelled.
Rubbing your forehead you looked up and realised you were already in the studio. 
Luhan turned around and sat on the chair beside him. Sighing he stared at you.
Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze you made your way too the chair opposite of his.
Sitting on the chair you but your lip.
"Soooo I brought the lyrics from before" pulling out your notepad the you placed it in front if you. 
Looking up at Luhan you smiled. 
"These are pretty good lyrics dude" you giggled.
Luhan rolled his eyes and grabbed a pen whilst taking the notepad.
"Okay we have to finish this by today and record it asap. So chop chop make with the lyrics" you stared at Luhan. Trying to figure out how he had the audacity to say that too you. 
"Excuse me this is a group project so we figure it out together" you stated. 
"Fine. Hurry up" 
Luhan shrugged. 
"Well for the bridge I was thinking... Wait maybe we should read out what we had last time" pulling out he old lyrics you stared intently at them.
"Mmmmm" you pondered.
"Well read it out to me" Luhan sneered.
"Fine... Ehem" you cleared your throat. 

"Verse 1:
I just can't control myself,
Your touch your lips,
Your subtle actions got me going crazy just for you, like your smile that makes me spin.

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Let me sing you to sleep,
Let me dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody

Verse 2:
You stay awake just thinking about him,
But baby I'm right here,
I'll treat you good I'll treat you right,
What if I kissed you? What if I loved you? Will you come to me? 
Girl your a shining star, can I make a wish on you, yea a wish on you?

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Let me sing you to sleep,
Let me dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody.

That's all we've got so far" 

"Really that's pretty good. I'm a pro" 
You looked at Luhan. 
"You, please it's me who wrote this not you"
"Ah I helped" 
"What, like one line. That's great help!" You huffed in annoyance.
"One line,that made it amazing" Luhan snorted.
"Oh my gosh" you groaned.
"Just okay, let's finish this" you cried in frustration.
Luhan watched as you hit your head against the table. A smile on his lips.
Idiot. He chuckled.
"Okay okay I have the bridge, it should go:
Baby you got me(baby)
Just for one night(oh)
So stay with me(yea)
And let's play this sweet lullaby(ooooohhhh)

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Let me sing you to sleep,
Let me dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody


Yea so basically a really long 'oh'
You looked at Luhan.
Not bad. You thought.
"It will do for now" you wrote it down as he recited the whole thing again.

"Okay well we just need to figure out which parts to who"
"I think you should sing first verse, then I will sing the second verse and we both sing the chorus together" Luhan pointed to each section.
"Okay let's give it a go acoustically first and then with the track Jaehyun Oppa gave us" you stated.
"Okay you go first then" 
You cleared your throat. 
Omg I can't do this. His watching! You screamed in your head. 
"I'm waiting" Luhan narrowed his eyes on you.
Feeling underprepared and under pressure you panicked. 
You can do this Gi Hyun you can do this. You sat straight and proud. 
I can do this.
"Okay I'm ready" 
You cleared your throat once more and began to sing. 

(Luhan Gi Hyun Together)

'Oh, yeah

I just can't control myself,
Your touch your lips,
Your subtle actions got me going crazy just for you, like your smile that makes me spin.

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Ill sing you to sleep,
Ill dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody

You stay awake just thinking about him,
But baby I'm right here,
I'll treat you good I'll treat you right,
What if I kissed you? What if I loved you? Will you come to me? 
Girl your my shining star, can I make a wish on you, yea a wish on you?

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Ill sing you to sleep,
Ill dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody.

Baby you got me(baby)
Just for one night
So stay with me(yea)
And let's play this sweet lullaby

Oh baby I want you to be my sweet lullaby, 
Ill sing you to sleep,
Ill dream away with you tonight,
I'll be your sweet melody oh,
Yea your sweet melody


You and Luhan ended with a smile.
"That was great!" You squealed.
"The harmonising was awesome" Luhan smiled brightly. 
You stared at Luhan in awe. His smile was perfect. And it suited him better. Luhan caught your gaze and locked eyes with you. 
You both looked at each other intently. 
No one smiling or daring to make a move. 
You gulped. He was so handsome, so perfect. Your heart started to race, butterflies feeling your tummy. 
Luhan stared at your lips. He couldn't help it. He wanted to kiss them again. They were so inviting, a force pulling him closer. 

"hey guys!" You heard someone scream.
Thanking that person you turned around and found Kris and Lay. Kris with his usual smirk and Lay with his smile and dimple. 
Jumping onto your feet you waved ecstatically.
"Heyyyyy guys! You want to use the studio? Go ahead. AHAHA okay bye" you quickly walked off.
The boys blinked. 
"What the heck was that about? Is he high?" Kris looked in your direction.
"I have no idea. Lu ge do you know?" Luhan didn't say anything but just stood up and walked off to find you. 
"Well at least we have the studio now" Kris shrugged. 
"Yea" Lay said still in confusion. 

Luhan looked around the courtyard. 
Where is she? He thought. Hearing some bickering he made his way behind the building. Finding you he saw you lean your head against the wall.
"Oh my god what is wrong with me?!" You yelled to yourself. Luhan hid behind the wall. 
"I can't like him! No it can not happen. He's mean Gi Hyun! His an . His a player! Arghhhh I hate feelings!" You wailed in frustration.
"I.... I just have to stop. Yes stop" you stood straight. Closing your eyes you inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. 
"Fighting" you fist pumped in the air. 
Walking out you made your way towards the dorm, oblivious of the person watching you.
"She...she likes me?" Luhan stuttered. 
"No she can't. Wait why do I care?" Luhan leaned his back against the wall. 
"No it's impossible" he shook his head. 
"I can not, never like her"
He mumbled.
"She's a guy!" He yelled. 
Luhan ran his hand through his hair in frustration. 
"Luhan you can not like her, she's a he, you can't let this happen again" he told him self. 
Nodding in agreement to his statement he made his way towards the dorm. 

You sat on your bed fiddling with your blanket. 
"Oh my god what do I say, how do I act?" You asked yourself.
Just act normal. You told yourself.
"Okay you can do it" 
You made your way down from your bed to the couch waiting for Luhan to come back. 

Luhan walked through the crowd of boys.
"Hey Luhan! We're going to the party you coming?" On of the boys shouted. 
Luhan nodded his head in reply as the kid threw his arm around him. 
"Oh man your going to love it! Hot chicks everywhere!" 

"See what did I tell you? Girls everywhere!" The boy yelled in excitement. 
Luhan nodded his head.
"Hey Luhan!" He turned his head to the male in a white button up and blue slacks. 
Leaving the boy he walked towards his friends.
"Hey Suho, Kris" 
"This is one party! Where's Gi Hoon? That kid needs to be here" 
LuHan's mind travelled back to what nearly happened today. Shaking it off, he rolled his eyes. 
"Who cares, where's AeCha?" Luhan searched around. 
"Oh....um... I don't know" Kris scratched his head. 
"Hey man what's wrong? You seem like you need blow off some steam" 
"I'm fine" Luhan furrowed his brows. 
"You sure don't seem like it" Suho mumbled. 
"I'm going to find AeCha" Luhan walked off leaving the two confused. 
"What's wrong with him?" Suho looked at Kris.
"Probably had a fight with Gi Hoon" Kris shrugged. 
Suho bobbed his head. 
"Yea he probably did" 

Luhan walked through the crowd of people. All them grinding against one another, people making out. 
"AeCha" Luhan found the girl. He tugged her wrist. 
Turning around the girl smiled brightly. 
"Oppa" she giggled. 
Luhan pulled her close and smashed his lips into hers. The girl smiled and pulled Luhan closer. 
After the make out, Luhan pulled away, breathing heavily. 
"Wow oppa, that was amazing" AeCha winked at Luhan. Luhan just smirked and pulled her in once again. 

You laid on the couch wondering where Luhan could be.
"Why do I keep thinking about him?!" You yelled in frustration. Sitting up you looked around the soulless room. 
"It's so quiet" you mumbled.
Suddenly you heard the door open. 
Standing up you walked over smiling. 
But what you saw was not great. 
You found Luhan and AeCha eating each other up.
Hiding behind the wall your heart dropped.
"Why does it hurt?" You whispered. 
Looking into their direction you listened in. 
"Where's your cute roommate?" Luhan froze. 
Where is she? He questioned. 
"I don't give a crap. Come on i need to relax" Luhan pulled AeCha closer. 
Your heart fell, it became heavy. 
Deciding you need to get out of here, you creeped out. Opening the door slowly you can here AeCha's giggles. Closing the door you leaned against it. 
Fighting back the tears that wanted to fall.
"Why does it hurt so much!" You muttered. 
"Hey Gi Hoon" looking up you found Chanyeol smiling brightly at you. 
Pulling a lope sided smile you spoke. 
"Hey Chanyeol" 
"Why aren't you in your room? Did Luhan kick you out again?" Chanyeol questioned. 
"No I wanted to go for a walk" you lied. 
"Oh I was going to the convince store, wanna come?" Chanyeol eyes brightened. 
"Oh yeah. Let's go" you linked arms with Chanyeol and walked off. 

"Yeah and Kai said I was being such a FANGIRL over him" Chanyeol exaggerated.
You couldn't help but laugh, uncontrollably. 
Spending your time with Chanyeol made you forget about Luhan. He made you laugh and do random things. 
"Well you do kind of drool over him" you manage to say through your fit of laughter. 
"But it's not my fault his so admirable!" Chanyeol eyes brightened at the thought of the younger one.
"Jeez Chanyeol you sound like your in love with him" you wiggled your brows.
"As a older brother, then yes I am" Chanyeol smiled brightly. You couldn't help but go into another fit of laughter. 

After minutes of non stop laughter you and Chanyeol sighed. 
"Hey do you want to come to our room? Baek is there waiting for this?" Chanyeol pointed towards the blue bag. You nodded your head, not wanting to go back to your room anytime soon.
"Let's go" Chanyeol pulled you by the arm, towards the dorm. Trailing behind Chanyeol you couldn't help but let your mind draw back to Luhan. The pain that you was feeling before drifted back. 
stopping in your tracks Chanyeol stopped. Turning around smiling he looked at you. Your face frozen. 
His smile faded and he became concerned. 
"Ah.... Gi Hoon you okay?" Chanyeol asked worriedly. 
"have you ever hated someone so much but just to realise you like them?" You looked at Chanyeol, pleading for an answer. 
Chanyeol sighed, and a sad smile fell on his lips. Walking towards a bench beside you both, he sat down. Following him you stared at him, anticipating the answer. 
"I have..... It was back last year, there was this girl named Hani. I hated her so much but I really had no reason too. We always fought and I would always and embarrass her in front of her friends. But then one day I found her crying, I suddenly felt guilt wash over me so I went to go and ask what was wrong. She looked at me with tears feeling her eyes. She told me everything, I mean I wasn't expecting her too but she did. I mean after hearing everything I felt bad for her. You see her parents were getting a divorce and she had to move away and stay with her dad in New York. At that moment I realised I liked her maybe even loved her. I kept denying it though, I told my self it was just guilt and nothing more. But on the day she was going to leave I found her standing outside my class. I wondered why she was there. All the guys kept ogling over her I brought her to behind the building. 
I looked at her and asked why she was here. She gave me a letter and hugged me. I was too scared to let my feelings take over me so I just froze. She stopped and moved back looking at me with a smile. And said goodbye and walked off. I just watched her walk off. Opening the letter I read everything. She told me thank you and....." Chanyeol stopped speaking. I could tell he felt guilty and sad.

"And.... She loved me. Even though I and practically made her life miserable. She told me she was too afriad to let me know, but she never regretted in loving me. The guilt just came back and I couldn't deny how I felt any longer. I ran off too find her but I didn't get there in time. I screamed her name before she could get in the car, but she didn't her me. So I decided to chase her down, but I couldn't catch her. I lost her, the one thing I loved" 
You sat there feeling sad. How could someone so bright and cheerful felt like this.
Chanyeol looked at you with a lopsided smile.
"But it's okay, I'll move on one day and I'll find someone like her one day. But hey why ask?" Chanyeol turned curious and you were lost for words. 
"Dude if you love just tell her don't deny it because if you do you'll push her away and you will lose her" Chanyeol patted your back for comfort. 
"But what happens if she's not who you think she is? What happens when she doesn't care about you? She kicks you to the curb everytime you decide to care for her?" Chabyeol sighed. 
"Well then it's up to you to believe who she really is" Chanyeol stood up.
"Now let's go and eat these snacks" you stood up and smiled at Chanyeol. 
"Thanks bro" Chanyeol laughed. 
"Anytime man anytime" 
You both ended up falling into another fit of laughter. 

Reaching the dorm you and Chabyeol walked through the hallway reaching the end. Your eyes drifted towards the door of your room. You became conflicted with your emotions. 
"yah Baekhyun! I told you too out your shoes away properly!" Your eyes left the door and you stared at Chanyeol. 
Baekhyun walked from the living room and stared at Chanyeol. 
"Yea yea I'm sorry. Oh Gi Hoon!" You smiled at Baekhyun and followed Chanyeol in. 

"Hey bacon" you laughed. 
"Yah I told you not to Call me that... I don't look like a bacon" Baekhyun pouted. 
"Dude not cute" you laughed. 
"Whatever! Where's the snacks?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol.
"Here" Chanyeol threw the bag at Baekhyun in which he missed and hit him in the stomach. 
"Ouch" Chanyeol laughed and so did you. 
Baekhyun picked up the bag and walked over to the couch. You all sat on the couch stuffing your faces with many snacks. 
"Hey Baekhyun have you ever been in love with someone you hate?" Chanyeol suddenly asked. 
Baekhyun shook his head. 
"Nope I never had to hate someone to love them. Like you I don't hate you but i love you" Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol as he struggled to break free.
"Yah I get it I get it" 
Baekhyun stopped hugging Chanyeol and began to laugh.
"What about you Gi Hoon?" Baekhyun eyed you.
"Yea, what about you?" 
Chanyeol looked at you curiously. 
"Ahhh... Well.... I don't know if I hate her anymore. I get nervous around her now" you mumbled. 
"Seems like you like her a lot"
"But I hate her? At least I think I did" you muttered. 
"Well it's best you either admit you do and confess or forget about it and move on otherwise you will be in an emotional wreck, trust me" Chanyeol sighed. 
"Maybe I will. Maybe I will admit it" you stood up.
"I've got to go" 
You thanked the guys and ran out their room. 

"He is seriously one weird kid" Baekhyun took a bite of his ice cream. 
"His just confused. Love is difficult" Chanyeol smiled.
"Dude your way to cheesy" Baekhyun cringed.
"Because I love you!" Chanyeol hug attacked Baekhyun. 
"Nooooo!!!" He yelled.

Hello everyone!!!!! I'm Back!!! I'm soooooooo sorry i haven't updayed in awhile! I just started my first year in university (or college) and it's been soooo stressful already! but i managed to get this chapter done! I hope you rwally did enjoyed! I promise to try my best to update soon again!! THANK YOU!!!<3 Please subscribe, upvote or comment it will mean alot! thank you! xoxo

oh yes check out my other fic:


It's my first fanfic before this one and i recently just finished! thank you again!!! xoxox<3


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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!