A Dream.

My Room Mate

You were currently laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. They were being serious, when they said 'intense'. Your whole body was aching. Even after founding out you were a girl, they did not play softly. But, nevertheless you felt a whole weight, had been lifted off your shoulders. It felt good to reveal your secret, especially to the people you have grew to like over the time spent here. Rolling over to your side, you smiled. It felt good, to have come clean, even though it was only to them, it felt good to have people knowing. 

At that moment, the door opened. The light from the hallway, soon disappeared as the door was closed once again. 
His here... You felt nervousness raise up with you. You could hear footsteps come closer and closer. Luhan stopped in front of his bed, sighing heavily, he gazed up. His eyes met with yours. You wanted to look away and hide under your blanket, but your body just did not want cooperate with you. 
"Your back" you managed to get out as a mere whisper. Luhan nodded his head. He stared at you for what seemed like an eternity. Luhan suddenly walked off. Your eyes wanted to follow his every movement, but instead you just stared straight ahead. It was like your feelings were driving you crazy, to the point of insanity. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 
I must be crazy, really crazy... 
As you mentally debated in your head, you felt the other side of your bed sink. Turning around, your eyes widened. 
"L-Luhan" you stuttered. You expected him to go to the bathroom or something, not to be sitting beside your, on your bed. 
"I'm tired Gi Hyun" he mumbled, almost inaudible. You furrowed your brows, confused. 
What is he talking about? Of course he should be tired, it's like 10pm.
"What are you talking about Luhan?" You laid there, debating whether or not to sit up or lay so you face can be covered by the dark light. But before your could even come up with a final decision, you felt the bed shift. It was official, Luhan was now laying beside you. Luhan closed his eyes and sighed deeply. You couldn't help but gaze at every inch of his face. His small, yet adorable nose, his perfect skin and his plump lips. Staring at his lips, you felt your cheeks redden, in remembrance of earlier today. You didn't realised, you had kicked your lips, as those images flashed through your mind. Luhan's eyes fluttered open. He watched as you analysed his face. He noticed your eyes stopping at his lips. He couldn't help but notice the way you your lips. 

You hadn't realised you were staring at his lips for a long time, when you saw a small smirk form on his lips. Widening your eyes, your gazed landed on his. Without much notice, Luhan leaned forward and gave you a quick peck on your lips. Shocked, you were at loss for words. You could only lay there silently, watching a smile gradually form on his lips. Luhan enjoyed this state of you. He found it alluring you were shocked. Luhan pulled you closer, as he draped an arm around your waist. Your face now buried into his chest. You feel his heartbeat. 
Even his heartbeat is melodic. 
"Let's just sleep like this tonight" Luhan muttered, as he closed his eyes and snuggle closer towards you. The close proximity, was making you nervous as hell. You wanted to hit him and tell him to go and sleep in his own bed, but the other part of your, that was currently overtaking your whole brain function right now, was telling you to just sleep and embrace the moment. Which in the end you did. 

The morning came by, you could hear the birds chirp happily. It was a beautiful day. 
Your eyes fluttered open, the bright sun, mildly blinding you for a mere second. It was only a quick second before you had remember what happened last night. Sitting straight up, you glanced to your left side to only find it empty. Scrunching your face in confusion, you could have swear Luhan was beside you last night. 
I wasn't dreaming... I swear! You told yourself. Crawling out of your bed, you slowly, yet quietly glanced down towards Luhan's bed, only to find him sleeping peacefully. 
So it was a dream? I was literally dreaming? It was all a dream! Omg what is wrong with me?! I'm going crazy!
Laying on your floor, you just gave up. 
I have officially become an crazy person. 
Not wanting to waste anymore time thinking about how crazy you were, you lazily got of the floor and grabbed your uniform before heading down to the bathroom. Luhan watched as you closed the bathroom door, with a sigh he stared up at the ceiling. His heart was pounding like crazy. You weren't dreaming, Luhan had indeed, slept beside you last night. 

As Luhan entered the room, he sighed. Truthfully, he wanted to be the only person knowing about your secret, you could say it made him feel special. But he guessed, whatever he wanted never worked out to how he planned. Walking towards his bed, he glanced up to find your peacefully sleeping figure. He couldn't help but smile. You looked so beautiful. The way the moonlight outlined your body, as you inhaled and exhaled, made you an angel in his eyes. Luhan made his way up towards your bed. Sitting down, he caressed your long, brown locks. Seeing your face scrunch up, his mood dropped instantly. He wanted to tell you, he wanted to let the whole world know he loved you, but he couldn't, at least not right now. 
"I'm tired Gi Hyun" he whispered. Staring at your facial expression ease, he felt a wave of emotions hit him. He confused himself. He was certain he had fallen in love with you, somewhere along the line. But he was confused as to when, amongst all those teasing, arguments, when did he develop these feelings, he now cherishes? 
Luhan laid down beside, he could hear your soft snores. A smile creeping on his lips. His eyes landed on your plump, red lips. 
A kiss wouldn't hurt, would it? Luhan questioned himself. 
She's going to wake up . Luhan's conscious snickered.
Before he could even agree with his conscious, Luhan leaned forward, his lips landed on yours. Luhan's eyes closed. It felt so right for him and plus, after what happened earlier today, his lips have been craving yours. Luhan pulled away. He watched as you furrowed your eyes brows, but then come at ease. Luhan sighed in relief as he did not get caught. Luhan stared at you for a moment longer before pulling you closer towards him. You snuggled up closer, which only made his heartbeat quicker. A smile of content could be seen on his lips, before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

The memories of last night made Luhan get lost in his own happiness. You finished your well needed shower, now fully dressed and ready to embrace another day of school. 
Don't worry Gi Hyun, the break is coming. After this performance, holidays will start. You can do this! After your quick pep-talk, you exited the bathroom floor only to find Luhan's bed now neatly made and him gone. 
What the heck? Wha- oh it doesn't matter... Shaking the thoughts away, you fixed your wig and cleared your throat. 
"Man up!" You chuckled. Putting on your shoes, you exited the room. Feigning a sigh, your eyes came in contact with a boy smiling at you widely, which creeped you out truthfully. 
"Stop staring. It's creepy" you gave him a disgusted face. 
"Sorry... Noona" he whispered. 
"Yah! Do you want to die?!" You yelled, scaring some kids who walked passed. Giving them an apologetic nod, you glared at the young boy. 
"Just call me 'Hyung' okay?" You calmed yourself down. The boy smiled and nodded his head. 
"Ye, Hyung!" Rolling your eyes, you furrowed your brows. 
"What is it you want anyway?" 
"I just wanted to say good morning. That reminds me, Good Morning Hyung" He put emphasis on the 'Hyung', while chuckling. Controlling your thoughts of strangling the kid right now, you plastered on a smile. 
"Okay okay, let's just get to class" you ushered the boy forward. 
"Okay Hyung" he smiled once again before walking. 
"Hyung can I ask you something?" He mumbled. Staring at the sky, you hummed in response. 
"Well... I-i wanted to... Ah... What do girls prefer as gifts?" 
The young male stuttered. Your eyes landed on him, fighting the urge to laugh, you couldn't help but admit he was so damn cute right now. Placing an arm around his shoulder, you ruffled his hair. 
"Why ask such a question Tao?" You smiled. 
"Well... I-i wanted to buy Noona a gift" he laughed nervously. 
"Me?" You pointed to yourself. Tao nodded his head. 
"Because noona is so pretty" Tao giggle gleefully. 
"Aigoo, don't tell me you've fallen for me already kiddo" you gave his a nudge. 
"No I'm Noona's fan" His smile was bright. 
"Well I like food, so how about just accompany me to lunch later child" you chuckled. Tao jumped out from you hold and saluted like an solider. You came to a sudden halt and smiled. 
"Yes sir!" 
"Good kid. Now scurry off to class, or Mr Go will eat you alive" you shooed him off. Tao nodded with a grin. 
"Okay bye hyung!" He ran off waving. You waved good bye, for a good 10 seconds, before Tao had disappeared around the corner. Chuckling in delight, you continued your walk to class.

Walking in peace, you felt at ease. It's been awhile since you've felt relaxed and it felt nice. 
"Gi Hooooooon!!!" You noticed familiar voice. 
Goodbye peace. You muttered sadly. 
"Gi Hoon! Gi Hoon! Wait I mea-" 
"Just call me the usual" you spoke calmly. 
"Gi Hoon!" The boy yelled. You guessed he was ecstatic about something, by the way he was smiling and his eyes wide. 
"What is it Chen?" 
"Give me a moment" he took a deep breath. Regaining composure, Chen smiled. 
"I heard Sara gave you a gift?!!!" Chen practically screamed.
Great just tell the whole school will you. Sighing, you nodded your head. 
"Armani, you lucking boy..." Chen leaned in closer, too much for your discomfort. 
"... Girl" he sniggered. Placing a smile on, you fought the urge, to whack this boy over the head. 
"Anyway... Are you going to tell her, you don't consume male bodily parts, but the contain the same ones as her? Seriously, you do a good job at hiding them" Chen ogled at your chest. 
That's it! You mentally yelled, before a hand came flying towards his head. 
"Ow" Chen pouted, while rubbing his head. 
"Don't be a ert Chen" you grimaced over the possible turn of personality. 
"I was just wondering" Chen giggled. 
"Let's just get to class" you shook your head and walked off. 
"Yaaaaah~ don't be angryyyy! I was kidding" Chen hugged your arm, like it was his lifeline. 
"I'm not, just stop suffocating my arm" you tried too shake him off, but he did not budge. 
"Not going to happen" he cackled. 
"Oh my gosh" you groaned. 
What have I brought upon myself... 


Hello people! I'm so sorry for not updating last week! i was so busy, but i'm back now! i hope every had a good weekend and had an awesome CNY! i did ahhaha:) OH my gosh! i have to say congratulations to EXO for winning 3Q of album of the year and sehun for webio star and EXO for fan popularity award! I'm so proud of them! And also, congrats to all those who recieved awards at the Gaon! YEHET! ANd Luhan's EXCITED! Oh my gosh i love that boy! he slayed me with that song ahhaha! Okay i'll stop blabbing ahha! xoxo!

oh and I just wanna say thank to everyone for reading this fanfic! i know i don't get to say thank you a lot, but seriously THANK YOU! LOVE YOU!

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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!