This is it.

My Room Mate

"Tell me Gi Hyun" Luhan whispered. 
Gulping, you closed your eyes. He got everything right. He could see right through you. You weren't avoiding him because you were angry. It was because you were scared. You were scared too admit you wanted him too stay beside you and only you. You hated how you wanted it so bad. You hated how he could easily see straight through you. 
"No your wrong" you muttered.You could hear Luhan scoff, with that cunning smile of his. 
"It's not good too lie Gi Hyun" 
Opening your eyes, you stared at him. He confused the hell out of you. 
"I'm not!" You tried to convince him. 
"tsk tsk tsk" Luhan smirked. He leaned in closer. He gently held your chin. 
"Gi Hyun I think you need to be punished for lying too me" Luhan deviating smile formed. 
"W-what?" Was all you could squeak out before Luhan placed his lips on top of yours. Your eyes widened.
What is he doing?! We are at school! Come on Gi Hyun push him away! You mentally yelled, but no reaction came from your body. You sat there like a frozen ice sculpture. Luhan's lips left yours and a smirk was prominently shown. 
He watched as you sat there in daze. 
Feeling satisfied with the state he has caused you to sink into,  Luhan cheered internally. 
"Next time don't lie too me Gi Hyun" Luhan whispered before leaving towards his seat. Luhan sat down behind and grinned. You were still trying to process what had just happened. 
He... What... You blinked in a daze.

"Yooooooooooo!"  A group of boys hollered as they entered the room. 
"Hey" Luhan waved. 
The boys smiled and waved as they made they're way towards their seats. 
Getting comfortable, Chanyeok stared at you, confused. 
"Hey Gi Hoon" Chanyeol gave you a slight poke. Nothing. 
"Gi Hooooon" Chanyeol waved his hands in front of you, which broke you out of dreamland. 
"Oh what up?" You muttered. 
"Are you alright? We came in and you just sat there staring at the blackboard... Did something happen?" Chanyeol bombarded you with questions, which only made you feel more insecure. 
"I-I'm great... I just dazed off that's all" you mumbled. 
"Oh! Ok! Ahahaha hey guess what?!" Chanyeol chimed.
"What?" You casually stated. 
"Yah! Your suppose to guess!" Chanyeol pouted.
"Bro i don't got all day" you sighed, feeling the tension within you build up. 
"Fine fine. So I was talking too this girl, who knows these group of girls... And apparently they are so sad that you aren't taking any of them too the party, but instead your going with... erm... Sara" Chanyeol chuckled. 
"She asked me first... You know what... I got too go..." You hastily stood up on your feet and left the classroom. 
"Yah! Gi Hoon where are you going?!" Chanyeol yelled, but you only ignored. 
Luhan sat there and watched as you walked out. A cunning smile formed on his lips. 
Stage one. Success. 

You cussed unmentionable words as you walked around endlessly. 
"Bloody Luhan and his annoying face" you muttered through clench teeth. 

You know you liked it Gi Hyun. You conscious popped out of nowhere. 
"No! Never!" You yelled. 
Please you did. Look your even touching your lips. 
Just now you had realised, you fingertips tracing your lips. The flashing images of Luhan kissing you were now fresh in your mind. 
"Arghhhhh!" You screamed in frustration. It was funny how your conscious knew more about you, then you did. 

Coming to a halt, you glanced up and realised you were at the garden. Gazing around, you watched as the wind swayed the leaves. Sighing deeply, it brought back nostalgic memories. This was the first time you met Luhan as a girl, but of course he was completely oblivious. It was the day, you both shared your first kiss together and after today, it made you realise how much you liked his kisses. Though it wasn't a pleasant meeting, it made you feel warm inside. For some odd reason, it made you feel flustered. Who knew, that your displeasure for your roommate would turn into something else.  
"Oh Gi Hoon" snapping out of your thoughts, you turned around. 
"Oh Oppa" you mumbled. 
"Yah! Don't call me Hyung here" Jaehyun glanced around in fear of someone overhearing. 
"Calm down 'Hyung' no one ever comes here. Except for me really" you shrugged nonchalantly. Jaehyun rolled his eyes and regained proper composure. Straightening his tie, Jaehyun cracked a smile. 
"I see someone is ditching class..." 
That's right... I walked out of class... You bit your lip. 
"I guess I'd have too take you too the principals office" Jaehyun shook his head. 
"Ahhhh! Hyung!!! Don't!!" You yelled.
Jaehyun couldn't help but chuckle. He found it funny as too how gullible you really were. He wasn't going to report you, instead he was going to buy you lunch. Why? Because he missed you. He missed his obnoxious, annoying, whiny, adorable cousin. And lately he hasn't seen that part of you, he adored so much. 
"I'm kidding, chill" you sighed in relief, before playfully smacking his arm. 
"I was going to kill you" you giggled. 
"Well we would know who was my murderer"  Jaehyun winked. 
"Thank you, thank you very much" you wiggled your brows. 
"Want to grab some food?" Jaehyun offered with his oh so charming smile. 
"Of course!" You did a little dance. 
"Come on kiddo" Jaehyun ruffled your hair, before dragging you along with him. 

Entering the Caferteria, you made a direct b-line for the food. You had just realised lately, you haven't had much of an appetite at all and so did Jaehyun. He was glad, to see you were starting be your normal self. 
"Seriously Hyung! Why do you ever only grab a small amount? It's free, stock up!" You smiled, before bombarding his plate with chicken wings, tteokbokki and basically anything you found mouth watering and was already on you plate. Jaehyun couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. He loved how you were so persistent on food and how food was your number one factor in life. 
"Okay okay that's enough. I swear it's like Mount Everest on my plate" you beamed. 
"You need meat on you body young one" a chuckle left you lips. 

You and Jaehyun made your way over too a quite area of the dining hall. Since some students had free periods, most were either eating, in order to avoid the lunch time rush or they were either studying in the library or kicking it in their rooms. Settling down, you your lips. 
"Thank you for the food!" And with that you filled your mouth full. Jaehyun smiled and did the same. You happily chatted away and laughed as you listened to Jaehyun's stories about some past students. 
"Are you serious? I can't believe he said that!" You giggled with disbelief. 
"Seriously, he came too class in a big clown suit" Jaehyun chuckled. 
"I would have punched him in the face" you  chortled. 
"I think half of the class nearly did" 

The school bell rang signalling the end of class, therefore indicating the start of lunch break or if lucky enough, the end of school for some. Jaehyun stood up with his tray in hand and gave you a gentle smile. 
"Well I think I should probably go and mark some papers. The Juniors kill me" Jaehyun chuckled.
"Lucky I'm a senior!" You hollered, as you followed Jaehyun to the return tray area. Thanking the lady, you both walked out the Cafeteria, while indulging in the daily gossip. 

"I swear Mr Go is sipping some funny juice" you chuckled. 
"His one weird guy, but his passionate about his work" Jaehyun informed. You only nodded your head, as you watched the cement ground pass by, with every step you took. 
"Oh Mr Lee" at that precise moment, your ears perked up at the oh so familiar voice. It made you feel butterflies and embarrassed at the same time. 
"Luhan! How was Mrs Kim's class?" Jaehyun chirped. 
"It was bad" you couldn't help but furrow your brows. 
Bad? What the heck is he talking about 'bad'?
Luhan glanced at you. He watched as your brows knitted together. A smirk appeared on his lips. 
"Oh why?" Drawing his attention back to Jaehyun, Luhan sighed. 
"Because my 'Partner' wasn't present" at that moment, your eyes left the ground and fell onto Luhan. 
What the hell is he talking about?! 
Jaehyun smiled. 
"Sorry I took her for lunch" Jaehyun grinned, apologetically. 
"May I speak with her?" Your eyes widen, as Luhan sent you a smile. A smile that could make anyone his puppy. 
"Of course! I guess that's my queue to leave. Have fun children" Jaehyun began walking off, ignoring your pleas. 
"Follow me" Luhan took hold of your arm and dragged you along with him. You wanted to protest, you wanted to yell at him, but skinship was stopping you from doing so. 

As Luhan brought you along with him, you entered your most favourite place in the entire school. Once again. Coming to a halt, Luhan let go of your arm. You stared at his back, waiting for him to turn around. 
"You haven't answered me truthfully Gi Hyun" you gulped and he turned. Now facing each other, the urge to run and hide was becoming more increasing. 
"T-there's nothing too answer Luhan" you took a step back, but only too be pulled back closer. 
"Don't lie too me again, unless you prefer the punishment?" Luhan smirked cunningly. The close proximity was becoming too much for you to handle. You stood there silently, avoiding his eyes. 
"Answer me Gi Hyun!" Luhan yelled. You could tell he was becoming impatient. 
"Whose Gi Hyun?" At that moment, your heart stopped. You knew this was the beginning of the end. The whole reason you came was going to disappear before you could even achieve it. This was it. The truth will finally be revealed. 

"Luhan Hyung, why did you call Gi Hoon Hyung 'Gi Hyun'?" 


OMG THE TRUTH THE THRUTH! LOL ahhaha okay yes i'm sorry i'm that type of author who likes leaving cliffhangers. #sorrynotsorry. But hey you will all find out what happens next chapter! stay tuned! xoxoox<3 LOVE YOU!

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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!