Training Camp: Part 2.

My Room Mate

Luhan sat down on the bench and sighed. 
"Maybe it won't be bad to be just friends..." He tried to convince himself. He was trying to tell himself every way possible that these feelings were just of friendship and nothing more. But it wasn't. And he had to admit it. Luhan yelled in frustration and tousled his brown locks. 

You and the rest of the guys all scurried out of the dining room.
"Ah~ it's such a nice day" Chanyeol inhaled the fresh summer air. 
"Oh look there's Luhan!" Lay pointed. 
Everyone looked towards Luhan's direction. 
"Come on let's go" the guys began to walk towards him. Some ran and some took their pleasurable time, enjoying the sunlight.
You stood still. Contemplating whether you should go or not.
"Hey aren't you coming Gi Hoon?" Baekhyun stopped walking and looked at you. 
"Oh nah, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll see you guys later" you smiled and quickly dashed off towards your room. 
Baekhyun stood there and scratched his head, confused. 
"Hey Baek hurry up!" He turned to see Chen signalling him to hurry. Baekhyun shrugged off the confusion and smiled, dashing off towards the guys. 

You opened the door and slammed it shut. Leaning against the door you took a deep breath and exhaled. Once you got back your normal breathing pattern, you lazily made your way to your bed and collapsed down. 
You placed your hand over your beating heart. 
You couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier in the day. 
'I'll catch you... I promise' those words constantly repeated through your mind. 
"It's back" you stared at the ceiling lifelessly. 
"I still like him" you muttered. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily. 
"I'm such a mess" you mumbled. 
"Whose such a mess?" You turned tour head and found Jaehyun staring at you like some crazy child. 
"I am" you huffed with no feeling. No sense of emotion. 
Jaehyun furrowed his brows and slowly made his way towards you. He sat down beside you and laid down. 
"What do you mean?" He stared at the ceiling. 
"Oppa you know I like someone who has a girlfriend?" You clucked your tongue. 
"It's not a bad thing..." Jaehyun casually responded.
"How? I mean, I have zero chance of actually being with him" you sighed. 
"Who says that?" Jaehyun glanced over at you. 
"Well me..." You bit your lip.
A small soft, smile curled on Jaehyun's lip. He understood what you were trying to say. He knew you were scared to confess. He has known you your entire life. But this particular moment made him happy. Why you may ask? Because his cousin is finally doing something she never wanted to do and that was too fall in love. You took a glimpse at Jaehyun, since he never responded. You found him smiling softly. You furrowed your brows and looked at him. 
"Why are you smiling?" 
Jaehyun's smile didn't fade away, instead it grew bigger. 
"Because you...." Jaehyun patted your head. 
"My dear cousin..... Is in love" you stared at him wide eyed. 
"Oppa 'love' is a big word... I'm not even sure if I should confess or not...." You sighed and returned back to staring at the ceiling, sadness overcoming you. 
"I'm scared... I don't want to get hurt when I know I will..." You mumbled.
Jaehyun sat back up and you followed.
"No matter what happens, you know I support you. Always have and always will" Jaehyun smiled gently. 
"Thank you Oppa. I swear what would I do without you" you hugged him tightly.
"Well I don't know... Stop being lazy and let's go complete these damn activities" Jaehyun wrapped his arms around and chuckled.
"Oppa your killing me!" You yelled. Jaehyun loosened his arms and let you go.
You inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. 
"Aren't you the one who planned these 'damn' activities" you quoted him.
Jaehyun shook his head. 
"It was all Mrs Kim's doing, I suggested to just let you all relax but when she means training camp... She means it" Jaehyun laughed. 
"I think she has a crush on you" you wiggled your brows. Jaehyun stopped laughing and grinned. 
"Who wouldn't? Your cousin is handsome" Jaehyun showed his pearly whites. 
"Oh your so full of yourself" you scoffed.
Jaehyun chuckled and stood up. 
"Come on piggy! Let's go" he held out a hand to assist you and you gladly accepted his offer. 

Once exiting the room, you both made your way towards the middle. Upon reaching the middle of the camp ground Jaehyun cleared his throat.
"EVERYONE HUDDLE UP!" He yelled loudly. 
"Yah you made me deaf!" You half muttered, half yelled. 
"Sorry" Jaehyun sheepishly smiled. You removed you angry face and smiled. 
One by one, everyone huddled around Jaehyun.
"Okay okay quiet down" the rowdy boys quieted down and drew their full attention on Jaehyun.
"The last activity for today is too complete that course...." Jaehyun pointed towards the dirt patch that consisted of various objects. That were set out in a straight line. 8 sections.
"Easy saem!" HongRi shouted.
"....while holding hands with your partner for the full course" Jaehyun grinned. 
"What? Saem are you serious?!" YunKi yelled.
"I'm very serious. See this is team work and trust!" Jaehyun smiled brightly.
"Okay what are you waiting for? First one to finish get to share beef with me and Mrs Kim tonight!" Jaehyun offered. 
"I want beef! Baekhyun we better win!" Chanyeol went full serious. 
"Well let's do this then!" Baekhyun leaned his neck side to side, as if it was cracking. Everyone made their way to the start of the course. 
You stood next too Luhan at the furthest end. You held out your hand. 
"Hold it" 
Luhan looked at you and scoffed. 
"Yes ma'am, oh I mean sir" he smirked. 
His hands clasped onto yours, sending an electricity shock through you. Your heart fluttered from the simplest touch from him. Luhan felt his heart jolt at the contact. He glanced over at you, to find you looking at the ground. 
Your nervous... So am I... A small smile crept onto his lips.
"Okay guys! Ready..." You looked up and straight ahead. 
I'm going to win that beef! You did a little nod of determination. 
Luhan felt your hand tighten. Your face full of concentration. He bit his lip to hold the chuckle, that was wanting to creep out. 
"Go!" With that everyone sped off to the first obstacle. Which was a hanging tire. Big enough for you to get through. 
"How the heck do we even?" You heard Kris yell.
"Figure a way Mr Wu" Jaehyun chuckled.

You stared at Luhan. 
"We have to go through" you pointed to the tire.
"Okay, you go first, I'll help you through" you nodded your head and stood I front of the tire. Lifting up your left leg, you placed it through first. Getting half of your body through, you groaned. 
"I'm tired!" You whined. 
"Here" Luhan helped your get your other half through. With a sigh of relief you made it through, your hand still intact. Just like that Luhan managed to get through with any problems.
"Show off" you scoffed.
"Thank you" Luhan faked a smile of gratitude. 
Looking around, you found a couple of others struggling to get through the tire and 2 other pairs in front.
"Come on their stuck, we can catch up!" You pulled Luhan along towards the next obstacle. Upon reaching it, you yelled in frustration. 
"Come on! We just did this!" There stood a medium sized wall. 
"I'll go first, just don't let go of my hand" Luhan managed to hop on top the wall and down. 
"Your turn" you placed a leg on top of the wall. You used your energy and Luhan's support, to get your other leg over. Jumping down, you landed firmly on the ground. 
"I'm so damn tired" you heaved a heavy breath. 
"You eat too much" you heard you cousin tease.
"Shut up!" You yelled. Jaehyun chuckled and walked off. 
Sighing you and Luhan made your way to the next obstacle. 
"Are they serious?" Your face fell at the sight. 
It was along box, that contained water and stumps that were big enough to fit one person comfortably, but two people safely. 
"Come on, stop whining were ahead" you looked back and found D.O struggling to get pass the wall and Xiumin trying to assist his small frame. 
Next you found Kris and Lay having troubles getting through the tire. 
"Help me over Chanyeol!" You darted your eyes too Baekhyun, who held out his arms. 
"Come on" Luhan pulled you along. 
Stepping on the first stump, you looked at the water. 
Wow I'm sweating already... You laughed at yourself.
I'm so unfit! 
"When I jump, you have to jump lightly okay? Or we both fall in" you nodded your head. Luhan tightened his grip on your hand and took a small leap to the other stump. He gazed towards you and signalled you to do what he told you. Nodding your head. You took a small leap over. You feet landing on the edge.
I'm going to fall! You yelled. Closing your eyes, you waited to have contact with the water, but instead you felt a hand wrap around your waist and pulled you closer. You could hear Luhan's soft breathing. You could feel his heart racing with adrenaline. Opening your eyes, you glanced at Luhan's doe eyes. 
"I told you... I'll catch you" His voice low and stern. Your eyes drifted to his soft, plump lips. You wanted to kiss them so bad. But reality hit you. You were dressed as a boy. He had a girlfriend. Pushing Luhan away gently, hard enough to create distance, but enough so he would fall in. 
You coughed awkwardly.
"Thanks... Let's go" Luhan nodded his head and continued on. Each jump his hand would tighten to yours. It sent butterflies to your tummy. 
Finally finishing the obstacle. You both reached the last one. 
A sigh placed right in front of it. 
"Dirt crawl. Beware of the barbed wire" you scoffed. 
"I'm going to kill Jaehyun" you glared at your cousin, who was standing around, chuckling at the struggle of the kids. 
"Okay guys! Three teams have made it too the last course and the feast of you are on the stumps! Who will win???" Jaehyun cooed. 
I'm seriously going too kill him. 
"Come on there already starting" Luhan dragged you closer to the mud and barbed wire.
"I feel like we're training for the army or something" you both got on your stomached and began crawling, trying to not loose grip of each other's hand. 
"I know... I thought we were going to practice singing or dancing" Luhan scoffed in displeasure.
After what felt like hours, but in reality minutes, you and Luhan finally made it out of the 'Dirt Crawl'.
"Now I'm covered in mud" Luhan whined. 
" it up princess, we're going to win the beef" you dashed off towards the finishing line, dragging Luhan behind you. Once you passed the line, you immediately released your grip from Luhan and screamed. 
"We won!! We get beef!" You fist pumped the air. 
Jaehyun chuckled. 
"15:33 not a bad time guys. Congratulations" Jaehyun patted your back. 
"I'm going to kill you later" you glared at him, but smiled after. 
"Okay guys we have a winner. Luhan and Gi Hoon, will be receiving the beef" all the boys glanced at you guys. Giving up on finishing the course, they made their way over. 
"So Saem... What do we eat?" GongBu furrowed his brows. 
"You get samgyeopsal" 
"Yea!" The boys high five'd each other.
"Okay okay go and change and meet in front of the dining hall at 6:00. You can go do whatever you guys want for two hours" Everyone scurried off to their respective room, to go and shower. You waved goodbye to your cousin and walked off. Slowly making your way back, you hummed the theme song of 'Big Bang theory'.
"I like that show" Luhan popped out of nowhere. 
"Good for you" you mumbled. Silence drifted around the both of you, as you guys silently made your way back. You enjoyed the scenery, as you walked passed. You didn't realise Luhan had stopped. Feeling empty, you stopped in your place and turned around. 
"What?" You sounded emotionless. 
Luhan walked closer too you. He stopped with a meter gap.
"If your going to say something say it" you muttered. 
"Let's be friends" Luhan stated his tone serious and stern. 
"What?" You looked at him wide eyed. 
"Let's be friends" he repeated. 
"I heard that. Why now?"
Luhan raked through his brain for an answer that sounded convincing to you and himself. 
"Because we're room mates... And I'm sick of fighting" 
"You don't think I am too? Your the one whose always having mood swings. I've offered to be your friend, but you left me hanging..." You glared at him, feeling conflicted and anger rising within you.
Luhan took a step forward. 
"And now I'm offering. I'm sick of fighting with you. And I'm sick of the silent treatments. We're room mates and room mates are suppose to be close" Luhan gazed at you. 
You couldn't help but scoff.
"Yes we are room mates, but that doesn't mean we have too be close. We're too different to be friends. Let's say we do become friends. Sooner or later we are just going to end up hating each other. I can tolerate being an acquaintance but not a friend..." 
Because my heart wants more then that. This way I can keep the feelings away. You mumbled to yourself. 
Luhan came closer. Not breaking his gaze on you. 
"What because I'm a boy and your a girl? What difference does it make? Guys and girls can be friends. We're not different. We're the same" Luhan muttered. 
"That's the point. Girls and guys can't be friends. Because sooner or later someone is going to fall hard and the other one is going to run away. What friend is left? None. Because the one who has feelings is left alone and hurt" you managed to get that all out in one breath. Luhan gaze became intense. Your breathing hitched up. 
"But we won't" Luhan mumbled. His voice low and rasp. You sighed. 
"Don't you get it Luhan? I've already have those feelings! And you've already left me. You have a girlfriend. I thought maybe on that day. We'd be something more then room mates and you'd see me as a girl. But it was too late because you fell in love again..." You could feel a tear run down your face. 
"We can't be friends because i want something more and you don't" you bit your lip, fighting the urge to let out a sob. You stared into those doe, brown eyes, trying to find something in him, that suggested he wanted the same. But nothing. It was hopeless.
"Gi Hy-" 
"Luhan!" Kris threw his arm around him. 
"Woah... Are you guys in some sort of fight or something? The atmosphere seems tense..." Suho looked back and forth between the two of you. Kris removed his arm and stepped back, standing besides Suho.
"Maybe we should go..." You heard Kris whisper to Suho.
"No. You guys stay. I'm going to go" you removed your gaze from Luhan and smiled at the boys. 
"I'll see you guys later" turning around you walked off, without looking back. 
"Bye Gi Hoon!" Suho waved. 
"You know sometimes his really scary..." Kris squinted his eyes on your retreating figure. 
"Oh well. Hey Luhan let's go and play some ping pong. Lay needs a partner" Suho grinned. 
"You guys go ahead. I'm not feeling well" with that said Luhan walked off. Leaving the pair confused.
"They totally fought" Kris stated. 
"Come on let's go" Suho turned around and walked off. Kris smiled and ran off towards him. 

Slamming the door shut, you walked to the bathroom. You stared into the mirror. You can move on now Gi Hyun... It's time. You told yourself. You let a bitter smile curl on your lips, before stripping everything off and heading into the shower. The warm water, hitting your skin, washing away the dried mud. You sobbed hard. You leaned against the wall. Replaying everything that had just happened. 

Once you were done, you got changed and headed over to the bed and laid down. 
"I confessed. It's out there..." You stared off, until everything seemed like it was space. 
"I did it..." You mumbled.
"I can move on now..." You closed your eyes. 
It's time to move on Gi Hyun. It's time to focus on what you came here for. It's time to be who you want to be. With that thought, you drifted off too sleep.


hello munchkins! Firstly, let me say how sorry i am for not being able to update for awhile. I was really sick and i had a pile of assignments to do, but that's all settled for now ahaha! But i wanted to update to make sure you all know i'm alive and well. I hope you enjoyed the update! Let me tell you guys something..... I am a er for drama, maybe that's why my family thinks i'm a drama queen ahhaha! okay i'll leave now! Bye! Thank you! xoxox.

Subscribe if you want to know when i update! LOve you!<3

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margiegarcia #1
Chapter 49: This was a really cute one and the characters are great as well.
Chapter 49: owhh I'm soo gonna miss this T.T thank u for this ammazing fanfic! i'm anticipating more in the future
story_lover #3
Chapter 47: *dramatic gasp*
*throws arms around dramatically*
*faints dramatically*
*hits the floor dramatically*
Ljoestruck #4
When are you updating
Chapter 46: oH MAN THIS IZ GIOOOOOOOODDDD PLZ UPDATE. (I'll give u $5 to update)
Chapter 46: Pleeeeasssseee update Author nim
bamma_watsons #7
Chapter 46: chapter 46: waaaaaaaaah can't wait for the update
Chapter 46: can't wait for their showcase . is she really gonna go after the showcase ? i hope she do . update soon
story_lover #9
Chapter 45: My poor heart *crying*
Chapter 45: Ieidjdjjsakkqkkfhg ahzhhf by fj just comfesss allreaddyyy deeer!