
Loneliness.. will it be forever?


"Hey you this little pitiful, useless, ugly brat. Stop crapping and wasting MY time!"




"What? How dare you call her a useless and ugly brat!!! I've tolerated enough of your stupid nonsense! YOU THIS NONSENSICAL STUPID PABO WOMEN!!!" Mi Na's volcano erupted.


No one stopped her.


No one did anything.


All they did was to watch her charge towards Jin Hyun.


Pulling her hair, cat-fighting her.


Jin Hyun grabbed Mi Na's hair and pulled.


Mi Na screamed in pain and scratched Jin Hyun's right arm in defense.


"What, you!!" Jin Hyun looked at the wound and charged towards Mi Na again.


Thankfully, Di Young woke up from her shock and ran towards them, trying to pull them apart, "Don't fight anymore... Don't fight anymore!"


She tugged at Mi Na and pulled her to face her.


"Listen Mi Na, i know that you're angry and what so ever. I know that you're trying to take revenge for me... I know... But look, won't it get you into trouble if you continue??"


Seun Hee and Eun Ra nodded madly.


"Even so... look at the poor queenka you have messed up.. she looks messed up enough, so please, stop."






Mi Na pulled away her arm from Di Young.


For a moment, Di Young thought that she was going to continue fighting Jin Hyun but she didn't.


Instead, she stood there, breathing deeply, glaring at Jin Hyun.


On the other hand, Mi Ra and Da Eun was helping Jin Hyun fix her appearance.


"You look terrible..." Da Eun commented, her face a little twisted.


"If you don't want to help me fix my hairstyle, SHUT AND SCRAM!!" Jin Hyun shrieked at her.


Da Eun cringed and held her head low, silently fixing Jin Hyun's hairstyle.


Sung Lyn was standing at the back, not making a single noise.











"Woah, that was... fierce." Sungjong mumbled to himself, rubbing his arms.


"Indeed it was, I never knew you as a fighter. No, cat-fighter." Woo Hyun playfully punched Mi Na.


Mi Na threw Woo Hyun a you-dare-to-provoke-me-any-further-i-will-kill-you look.


Woo Hyun scrambled over to Sunggyu's side saying, "Hyung, protect me."


Sunggyu gave him the question mark look.


Woo Hyun pointed over to Mi Na.


Hoya simply laughed off the sight.


Dongwoo was walking beside Sungyeol, both of them were discussing on how the show would have been more interesting if Mi Na had slapped Jin Hyun or something.


Eun Ra and Seun Hee gave them a have-you-hit-your-brain look, glancing at them up and down.





"They should have went heyaaa! piak! oofff!" Sungyeol demostrated.


"Nono! AHHH! YOU PABO! AHHHHH!" DongWoo corrected.


The girls practically gave them the '-.-' look, but they just laughed it off.


L walked silently by Di Young's side.


He understood that probably, many things were running through her mind.


Leaving, friends, competition etc.


He understood her feelings, the sad ones, the confused ones, the lost ones ...


What can he do to help? He will always wonder to himself.





Without any solution in mind, L can only walk by her side not being able to say anything.


It was as if the words he wanted to say to comfort her, was stuck to his throat.


All of them walked the main gate.


Wanting to call it a day, end the drama and just go home and rest.


Will things be that easy for them? You're right. No.


When Infinite went their way, the girls split up.


Seun Hee and Eun Ra went over to a mall for their dinner while Mi Na and Di Young slowly made their way home.


"Yah, still angry?" Di Young poked Mi Na.


After a long silence, she replied. "Yes. But still, i'll continue tolerating that..that.. urgh."


She rolled her eyes, obviously stating that she do want to mention her name.





"Yeahyeah, i know i know.." Di Young nodded understandingly.


Mi Na folded her arms.


"Come on~ Don't be like this! You're with me! cherish my company before i'm gone!" Di Young forced a laughter.


"Cherish your company before you're gone? What's that supposed to mean?" Mi Na narrowed her eyes at her.




"Come on! TELL ME!" Mi Na tickled Di Young.


Di Young ran fast, escaping from Mi Na.


After a short distance, she turned around.


Eh? Mi Na wasn't behind her anymore.





Slowly, Di Young walked back the path.


As she passed by an alley, she stopped and froze there.


Something is wrong.


She turned and saw her bestfriend lying there unconscious.


Her belongings spilled out on the floor.


She ran towards her and shook her hardly.


"Mi Na?? MI NA!! WAKE UP!! What happened??!! MI NA!!"


Di Young was panicking.





She punched in the number of Sunggyu.


Almost immediately, he answered.


"Oppa!!..... Mi Na.. Mi Na..." She broke into sobs.


"Ne? Di Young ah, calm down. What happened to Mi Na?" Sunggyu's soothing voice came from the opposite line.


"Mi Na is is... unconscious.. we're at the alley near the salon.. please come and he-" The line was being cut off.









"Hello?? HELLO!? DI YOUNG!???" Sunggyu shouted in to the phone.


But there was no response.


"Hyung? What happened to Di Young??" Sungjong asked, worried.


"I... I... don't know! She only said that they're at the alley near the salon and Mi Na is unconscious and..... half way through the line was being cut off!!" Thousand of possibilities flooded Sunggyu's mind.


What could have happened?


"HYUNG! U-TURN! TO THE ALLEY NEAR THE SALON!!" Woo Hyun shouted to their manager hyung.


"Pali !!" Dong Woo got fidgety too.


What really did happen...?







I know I'm updating REAL SLOWLY.

Im'ma slow pokeee! please understand D: 

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Purplish95 #1
iwaJBinlove, Haha! Emo? Not her style XDD without her credit cards, she have already 'died'. XD thankyou for reading :)
read ur fanfic... urgh,, i really want the punishments would be more for jin,, urgh..hate her,.. i wish her appa will send her to the africa or wherelse so that she suffer,.haha..emo.. kekeke.. btw nice it... :)
Shobee #3
Hahaha. yeah! :3
Purplish95 #4
My6TeenzOnTop #5
Update soon!
Purplish95 #6
CutePurplePanda03, HAH. IF they ever die, i think you'll be one of the first to burst of happiness XD <br />
raratakishima, I guess you're feeling this way as you are putting yourself into Di Young's shoe! Reading as though you are in her plight etc~ She'll share, but not now :P maybe some time later XD Its a secret! Hah, Infinite's always amazing :DDDDD XD Thankyou! Fighting! :D
raratakishima #7
aish i hate how those ji hyun and her mini me's treat di young like that!<br />
pft~ pathetic ! aish,<br />
anyways DI YOUUUNG-ah u should have been more open minded to them<br />
they are ur friends~ they can help u cope with it, we dun know maybe<br />
they can help u so that u cant be bullied again and teach u things how to be mean instead! * LOL, scratch that*<br />
kekekekekek, i know for a fact that it is really hard srsly~ buuut it might turn things lil bit annoying!<br />
im anoyed to di young! tsk tsk yaaaaa just frigging share ur problem~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhu but<br />
me dun want to see their faces after hearing her problem too. * now thats the prob. *<br />
aigoo, the infinite oppar's they are all great, i mean no not great but AMAZING~ AMAZING~ lalalalalalala kekekek<br />
those es! tsk on! * BRB * be ready ~<br />
<br />
anyway new reader here! :) keep writing i love the way ur fic runs. :) <br />
Shobee #8
Haha. yes! the es will die!!
Purplish95 #9
Thank you! :))
More plz! D:<br />
I just started reading, caught up, and i like it! :D