Chapter 30. Shivers.

Loneliness.. will it be forever?


- 25days left.-



It was a weekend, Di Young was home with her parents.


She was busy reading her book.




She did not hear it.


-knockknock- it became louder.


Di Young rose her head and turned to the door.


*Who is it? It's still early.. 7am in the morning..*





Slowly, she made her way to the door.


She turned the knob and pulled open the door.


A gust of cold wind blew on to her face again - just like in the library.


She shivered and rubbed her arms.


She peered out from her room, no one was there.


" O..Oppa? U..Umma? " She called, her voice was shaky.





No one answered her.


Di Young walked out from her room and went to her parent's room.


She knocked on it, the door was locked.


*Since when did my parents lock their door when they are sleeping??* She thought while looking around frantically.


" UMMA!!! APPA!!! " She shouted while banging on to their door.


There was no answer still.





She heard a shifting sound coming from the kitchen.


Di Young stopped banging and walked towards it.


She dared not make a single sound.


Peeping in, she saw a dark figure in the kitchen.


It was facing the window.


Di Young's eyes widened, her knees felt wobbly as though she was going to collapse anytime.


She wanted to run back to her room, but her feet was rooted to the ground.





All she can do, was to allow her eyes to be glued to the dark figure.


Out of a sudden, it turned to her.


Its eyes burning, as though it was a message to her, that something bad is going to happen.


Then, it just disappeared into thin air.


The moment it disappeared, her legs gave in and she dropped down on to the floor - eyes still widened, body still trembling from fear.





About 5 minutes later, her Appa came out from the room.


" Di Young? Why are you sitting there? " He asked as he walked into the kitchen for a glass of water.


" Y..Your d..door l..lo..locked... "


" Locked? Never. Never dear. " Her Umma replied her as she went to prepare some breakfast for them.


" I..I..Impossible... "







Sunggyu, Sungyeol and Woo Hyun was up.


Sungjong was still hugging his teddy bear while Hoya was listening to his music.


Dong Woo was sitting upright on his bed, but refused to come out from it, claiming that his mind was still sleeping.


While L was still in his dreamland.


8AM in the morning, what can they do?





" Rehearsal later on guys! wake up! " Sunggyu shouted from the living room.


Woo Hyun and Sungyeol looked at each other and they both got the message.


Dashing into the room, they pulled Sungjong's teddy away, stop Hoya's music, pulled Dong Woo out from his bed and woke L from his dreamland.


At last, all of them gathered at the living room after washing up their sleepy faces.


" Alright! today, we'll be rehearsing on Be Mine, BTD and Paradise! "





" YAY ! PARADISEEEEEE! " Sungjong, Woo Hyun and L clapped.


" BE MINE !! " Sungyeol and Sunggyu yelled.


" BTDDDDDD! " Dong Woo and Hoya shouted.


They stopped, looked at each other and laughed.


Then, they went for their rehearsal.


BTD, Be mine and lastly Paradise.










" Di Young! Be good at home alright? We'll be going to work now! " Her umma shouted from the main door.


" NE! ANNYEONGHIGASEYO UMMA APPA! " She shouted back from her room.


She was alone again.


" AISHHHHH ! I'm so so so so so bored ! " Di Young closed her book and went out from the house wearing a baby pink long tee and shorts matching it with slippers, long necklance and bangles.





Di Young was walking along a long road, no cars, no people.


Although the sun rays is shining down on her, Di Young still felt the shivers from the incident which happened earlier on.


*What bad thing could happen?* She thought, not knowing that a speeding car was approaching her way.


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Purplish95 #1
iwaJBinlove, Haha! Emo? Not her style XDD without her credit cards, she have already 'died'. XD thankyou for reading :)
read ur fanfic... urgh,, i really want the punishments would be more for jin,, urgh..hate her,.. i wish her appa will send her to the africa or wherelse so that she suffer,.haha..emo.. kekeke.. btw nice it... :)
Shobee #3
Hahaha. yeah! :3
Purplish95 #4
My6TeenzOnTop #5
Update soon!
Purplish95 #6
CutePurplePanda03, HAH. IF they ever die, i think you'll be one of the first to burst of happiness XD <br />
raratakishima, I guess you're feeling this way as you are putting yourself into Di Young's shoe! Reading as though you are in her plight etc~ She'll share, but not now :P maybe some time later XD Its a secret! Hah, Infinite's always amazing :DDDDD XD Thankyou! Fighting! :D
raratakishima #7
aish i hate how those ji hyun and her mini me's treat di young like that!<br />
pft~ pathetic ! aish,<br />
anyways DI YOUUUNG-ah u should have been more open minded to them<br />
they are ur friends~ they can help u cope with it, we dun know maybe<br />
they can help u so that u cant be bullied again and teach u things how to be mean instead! * LOL, scratch that*<br />
kekekekekek, i know for a fact that it is really hard srsly~ buuut it might turn things lil bit annoying!<br />
im anoyed to di young! tsk tsk yaaaaa just frigging share ur problem~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhu but<br />
me dun want to see their faces after hearing her problem too. * now thats the prob. *<br />
aigoo, the infinite oppar's they are all great, i mean no not great but AMAZING~ AMAZING~ lalalalalalala kekekek<br />
those es! tsk on! * BRB * be ready ~<br />
<br />
anyway new reader here! :) keep writing i love the way ur fic runs. :) <br />
Shobee #8
Haha. yes! the es will die!!
Purplish95 #9
Thank you! :))
More plz! D:<br />
I just started reading, caught up, and i like it! :D