Chapter 17. This can't be true.

Loneliness.. will it be forever?


" Appa? Omma? " 



" Di Young, we need to speak to you. " Her appa said to her calmly.


*(Something is wrong..)*


" " Di Young followed her parents to the living room.


Di Young has not spoken to her parents since the incident that happened the other time.


Yes, weeks you can say.


Whenever her parents wanted to speak to her, she will either say that she's busy or she'll not be at home.




They sat down on the sofa, facing each other.


" Di Young. " they started.


" Ne...? " She answered, not looking up, knowing that something bad will happen.


" We've have come to a decision that... "


" Hmm..? " she said softly, tears started to fill her eyes.


" you tell her. " she heard her omma whisper.


" you will still be transferring out of the school. "




-WHAM- reality hit her hard.


" " she asked, tears dropping down endlessly.


" Ne. You will be transferred to a private school from there. the tutor will take over from where you have stopped learning. "


" But... "


" Don't say anything dear, we have already made up our mind. " her omma said to her.




Her omma walked over to her side, and her hair.


" Don't cry, we'll see then. if you don't receive anymore bullying's, your appa might change his mind. hush.. hush.. " her omma's


words seemed to encourage her to cry more.


*(it's impossible that i don't receive anymore bullying' there is a high chance that i will get transferred out of school..)* she


thought while burying her face in her palms.




Her parents knew that she needed time alone, therefore, her appa motioned her omma to go back to their room.


" Andwae.... this can't be true.... things shouldn't have turned out this way! " Di Young said while crying.


" M..Mi Na... S..Seun Hee.. Eun Ra... I.. I... will miss you all.. " she sobbed.


In the end, she fell asleep on the sofa.


however, she woke up an hour later, which is just 7AM.


*(I should get ready for school now..)*




Her school starts at 9AM today.


She was too crestfallen to even notice the time.


7.30AM, she left the house.


She walked like a zombie, in fact, more lifeless than a zombie.


Her eyes were red and swollen, her face drained of colour, along with her sunken spirits.




-BAM- she knocked till someone.


" YAH! Open up your eyes when walking!! " the person scolded.


Di Young did not even flinch when the person scolded, instead she just continued walking her way, as if nothing had happened.


" URGH! what an unlucky day! you're lucky that i'm in a rush! " the person brushed his shoulders and hurried away.




She reached school after 20mins of walking, 10mins later than her usual timing.


Time check: 7.50AM.


Di Young was walking aimlessly around the school ground.


Weird looks stared at her, she did not realise it.







Time check: 8.45AM.


She was still walking, how many rounds have she walked?


She didn't know, nor cared.


All she had in mind was her parents' words.


" DI YOUNG!! PARK DI YOUNG!!! " Seun Hee shouted for the third time.


Finally, Di Young heard her shoutings.




She sighed, and turned to face Seun Hee.


" Ne? "


" Didn't you hear me call you? i called you for like a gazillion times! "


" Mianhae. I really didn't hear you. because of this. " Di Young held out her earpiece.


" Aigoo. Alright! You're forgiven. Keke. " She linked arms with Di Young and started walking towards Mi Na and Eun Ra.


However, she did not realize how sad Di Young was.




As the 3 of them chatted happily about how they are going to spend their weekends,


Di Young was silently walking with them, losing herself in her own thoughts.


Suddenly, a group of people stopped in front of them.


Di Young did not notice still, " Yah, Di Young! " Seun Hee jabbed her in the arm.


She looked up and saw Jin Hyun, Da Eun and Mi Ra.




" Long time no see huh little brat. " Jin Hyun said sarcastically.


" Yah! Keep your awful mouth to YOURSELF. " Mi Na emphasized.


" You should be the one keeping quiet! " Mi Ra defended Jin Hyun.


" do you all want? " Di Young asked weakly.


" Nothing much actually. Just dropping by to say H.E.L.L.O. " Da Eun said.


" Oh. Hi. " Di Young replied coldly and then, started walking away.




" Where do you think you're going! " Jin Hyun stopped her.


Di Young did not reply.


She was lacking of energy, and strength.


*(No.. i cannot give up like this. Stay strong...)* she motivated herself.


" T..then..w..what you.... " before Di Young could continue her sentence, she fainted.


Before darkness surrounded her, she heard voices, and saw someone running towards her.






Who was the one who ran up to her? 

What will happen next?




Thank you so muchhhh :B

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Purplish95 #1
iwaJBinlove, Haha! Emo? Not her style XDD without her credit cards, she have already 'died'. XD thankyou for reading :)
read ur fanfic... urgh,, i really want the punishments would be more for jin,, urgh..hate her,.. i wish her appa will send her to the africa or wherelse so that she suffer,.haha..emo.. kekeke.. btw nice it... :)
Shobee #3
Hahaha. yeah! :3
Purplish95 #4
My6TeenzOnTop #5
Update soon!
Purplish95 #6
CutePurplePanda03, HAH. IF they ever die, i think you'll be one of the first to burst of happiness XD <br />
raratakishima, I guess you're feeling this way as you are putting yourself into Di Young's shoe! Reading as though you are in her plight etc~ She'll share, but not now :P maybe some time later XD Its a secret! Hah, Infinite's always amazing :DDDDD XD Thankyou! Fighting! :D
raratakishima #7
aish i hate how those ji hyun and her mini me's treat di young like that!<br />
pft~ pathetic ! aish,<br />
anyways DI YOUUUNG-ah u should have been more open minded to them<br />
they are ur friends~ they can help u cope with it, we dun know maybe<br />
they can help u so that u cant be bullied again and teach u things how to be mean instead! * LOL, scratch that*<br />
kekekekekek, i know for a fact that it is really hard srsly~ buuut it might turn things lil bit annoying!<br />
im anoyed to di young! tsk tsk yaaaaa just frigging share ur problem~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhu but<br />
me dun want to see their faces after hearing her problem too. * now thats the prob. *<br />
aigoo, the infinite oppar's they are all great, i mean no not great but AMAZING~ AMAZING~ lalalalalalala kekekek<br />
those es! tsk on! * BRB * be ready ~<br />
<br />
anyway new reader here! :) keep writing i love the way ur fic runs. :) <br />
Shobee #8
Haha. yes! the es will die!!
Purplish95 #9
Thank you! :))
More plz! D:<br />
I just started reading, caught up, and i like it! :D