Chapter 36. You.... are with her?!

Loneliness.. will it be forever?


L led Di Young back to the classroom, hand in hand.


Though stares arose from the crowd, L ignored them and continue walking.


Some girls hissed past Di Young making her cringe.


L tightened his grip, giving her courage to walk on.


He turned back to make sure she was okay, Di Young gave a small smile to assure him.


When they reached the back door of Di Young's class, most of the students has already went back into their classroom apart from some who were loitering at the staircase.





L pulled Di Young into a hug.


Almost immediately, Di Young's face flushed.


She then allowed herself to be immersed into the sweet-smelling cologne of L.


"EHEM." Someone cleared .


Hurriedly, they went back to their position, standing upright.


Di Young saw that it was Mi Na.


"If you don't mind, will you please excuse us?" Mi Na started for Di Young's hand.


"Yeah, sure." L smiled.


The moment L went out of sight, Mi Na practically screamed the words at Di Young.




"Me....? N..Nothing!"


"Then what is THAT hug about!?"


"Why....? Are you jealous?" Di Young teased.


"Yah! How could i be!!" Mi Na rolled her eyes and ran back into the classroom.




Di Young giggled for a moment and went back in to the classroom.













"I.... want to go look for Di Young." Sungyeol said.


"WHAT!?" The rest of the members shouted back.


Before Sungyeol could say anything, they shot him with questions.


"So! You've forgiven her already?!"


"So! You're willing to talk to her??"


"So! You've decided to be friends again!?"


"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Enough of questions, YES. YES. YES." Sungyeol shook his head.


"Hurrayyyyyyy!" Sungjong jumped in joy.





The 7 of them headed towards Di Young, Mi Na, Seun Hee and Eun Ra's classroom.


When they reached, the lesson for their class have not ended yet, hence, they waited outside.


Fans squealed and waved at them.


They waved back and gave their killer smile.





Then, Di Young and Co. walked out from their classroom, immediately, they changed to:




"HELLOHELLO!" They waved crazily.


The 4 of them walked over calmly, "Annyeong~"


"Gogogo!" The members whispered around Sungyeol.


"What, What!" He tried to pretend.


"Hurry!" They pushed him from the back.


"Araso araso!" He reluctantly walked towards Di Young.


"Uh... Hello."





Di Young smiled and greeted back.


Unknowingly, Di Young's eyes wandered to Woo Hyun and L as if asking them if they're alright or not.


They nodded.


Then, a thought flashed through Di Young's mind.


I love you.


Where did she hear that? It sounds all too familiar..


Woo Hyun? L?


Before she can think further, a sharp laughter interrupted her thoughts.




She turned.....













Oh, that girl again. Jin Hyun.


She then turned her attention towards the girls beside her.


Mi Ra and Da Eun. and.... Sung Lyn??!


"S..s...sung L..Lyn??"


Infinite, Mi Na, Eun Ra and Seun Hee watch as Di Young's face turned into complete confusion, then, slow realization and lastly, she frowned.


"What.... are you," Di Young pointed at Sung Lyn, "doing with her?" then at Jin Hyun.


All of them turned their attention to Sung Lyn.


Pressure pushed their way towards Sung Lyn, be it from the eyes of Di Young's clique, or from Jin Hyun's group - threatening her to see which side will she take side on.





"I... know her." she said at last.


Her voice was low and guilty.


*Am i wrong to say that?* She thought.


"How?" Di Young sounded hoarse.


All them could hear the hurt in her voice.


"No...." Sung Lyn whispered.


"What..? Are you denying now??" Di Young rose her voice.


"N-" Before Sung Lyn can say anything, Jin Hyun cut in.


"Hey you this little pitiful, useless, ugly brat. Stop crapping and wasting MY time!"





What will happen next ? chaos.

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Purplish95 #1
iwaJBinlove, Haha! Emo? Not her style XDD without her credit cards, she have already 'died'. XD thankyou for reading :)
read ur fanfic... urgh,, i really want the punishments would be more for jin,, urgh..hate her,.. i wish her appa will send her to the africa or wherelse so that she suffer,.haha..emo.. kekeke.. btw nice it... :)
Shobee #3
Hahaha. yeah! :3
Purplish95 #4
My6TeenzOnTop #5
Update soon!
Purplish95 #6
CutePurplePanda03, HAH. IF they ever die, i think you'll be one of the first to burst of happiness XD <br />
raratakishima, I guess you're feeling this way as you are putting yourself into Di Young's shoe! Reading as though you are in her plight etc~ She'll share, but not now :P maybe some time later XD Its a secret! Hah, Infinite's always amazing :DDDDD XD Thankyou! Fighting! :D
raratakishima #7
aish i hate how those ji hyun and her mini me's treat di young like that!<br />
pft~ pathetic ! aish,<br />
anyways DI YOUUUNG-ah u should have been more open minded to them<br />
they are ur friends~ they can help u cope with it, we dun know maybe<br />
they can help u so that u cant be bullied again and teach u things how to be mean instead! * LOL, scratch that*<br />
kekekekekek, i know for a fact that it is really hard srsly~ buuut it might turn things lil bit annoying!<br />
im anoyed to di young! tsk tsk yaaaaa just frigging share ur problem~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhu but<br />
me dun want to see their faces after hearing her problem too. * now thats the prob. *<br />
aigoo, the infinite oppar's they are all great, i mean no not great but AMAZING~ AMAZING~ lalalalalalala kekekek<br />
those es! tsk on! * BRB * be ready ~<br />
<br />
anyway new reader here! :) keep writing i love the way ur fic runs. :) <br />
Shobee #8
Haha. yes! the es will die!!
Purplish95 #9
Thank you! :))
More plz! D:<br />
I just started reading, caught up, and i like it! :D