Chapter 29. Cold.

Loneliness.. will it be forever?


Di Young was still thinking hard.


Should she talk to Infinite? or should she not?


She was in a dilemma.


Her heart was trying to persuade her to talk, while her mind constantly remind her of the words she promised herself.


i'll drift away from them.. make them forget me.. at least it won't hurt so much when i leave. these words haunted her mind.


She shook her head hard to clear the thought which was making her feel more and more sick by the minute.





In a minute or less, she will reach their classroom.


Will Infinite be there? Or are they in their classes already?


Di Young dragged her feet into the classroom.


No voices, only the sound of classmates talking.


" Phew.. " She heaved a sigh of relief, no need to talk to them..... for now.


She walked slowly to her seat and put down her bag onto the ground, ready to enter her dreamland.





" DI YOUNGGGG!! " A familiar voice called out to her.


Not only one, but more than that.


*Ohno... it can't be them* Di Young's eyes widened and she pretended not to hear.


They called out again.


After this time, whispers started again.


" What an irritating girl, attention seeker. " " What did she do to our poor Infinite Oppa's? Now, they are clinging to her so much! " " Urgh! Shut. I'm going to be sick. " 





Di Young did not turn.


Dong Woo poked her arm, Sunggyu shook her while L tapped her head.


" wakey princess~ " Hoya called to her.


After hesitating for a long time, Di Young finally rose her head and looked at the members.


" Uh.... Hi. " She gave a small wave and stood up.


She wanted to walk away, but Sungjong blocked her way.





" Di Young ~ where are you going? "


Di Young did not reply, just walked away.


*What's wrong with her?* Woo Hyun watched as she walked out from the classroom.


" This can't be happening! First, performance problem, now Di Young's problem! what have we done wrong?! " Sungyeol yelled.


He then stomped out from the classroom.


Hoya and Woo Hyun ran after him, leaving Sunggyu, Dong Woo, L, Sungjong behind.








Di Young was inside the library, the only place in the entire school which was peaceful to her.


No noise.


No shouting.


No nothing.


Just plain silence.


*Are they mad at me for ignoring and treating them so coldly?* She gave a sigh.


Some one tapped her from behind.


She turned.





A cold breeze blew towards her.


She felt the shivers.


*Who's there?* She wondered.


She could feel her hair standing.


Di Young stood up and walked over to the shelves, in case some one is hiding there.





first shelf.





no one.





second shelf.





no one.





third shelf.





" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! " a person jumped out from the shelves.


Di Young was so shocked that she backed away and tripped over, causing her to lose balance and fall on to the ground.


Guessed who it was?




It was Mi Na.







Mi Na was on her way back to class when she saw Di Young walking out from the classroom.


Without letting Di Young know, she secretly followed her.


When they reached the library, Di Young was so deep in her thoughts that she did not realise that Mi Na was right behind her.


Di Young just sighed.


*I know what!* Mi Na smiled.




Mi Na ran into a random shelf, as far as she can get.





She peeped through the hole from the bookshelf.


She saw Di Young standing up and walking towards the shelf.








4 - her shelf - " BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! " She jumped out.



-End of flashback-




Mi Na helped her up.


" Yah! did i scare you so much? "


" Ne, you did. "


" Mianhae~ "


Both of them grabbed a seat at the nearest table.


Di Young was staring blankly at the rows of books.


Her mind filled with a thousand and one questions.





*Will Infinite drift away from me?*


*Will they feel distant towards me?*


*Will they hate me for doing so?*




 The thoughts went on.





*What should i do..?*  A tear slid down from the corner of her eyes.


Mi Na saw it, but she kept silent, waiting for Di Young to pour everything out to her.


Surprisingly, she didn't.


Di Young just sat there, with streaks of tears flowing down her cheeks.


She tried blinking away the tears, but it just won't stop.


*Just.... what's in your mind?*  Mi Na looked at her worriedly, tears almost filling her eyes.







" SUNGYEOL! SLOW DOWN! " Woo Hyun shouted from behind.


Sungyeol ran even faster, Woo Hyun's voice became softer and softer as if he was a few miles away.


Finally, Sungyeol stopped running.


He turned to look, no one was behind him anymore.


Exhausted and breathless, he leaned back on to the wall.


*I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!* His mind yelled as he threw a punch at the wall.


*Live performance... live performance... LIVE PERFORMANCE!!!! URGH!!!* He punched another time, the impact was slightly harder than the previous one, causing his knuckles to bleed a little.





He was about to punch the third time when a hand held him back.


" WHO IS THE ONE S- " Sunggyu was holding on to his clenched fist.


" Calm down. " was the only 2 words he said.


Sungyeol tried to pull his fist out from Sunggyu's grip, but Sunggyu held on even tighter.


" Stop it. " Sunggyu glared at him.


Finally, Sungyeol gave in and he loosen his fist.


Sunggyu let go.





Sungyeol breathed hard, trying to breathe evenly.


Minutes later, Dong Woo, L and Sungjong found them.


" Hyung! why did you do this to yourself?? " Sungjong asked sadly as he examined the wound.


Dong Woo and L went to get some antiseptic, cotton buds and bandages.


After returning, they cleaned the wound and helped him wrap his injured hand.


They then returned to their class




-Break time-




Di Young was walking in front while Seun Hee, Mi Na and Eun Ra was at the back.


She could hear them whisper.


When they reached the canteen, they joined Infinite's table.


But most of them were in silence.


" What do you all want to eat? " Mi Na broke the silence.


" Don't know! let's go now! i'm hungry! pali pali! " Seun Hee pushed Eun Ra and Mi Na out from their seats.


Leaving Di Young alone with the Infinite members.





" Why? " Woo Hyun was the first one who spoke.


Di Young continued looking down, not wanting to let Infinite see the tears welling up at the corner of her eyes.


" Tell us Di Young, why are you treating us so cold? " Hoya asked again.


She remained silent.


" Di Young... " Sungjong called her.


Di Young could almost picture him pouting.





L stood up and sat beside Di Young, and held her hand.


" Tell us, please? " L said to her softly.


The words came out as though it was a cure for her heartaches and an antidote for her sufferings.


" A...ani.. " She shook her head.


" Why not? "


Di Young shook her head again.


Dong Woo passed to L a piece of tissue, L took it and handed it to Di Young whose face was now filled with tears.





Mi Na, Seun Hee and Eun Ra went over to another table at the back, understanding that Infinite has got some words to speak to her.


Woo Hyun's heart hurts seeing Di Young being like this but he did not show it out.


He stood up and sat at Di Young's right side and patted her back.


At last, Di Young stopped crying.


When she looked up, Sungjong, Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungyeol was shocked as her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.





" D..Di... Y..Young.. Don't cry anymore.. " Sungjong said to her with his eyes wide open.


Di Young just replied with a forced smile, the corner of her lips barely moving.







" I JUST HATE HER SO MUCH! " Jin Hyun screamed.


Da Eun and Mi Ra tried to calm her down.




The both of them got the message and backed away leaving Jin Hyun gritting her teeth.


" Not enough huh...? there'll be more... don't worry Infinite, more and more surprises will be here for you. and you too Di Young. "

She smirked through her anger.





 To all readers:

I'm really sorry!! :((

Firstly, I've not been updating. 

Secondly, My story is getting more and more boring... right? ;(

Thirdly, like what zoetan96 has said, i used too much dialoge.



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Purplish95 #1
iwaJBinlove, Haha! Emo? Not her style XDD without her credit cards, she have already 'died'. XD thankyou for reading :)
read ur fanfic... urgh,, i really want the punishments would be more for jin,, urgh..hate her,.. i wish her appa will send her to the africa or wherelse so that she suffer,.haha..emo.. kekeke.. btw nice it... :)
Shobee #3
Hahaha. yeah! :3
Purplish95 #4
My6TeenzOnTop #5
Update soon!
Purplish95 #6
CutePurplePanda03, HAH. IF they ever die, i think you'll be one of the first to burst of happiness XD <br />
raratakishima, I guess you're feeling this way as you are putting yourself into Di Young's shoe! Reading as though you are in her plight etc~ She'll share, but not now :P maybe some time later XD Its a secret! Hah, Infinite's always amazing :DDDDD XD Thankyou! Fighting! :D
raratakishima #7
aish i hate how those ji hyun and her mini me's treat di young like that!<br />
pft~ pathetic ! aish,<br />
anyways DI YOUUUNG-ah u should have been more open minded to them<br />
they are ur friends~ they can help u cope with it, we dun know maybe<br />
they can help u so that u cant be bullied again and teach u things how to be mean instead! * LOL, scratch that*<br />
kekekekekek, i know for a fact that it is really hard srsly~ buuut it might turn things lil bit annoying!<br />
im anoyed to di young! tsk tsk yaaaaa just frigging share ur problem~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhu but<br />
me dun want to see their faces after hearing her problem too. * now thats the prob. *<br />
aigoo, the infinite oppar's they are all great, i mean no not great but AMAZING~ AMAZING~ lalalalalalala kekekek<br />
those es! tsk on! * BRB * be ready ~<br />
<br />
anyway new reader here! :) keep writing i love the way ur fic runs. :) <br />
Shobee #8
Haha. yes! the es will die!!
Purplish95 #9
Thank you! :))
More plz! D:<br />
I just started reading, caught up, and i like it! :D