Elevator Meeting

A Wontaek Collection

"Why did I agree to help you, Hakyeon?" Wonshik mutters, holding three boxes in his hands.
"Because you love me," Hakyeon speaks, adjusting his two boxes. "And I said we'd go drinking after."
"That's the reason," Wonshik says, as the fairly cramped elevator door opens. They walk out, and into the hall. Hakyeon smiles, and forces his apartment door open. Wonshik sets his boxes down near the entrance, beside the countless other boxes.
"Will you go get the remaining three boxes? I'll start unpacking up here," Hakyeon asks, looking back at him.
"Sure," Wonshik agrees, moving back to the elevator. He calls it from the floor above. It opens, revealing one other person inside. He looks to the buttons, and finds the main floor one lit up.
"Hi," he speaks, looking at the other man. He doesn't respond, blasting ballads into his ears. Wonshik bites his lips, as he recognizes the Park Hyoshin song his friend Hongbin is currently obsessed with. He looks over the man. Black hair falls to his shoulders. Thinly pushed lips mouth the words of the song. Sharp eyes stare straight ahead. A dark red scarf is wrapped around his neck, the only color on his mostly black outfit.
The elevator stops. The man walks out, leaving Wonshik to gawk at him. The doors slide shut, and Wonshik blinks. A hand slips in, preventing them closing. They slide open to reveal the man. He smiles at Wonshik, before asking, "Are you coming?"








A/N: This is soooo short. But I think it's cute. And I like it. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 3: This was so cuuttee!!
Chapter 11: angel Leo n incubus Ravi!!! ?
Chapter 52: Oh yes he did!!! And I'm so happy! He's so pretty!!♡\♡
Chapter 51: Omg. That lyric is so perfect.
Chapter 51: OMG!!!!! I love this!!!!
This is so cute!! WonTaek is life!! They're so cute and fluffy!!
Chapter 51: BEST CHAPTER!!! Please make a part two for this :3
Haroromaurer #7
Chapter 51: OH MAI GAD!! I loved it!! *screaming* LR a.k.a wontaek soooooo sweeettt and a little bit fool ><
Dober_Man #9
Amazing fanfiction, could not put it down. I want to ask permission to transfer. If that write in PM