Dramas and Fears

Peter and his Reluctant Wendy
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 ‘Well, this is easy,’ Xiumin mused as he kicked one of the platforms with his foot, seemingly testing out it’s durability.

 ‘How high are we going?’ Kai questioned as his gaze flicked across the field on the varying sizes of platforms.

 ‘We’re just doing a few normal ones then the one and two meter ones,’ Suho answered with a smile as he looked at the group. ‘Time to trust fall!’

 ‘Trust fall,’ I muttered as I followed Chanyeol to a random part of the field. Last time I had done one of these I was in middle school, it’s been awhile.

 ‘Still ?’ He asked with a carefree smile.

 ‘I don’t trust you,’ I mused as I crossed my arms, not that I didn’t trust him (well I don’t really, I barely even know him) I just had a strange feeling. I felt like something big was going to happen today and he was right in the middle or it, probably planned it.

 ‘I guess I’ll go first then, I completely trust you,’ he closed his eyes and started tilting and I panicked running over to him, barely managing to support him before he hit the ground.

 ‘What are you doing! I’m supposed to be behind you! You don’t just fall randomly!’ I scolded as he laughed and stood upright.

 ‘Why not? I know you’ll catch me, my dazzling Knightess in shining armor!’ He swooned and I scowled as I had to catch him again.

 ‘I’m not strong enough for this! Stop falling!’ I just, I can’t comprehend this guy, I watched with a frown as he steadied himself, grinning as if he had just one a huge prize.

 ‘Your turn!’ He flung his arms open dramatically and closed his eyes. I blinked and looked out at the field ignoring him, everyone was playing around, not really taking the exercises seriously. Chen looked like he was having fun trying to make one of those human chair air things with D.O, Tao and Sehun were well I don’t even know… I puffed my cheeks out frowning as I watched Lay fall with his eyes closed, Kris literally waited till the last second to catch him. Heh, unicorn’s not pleased. I snorted out a laugh as I watched Lay scowl and start to snap at Kris who was only smirking back. ‘Jaehwa!’ I jumped as Chanyeol tapped my shoulder.

 ‘Ah~ Oppa,’ I answered automatically, I covered my mouth and held in nervous laughter as looked at the ground in embarrassment, oh dear God, I just called Chanyeol Oppa.

 ‘Yes!’ I squeaked in surprise as Chanyeol hugged me from behind and practically lifted me off of the ground before he rested his cheek against mine. I felt my cheeks burn in response to his happy laughter, ‘you called me Oppa!’

 ‘It was an accident!’ I shouted as I squirmed trying to get away.

 ‘I’ll let you go if you call me Oppa again.’ He bargained, his smooth voice rumbled in my ears and I bit my tongue trying to hold in the shiver that ran down my spine.

 ‘No,’ I answered stubbornly.

 ‘Then I’ll just hold you all day long,’ I could hear the smirk in his voice as he tightened his grip.

 ‘.......’ I huffed and stared out at the field debating my options, I pouted and resisted the urge to stomp my foot like a little kid. ‘Please let me go,’ I paused and breathed out heavily, ‘Oppa.’ I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip as he let go, I swear, it was like all pride I had previously had just left my body.

 ‘Aww, Jaehwa’s so cute today!’ He cooed and I opened my eyes to see him leaning in towards me, his warm brown eyes were sparkling happily as he smiled at me. He was close enough that I could see the blend of light and dark brown swirls in his eyes, I never noticed it before, or his ears. They were actually really cute, I felt my breath catch as I realised I was just admiring him.

 ‘W-what are you doing!’ I jumped back in surprise and yelped when I tripped over a rock. I gasped when I felt his fingers grip my bicep and he pulled me towards him. I hissed as my nose rammed into his chest. ‘Ow! Chanyeol!’ I pulled away from him and rubbed my nose. Looking up slowly I was met by Chanyeol’s downcast expression.

 ‘I was trying to be cool like in the dramas,’ he muttered as he shoved his hands into his pockets. I pressed my lips together trying to hold in laughter, within moments I snorted and burst out laughing.

 ‘Oh my gosh! You’re such a fail!’ I gasped out completely forgetting about my nose as I fell forwards with the force of my laughter. ‘Don’t rely on Chanyeol, he’ll use his rescue attempts to poorly execute drama scenes,’ he blinked for a second looking surprised before his lips slowly curled into a smile and he started laughing too. I my lips then bit them as I finally stopped laughing. I started walking to the group seeing they were wrapping up their own trust falls. I glanced at Chanyeol who was walking beside me calmly with a small smile. I snickered and focused on where I was walking again.

 ‘What’s got you so happy?’ Xiumin questioned as I stopped beside him. I gave him my classic smile while biting my lip before I rubbed my nose.

 ‘Chanyeol’s such a dork,’ I whispered to him snorting slightly in amusement as Chanyeol bumped my arm hearing my remark. I raised an eyebrow and him and he made a scrunched up  face before looking at Suho who was trying to get everyone’s attention. I could feel pride blossoming in my chest as I realised I got out of doing a trust fall.

 ‘Don’t think you got out of it,’ Chanyeol whispered into my ear, ‘we’ll finish later.’ My cheeks puffed out as I frowned focusing my attention on Suho as if I hadn’t heard Chanyeol at all.

 ‘We have two options!’ Suho exclaimed, clapping his hands together as he spoke. ‘Move on, or try the trust falls off of these platforms.’ He patted the platform he was leaning against proudly as Luhan stuck his hand up immediately.

 ‘I vote moving out!’ He exclaimed waving his hand slightly trying to make sure everyone knew his opinion.

 ‘I’m okay with moving out,’ Chen shrugged in agreement, most of the group nodding in agreement with him and Luhan.

 ‘Then follow me!’ Chanyeol chirped, a spring in his step as he started walking towards a path that we most definitely did not come from.

 ‘We didn’t come from here,’ I pointed out as I followed him.

‘Excellent observation, Wendy!’ He grinned mischievously as he continued up the path.

 ‘I thought we were finally leaving,’ Sehun grumbled as we continued walking up a steep hill.

 ‘We are, we’re just going to have some fun first,’ Sooyun responded. She was practically cuddling Baekhyun as we walked up the hill.

 ‘Fun?’ D.O repeated after her, his eyes widened as his eyebrows furrowed, his mouth opened slightly and he breathed out in understanding as his brow relaxed. ‘Oh, I see.’

 ‘I don’t,’ Baekhyun pouted, sending his girlfriend a helpless look. She giggled and leaned in whispering something into his ear, within a moment he was laughing. ‘Yes! We have to videotape this!’ He exclaimed as he sent Luhan a grin.

 ‘Please tell me we’re not doing what I think we are,’ I moaned as I imagined the possible horrors that could be bestowed upon us. Walking up a hill? Fun? Something Luhan will hate? I could only imagine it had to do with heights. What if we’re bungy jumping? Oh please no, I’m not ready to die yet!

 ‘You look terrified,’ Kai spoke up matching my pace. ‘What’s wrong?’

 ‘We’re not bungy jumping, right?’ I questioned him, he snorted and shook his head.

 ‘No, the park doesn’t have a bungy jumping area. If it did you might have to rely on your heavenly paper,’ I laughed and held in a snort as I bumped his arm lightly.

‘You meant what I think you did right? Cause if you did then you’re freaking hilarious,’ I grinned and he grinned back.

 ‘I don’t get it,’ D.O spoke up from beside us.

 ‘If I’m getting this right, Jongin-shii is talking about japanese, right?’ I smiled as he nodded his head.

 ‘In japanese the word God and paper is the same, it depends on how you say it for the meaning,’ he explained.

 ‘So God paper, heavenly paper?’ I laughed as I clapped my hands together, ‘it’s funny cause they’re the same word!’ I burst into laughter again, Kai joining me as D.O just shook his head with a smile.

 ‘I don’t get how that’s funny,’ he muttered watching us with an amused expression.

 ‘I just smile and nod,’ Kris added in, ‘lots of what she says doesn’t make sense.’

 ‘Hey! I didn’t say it! Jongin-shii did!’ I exclaimed pushing all of the blame onto him.

 ‘You found it funny!’ Kai yelled back.

 ‘So? I didn’t say it!’ I stuck my tongue out at him and he scowled shoving my head lightly and speeding up before looking back at me, smiling and matching my pace again. I vaguely heard Kris mutter something in Cantonese before he slowed down to talk to Chen.

 ‘We’re here!’ Chanyeol exclaimed from the front of the group as we finally got to the top of the hill. I hadn’t even noticed I had fallen to the back of the group…. My thought halted as I stared wide eyed at what was waiting for us at the top of the hill. Right beside an official looking man was a huge box full of harnesses, and what looked like a zip line.

 ‘Shoot,’ I whispered, glancing at Luhan. His face had gone from a healthy pink to a sickly white in the matter of seconds. He gulped and looked over at me and mouthed “help me”, I winced and looked at the group. There was no help with this group I wouldn’t be surprised if we got pushed down.

 ‘I’ll go first!’ Chen exclaimed practically scrambling to the harnesses. Sehun, Baekhyun, Sooyun, Xiumin, Lay, and Kris were following after him. Chanyeol and Suho were just watching happily as the group of excited teens tried to get their harnesses on.

 ‘We’re going to die,’ I moaned as I walked over to Luhan.

 ‘Yah!’ I winced as Tao smacked my head, ‘stop being so negative meimei! You’re going to scare gege!’ He snapped before he rubbed Luhan’s head somewhat awkwardly. ‘It’s going to be okay, ge.’ He soothed, sending a glance to the harnesses. Tao was afraid of a lot of things, and I was actually shocked that he looked excited to try this. I for one knew I wasn’t looking forward to this, though unlike Luhan I didn’t have a fear of heights.

 ‘I don’t think I’ll do this,’ Luhan muttered as he stared at the zip line as if it would fall apart any second. I glanced back at the hill we had climbed up and I winced, well I ain’t walking back down that. Luhan followed my gaze and his eyes widened as he came to the same conclusion as me.

 ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be right here for you gege!’ Tao exclaimed with a smile before he pulled Luhan over to the harnesses. ‘It’s not like you can walk back down anyways!’ I shook my head and breathed out heavily before following them to the harnesses. I winced as I felt my stomach erupt in butterflies, the feeling getting stronger the closer I got to the harnesses.

 ‘Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights,’ I blinked and looked to my side to see Chanyeol standing beside me, holding an extra harness.

 ‘I’m not, I just don’t want to die this young,’ I answered, he smiled and laughed as he handed  me the extra harness.

 ‘You’re not going to die, now get yourself strapped up,’ I frowned and stared at it before tsking and pulling it on. He chuckled and helped me with some of the buckles that I couldn’t figure out.

 ‘You’ve done this before?’ I asked watching him get his harness on quickly and easily.

 ‘Yeah, tons, it’s lots of fun, you’re going to love it. It really is like flying,’ he gave a small closed lip smile as he looked out at the zipline. ‘I guess since you and Luhan are the most freaked out you two should be heading down quickly. Hey! Chen!’ He yelled over the excitement of the crowd, Chen practically knocked Suho and Kai over as he ran up.

 ‘Yeah?’ He asked, grinning widely.

 ‘Do you want to head down first? Then Luhan can go, I’ll go, Jaehwa can go and everyone else can choose from there.’

 ‘Sure, I’m looking forward to hearing him scream like a girl,’ Chen snickered as he looked over at Luhan how kept smacking Tao’s hand away when he tried to help him with the harness. ‘Yah! Luhan! Are you ready? You’re heading down after me,’ I watched Chen with a terrified expression as the worker hooked him in. Chen clapped his hands together, before rubbing them excitedly, ‘I’ll see you guys at the bottom!’ He kicked off the ground and I covered my mouth holding in a shriek as he started speeding down the zip line. Despite the fact that he was whooping and laughing the whole way down I started shaking, I was going to die.

 ‘You’re next hyung,’ Sehun spoke up, smirking at Luhan who was staring at the zip line with wide eyes, he really did look like a deer caught in the headlights at the moment.

 ‘I’m going to die,’ Luhan muttered, shuddering in fear as the worker hooked him up. I didn’t hear what the worker said, all I saw was his mouth moving, telling Luhan some procedure before he shoved Luhan’s back sending him vaulting off of the cliff’s edge. Within seconds Luhan started screaming, no, shrieking would be a better word. His high pitched shrieking could be heard the whole way down.

 ‘He’s so not manly!’ Lay exclaimed as he laughed, ‘he was screaming like a girl the whole way down!’ I watched fearfully as Chanyeol got hooked up. He was next then me and my imminent doom. I shivered as Chanyeol tugged the rope connecting him to the zip line, what if it broke? What if mine broke? What if we all die?

 ‘See you at the bottom, Wendy,’ Chanyeol grinned before pushing himself off the edge, I breathed out shakily as I stepped up to the edge of the cliff, watching him speed towards the bottom.

 ‘Okay, is this your first time?’ The worker asked as he started hooking me up to the line. I nodded mutely in response, did Chanyeol make it? I can’t see the end of this trap… ‘Do you want me to push you?’ I nodded my head, not really paying attention, next thing I knew I felt a push and I was plummeting off of the cliff’s edge. I gasped unable to scream as I clutched onto the rope. I’m going to die! I screamed mentally as I sped past the trees, what if I somehow swing to the side too much? And smash into tree!? At the velocity I’m going I would just crash right into it and die immediately! I jolted as I came to a stop, it was over.

 ‘Oh my God,’ I breathed out as a worker unhooked me, I blinked and stepped forwards, barely able to walk with how much I was shaking.

 ‘Woops! Careful,’ Chanyeol caught me and supported me helping me walk over to Chen and Luhan.

 ‘I almos

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luvola #1
Chapter 45: Please accept my condolences.
Take your time with updating! Losing someone is reeeaally not nice!! but it's part off life. We can't do anything else but accept that fact and bawl our eyes out :/ (I know I did)
I hope you are fine and I'll look forward to meeting you here once again :) (sorry I'm really crapy with this whole consoling thing)
AloeNeko #2
Chapter 43: ...seriously I would have thrown that god damn ice cream out of a window XD ahhh this chapterrrr, the kissss, aaaaa I can't take it! My poor little heart! Ahah the cliffhanger was cruel but so good~ update soon <3
luvola #3
Chapter 43: Ah~~~~~~ *dying animal noise* OMOMO Screw the ice cream!!! Drop it, throw it on the floor for all I care! They kissed !!!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3
And WHY did you stop right there??? So cruel TT^TT
luvola #4
Chapter 41: Best apology ever!!! Even though you don't have to apologize at all cause it's your fic^^ I'm just happy that you are fine and that you updated <3 Now to the story *takes a deep breath* OMG! They are so cute! She finally admits it <3 Now please PLEASE just get together already! My heart can't handle much more!!! So much feelz o.O
luvola #5
Chapter 38: How dare you stop right there?!?!?! The fluff *-* I want more! MORE!!! I kind of feel bad for asking you to update when you just updated this chap but...please update soon <3 :* I really want to know what's going to happen next :)
luvola #6
Chapter 38: Take your time :) I liked the story so far but do what you must do :D I will look forward to the edited version^^
Chapter 24: It always kind of annoys me when people refer to self-absorption as narcissism. I can't believe I found a fanfiction that actually points that out.
luvola #8
Chapter 34: Yay you updated :D Made my day^^ I have nothing against L but I want her to be with Chanyeol!! Looking forward to an over emotional airport scene^^
luvola #9
Chapter 32: Wow...that father...I wouldn't put up with him. Jaida really has patience. Love the skype interaction!! Can't wait for her being back in korea. She's going to go back to korea, isn't she author-nim? :/
luvola #10
I really really like your story!! Your writing style is beautiful and your character constellation just impressive <3 I hope you update soon^^