Teacher Choi

Peter and his Reluctant Wendy
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 I shuffled in my seat as I waited for our history teacher to come. I put away my Math book then pulled out my History notebook before I stared out the window. It was a really nice day today, the sun was out and shining and there was barely a cloud in the sky. Something that always astounded me about Korean education was the fact that students remain in their classes, it is the teachers who move to and fro.

 ‘Jae!’ My head shot up as I heard Kris’ voice. The whole class long he had randomly poked me or kicked my chair legs trying to get my attention. The only reason I didn’t snap was because eventually Luhan stepped in.

 ‘Kris,’ I turned in my seat to look behind me at him. ‘So, what are you doing in history?’ Kris didn’t respond as he scowled at the blackboard. He actually wasn’t good at History, at all, I’m pretty sure he was failing before he came here. I snorted as he slammed his palm onto his desktop.

 ‘I will do well this time!’ He spoke slowly with a determined twinge in his voice. I raised an eyebrow as he shifted in his seat to look at me. ‘And you’re going to help me,’ I rolled my eyes as I faced the front of the room.

‘Nope, not going to happen.’

‘Jae,’ he whispered quietly and I stiffened.

‘Alright! Fine! I’ll tutor you, not sure how that’s going to work though. All you do is write essays and analyze evidence.’

‘Yes!’ I glanced over at him and smiled as I saw the childish grin that flashed across his face.  

‘Just pay attention to the teacher,’ I muttered as the teacher started writing his notes on his tablet.


‘I can’t believe this,’ Chen moaned as he shuffled on his spot on the bench. ‘This whole time I’ve been at this school, nothing. Then they come and suddenly they deem us fit to be Kingka’s?! Were we not good enough before!’ It was actually kind of funny, when Chen and Lay were here they were just attractive guys, now that Tao, Kris, Luhan, and Xiumin were here they were suddenly EXO-M the other Kingka group.

‘Of course not, you need us in order to look good,’ Luhan jabbed easily causing Chen to deflate.

‘Ha! Look at hyung! He’s so funny looking!’ Tao burst out into laughed as he approached the table with Kris and Lay.

‘Well so are you, Panda man,’ Lay responded as he claimed his seat beside Sooyun and Chen.

‘Hyung~!’ Tao pouted as he and Kris sat on either sides of me. ‘I thought we were making fun of Chen, not me!’

‘Tao, we’re not making fun of anyone right now,’ Kris snapped trying to calm the group.

‘Of course we are, there’s always someone to make fun of,’ Luhan disagreed as Xiumin dropped down beside him.

‘Stop teaching the young one’s bad things!’ Kris snapped before he looked at Tao and I seriously. ‘Now listen to me, there is never a good time to make fun of anyone. Always be nice, got it?’

‘Yes dad,’ I shot before grinning as Tao burst out laughing.

‘It’s funny because he is like a dad!’ He breathed out in between laughs. I started giggling as I watched Tao laugh. I couldn’t hold it in, when he laughed it was hard not to laugh as well. Especially when he was cracking up so much.

‘Stop laughing at Kris,’ Xiumin scolded while Lay nodded in agreement.

‘If Kris is the father, then who would be the mother?’ Chen mused to himself.

‘Kris is into polygamy!’ Luhan gasped as he started answering Chen’s question. ‘The mother’s are Lay and Xiumin!’ He banged his chopsticks onto the table to emphasis his revelation only to sent us all into hysterics. Expect for the three unhappy looking parents.

‘I am not a polygamist!’ Kris snapped as his eyes narrowed dangerously.

‘Well then how else would you explain two wives?’ Sooyun questioned innocently joining in the teasing.

‘I’m not married to Kris!’ Lay exclaimed as Xiumin nodded in agreement.

‘He would be much too messy a person to live with anyways,’ Xiumin added.

‘But Duizhang is very handsome, doesn’t that make it worth it?’ Tao questioned.

‘Do you only value looks?’ I asked, ‘are you really that shallow? I thought better of you gege!’ I huffed and Tao’s eyes went wide as he shook his head.

‘Meimei! Don’t think that! Gege is not shallow! I am a very well hearted man!’ He disagreed resulting in the group dissolving into laughter.

‘Is that why you buy so much gucci?’ Lay retorted before he took a bit of his almost finished lunch.

‘I buy gucci because I like it,’ Tao shot back. Like was a rather weak word for how Tao felt towards his beloved gucci.

‘My wallet doesn’t like your gucci,’ Kris interrupted causing the group to laugh again. I don’t know how Tao had managed to convince Kris but Kris actually bought him gucci over the internet and had it sent to Tao’s house, he’s done it multiple times. It’s a wonder Kris hasn’t gone broke. I don’t think I could even afford a gucci keychain.

 Lunch was finished quickly as we tried to get to the meat or our conversation. Namely, who was in who’s homerooms. We cleaned up our lunches as we finished, before we started comparing schedules.

‘Guess who’s in my homeroom!’ Chen piped up gaining our attention.

‘Who?’ Sooyun looked at her watch frowning at the time. We had physics next and nobody wanted to go to that.

 ‘Xiumin!’ He slung his arm around his arm around Xiumin who wasn’t paying attention, he was looking at a textbook.

 ‘Huh?’ Xiumin looked up, his eyes flicked around the group as he waited for an explanation.

 ‘What are you doing?’ Luhan dropped down beside Xiumin and looked at his book before his nose scrunched.

 ‘English,’ Xiumin scratched his forehead as he stared at the book. ‘I should not have chosen it as an elective.’

‘Don’t forget if any of you have english you can go to Jaehwa for help!’ She chirped causing me to frown at her.

‘They should go to Kris, he’s the oldest.’ I quickly tossed the burden onto Kris, not wanting anymore on my plate.

‘Don’t pass your responsibilities onto me,’ Kris shook his head as he raised his hand. ‘I am not going to help anyone with their English, they should be doing the work themselves.’

Luhan tsked as he looked at his schedule. ‘I trust you more though,’ he responded causing me to widen my eyes in surprise.

‘What do you mean you trust Kris more! I have spoken English for longer than he has!’ I snapped as I crossed my arms.

‘Would you even help us in the class?’ Luhan questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

‘........No,’ I responded even though I knew full well that if they asked I would say yes.

‘Good,’ Luhan smiled knowing the same thing. It’s actually really annoying how obvious I am, though I know that is not something I can work on. I really do wear my heart on my sleeve.

‘So we are all agreed, Jaehwa will help us?’ Xiumin questioned meeting the agreements of the English group.

‘No, Jaehwa will not help you,’ I responded as I picked up my bag. ‘Jaehwa will always refuse to help you because Jaehwa doesn’t like to help people.’ I finished with a haughty look and a lifting of the nose as I started to leave the table. I couldn’t stay serious for long which was only proved as I swivelled on my heel and smiled at the group. ‘So do you an Chen both have English and Chinese?’ I questioned only to be greeted with nods.

‘Yeah, learning two languages, it’s a good thing they are nothing alike.’ Chen huffed and grabbed his backpack as the bell went.

 ‘My stop’s here, bye!’ I waved at them before walking into my homeroom. I stopped at my usual table by the window and sat down. I did my usual routine of pulling out my books and writing utensils ignoring the person who sat down next to me. It was going to be annoying not having Xiumin in my class. I looked up from my musings only to notice Chanyeol sitting beside me out of the corner of my eyes. I puffed my cheeks out holding in my sigh as I focused my attention on the front. I glanced over at him and he kept his eyes on the front as he wrote down the teacher’s notes.

 Chanyeol never said a word at all the whole class, not even sparing a glance at me either. Not that I mind, it’s just weird that he’s sitting beside me. My gaze swept over the class as I noticed Baekhyun sitting beside Chanyeol with Sooyun whispering in the shorter boys ear. Kris, Tao, and Luhan were sitting in the very back of the room they had arrived later because they wanted to adventure so there were no seats close to us.

Teacher Xang always finished his lessons quickly, leaving a good thirty minutes to finish our work. I usually enjoyed this time, seeing as none of my friends were in this class I could put my head down and work, usually finishing all my work before class ends. I glanced at Chanyeol and I jumped in my seat in surprise, he was currently swiveled to face me, his chin was rested on his palm. If him staring at me wasn’t unnerving enough he also had a soft smile plastered on his face. I gulped as I felt a nervous smile threatening to erupt, I knew for sure this class wouldn’t be quiet.

 Now I don’t care what Chanyeol does, he can do whatever he wants. I don’t mind if he sits down beside me, however there are three things I can’t handle. In no particular order first is well first encounters. Second would be people whispering into my ears, and lastly would be people staring at me. My brother exploited this as much as he could. See it wasn’t the act I disliked it was the result. When people stare at me I dissolve into a nervous smiling, giggling mess. It really doesn’t matter who it is, it’s just a response that I cannot handle for the life of me. ‘Chanyeol-shii,’ I greeted before looking down at my work.

‘Jaehwa-ah,’ he responded softly, his deep voice had a husky tone to it. An unfortunate attractive result to him speaking softly, sadly he always sounded absolutely divine when he whispered. Which of course I can admit, because I can admit when people and or their traits are attractive, I’m most definitely not attracted to him or his ridiculously nice voice though.

 I breathed out slowly as I opened my physics book. I glanced over at him and bit my lip seeing he was still staring, however his lips had curled into more of an amused smirk. I quickly glanced at the clock as I felt myself shuffle in discomfort. Twenty five minutes left till class ends. Hopefully only a few more seconds were left of Chanyeol staring.

‘Yeah! Chanyeol!’ I looked over at Baekhyun hearing his scolding tone.

‘Neh, hyung?’ Chanyeol responded, still staring at me.

‘You should be doing your work, don’t break our teachers trust by staring at the window all day.’ Baekhyun finished his nagging with narrowed eyes, Chanyeol hadn’t looked at him once.

‘Deh~’ Chanyeol smiled before mouthing, ‘good thing I’m not staring at the window.’ I coughed as I tried to keep my nervous giggling under control.

‘You should be doing your work,’ I squeaked out before facing the front and cupping my cheek with my hand as I did my work. I could feel my breathing even, my hair was acting as a curtain so I couldn’t see Chanyeol. This meant that I could convince myself that he was no longer staring at me, he’s such a strange person. It’s not like he would actually continue staring at me all class long. I twirled my pencil as I vaguely registered Chanyeol’s husky register blending with Sooyun’s softer one. I nodded as I looked at my work, they are talking, that means I’m home free. No need to be so nervous, or break into giggles. I grinned at my paper as I relaxed, there was no reason to embarrass myself with my humiliating reactions to random staring.

 After all Chanyeol was probably joking, he was staring out the window, I know it. No reason for him to be looking at me like that. The trip is over, there is no longer any reason for us to socialise in any manner, he doesn’t want to so it doesn’t matter whether or not I want to. He just hasn’t gotten over the partner stage yet. I kept working through class only looking up to see the time. I never once glanced at Chanyeol, there was no need to. The bell went off suddenly jolting me out of my concentration. Looking up from my work I watched as some of the students filed out of the class. I frowned as I felt an uncomfortable shiver go down my spine. I slowly looked at Chanyeol only to grimace, he was looking at me again.

‘You know, you have really funny reactions to things.’ He mused, winking as Kris walked up.

 ‘So, what class is this?’ He pressed his hands on the back of my chair to support himself as the physics teacher left.

 ‘This is Korean, can’t be too hard, it’s basically english class.’ I shrugged and tilted my head up to look at him.

 ‘Alright,’ he nodded ignoring the inquisitive look Chanyeol was sending us.

‘Baekhyun, Chanyeol, this is Kris. Or as we call him Duizhang, it means leader,’ Sooyun introduced Kris with a proud smile.

‘Leader? Why would you be called that?’ Chanyeol questioned suspiciously only to be meet with Kris’ unamused stare. ‘Must be because of that pleasant personality of yours,’ he finished with a grin. Kris raised an eyebrow at Chanyeol staring at him for a couple of seconds before responding.

‘Actually I think it’s because of my smile,’ he retorted, smirking as Chanyeol burst into laughter. Somehow Chanyeol gained Kris’ stamp of approval with three sentences, it took me three months. Not that I cared, no reason to dwell on his inhuman social abilities, I have better things to occupy myself with. I laid my arms out on the table before dropping my head onto them. Specifically, sleep, our Korean teacher is always at least five minutes late, which means at least five minutes of napping. Maybe when I wake I'll realise it was all a dream and Chanyeol hadn't actually just become friends with Kris, because that made more sense than this.

‘Good afternoon class!’ Teacher Kim, my Korean teacher, smiled as she clapped her hands together. She was always a happy teacher, however if she got annoyed she never hesitated to throw her chalk board erasers at students. It was actually pretty funny, she could never look angry, rather cute. She was short so she always wore heels, if she got upset enough she would start jumping around, usually barefoot. She had a habit of taking off her heels when she was sitting, I could understand that, with how short she was she could barely sit on her stool properly with the heels. It could be considered unprofessional I suppose, but nobody in the class really minded, despite her throwing erasers around she was pretty lax.


‘Afternoon Teacher Kim,’ Chanyeol responded happily with a grin. I watched amused as she shot him an unimpressed face.

‘Did you do your homework Park?’ She questioned, Chanyeol rubbed the back of his head in response as he chuckled.

‘Nope!’ His eyes sparkled mischievously as she rolled her eyes.

‘We’re having a class discussion about the book you were supposed to read. How are you going to participate if you didn’t read it?’

‘Well Jaehwa-ah could help me! She’s probably read

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luvola #1
Chapter 45: Please accept my condolences.
Take your time with updating! Losing someone is reeeaally not nice!! but it's part off life. We can't do anything else but accept that fact and bawl our eyes out :/ (I know I did)
I hope you are fine and I'll look forward to meeting you here once again :) (sorry I'm really crapy with this whole consoling thing)
AloeNeko #2
Chapter 43: ...seriously I would have thrown that god damn ice cream out of a window XD ahhh this chapterrrr, the kissss, aaaaa I can't take it! My poor little heart! Ahah the cliffhanger was cruel but so good~ update soon <3
luvola #3
Chapter 43: Ah~~~~~~ *dying animal noise* OMOMO Screw the ice cream!!! Drop it, throw it on the floor for all I care! They kissed !!!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3
And WHY did you stop right there??? So cruel TT^TT
luvola #4
Chapter 41: Best apology ever!!! Even though you don't have to apologize at all cause it's your fic^^ I'm just happy that you are fine and that you updated <3 Now to the story *takes a deep breath* OMG! They are so cute! She finally admits it <3 Now please PLEASE just get together already! My heart can't handle much more!!! So much feelz o.O
luvola #5
Chapter 38: How dare you stop right there?!?!?! The fluff *-* I want more! MORE!!! I kind of feel bad for asking you to update when you just updated this chap but...please update soon <3 :* I really want to know what's going to happen next :)
luvola #6
Chapter 38: Take your time :) I liked the story so far but do what you must do :D I will look forward to the edited version^^
Chapter 24: It always kind of annoys me when people refer to self-absorption as narcissism. I can't believe I found a fanfiction that actually points that out.
luvola #8
Chapter 34: Yay you updated :D Made my day^^ I have nothing against L but I want her to be with Chanyeol!! Looking forward to an over emotional airport scene^^
luvola #9
Chapter 32: Wow...that father...I wouldn't put up with him. Jaida really has patience. Love the skype interaction!! Can't wait for her being back in korea. She's going to go back to korea, isn't she author-nim? :/
luvola #10
I really really like your story!! Your writing style is beautiful and your character constellation just impressive <3 I hope you update soon^^