The Day After

Peter and his Reluctant Wendy
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 In the morning I had slipped out before everyone else, so now here I was adventuring around the school alone. There was still half an hour before the group would even get here. I sighed and walked through the field slowly. It was relaxing just walking around outside. I found small hill and I lied down on it. If there was one thing I loved, it’s laying on a hill with the sun shining. I breathed in deeply, smiling as I closed my eyes to block out the sun’s blinding light. I pulled out my earbuds and listened to the birds singing happily. I opened my eyes and raised my hand to the sky, moving my fingers around as I watched the light dance through them. ‘Good morning,’ I closed my fingers to block the light as I looked at Chanyeol, he was squatting by my head, his face was hanging over mine.


 ‘Good morning, Chanyeol-shii,’ I greeted.


 ‘Ouch, so cold,’ I rolled my eyes as he put his hand to his heart with a mock look of pain. ‘I really thought we had bonded the other day.’


 ‘I don’t know, you tell me,’ I responded as he slid down beside me.


 ‘We did, we bonded rather well I’d say.’ I snorted as I dropped my hand and closed my eyes.


 ‘Really? Did we now?’ I mused, I smiled as I heard Chanyeol’s heaving breathing beside me.


‘You know, you’re a loud breather.’ I opened my eyes and shifted my head to look at Chanyeol as he started laughing.


 ‘So I’m told, especially by Baekhyun. He’s always complaining about it at night time.’


 ‘Night time?’ I frowned as Chanyeol cleared his throat.


 ‘Yeah he….sleeps over sometimes.’ I nodded as I looked back up at the sky. It seemed to me that I wasn't the only one with problems but, as Chanyeol made it clear in the mall, he didn't like people digging into his life. Rather ironic when he's decided to smash down my walls and practically force me to spill my whole life to him. ‘Don’t let his complaining fool you though, he whines like a puppy when he tries to sleep.’ I laughed as I closed my eyes, the sun temporarily blinding me.


 ‘What, are you two the leaders of the noisy sleepers club?’ I asked as I slowly opened my eyes again.


 ‘Yup, and proud.’ His lips were curled into a smile as he chuckled.


 ‘Not sure that’s something to be proud of,’ I closed my eyes again as he started humming.


‘What are you humming?’


 ‘You’ll see later.’


 ‘Alright, I’ll hold you to that.’ I mumbled before I yawned, the sun had a habit of making me sleepy as well. ‘How long for the bell?’


‘Half an hour,’ I smiled as I listened to his voice, his was husky showing that he was falling asleep just as much as I was.


‘That’s enough time to nap, right?’ I yawned again, snorting as Chanyeol failed to string together a coherent sentence. Instead he just grunted in agreement. ‘Sorry,’ I mumbled.


‘What? Why?’ He murmured speaking slowly.


‘No reason,’ if he didn’t notice my snorting, there was no reason to mention it. I relaxed as I matched his breathing pace, slowly being lulled to sleep by it.


 I whimpered as I stretched, I could admit I may not be a noisy sleeper but I was a noisy waker. My brothers and I were all loud when we woke up. The three of us would stretch and whimper or moan as we woke up. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and looked around the school,

there were no students, at all. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shrieked as I read the time, I had missed the first two periods, it was almost lunch. ‘Chanyeol!’ I looked over to him, he was already waking up. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He sat up slowly before he ran his hand through his hair.


 ‘Yeah?’ I showed him the time and he shrugged his shoulders before collapsing onto the ground again. ‘Alright.’


‘What do you mean alright, we missed the first two periods!’ I scrambled to my feet only to be pulled back down to the ground by a drowsy Chanyeol.


‘Relax, there is only fifteen minutes left in class, no reason going now.’ I sighed and rubbed my hands together.


 ‘I suppose,’ I laid back down on the grass as I ignored my shivers.


‘Are you cold?’


‘Kind of, not for long though. I’m always cold when I wake up after napping.’


‘Really? I’m always hot,’ I rolled my eyes as Chanyeol winked. If there was any response I could have to that, it would be to ignore it.

‘I still can’t believe I didn’t wake up to any of the bells!’ I exclaimed as I ignored the nervousness that welled up in my stomach.


‘I did, I’m a light sleeper,’ I gasped and looked at Chanyeol who looked abashed as he rubbed the back of his neck.


‘You woke up and you didn’t wake me up too!’


‘I-er-yeah you looked peaceful, who was I to wake you up?’


‘But-I-Chanyeol!’ I sat up and crossed my arms. ‘I can’t believe this!’ Chanyeol pushed me back onto the grass before he went back to his position.


‘You looked like you needed it.’


‘So you’re saying I look haggard!’ I sat up again and glared at him.


‘Yes,’ I gaped before shaking my head and standing up. ‘What are you doing! I was joking! You just looked peaceful! I’m sorry for the misunderstanding!’ I ignored him and grabbed my bag before walking away. ‘Jaehwa! Jaehwa!’ I held back a smile as I heard him scrambling to get up. ‘Wait up!’ I was full out smiling when he had pulled me back around to face him. I watched amused as his face changed from worry to shock than disbelief. ‘You just played a prank on me. You just tricked me….’ I rolled my eyes as I continued walking to the lunch room. He sounded like a hurt puppy. ‘My little protege, I really am getting through to you aren’t I?’ I flinched as he slung his arm around my shoulder. I pushed his arm off and shook my head.

 ‘No, you’re not.’

 ‘If I’m not yet I will be soon, my little protege.’


‘I am not your protege,’ I went to open the school door for him but he opened the door for me.


‘Thanks,’ I mumbled and he nodded in acknowledgement before we continued to the caf.


‘Alright, Wendy.’


‘Wendy? Don’t tell me you’re still going on about that.’ I rolled my eyes as he smiled.


‘Of course, because I’m your Peter Pan, commissioned to help Wendy through her dark times by taking her through Neverland.’ He gave a two finger salute, I went to open the caf doors but he beat me to it again. I thanked him again as I made my way to my table I sat down and frowned when he sat down beside me.


 ‘What are you doing?’ I frowned as he smiled and rested his chin on his palm.


 ‘I’m spending time with you, I said I was going to help you didn’t I?’


 ‘I don’t see why you need to spend the whole day with me.’ I jumped as the bell went off, successfully startling me. ‘I hate these bells.’ I muttered before going back on subject, ‘but I mean you have your friends and I have mine.’ I frowned as I saw him start smiling, his eyes sparkled with amusement. ‘What?’


 ‘You jump subjects a lot don’t you?’ He laughed before he tapped the table to the rhythm he was humming earlier. ‘Besides they are our friends, my friends like you and your friends like me. So, you’re stuck with me. Especially since EXO M and K are collaborating to make EXO.’


 ‘Right, the royal dance,’ I mused as I watched him tap his fingers.


‘The what?’


 ‘Nothing,’ I shook my head as Chanyeol stopped tapping. It took a few moments before he started up again, tapping seemed to be one of his habits.


 ‘Oh hey, the groups coming!’ I raised my head to follow Chanyeol’s gaze, only to meet the furious looks of seven people. All of EXO-K, M and Sooyun were walking to the lunch table.


 ‘Where were you Jaehwa!’ Sooyun snapped as she sat down directly across from me.


 ‘Why the hell were you skipping Park Chanyeol,’ Baekhyun sat down beside her with an equally unhappy look. ‘I mean if you’re going to at least warn me so I can come with,’ Sooyun scowled at him as he finished his sentence. Clearly she hadn’t expected him to support Chanyeol.


 ‘You never miss school Jae, what happened?’ Kris sat down beside Baekhyun as he folded his hands on the table. His eyes were narrowed and he looked like he meant business. Suho sat down beside him with an equally unpleased look, those two were the leaders of their said groups. Because of this it made sense that they were unpleased, and well Kris seemed to actually think he was my father.


 ‘It’s okay, it was an accident,’ Chanyeol waved his hand dismissively as I scowled.


  ‘Accident? It was not an accident! Not for you at least, for me it was an accident.’ I snapped, he just smiled back.


 ‘Look! We’re bonding!’ He smiled proudly as Kris’ eyes darkened.


‘You’re not allowed to bond,’ Kris growled out. I rolled my eyes as I pulled out two lunches, I handed one to Xiumin who eagerly took the seat beside me and I opened mine. I had made a rather simple lunch, it was just my kimchi fried rice, egg rolls, and some cooked carrots on the side.


 ‘Relax, we weren’t bonding,’ I waved the chopsticks I was holding at him before I handed a set to Xiumin.


 ‘Good!’ Kris looked suspicious as he glanced at Chanyeol.   


 ‘Bonding or not,’ Suho glanced at Kris surprised that he dropped the subject so easily. ‘You two still shouldn’t have skipped classes.’


 ‘Calm down gramps it’s fine,’ Chanyeol smiled as I turned to glare at him. ‘What?’ He seemed genuinely confused as my glare grew.


 ‘You can’t talk to Joonmyeon-shii like that! If you want to continue being acquainted with me you have to apologise.’ I normally wasn’t this strict or as much of a nagger with strangers, I was actually surprised with how I was acting with Chanyeol. However, after making me spill my guts to him I think he deserves my nagging.


 ‘That’s silly,’ he shook his head stubbornly before he took out his own lunch.


‘Chanyeol-shii, you should apologise.’ I held my gaze with his before he sighed dramatically.


‘Alright fine, just this once. Sorry hyung for calling you gramps.’ I smiled proudly as I picked up a carrot ate it. Sehun started snickering as he claimed a seat beside Xiumin.


‘Well would you look at that? Hyung listened to Jaehwa-shii!’ Sehun was quite proud with the fact that he was not the only one that listened to me, though I can’t see why he was so happy. It’s not like I’m good at convincing people to listen to me. My nagging always falls upon deaf ears, those two were practically the only ones who listened to me, and I had a feeling that was going to change as time goes on. I could only enjoy my nagging powers for now, because I knew they would wear off. Not that I nag, I most definitely do not, I just advise people to act differently when they do something I don’t approve of. Yeah, that’s a much better description. I smiled as I watched the thirteen talking and laughing together, it’s a good thing everyone’s getting along.


 ‘Do you feel that?’ I resisted a shiver as Chanyeol whispered in my ears. He didn’t know that was my pet peeve, and I had a feeling if I told him he would only do it more. I hated it because I always shivered, no matter who it was as long as they whispered in my ear I would react.


 ‘Feel what?’ I questioned as I backed away from him a little bit.


‘The connection, do you feel it yet?’ My eyes flickered over the group as my smile dropped. I could, I could feel their happiness, but I couldn’t feel mine. I only felt like an outsider, even though I knew that wasn’t true.


‘Yeah I feel it,’ I looked down at my lunch as I sighed.


‘You’re apart of it, that connection,’ I met his eyes as he smiled, I was surprised to see his eyes were so soft and gentle looking. ‘I’ll help you, soon you’ll be able to feel it.’ I glanced around the table and sighed again. I could only hope but I knew it was impossible. I had never felt it, that feeling of connection with people, and I doubted I would start now. But I would play his games if that would help him feel better.


 I yawned as I balanced on the the back two legs of the chair. The whole class was spen

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luvola #1
Chapter 45: Please accept my condolences.
Take your time with updating! Losing someone is reeeaally not nice!! but it's part off life. We can't do anything else but accept that fact and bawl our eyes out :/ (I know I did)
I hope you are fine and I'll look forward to meeting you here once again :) (sorry I'm really crapy with this whole consoling thing)
AloeNeko #2
Chapter 43: ...seriously I would have thrown that god damn ice cream out of a window XD ahhh this chapterrrr, the kissss, aaaaa I can't take it! My poor little heart! Ahah the cliffhanger was cruel but so good~ update soon <3
luvola #3
Chapter 43: Ah~~~~~~ *dying animal noise* OMOMO Screw the ice cream!!! Drop it, throw it on the floor for all I care! They kissed !!!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3
And WHY did you stop right there??? So cruel TT^TT
luvola #4
Chapter 41: Best apology ever!!! Even though you don't have to apologize at all cause it's your fic^^ I'm just happy that you are fine and that you updated <3 Now to the story *takes a deep breath* OMG! They are so cute! She finally admits it <3 Now please PLEASE just get together already! My heart can't handle much more!!! So much feelz o.O
luvola #5
Chapter 38: How dare you stop right there?!?!?! The fluff *-* I want more! MORE!!! I kind of feel bad for asking you to update when you just updated this chap but...please update soon <3 :* I really want to know what's going to happen next :)
luvola #6
Chapter 38: Take your time :) I liked the story so far but do what you must do :D I will look forward to the edited version^^
Chapter 24: It always kind of annoys me when people refer to self-absorption as narcissism. I can't believe I found a fanfiction that actually points that out.
luvola #8
Chapter 34: Yay you updated :D Made my day^^ I have nothing against L but I want her to be with Chanyeol!! Looking forward to an over emotional airport scene^^
luvola #9
Chapter 32: Wow...that father...I wouldn't put up with him. Jaida really has patience. Love the skype interaction!! Can't wait for her being back in korea. She's going to go back to korea, isn't she author-nim? :/
luvola #10
I really really like your story!! Your writing style is beautiful and your character constellation just impressive <3 I hope you update soon^^