
Peter and his Reluctant Wendy
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 ‘Hello, hello, testing, testing,’ I scowled into the screen of the camera, how old is this thing? ‘Is this thing even on?’ I jerkily removed the camera from the tripod and flipped it around with my fingers. ‘Isn’t there supposed to be a red light or something? Come on! I am not this bad at technology!’ I huffed as I placed the camera back on its destined position and stared at the lenses seeing troubled blue orbs reflected back at me. ‘Alright I give up, I’m done with this,’ pressing down on the off button I restarted the camera and watched the logo slowly come on. ‘Maybe I froze it?’ I my lips slowly as I pressed down on the screen. ‘Is this even a touch screen?’ I frowned at the camera as it gazed back with a black screen. ‘No, right, no, too old.’


 Heaving a sigh I stood up and snatched the camera on my way out, fingers clenching it’s cool blocky frame. ‘There’s got has another camera here somewhere.’ Trudging down the stairs I made my way to the cupboard in the hallway. Pulling open the cupboard I pulled down a plastic vibrant blue basket and ran my fingers through it as I sorted through the cameras. They ranged from cheap cereal box prizes to reasonably priced cameras that could not be trusted to a child.


 ‘Jaehwa!’ I stiffened hearing my korean name, even after being here a year it needed some getting used to.

 ‘Yeah?’ I asked leaning back on my foot to look around the cupboard door. I was met with the pout of my home stays daughter, Sooyun. Her large rounded brown eyes were wide with worry as her shiny plump lips pursed into a pout. Her fingers were shaking as she finished tying her hair into a braid.

 ‘What are you doing! We need to get to school!’ She pulled her blazer on and tied a bright pink over her hair elastic. I closed my eyes and took a breath to calm the jolt of anxiousness that shot through my body. Grabbing the first camera I laid hands on, I shoved the box back on the shelf and slammed the doors shut. Here I was late again, I lost track of time much too quickly. There is a reason why I get up two hours before school, and it's not for makeup. I bolted to the door only stopping to swing my backpack over my shoulder and pull my boots on. I hissed in annoyance as the zipper dug into my skin. ‘Jaeeeeehwwwwwwa!’ Sooyun followed after me while pulling on her braid, fixing her bow habitually. ‘We’ll be late again! What were you even doing?’

 ‘Oh me?’ I grinned at her as I turned the camera on. ‘I’m just heading to school, you know? Walking, using my legs, I was doing that before, getting ready.’ I glanced at her to see her roll her eyes as she crossed her arms. My eyes shot back to the camera as I pushed down on the recording button.

 ‘You’re ridiculous you know that?’ She finished her sentence by tugging her lips into a pout.

‘This here,’ my tongue seemed to grow stiff as I spoke in english, my mother tongue. It had been far too long since I had last spoken it and I was already getting a slight accent. Ignoring my discomfort I pointed the camera at Sooyun's face, scrunching my nose as I fixed the brightness, it was too dim. ‘Is a very common occurrence in South Korea, do you see it?’ I poked her cheek as I spoke. ‘It's a pout,’ I maneuvered the camera so it was recording my face instead. 'In South Korea pouts are essential. Everyone uses them whether they will acknowledge it or not. And well, that is not very different from back home, but here it's considered cute. And girls will pout and make adorable faced to get their way. Well...some guys do as well, however I still remain untainted as I am as perfectly unadorable as I was when I left. Because as you guys know I am not cute.'

 I smiled into the camera and waved at my own happy reflection. I ran my hand through my sandy blonde hair, as was my habit, before I bit my lip. 'But I can admit, my tolerance to cuteness is diminishing, I am slowly being swayed by such pouts and cute actions.' I sighed and pressed my palm to my forehead dramatically, ‘I’m still better at ignoring cuteness than you though!’ I taunted, sticking my tongue out.

 Sooyun popped into the screen waving. ‘Hello, I am Sooyun, I am Jaehwa’s friend. She stays with my family.’ She introduced herself to the camera smiling, oblivious to her thick accent. Surprisingly this was Sooyun’s first time actually being involved in the video message. I had done these in front of her multiple times, she preferred doing her homework to being involved, apparently I always did these at bad times.

‘Yeah, she’s pretty awesome I won’t describe her as I’m sure she’ll show her personality by interrupting me multiple times.’ I glanced at her with a teasing smile, chuckling as she huffed. ‘Well except for the fact that I’m friends with her and a couple of her friends. And well this is where we go to school.’ I flipped the camera to record Seoul High School. The school was huge, four stories high, and despite being a public school it was extremely clean, the outside walls were the same perfect white they were awhile ago. The lawns were perfectly manicured, don’t get me wrong the school back home are nice too, but this school just looks perfect!

 However unlike my old school this one was lacking our weed garden, and scotch broom, can’t forget the scotch broom. ‘This school is the bane of my existence, well not really. I’m in the perfect part of the social ladder in this school. I’m not popular, or unpopular I am just there, a commoner. See in Korea things are a little different when it comes to the social ladder.’ I shrugged as I made my way up the stairs. I had a habit of counting, so I can tell you confidently there were exactly forty-three stairs to run up to get to the door.

 I panned the camera to show the students milling around in their uniforms. Our uniforms were rather dreary, the boys had dark green coats and pants, paired with white shirts and black ties or grey ties, their uniforms looked more like suits than uniforms. The only liberty the boys got on their uniforms was whether they wanted their collar black or not. We had the same dark grey coat style, however we had grey, white, and dark blue patterned tartan skirts.

 I felt like a rebel sometimes at school, I feel uncomfortable in skirts so I was one of the few who tended to wear nylons or shorts underneath, or just opted for pants. Most of the girls expressed their creativity through makeup and cute jewelry, the Queenkas were the model of such things, most of the girls looked up to them and mimicked their fashion sense. I expressed my creativity through, well nothing jewelry connected, I wore simple jewelry, like an australian penny I had bought at a concert. ‘The popular females are named Queenka’s, now where can we find some Queenka’s?’ I scanned the grounds looking for the trio, despite being completely and utterly oblivious about social standings (I was the one who only knew my group of friends and everyone else at school was just known as them) I knew what people were Queenka's and Kingka's and who weren't.

 ‘I see them!’ Sooyun exclaimed pointing at the front door as three familiar figures walked outside. Sooyun jumped in front of the camera eager to show off her english to my friend, and well I’m convinced she just likes hearing herself talk. She’s lucky I enjoy her talking too. ‘Those girls are as close to perfect as you can ever be,’ Sooyun practically gushed as she clasped her hands together. ‘The leader is Seoyeon,’ I zoomed into the girl in the middle. She walked as if she owned the school with masterful grace, almost as if she wasn’t wearing abnormally high heels. ‘Look at her legs! They are perfect, long and milky white, and she always has the perfect amount of makeup, she’s just perfect.’

  I huffed as I looked at Seoyeon, she pretty much was perfect. She was tall enough to have those great legs. But she was still short enough to wear heels and not dwarf the guys, unlike me I was practically the same height or taller than most of the guys at school. I kept away from heels, don’t want to hurt their ego’s any more than I already do. Seoyeon’s hair was always dyed a light brown and done to perfection. Today it was in waves, unlike mine where I just let it down or put it into a rare ponytail. Currently she had the latest trend of fake glasses that fit on her face perfectly making her button nose stand out. ‘She’s always praised on her fashion sense, and her eyes.’ Sooyun finished and I rolled my eyes in response as I pointed the camera back at me

 ‘Except she’s always wearing coloured contacts, one day her eyes are blue, then green, purple, brown, heck she’s even done red eyes. I guess that’s the point, I just-I don’t even know,’’ I turned the camera back to the group that stopped at the top of the stairs and surveyed the crowd. ‘Now, she has two followers Mina, and Eunmi. Though they aren’t really followers here, they would be followers at home. They are more like Queenka’s two and three here.’ The girls shared the main Queenka’s flawlessly elegant style with their heels, makeup, and done up hair. The Queenka’s smiled at each other before they made their way to the gates of the school, they passed by us not noticing the camera recording them.

 ‘So, since there are Queenka’s there is a male equivalent, right? Well there is, and you’ll never guess it but they are the Kingka’s. It’s like a freaking castle here, being filled with royalty and all.’ I watched as the students started getting excited as they watched the gates. I paused as I looked at the crowd of uniformed students and bit my lip in thought as I pointed the camera back at me. ‘I think I forgot to mention there are uniforms as well. It’s the norm for all school’s pretty much. Private and public alike, I actually kinda like it, but you know me. I just find it troublesome to choose the clothes to wear.’ I laughed as I grinned into the camera before flipping it back as the Kingka’s walked into the school grounds. Instantly girls started flocking them.

 ‘The Kingka’s here have their own group name!’ Sooyun exclaimed as she pointed at the six guys going up the steps. ‘They call themselves EXO, there’s Suho, the leader.’ I zoomed in on Suho, he was walking in the middle of the group with a soft smile on his face as he watched his group. He was wearing a sweater under his coat as usual, his own personal deviation from the school uniform. ‘He is like a mother hen and none of the members actually listen to him it’s actually kind of funny- Look at Baekhyun! Awwww he’s so cute!’ She cooed going off track as Baekhyun started waving at the girls around him happily with a mischievous grin. He was laughing as he slung his arm around D.O’s shoulder, D.O stared at him, his wide eyes before he shrugged Baekhyun's arm off of his shoulder.

 ‘D.O is the one with the wide owl like eyes, seriously his description is a cliche I hear it everywhere. He seems like he’d be a pretty cool guy but I wouldn’t know,’ I frowned as I zoomed in on him feeling his pain for being with a bunch of immature boys. ‘Poor D.O.’

 ‘What’s poor about him, he’s an attractive guy in a group of attractive guys.’ Sooyun retorted before she continued cooing over Baekhyun who pulled a hat out of his bag and tugged it on, winking at the surrounding girls in the process. ‘Isn’t he so y? Anyways, the one with light blonde hair is Sehun, he’s the maknae,’ I zoomed in on Sehun who was missing his tie, again. ‘The giant is Chanyeol.’ I laughed at her description as I shifted the camera to him smiling at his tie, at least he was in uniform, I really hated people not adhering to the rules, or at least trying too. Chanyeol grinned, saying something to the group, immediately the group and the surrounding people erupted into laughs, the fangirls swooned at their charisma in the background. Chanyeol was certainly a charmer, I heard girls gushing about him all the time but I myself didn't find him very attractive, I liked D.O so much more. Something about him was attractive, he felt amiable and comfortable though I had never actually spoken to him before.

 I sighed watching as some of the fangirls started taking pictures of the poor boys. ‘And the last guy is Kai,’ I focused on the tan boy who was whispering something to Suho.  ‘Kai’s obsessed with dancing along with Sehun, it really shows too.’ It was obvious what she meant, Sehun and Kai walked with a little more grace and confidence than the rest of the group. ‘My favourite is Baekhyun,’ the door closed behind the group as the bell went, the crowd mentality almost immediately dissipated as the students started going back to their own cliques (don’t even try asking me just what those cliques are).

 ‘And that’s my daily update, hope this answered your questions Wuie!’ I smiled and waved at the camera before turning it off and slipping it into my bag. ‘Waaaa~ it feels so weird speaking english now.’ I moaned feeling strangely at ease while speaking korean. The halls were always flooded with students pushing and shoving their ways to their classes, there was almost no space to move. The amount of apologies I spewed out every day to get to where I want to was unbelievable as well.

 ‘I enjoy speaking english, it’s lots of fun!’ Sooyun exclaimed as she entwined her fingers in mine, pulling me through the crowd of students. I gazed at the contrast

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luvola #1
Chapter 45: Please accept my condolences.
Take your time with updating! Losing someone is reeeaally not nice!! but it's part off life. We can't do anything else but accept that fact and bawl our eyes out :/ (I know I did)
I hope you are fine and I'll look forward to meeting you here once again :) (sorry I'm really crapy with this whole consoling thing)
AloeNeko #2
Chapter 43: ...seriously I would have thrown that god damn ice cream out of a window XD ahhh this chapterrrr, the kissss, aaaaa I can't take it! My poor little heart! Ahah the cliffhanger was cruel but so good~ update soon <3
luvola #3
Chapter 43: Ah~~~~~~ *dying animal noise* OMOMO Screw the ice cream!!! Drop it, throw it on the floor for all I care! They kissed !!!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3
And WHY did you stop right there??? So cruel TT^TT
luvola #4
Chapter 41: Best apology ever!!! Even though you don't have to apologize at all cause it's your fic^^ I'm just happy that you are fine and that you updated <3 Now to the story *takes a deep breath* OMG! They are so cute! She finally admits it <3 Now please PLEASE just get together already! My heart can't handle much more!!! So much feelz o.O
luvola #5
Chapter 38: How dare you stop right there?!?!?! The fluff *-* I want more! MORE!!! I kind of feel bad for asking you to update when you just updated this chap but...please update soon <3 :* I really want to know what's going to happen next :)
luvola #6
Chapter 38: Take your time :) I liked the story so far but do what you must do :D I will look forward to the edited version^^
Chapter 24: It always kind of annoys me when people refer to self-absorption as narcissism. I can't believe I found a fanfiction that actually points that out.
luvola #8
Chapter 34: Yay you updated :D Made my day^^ I have nothing against L but I want her to be with Chanyeol!! Looking forward to an over emotional airport scene^^
luvola #9
Chapter 32: Wow...that father...I wouldn't put up with him. Jaida really has patience. Love the skype interaction!! Can't wait for her being back in korea. She's going to go back to korea, isn't she author-nim? :/
luvola #10
I really really like your story!! Your writing style is beautiful and your character constellation just impressive <3 I hope you update soon^^