Introduction And Suspicous Entity


Donghae entered the room where Yuri and Chung-Hee were held captive, today, he brought another food for the both of them. Donghae's heart was racing faster, he wondered why this could happen. Uneasy, unready, that's what describe Donghae right now, he wanted to see Yuri, who captivated his heart, but he kept deny it. Her movements who rejected him produced the Donghae who wanted to get close to her, and bringing her food, was the only excuse he could pull off. This wasn't suppose to be his job, but he's willing to do it sincerely, if it means to see Yuri again. Believe it or not, he cooked the food himself.


"Here, I brought you some--" Suddenly, Donghae felt himself was losing balance, he was no longer standing on his feet. He was catapulted and fell down, the food he brought along fell apart on the floor. Then, he saw the person he adored, was standing in rage. Donghae sensed pain on his cheek, it was getting reddened, he realized he was punched by Yuri hardly.


"What..what was that for?!" Donghae asked in confusion, he entered this room with good intentions, but received unpleasant attitude instead. If she wasn't Yuri, she might've kissed the ground by now with Donghae's jab. 


"For that person you bullied! If it wasn't for you, he won't be laying like that right now!" she pointed at the bed where Chung-Hee was sleeping with bandages all over his body. Donghae sighed, he wished Yuri would listen first before she attacked him like that, but then again, he remembered, he kidnapped her, he injured her worker, it was no longer necessary for her to hear Donghae's intention. He realized, their relationship was between captor and captive, it wouldn't get anywhere farther than that.


"Look, troublesome woman. You may want to hear this, no, it's a must for you. Want to know why I came here in the first place? It's for looked in for you guys. Well, thanks to you, you two have lost your chance to eat lunch. So, have fun starving until dinner, I don't know if there will be dinner anyway if you kept throwing food like you did." Donghae said while purged dusts from the floor that attached to his clothes. 


"I'd rather die starving than receiving food from you." Yuri said coldly, Donghae's heart was stabbed by Yuri's word, she accidentally left a wound there. If only Donghae can tell what he truly feels,  this wouldn't happen, at least she would rethink what she has done.


"Suit yourself then. " Donghae looked one more time at the wasted food, he worked hard for it so it would match her high taste, since she's like a princess who lived different worlds apart from him, after what Yuri did and said, he just made a fool out of himself. Who would even like a kidnapper? He can't explain it, but they're too different. He lived in a pitch-black world of villainy, she lived in sparkling spotlights of stars.


He slammed the door to show his dissatisfaction with her attitude. The sound of slamming woke Chung-Hee accidentally. Donghae who peeked at the room in a narrow slit was the first one to notice, he was still intrigued with Yuri. Chung-Hee's small, voice captured Yuri's attention.


"Young Lady...Mianhe, I've failed to protect you." Chung-Hee asked for forgiveness, he wanted to beat himself over his incapacity of protecting Yuri, his master's last assignment. Yuri shed a tear and touched Chung-Hee's bandaged wounds. Chung-Hee held Yuri's hand in return. Donghae couldn't believe what he just saw, how come they can be so close, even if their positions are different?  He never witnessed such thing in his organization.


"Chung-Hee, I'm sorry for what happened to you, I can't do a single thing right...what are we going to do now?" Yuri rested her head on Chung-Hee's body desperately. it's the first time Yuri leaned on Chung-Hee like this, resulted him to blush. Who knew Yuri would count on him, sadly, he couldn't do anythign to make her happy. 


"Don't cry, I was bad enough for being useless to you, now that you've cried in front of me, I felt even worse." Chung-Hee wiped Yuri's tears, Yuri faked a smile, she told herself she has to be strong, she would be another burden to Chung-Hee if she only cries all the time. At the point Donghae saw Yuri's crying on Chung-Hee, a fire started to burn inside him, a fire of jealousy, that is. He completely closed the door, no longer wanted to see how they're doing, he regretted to have made Yuri cry, his Hyung*Siwon taught him how painful it is to lose to a girl, but he just truly knew how painful it is. Gap between them won't be closer, no matter how much effort and struggle Donghae put.


A faint knock was heard from outside the room, Yuri supposed it would be Donghae who was aware of Chung-Hee's awakening. She couldn't take the risk that he may hurt Chung-Hee again while he's asleep in pain, so she put a fighting stance in front of the door. True, it was Donghae after all, Yuri's pupils widen upon what she witnessed, Donghae brought another food with two glasses of water on a tray, even if he spoke coarsely regarding her lunch or dinner. Donghae slowly put the tray on the floor.


"Are you eating or what? Or do you need me to feed you like before?" Donghae squatted, waiting Yuri and Chung-Hee to approach the meal he specially made for the both of them. 


"You said you won't bring us any food again? How many times do I have to tell you that I won't eat anything from you? Are you deaf or something?" Yuri coldly refused, she thought again that she shouldn't reject the food because there were Chung-Hee's share too. But, her anger towards Donghae render her body and heart to decline every little thing about Donghae.


"These are leftovers I have, since everybody has eaten, I don't think it's a bad idea to give it to you, plus, I don't like wasting food like you, princess. Don't act strong, I know you're hungry and like I said : I don't wish to have corpse in my precious facility. If you die in hunger, it will only trouble me, so do as I say, eat." Donghae lied, he made those food for the two of them and them only. His other minions never bother to eat his cooking, it was a wondrous talent that Donghae have. Only his fellow leaders recognized his hidden talent.


"Fine, fine! I'll do as you wish Mr. So-Know-Everything-About me. Now, you've done your task, right? Will you be so kind to leave this room? I don't feel like eating if there is you around. You only make me want to throw up." Yuri dryly expelled, Donghae sighed and stood up from his squat position. He glanced at the food, worry that she'll squander his hardwork. Before Donghae could leave, Yuri stopped him with remarkss that he never expected.


" the way, thanks. I don't even know your name, not that I'm interested or anything, but I have to know so I'll make sure to nver encounter someone with your name again." Yuri asked half-heartedly, truthfully, she was interested, what is his purpose to be kind towards her? On the other hand, Donghae didn't care if she spoke this or that, at least she showed some kind of interest on him. He giggled and turned his head with style.



"It's Lee Donghae, for you. Nice to meet ya, princess." 


Thousands of people gathered in front of a black coffin. Officials, foremost people, employees, family members have been bereaved for the death of someone who's important to them, namely Kwon Yu Jin, a dear father to Kwon the siblings, a beloved husband to Mrs. Kwon Seo, an important head of Kwon Company. Sounds of thousand weepings proved how valuable he was back when he's alive,  The rain made the atmosphere even more sorrowful to the attendants. Yoona cried endlessly on Ji Yong's embrace, Mrs. Kwon won't stop asking for tissues from one of her workers, no matter how many times she swept her tears, they kept running down through Mrs. Kwon's cheek.


"Calm down, it's okay...Appa will rest in peace. Come on, save your tears." Ji Yong soothed Yoona, but things weren't as easy as it seems. Yoona couldn't stop what she's doing, her sadness was indescribable with words, same with Mrs. Kwon's. Ji Yong regretted he wasn't good to him, his mother has a point, will he able to do his job as good as his father did, sometimes he questioned himself.  


Chung-Hee, Mr. Kwon's late right hand was suppose to attend, but there was no telling where he's at, some even issued he was involved in the explosion and didn't survive. Rumors has spread quickly inside the office without any one of Kwon Family noticing. They were suspicous with loss of Yuri, but they noticed Yoona who they mistaken to be Yuri, was there on the funeral. Once they said they grieve on Mr. Kwon's death, the mourners left the scene one by one, they left after giving Mrs. Kwon cheering hug. Once all of them were gone, a man with glasses, who was quite aging, approached Mrs, Kwon. 


"He was a good man, it's unfortunate to for him to die in such miserable way. You have my condolences, Seo. The three of us used to be best friends, now what's left are the two of us." the aged man said, giving Mrs. Kwon his sympathy. Yoona and Ji Yong noticed that this guy called their mother by her name, Seo. Only a view people with high social status can call her that, or her best friends, outside her family and in-laws. He put his hand on Mrs. Kwon's shoulder, trying to calm her.


"Soo must be hard for you too, he said he was eager to meet you when his abroad assignments are done, now you have to see him in his funeral, I apologize on his behalf, he wasn't able to see you for the last time. He's running out of time." Mrs. Kwon touched Mr. Kwon's cemetery. Now, she's all alone, no one can bring him back from the dead. 


"It doesn't matter, at least I didn't miss his final moment. Now, I think it's not approriate to say in times like this, but...I suppose you have someone in mind to replace his royal chair in the company, right?" he asked with ease. 


"Yes, I'll introduce you his successor, Ji Yong, come here." Mrs. Kwon invited, "This is our eldest son who will continue his job, Kwon Ji Yong, he's still immature and unready because all of these things happen so suddenly, but with your tutors, I'm sure he will do just fine as the next generation of Kwon Company chairman." Yoona smiled when she heard her mother's praising upon her brother, she didn't know why but it's rarely that her mother praised him like that, for her, it felt like she's the one who achieved success. Yoona's bright smile went away when she saw her brother glared at Lee Soo Man with a dreadful mimic, she remembered that he didn't like anyone who's related to his father with any way.`


"Sure, I would love to teach you with all I can, I shall have private words with you, son, man to man talk. Come here." Lee Soo Man, the best friend of Mr. Kwon and Mrs. Kwon while they were young twined his arms on Ji Yong, dragged him on the other side of the funeral so the ladies can't hear them. Like he said, they were having 'man-to man' conversation so the don't want to intrefere with their talk.


"See? People are getting their hopes up on Ji Yong, that's why he needs you, Yoona. You don't want your precious brother to get disgrace in the end, right? You know him very well, as far as he could get, he would only bring the company down. He needs your support more than anything for this, now do you see why I told you to become a singer. He is our family's top priority and I might say the only one, I'm sure my suggestion won't only help him, but it will make your Appa and Unnie proud of you while they're there. Soon enough, you'll be as recognizable as he is right now, wait and see." Again and again, Mrs. Kwon mistrusted Ji Yong's ability, Yoona answered her with silence, which made Mrs. Kwon sure that she was right about everything. 


"Appa, I'll make you proud you children, it's a promise." Yoona sworn in her heart, she looked at her Appa's cemetery once again. She was sure that he will proud died with "Kwon" written on his family name. Ji Yong and Lee Soo Man came back from their private talk and joined the ladies again. Ji Yong's face was more depressed than before, Lee Soo Man was asked by Mrs. Kwon Seo if he will do alright, the he answered with a confident tone, yes, he has a potential of becoming a good leader.


"Well then, I shall leave, bye everyone. Ji Yong, remember to keep the promise you've said. I'll be seeing you when you're worthy to be called 'Leader' yet." Lee Soo Man bowed and so did we, the moment he turned his back on us, Ji Yong stared at him with an intent to kill, even Yoona was afraid to ask what's wrong with the guy. Seemed liek something's going on between them.


"Mr. Lee! I hope you'll keep yours, too." he pointed at him rudely, Mrs. Kwon thought it was his way of showing his spirit, but Yoona knew it all, it was nothing like it, more of elements of anger or hate were in their short talk. Yoona looked at Lee Soo Man again, and she saw his faintest smirk, different than before he greeted them. They didn't know, who he really is..and what he's up to.


Author's Note : 


I'm so sorry if the chapter is rather boring and short, I was having a little of writer's block :/ and I realize I was running out of time, holiday's about to finish. Still, enjoy!

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oo123 #1
Chapter 36: Updateeeevsoooon
Haha it doesn't? :P Thanks to you I get the idea to use Lee Soo Man :P only probability though~
So Hyori is Donghae's mother ? Great choice ! ^^ I'm curious about Donghae's father,is it Lee SooMan ?? although it makes no sense >.<
@--icecream : I KNOW!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO NOONA!! XD aish, you're so good at reading my mind! No spoiler, okay? Keep it for yourself :P Your Welcome! Keep reading :)

@dinhae ; I'm sorry for the lack of YoonWon, I will try to make a good YoonWon by the time they appear :)
I just want to ask,DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ????? OMG !!! I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WELCOME BACK !!! /throws confetti btw,I think I knw who is the 2nd Commander and TOP's ex-fiancee xDD I LOVE YOU,saeng !!! Thank you so much <333333
waaahh!!! i've been waiting for your update..even though it's not YoonWOn as long as you update it's okay!!!
@---icecream : gosh your name is getting more and more confusing x_x haha! I'm glad you love it, Noona. I hope this is the sign of my comeback, more chapters will be released tomorrow and day after tomorrow :) I can't answer your question about TOP, it won't be fun ;)
You update !!!! Thank you !! /throws confetti Thank you for updating it saeng T.T AND THANK YOU FOR THE YULHAE'S MOMENTS <33333 I LOVE UR UPDATE VERY MUCHHHHH !!! AND I'M CURIOUS ABT TOP'S PAST,IS IT TOP's fiancee is Tiffany ? 0.o
update soon dongsaeng~! ٩(^‿^)۶