Night Attack And Unforeseen Opponent


Yoona just finished her first concert, she was nervous but in the end she overcame her fears and smiled to Yuri's fans throughout her whole show. it's fortunate that Yuri showed up in her last concert in Japan, her Umma can sigh in relieve that Yoona replaced Yuri in impeccable timing. Although it's a live concert where thousands of people can see her performance, no one can tell that she's only a substitute of her sister, not even Yuri's close relatives. However, it was unfortunate that someone have evil intentions to here because of this twist of identity.


Yoona went backstage after she bowed and said goodbye at Yuri's fans, when she's there, her Umma and Ji Yong was ready to pick her up. They were amazed by how excellent Yoona's job was, they greeted her with a smile on their face.


"I can't believe how gifted you are Yoona, I...I don't know what to say. Jeongmal, what did you do to yourself? Are you sure you're not taking drugs that make you confident or something?" Ji Yong placed his hand on Yoona's forehead, checking her body temperature with humor. Yoona dismissed his hand from her forehead directly.


"Yah, Oppa. I know I have weaknesses but I'm not as low as you think I am. That was no more than my hardwork on singing lessons, since I chose Yuri unnie's path, there was no other way than trying to resemble her as much as I can. From what I see, my work wasn't as good as your expression said. I have to do better than this to become the real Kwon Yuri." Ji Yong's smile dropped when his sister tried to dispose herself in her talk. He sighed, there was nothing he can do to prevent this from happening, before he realized it, Yoona has set up her heart onto this thing.


"Never mind that, I know I've been doubting you from the start, I didn't approve this plan but I must say you completely changed my mind. I'm glad you came back here with a success." Ji Yong pulled Yoona towards him and gave her a warm hug. The Kwon siblings enjoyed the very moment of their hugging, Ji Yong could felt how fast Yoona's heartbeat was and she was trembling, for sure.


"You are...trembling. What's wrong with you?" Ji Yong pushed Yoona and placed his arms on Yoona's shoulder, he still felt that weird vibration that Yoona released from her body. She tried to stop but it was out from her reach.


"Annyeo, it's nothing. Ji Yong Oppa, I'm just a little tired from my new hectic schedules. Don't worry, I'm physically fine." Yoona removed Ji Yong hands to stop him from investigating her condition further, Ji Yong was worried and could tell that Yoona was very tired. Before they could go on with their conversation, Mrs. Kwon cut their discussion.


", Yuri. You should go, I bet your manager is waiting for you in your room.  Don't keep him waiting or else he could get angry at you. Umma is so happy for you." this time, Mrs. Kwon hugged Yoona but her heart wouldn't just be in it, this was all a mere act and part of the deal the two of them made. She was not happy with her compliment, JI Yong was even angrier than Yoona, how dare she replaced her daughter's name with her sister, Ji Yong thought. She wasn't that different from Mr. Kwon's treatment to Ji Yong when he was alive, it's like he haunted Mrs. Kwon with his death.


"Right, I'll see you later, Umma, Oppa. Don't wait for me to turn the lights off." Yoona said, then she's off to her make-up room where her manager was waiting. Ji Yong stared at Yoona's back which was getting farther from his sight. When Yoona's far enough, Mrs. Kwon hit him with a light knock with her shoulder to snap him out of it.


"Hey, will you keep that false concerns towards your dongsaeng, yourself? I know you did that because she produced your money. Look how smooth your Umma's plan went? That's what you get if you didn't pull your punches. I was just taking chances of Yoona's talent, and there she was, singing as beautiful as her unnie on a stage. Let him free, Ji Yong, she's not the quiet, fragile girl that you have to protect when you're ten. Don't you think it's time for you to apologise to your Umma for shouting at her, telling that her decision was wrong?" Mrs. Kwon smirked over her victory. Although it's been days since their argument, they still held into a fierce competition.


"Umma, stop, please. What I do is for my own satisfaction, as long as Yoona didn't mind, I will still give her the love she needed. You only see what's outside but not inside, she was trembling hardly, I'd rather things gone as your mind planned than seeing the unthinkable happened. I will not apologize to you, not yet, not until I know the truth about her true feelings. If something happened to Yoona because of this, I will never forgive you, I will drag her out from that house and keep her away from you. Mind that, Umma." Ji Yong walked away as he countered his Umma's words harshly.


"Tch, what a foolish mindset he has there, soon you'll regret and fix your attitude, it pains my heart to act like this in front of our own children, but you left me no choice. I miss you Kwon Yu Jin..I miss you arguing with Ji Yong's childishness, it's suppose to be your duty, not mine. Now I have to wear two layers job, becoming a mother who's not respected by her own children and a householder who has no authority to control anything...I should've stopped you from going with Yuri at that time." Mrs. Kwon sighed as she remembered her husband, showing  her true skin when her children wasn't around. 


Yoona got back home with severe fatigue, like she warned that family members shouldn't wait for her, the lights on her house has been turned off, she checked her glowing-in-the -dark watch to see what time it was, and it's one o'clock at night already, she exhaled, this was the first day of work and she's exhausted already. Long ago, she never underestimates how hard and difficult Yuri's job was, but when she experienced the pressure herself, sometimes Yuri talked to her about her hardship being a singer and an actress, Yoona wanted to to do the same, but she's gone, no one can bring her back. 


In the dark of the night, someone was tailing Yoona, the person for Yoona to come home. Yoona realized there was something fishy from her back, she looked back, but no one was in sight. She was a bit frightened of dark, she was afraid that some fan followed her until her house. She quickly ran into the house, she sighed when she spotted her guard house, it was all just her feeling after all, at least that's what Yoona thought.


"Siwon, sir. Our target has finally reached her home, should I start the strike now or..." the stranger called Ruby Division Leader's name once he spotted that Yoona has entered her house. 


"I see, finally the mouse is in its house. I'll be right there to accompany you soon. Keep your head down, don't let them see you. If they do, consider this is your last assignment. Arraso?" Siwon replied cruelly, the stranger gulped his saliva, because when Siwon threatens someone, he will really mean what he said.


"Arraso arraso.." he turned off the phone in fear, sitting on the ground while lit his cigarrete with a lighter, throwing smoke to the air from his mouth. In the midst of his wait, he kept looking at his watch continously, it has been twenty minutes since Siwon said that he would come as fast as possible. He was irritated, thought that his leader decided to abandoned him, he stood up and walked away from his position, just before he could leave, he bumped someone and managed to get him fell on the ground.


"Hey,  watch where you're go--oh.." he looked up and Siwon was standing there with three of his minions, staring him with cold eyes with his subordinates wearing black outfits with headgears on them, the only thing the man could see was their eyes, Siwon was the only one who wore luxurious tuxedo. From afar, it's hard for people to see them because their outfits match with the background. He was terrified seeing the piercing glare that Siwon gave while he was folding his arms, he didn't do anything wrong, but his gaze showed an image of unpleasant. 


"So...I believe everything's under control? I better hear that word or else, well, they found out my presence before I go in there, then you're the person that I'll fire as I go back to the headquarter, you hear me?" Siwon's stated.


"Y-yes. They didn't find out anything about me or this night assault. Everything's under control as you desired, sir." the man said haltingly, he let out a relief breath after that small report. Siwon scared him to death by just giving that look. 


"Good, now leave, shoo, I don't need you anymore. From now I'll takeover this issue." Siwon expelled, the thug wondered why he got such mistreatment, he thought he's one of the important role for tonight's attack, but apparently his leader only saw him a watcher, he had been waiting for twenty minutes long and he didn't even get a praise. For ordinary people, Siwon was deserved a punch or two, for the thug, he didn't dare to punch him no matter how annoying Siwon can be, it could cause death sentence to him, the only thing he could was staring at Siwon with pair of pitiful eyes, asking him to give something better than an expulsion.


"Ng? Didn't you get my message? Let me repeat, I don't need you anymore and I want you to dismiss yourself, don't make me command you over and over again. And..what's with that look? You want to put a fight with me? I could use some sparring, though." Siwon provoked, he knew perfectly how the person felt, he's angry for doing such a boring assignment for nothing. Siwon ignored that feeling and chose to act like usual, Siwon hired him, so he should do what he wanted. Siwon thought.


"Annyeo! Whatever you say, boss." the person skedaddle once he heard Siwon's intimidation. He mocked Siwon remotely, stucking his tounge at him like a child, for treating him like a garbage. 


"Now that useless scum is off, let's proceed to our main event shall we? Your plan, please." Siwon said sarcastically to his minion, he's itching for this mission, to finish the meddler that disrupt his master plan, it's priceless for him. On the second thought, he remembered this mission was not to be speak, he wanted to end this silently before his master find out that Donghae has betrayed him.


"We shall go through the wall since the door is heavily guarded, the problem is, one of our spies spotted there are some security cameras and alarms when he investigated this house. We may pass the first step, but with eyes all around, I don't think we can strike our target precisely. We should shut down all the security system in this house, then we have 10 minutes to turn off the generator to ensure the light's out until we exit this house, in case of emergency, I think we ought to faint those security guards. Because we turn down their generator means we have to pass the lion's nest. Our target is suppose to be on the second floor in her room named..." Siwon's minion hesitated to name their target, unsure that it was well written because that name was suppose a name of someone who doesn't exist anymore.


"Kwon Yuri, don't get it wrong." Siwon cleared.


"But sir, isn't Kwon Yuri the name of Sir Donghae's target? That's what I heard from my companion in Sapphire Division. Why do we attack her again?" Siwon grinned upon his unadormed reaction,  instead of Yuri, that friend that he mentioned was the one who Siwon eradicated from the organization's name list. It was funny enough for Siwon that his underling still remember of someone who didn't work in the same company anymore.


"Yes, that's why we're doing him a favor, we're helping him before he could get his hands on her, isn't that a good thing to do to help our fellow organizations? Don't you agree with my opinion?" Siwon said with a fake smile on his face, that person can only nod to his superior's point. What makes him wonder is why did Donghae still need help doing something that should be easy for him.


"Right, that would be all, Sir. Is there anything you would like to change?" Siwon's underling finished his report.


"Just one, I'd would like us to enter through the door instead of wall, it will take fewer time than going through those high wall." Siwon said confidently, the three men questioned, what kind of culprit would take a door that's an obvious entry road than a wall, the wall was high but with their equipments, everything would turn out just fine. There's no need to risk themselves going through door and get caught by the guards, the three thought of the same thing but only one who had guts to object, that is, the planner.


"Are you sure, Sir? It will be too much risk to take this doorway. I mean, the problem are the guards that can notice us once we barge inside. The reason I planned this from the wall is because we don't bring anyone's responsible for mechanics that could extinguish the security system with one move, that's why we do it manually. I could call one of our worker if you want to, but we will have to wait for it." the planner recommended, he was afraid that his recommendations that were more of an objection. 


" doubt my intelligence, huh? See, you guys need to learn respect and try to listen to your leader's orders sincerely. I'm sure you could get the honor standing beside me, doing a mission with me because of our trainings. Bet you guys would sprawl on the street if it weren't for the organization.The point is, let's not waste our precious time climbing those walls like a monkey, for your information, we haven't got all night for this secret assigment. What's more, for seonsaengnim, this activity shouldn't be noticed at him." Siwon said arrogantly, showing them who's boss. 


"Besides, I have prepared my secret weapon. You guys underestimate our organization too much--" before he could finish his words,  he felt that his phone was vibrating with no ringtone. He slyly smiled upon the caller's name. The three couldn't help but ask who phone him in this situation. "Speaking of the devil, look who's here." Siwon picked up the phone.


"Siwon! I have jammed all the electricity circuit to the adresses you pointed, it was piece of cake. Mind telling me who this person that will be your next victim? Just for fun, kekeke" Sungmin joked with his colleague, Siwon was irritated to hear his cracks but decided to go along with it.


"Yes, I do mind telling you, stupid hacker, I'm hanging up." Siwon turned off the phone in resentment due to playful nature of Sungmin. He looked at his subordinates and told them, "Watch and learn boys, you'll know what I mean" Siwon raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, reacting to his snap, all the lights in the neighborhood they were at disappeared in split seconds.  Previously, although it's in a dark night, there were lights surrounding them, with Sungmin's ability to get rid of those lights, it was a complete black around the neighborhood. The culprits' eyes widen except for Siwon, they have never witness such a perfect area to steal or kill. People started to mess around about the total shutdown, they were too busy with it and ignored the 4 suspicious figures in front of Kwon Mansion.


"We can divert the attention of those stupid fools around and strike a perfect spot to our target. Killing two birds with one stone, I'd say. I believe you change your view of me and the organization better now. Well, wasting time is not an option, like I said, we haven't got all night. Put your night vision goggles on, let's proceed as we planned, you, to  the generator to cut down all the possibilites, you, lead my way, while you, belittle one, stay here and inform us what's behind, something goes wrong, tell me the details." Siwon chose the jobs for his minions, leaving the planner behind in the last place.


Siwon and his two underlings made their way to Yoona's house, they sneak through the door silently, the security guards were busy trying to ignite the light once again, seeing them confused was a pleasant view for Siwon. One of Siwon minions separated ways and head to the generator. He looked at the two guards depend on a candle to see, while he could see them as clear as it can be, he closed the gap between him with the candle and blew the candle.


"Who's there?!" one of them asked in the dark. Try to find out who's inside the generator room with them,  before they could realize Siwon's minion presence, he knocked them down with an iron rod that he brought in his hand. He sighed in relief now that the meddlers were out of his bussiness, that leaves only the generator behind. He put a mechanic item that would ruin the connection to from the generator to Kwon Mansion.


"The rest is up to you, Sir." He sighted at the edifice where Siwon was infiltrating. On the other hand, Siwon, was already inside with his key opener leading his way, he tried to hid his footsteps so he won't wake anyone, with all the power down, Kwon Mansion's residences were still in their own dreamlands, except for one person who was still working throughout the night, that was Kwon Ji Yong, the new leader of Kwon Company. He too, was finding a source of light that could help him see in the dark within his bedroom. 


Siwon and his subordinate examined each rooms on the second floor one by one silently. They opened Mrs. Kwon's room, but as soon as they saw her sleeping faces, they realized it's not the one they're after. Fortunately, they missed Ji Yong's room and went straight to Yoona's. They grinned upon seeing her closing her eyes, with a body language, Siwon commanded his minion to wait outside to make sure no one interfere with his job. Finally, there were only Siwon and Yoona in that room.


Siwon removed his knife from its holster and raised his hand while holding the knife firmly, he was a little bit cautious of yoona's hard breath due to her exhaustion, he thought he might wake her up if he make some noise.


"Long time no see, Kwon Yuri, and goodbye." after finishing his last words to his old friend, he juxtapose the distance between Yoona's motionless body with his knife.


Before he could stab her, he heard a slammed sound from outside. It startled Siwon and his knife stopped while leaving an inch range from Yoona. That sound was beyond his expectation, there was no sound in this task of homicide beside Yoona's shriek's in pain after being stabbed by Siwon's knife. He left Yoona with regret, he has to make sure what's outside.


"Hey, what  are you dong" Siwon was shocked upon the scenery he gazed, Ji Yong was stepping on Siwon's minion that was laying on the ground helplessly. Ji Yong looked at Siwon in the dark, he couldn't see his face but he could see where he was standing, Ji Yong's eyes were used to this pitch-black area, wearing a night vision gave Siwon the advantage, but Ji Yong didn't show any sign of fear in front of Siwon that's carrying a sharp weapon.


"What did you do to my sister, criminal?" he asked boldly whiel removing his foot off Siwon's minion, Siwon didn't respond, afraid that he will check on his voice once this operation has done, actually, from the moment Ji Yong imposed Siwon's minion, this whole operation was a whole failure. There are too many risk for Siwon for getting caught even if he succedded killing Yoona and Ji Yong and get out from Kwon Mansion.


The desperate Siwon only thought of escaping safely, he attacked Ji Yong thoughtlessly with a knife pointing him but Ji Yong dodged it, his eyes were focused to Siwon's movement, For a teenager, Ji Yong has a magnificent self-defense that he used to protect himself or his dongsaengs from danger. Siwon that was upset because of his missed attack attempt to stab Ji Yong again, this time, Ji Yong made a counterblow while avoiding Siwon's knife from hurting him.  In Siwon's eyes Ji Yong's blood was going to color the soil redder than it already was, but it all his efforts to hurt Ji Yong ended up failure. In the midst of Ji Yong and SIwon's fight, the light has , once again.


"Well well, it seems your luck is running out, you know you can't even defeat me in the dark, how would you expect to bring me down with the light's on, you better take off that peculiar google so I can see your crying face while I rip all parts of your body." With the dark that suppose to help Siwon left, he surrendered in his heart. Siwon was sweating over Ji Yong's taunt, he never assumed someone with a tough character like Ji Yong would show up, it's a fight that the couldn't win, the more he try to resist, the more he will reveal his identity. When he thought he didn't have another chance, Yoona came out from her room with a sleepy look.


"Oppa...why are you so noisy..?" Yoona rubbed her eyes, didn't know that a killer was in front of her, she needed few minutes to infer what's happening. 


"Yoona, watch out!" Ji Yong alerted, Siwon took the chance when Ji Yong transfered his attention for protecting Yoona, he changed the direction of his knife from Ji Yong to Yoona, he threw his knife in a instace, Yoona was almost got hit, but Ji Yong tackled Yoona and the knife pierced Ji Yong's shoulder. Siwon and his minion fled through Yoona's bedroom window, a sound of shattering glass was audible throughout the whole mansion.


"I won't allow you!" Ji Yong revoked the knife that's connected to his shoulder and flung it back to Siwon before he escaped, Siwon's arm got hurt lightly from Ji Yong's knife pitch, although the knife didn't plant on him. Siwon tried to bear the pain in his arm, holding the part that has been injured. Ji Yong tried to follow after Siwon but his pain stopped him from moving. 


"Oppa! Gwenchana*?!" Yoona asked in a worried tone, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't get hurt by now. 


"Yoona, call the cops, treat me later once you're done what I've told you, hurry up!" Ji Yong said in pain, his blood won't stop from flowing. Yoona was crying but she couldn't stay weak for now. She phoned the police with her cellphone in a rush, explaining them what happened.


"Lee Soo Man you rotten, you broke our deal. I hope you know what that means, I'm sure I don't need further explanation for this occasion." Ji Yong whispered with himself, reminding him of the man who met him at his Appa's funeral.


"Sir Siwon! What happened?! Did you manage to kill our target?!" the one who was assigned on the generator thing questioned while running out of the house hastily, Siwon didn't answer him until they reached the gate of the house, they jumped out and the planner was ready with a car prepared for them. One by one got into the car.


"Move out! Mission failed!" Siwon commanded deseperately, he looked at the big mansion once again, sworn that he will come back when the right time comes.. 


Translations : 


Gwenchana? : Are you all right?



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oo123 #1
Chapter 36: Updateeeevsoooon
Haha it doesn't? :P Thanks to you I get the idea to use Lee Soo Man :P only probability though~
So Hyori is Donghae's mother ? Great choice ! ^^ I'm curious about Donghae's father,is it Lee SooMan ?? although it makes no sense >.<
@--icecream : I KNOW!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO NOONA!! XD aish, you're so good at reading my mind! No spoiler, okay? Keep it for yourself :P Your Welcome! Keep reading :)

@dinhae ; I'm sorry for the lack of YoonWon, I will try to make a good YoonWon by the time they appear :)
I just want to ask,DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ????? OMG !!! I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WELCOME BACK !!! /throws confetti btw,I think I knw who is the 2nd Commander and TOP's ex-fiancee xDD I LOVE YOU,saeng !!! Thank you so much <333333
waaahh!!! i've been waiting for your update..even though it's not YoonWOn as long as you update it's okay!!!
@---icecream : gosh your name is getting more and more confusing x_x haha! I'm glad you love it, Noona. I hope this is the sign of my comeback, more chapters will be released tomorrow and day after tomorrow :) I can't answer your question about TOP, it won't be fun ;)
You update !!!! Thank you !! /throws confetti Thank you for updating it saeng T.T AND THANK YOU FOR THE YULHAE'S MOMENTS <33333 I LOVE UR UPDATE VERY MUCHHHHH !!! AND I'M CURIOUS ABT TOP'S PAST,IS IT TOP's fiancee is Tiffany ? 0.o
update soon dongsaeng~! ٩(^‿^)۶