Chapter 2

Music From the Heart


“Hey twins, guess what?” asked Minhae after looking at the dorm roommates list.


“What?” asked Yejin and Yena at the same time.


“We’re all in one dorm with this other girl,” smiled Minhae.


“Yay!!  We’re sharing a dorm together!” shouted Yejin and grinned from ear to ear.


Yena laughed and smiled, “This year’s gonna be fun.”


“Yup!  Let’s get going and unpack,” replied Minhae and the three girls headed towards their dorm.


As they were walking, a girl stopped them and asked, “Excuse me, but could you help me find where dorm building #3 is?”


“Oh, we’re actually going that way too!  You might be in the same room as us!  Is your room number 306?” replied Yejin.


“I’m in room number 305.  We’re neighbors then,” smiled the girl.


“My name’s Kang Yejin and this is Kang Yena, my twin sister, and Han Minhae, our best friend,” said Yejin.


“I’m Molly,” introduced the girl.


The four girls were now walking towards dorm building #3 talking about where they were from and about their families.


“Hey Molly, so you moved last year to Korea from Britain since you’re 17 now, right?” asked Minhae.


“Yup!” she nodded.


“Wow, it must be really cool to be from another country and have green eyes,” commented Yejin.


Yena laughed, “Too bad we just grew up in Seoul.  We’re too plain now.”


Minhae rolled her eyes, “Seoul is NOT plain and it’s cool to have grown up in Korea too, you know.”


Molly smiled, “I think you guys are lucky to have grown up in Korea.”


“Oh, thanks,” said Yejin.


The conversation ended as they came off the elevator in the dorm and separated in front of the rooms.  Yejin, Yena, and Minhae went into room number 306 while Molly went into room number 305.




Angel looked out the window of her black limo.  She sighed.  It was her first year at MyungDong and she was nervous.


“Henry, I-I don’t think I can do this.” she said nervously.


Her chauffeur, Henry, smiled gently at her and replied, “Don’t worry, Miss.  You’ll make lots of new friends and have a great time.”


Angel straightened her pink, fluffy dress again before stepping out of the limo.  Henry went to the back and took out her luggage.


‘Well, here goes nothing!’ she thought as she bid farewell to Henry and started walking towards the school entrance.


Suddenly, she bumped into a guy and apologized quickly, “I’m so sorry.  I wasn’t really looking at where I was going.”


The guy smiled and replied, “It’s alright.  As long as the lady’s not hurt.”


Angel was mesmerized by the guy’s smile.


“My name’s Onew,” he grinned.


“I’m Angel,” said Angel back shyly.


“It seems like you’re carrying a lot of stuff.  I’ll help you carry them all the way to your dorm,” offered Onew.


“Thanks,” smiled Angel.


“So, is this your first year at MyungDong Academy?” asked Onew as the two walked towards the girls’ dorms.


“Yeah... I’m kinda nervous,” replied Angel.


“Don’t worry, you’ll have a lot of fun and make lots of new friends.  You already made one right now, me!” smiled Onew.


‘Gah!  His smile is to die for!’ thought Angel and blushed madly.


“So how long have you gone to MyungDong Academy?” she asked.


“Hmm... about four years now.  I’m majoring in singing and dancing.” he answered.


“I’m majoring in singing, too!” exclaimed Angel.


“Really?  I’d really like to hear you sing sometime,” Onew chuckled at Angel’s cuteness.


“How old are you, by the way?” asked Angel curiously.


“I’m 18.”


“I’m 17.  So you’re only one year older than me.  I’ll call you Onew oppa,” giggled Angel.  Most of her shyness had gone away by now.


“Sure.  You’re so cute when you smile,” commented Onew.


Angel blushed and looked away.  


The two finally arrived at the dorm entrance and Angel thanked Onew for the help.


“Well, I’ll see you around then,” said Onew and winked at her before disappearing into the crowd.


Angel sighed dreamily and continued into the the girls’ dorm.


‘I’m in building number 3... and room number... 305.’


Angel stopped at the door with the number 305 printed in gold letters and carefully opened the door.




Dana had just gotten off the taxi at the MyungDong Academy entrance when she noticed five guys... Oh my gosh... Is that?!... Yes!!  It’s the famous DBSK!  She gasped in surprise and the guys all turned around to look at her.  They were close enough to hear her gasp.


“I-I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation or anything,” stuttered Dana as she saw all five gazes on her.


Jaejoong smiled and replied, “It’s okay.  I guess you figured out who we are.”


“Yeah... heh heh,” laughed Dana nervously.  She wasn’t used to five hot guys staring at her all at once, “Well, I guess I’ll go now.”


“Hey, before you go, tell us your name,” chuckled Yunho.


“I’m Dana,” she answered.


“Maybe we’ll see you around, Dana,” winked Yoochun.


‘Oh my gosh!  Yoochun winked at me - ME!’ she squealed in her head.


“Y-yeah... okay!” smiled Dana before turning back to enter the school entrance.

i received no comments... T___T
did nobody read this? O__o
anyways~ more characters are going to enter in the next chappie!!
P o s t e d : 10. 09. 07
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha