Chapter 9

Music From the Heart


“Hey Yunho hyung, don’t you think that Yejin is pretty cute?” whispered Changmin into Yunho’s ear as he stared at Yejin.


Yunho shrugged, “Sure.”


“Who do YOU think is cute?” countered Changmin.


“Hmmm...” Yunho tapped his chin then grinned, saying, “Minhae.”


“Gah, she’s too young for you, hyung.  She’s only 16 while you’re 21!  You’d be called a e.” smirked Changmin.


Yunho just waved that thought away with his hands and said, “Whatever.  It’s only a five year difference. That’s not much.”


Changmin scoffed, “I don’t know how your brain works, hyung.”


Yejin watched Changmin and Yunho talking about something and tapped Minhae on the shoulder, “Hey Minhae, I wonder what those two are talking about.”


Minhae squinted her eyes at the two guys and replied, “Hmm... me two.  I think I heard Changmin say something about a e!”


“Ahh!!  es are scary!” pouted Yejin.


“I’ll protect you!” said Minhae in a manly voice and the two girls laughed.


“What are you two laughing about?” asked Dana, curious.


“P-p-e!” answered Yejin as she kept laughing, not able to control her laughter.


Yena stared at her like she was crazy, “No offense, even though you’re my twin, I feel like there is seriously something wrong with you from time to time.  I mean, who would laugh about a e?”


“Well those two would.” stated Dana and pointed out that Minhae and Yejin were now laughing their butts off.



Dana and Yena just shrugged at the two laughing girls and went back to talking with the other DBSK members.




“Omg Omg Omg!  This top is so cute!” squealed Yerin as she ran to one of the dressed mannequins in the mall.


Hyunju followed along behind her with Jonghyun and Key as they just stared at her picking out all different kinds of outfits to try on.


“Hyunju-yah, you should so totally try this one on.” grinned Yerin and gave her one of the many tops in her stack.


“Uh, okay.” answered Hyunju awkwardly and followed Yerin to the dressing rooms.


“Dude, Jonghyun hyung, we should go check out that store over there.” commented Key and pointed to another store nearby.


Jonghyun shook his head, “After the girls try on their outfits.  You have to be a gentleman.”


Key rolled his eyes, “Hyung.... you’re such a player.”


“No, I just have manners.  Unlike you.” countered Jonghyun and took a seat near the dressing rooms, waiting for the girls to come out.


Key groaned and reluctantly sat next to him.  Not long after, the girls came out. 


Hyunju picked awkwardly at her outfit, “Um... Yerin-ah... I don’t think this is the right style for me.”


“Oh, come on, Hyunju!  You need to have at least one ‘girly’ clothes, as you like to call them, in your closet for some occasions.  And besides, it looks good on you.  You should dress like that more often.” smiled Yerin and twirled around in hers.


The girls came into the guys’ view and Jonghyun smiled towards both girls, saying, “You girls look nice in those outfits.”


Key rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything.  He knew if he did, Jonghyun would word-smack him once again. 


Jonghyun poked Key’s side with his elbow, indicating him to say at least something nice.


“Uh, you look nice.” said Key with a flat tone and turned away.


Hyunju became self-conscious with her outfit again, “Um... is it that bad?”


Jonghyun smacked the back of Key’s head as he cried out in pain. 


Yerin glared at Key then turned back to Hyunju, “No!  It looks absolutely gorgeous on you!  Key didn’t mean it like that.  Ugh, he has no taste in clothes.”


“Yah!  I have awesome taste in clothes!  What do you think you’re talking about?!” shouted Key to Yerin.


“Psh!  And you just insulted Hyunju with this outfit even though it looks gorgeous on her!  What have you got to say now?!” countered Yerin and stuck her tongue out at him.


“Yah!  Didn’t I tell you that it’s rude to stick out your tongue at people?!” yelled Key, now getting fired up again, “I bet you forget every ten seconds because you’re such a bahbo!”


“Mwoh?!  Yah!  Take that back!” Yerin was getting fired up also.




“Take it back!!”




“Keuman!! (Stop!!/Enough!!)” bellowed Hyunju very loudly.


Both Yerin and Key got on pause. 


Jonghyun sighed in relief.


“I won’t buy this top and it’s final.” stated Hyunju and walked back into the dressing room to change again.


Yerin glared at Key, “You just ruined her self-confidence.  Ugh, you good-for-nothing jerk!” 


With that said, Yerin stomped back into the dressing room also.


Key cried out in frustration, “Gah!  That girl!  I want to kill her one day!”


Jonghyun shook his head, “Dude, you deserved that.”


“Now even you’re abandoning me.” Key glared at him.

P o s t e d : 10. 12. 16
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha