Chapter 13

Music From the Heart


Jonghyun smiled as he saw Dana, Minhae, Yejin, and Yena approach him. 


“Hey, girls!” said he.


“Hey Jonghyun oppa!  I didn’t know you were going to debut soon with Taemin and some other guys!” greeted Yejin excitedly.


“Yejin-ah!  How can you be so hyper in the morning... geez...” grumbled Yena as she rubbed her tired eyes. 


Seriously, Yejin could be totally off the walls even in the morning and she hasn’t had any sugar yet!


Jonghyun chuckled, “Well, Yena, you look tired.”


Yena nodded her head and yawned, “It’s the morning, what do you expect?”


“Oppa!  Could you introduce us to the other guys that are going to be debuting with you?” asked Minhae and smiled sweetly.


“Sure, it’s no prob.” grinned Jonghyun.


“Yay~!  We get to meet more celebrity-to-be guys!” squealed Yejin happily.


“And I bet they’re hot.” smirked Minhae.


“No, duh!  To debut, you HAVE to be hot.” said Yena.


“I don’t think they’re gonna be as hot as Jonghyun oppa, though.” commented Dana and blushed.


“Aw, thanks, Dana.” replied Jonghyun and winked at her.


‘Kya!  He just winked at me!’ thought she and happily giggled.


“I think Dana has a crush on someone~!” Yejin wiggled her eyebrows.


“Oh my gosh, don’t tell me... it’s... Taemin!” guessed Minhae and recieved a smack on the head from Yena.


“No, silly, it’s Jonghyun oppa.” said she and rolled her eyes.


“No need to use violence, geez.” pouted Minhae and rubbed the sore spot.


“Yeah, Yena!  You’re so violent!” agreed Yejin and stuck her tongue out at her twin sister.


Dana sighed, “You guys are so weird sometimes.”


Just then Taemin entered the classroom and waved ‘hi’ to the girls.


“Hey chingoo-deul(friends)~!” said he happily and sat down next to Jonghyun.


“Hey Taemin!” replied the girls except Yena who was soundly sleeping with her head on the desk.


Taemin laughed, “Is Yena sleeping for real?”


Yejin poked at her twin and sighed, “Yes, she is.  She’s always been a heavy sleeper.  Can’t blame her.”


“She’s cute when she’s sleeping.” grinned he.


Minhae gasped, “Do we see a little crush going on here~?”


Taemin shrugged his shoulders playfully, “Maybe~?”


Suddenly, the door swung open and the teacher came in, making all the students hush up, “Be quiet, students!  Now get ready for a morning pop quiz!”


The whole room groaned.




The bell rang indicating that it was lunchtime.


“Yes~!  Oh my gosh, I’m starving!” exclaimed Hyunju as she jumped up from her desk.


“Ha ha ha!  You always are but you never gain weight!  Grr!  You’re so evil!” pouted Yerin and poked at her own stomach, “I feel so fat.”


Molly scoffed, “Yerin-ah!  You are SO not fat!  You wear a size 0 or 1 in jeans!  You call THAT fat?!”


“Hey, hey!  NOBODY’S fat here, okay?  Jeez, girls and their fat-phobia.” interjected Angel.


“Um, hello?  Angel, you’re a girl, too.” smirked Hyunju.


“Gah!  Whatever!  Just know that we are NOT fat.  ANY of us, kay?  We need to order some self-esteem for you girls.” giggled Angel.


The other girls laughed along when the boys approached them.


Onew hugged Angel from the back and kissed her cheek gently.


“Aww!  So cute!” smiled Molly then sighed, “I wish I had a boyfriend now...”


Suddenly, Jaejoong’s face popped up in her head and she shook it forcefully, ‘No!  That’s impossible!  He’s a celebrity... TT^TT’


“Let’s all go to lunch before Hyunju turns all grumpy.” laughed Yerin and everybody headed towards the cafeteria.


While they were walking, Yerin’s cellphone rang.  She picked it up, “Hello?... What?!...NO!!  Don’t come!  No~!!!.... You better not!  I gotta go, bye!”


“Who was it?” asked Hyunju curiously.


“Uh, nobody.” smiled Yerin awkwardly.


“Uh-huh, sure~.  You better tell me sooner or later.” replied Hyunju and looked at Yerin suspiciously.


Yerin sighed, “Fine.  I’ll tell you when there’s less people around.”


“Okay!” Hyunju grinned widely knowing that she won.


The group of friends reached the cafeteria and Minho nodded towards the line, saying, “I’ll go get the lunches with Key.  The rest of you go find a table.  What do you guys want?”


“Em, I want Jja-jang bap!” decided Hyunju.


“I’ll take just plain old kimbap.” smiled Yerin.


“I want ra-bbokki.” said Angel.


“I’ll take what my baby’s having.” grinned Onew as Angel giggled.


“Hmm... I’ll just get baek-ban.” replied Molly.


“Okay, then.  We’ll see you guys later.” commented Key as he and Minho made their way towards the lunch line.


Yerin and Hyunju sat themselves down as Hyunju grinned, “So, what was with the phone call earlier?”



11. 01. 20

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha