Chapter 10

Music From the Heart

Onew and Angel finished eating their cakes and decided to walk back to campus. 

As they walked, Onew slowly took hold of Angel’s hand.



“O-oppa, what are you doing?” she asked, stunned.


“Just in case so you don’t get lost.” replied Onew and winked at her.


Angel giggled and the two started swaying their intertwined hands. 


As they got closer and closer to the school campus, the more slower they walked. 


Finally, they were right in front of the school gates.  Onew stopped and turned to look at Angel.


“Um, I have to go somewhere else after this so I’ll just drop you off here.” He said.


“Oh, okay.” nodded Angel.


There was a moment of silence, then Onew’s face crept slowly and slowly closer towards Angel’s. 


Angel closed her eyes and waited when suddenly, they heard a gasp, no, a lot of gasps coming from the sidelines. 


Immediately, Angel’s eyes fluttered open and both Onew and Angel stared at the many faces looking at them, surprised.


“H-hyung!  You have a girlfriend?!” asked Taemin, confused.


Minho was standing next to Taemin with two other girls, all with widened eyes.


“Angel?  You go out with Onew oppa?!” asked Hyunju and Yerin at the same time, shocked.


Key and Jonghyun were staring at Onew as he chuckled nervously.


Angel blushed madly and looked away from everybody’s stares.


“Yeah, we go out.” smiled Onew.


“O-oppa!” Angel looked up at Onew, surprised at what he said.


“You’ll be my girlfriend, right?” He looked deeply into her eyes.


Angel shyly nodded her head yes.


Onew held her head as he softly kissed her on the lips.


The ‘audience’ gasped then ‘aww’ed.


After the newly-announced couple broke apart from their kiss, Hyunju and Yerin dashed over to Angel’s side.


“Omg!!  Since when did you start liking him?!” asked Yerin while jumping up and down from excitement. 


Hyunju nodded her head in agreement frantically, “We’ve GOT to talk about this the minute we step into our dorm, okay?!”


Angel, who was so happy, had a dreamy look on her face and just absent-mindedly nodded her head.


Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin were already surrounding Onew as well.


“Hyung!  You didn’t tell us anything!” yelled Key.


“Ah, well, it was kinda sudden...” started Onew before he got cut off by Jonghyun.


“Nothing’s too sudden to tell your best friends!” said Jonghyun.


Minho gave Onew a stare as Taemin pouted, “Aw, I want a girlfriend now.”


Elaine and Ashley had witnessed one of the most popular guys at school confessing to a girl and was shocked.


“Whoa~!  I don’t even know all these people but I’m excited and happy for them anyways!” cheered Elaine.


Ashley laughed and said, “Elaine, you’re so weird.”


Taemin and Minho came over to the two girls with the other guys of SHINee.


“Hey guys, I didn’t get to introduce you guys to each other.” smiled Minho.


“This is Ashley noona and Elaine noona.” said Taemin cheekily.


“Aw~!  You’re just too adorable, Taemin!” squealed Ashley and pinched his cheeks.


“Well, I’m Jonghyun and that’s Key and Onew, the one who has a girlfriend now.” greeted Jonghyun, “You guys don’t know the girls over there, right?”


“Nope.” replied Ashley.


Yerin, Hyunju, and Angel walked over and were introduced to Elaine and Ashley.


Everybody was seventeen except for Taemin who was sixteen and Jonghyun and Onew who were eighteen.


“Well, we gotta go soon because we have another hard-core practice session.” sighed Minho, “Getting ready for our debut is not easy.”


SHINee agreed and soon left.  Elaine and Ashley had to go back home also.


“We’ll see you guys at school, then!” said Elaine and the two girls waved at their new friends before walking away.


“Bye!” waved Yerin, Hyunju, and Angel back before heading towards their dorm.



P o s t e d : 11. 01. 08

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha