Chapter 19

Music From the Heart


[Time:  The first day of winter break has arrived!]


“Yah!  Angel!  Where’s my pink jean skirt that I lent you before?!” yelled Yerin from across the dorm room.


The girls were busy packing up to leave for the break.  The break would be two weeks long and they were excited to finally be able to walk off the school grounds for a long period of time.


“I dunno!  I thought I gave it back to you!” shouted Angel back, busy with her own packing.


“Ew!  What is this?!  What is it doing in my closet?!” cried Hyunju and pulled out a faded out pink jean skirt from her pile of clothes.


“Hey!  That’s mine!  What’s it doing there anyway?” Yerin quickly grabbed it from Hyunju’s hand, “And it is NOT ew!  It’s cute!  You have no sense of style, darling.”


“Whatever.” Hyunju rolled her eyes and began sorting her clothes again.


“I can’t believe we’re not going to see each other for two whole weeks!” commented Molly.


“Seriously... I’m gonna miss you guys soo much!!” Angel came running and hugged each and every one of the girls.


“Aw~!  We’ll all miss each other!”


The girls all got into a group hug.


“Yerin-ah, you better be safe at Key’s house!  If anything goes wrong, we’re beating him up!” said Hyunju and started cracking her knuckles.


“You’re the one who gave the idea.” Yerin rolled her eyes.


“Who cares?  We’ll be protecting you all the way.” smiled Molly.


“Oh, when’s the symphony concert?  I was so proud when you made it in!!  And it’s first chair, too!” cried Angel happily.


“Yeah!  Make sure to get us tickets!  We’ll definitely come and support you!” giggled Yerin.


“Of course!” grinned Molly cheekily.


“Hey, is everybody done and packed?” asked Hyunju.


“Yup!” the other girls cried.


“Let’s go!”


All four girls headed out towards the school gates where SHINee, DBSK, and the rest of the crew were waiting for them.


“Onew oppa~!” cried Angel as she rushed to give Onew a big hug.


“My little babe~!” grinned Onew and lifted her up, twirling around.


He finally put her back on the ground, “I’m gonna miss you...” whispered he into her ear.


“Me, too...” Angel’s eyes got teary.


“My poor love birds!” cried Yerin and tears started flowing down her cheeks.


Everybody stared at her then laughed.


“What’s so funny?!  This is supposed to be sad!” Yerin pouted.


The others stopped laughing and all the attention turned towards Ashley and Yoochun who were holding hands.


“You guys go out?” asked Molly.


Both nodded their heads happily.


“Aw~!  Another couple made!” cheered Minhae from the sides with Yejin, Yena, and Dana.


“See?  It’s possible to go out with a celebrity.” whispered Yerin lightly into Molly’s ear.


Molly’s gaze automatically turned towards Jaejoong who was also looking at her.  He smiled a charming smile and blushing, Molly smiled back.


‘How’d Yerin know?’ thought she in her head.


She turned her gaze to Hyunju who blushed madly when Junsu winked at her.


“Who’s going home on the train?” asked Dana all of a sudden.


“Me!” shouted Yejin, Yena, Minhae, Molly, Angel, and Hyunju.


Onew sighed, “I’m taking the city bus... since my parents live in Seoul.”


“...Me, too.” added Minho.


“Same here.” commented Jonghyun and Taemin.


“Well, Elaine and I are staying here.  Our houses aren’t that far from school, ha ha.” laughed Ashley.


“I’m taking the plane...” said Key.


“With Yerin~!” smirked Changmin.


Key and Yerin glared at Changmin who just gave an innocent look, “What?  Did I say something wrong?”


“Well, I guess it’s time to say our goodbyes.” sighed Hyunju.


One by one, everybody said their goodbyes and gave each other hugs before all going into different directions in groups.


The ones going on the train walked all the way to the train station, the ones riding the city bus walked to the city bus station, the ones going somewhere else got into taxis.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha