Chapter 20

Music From the Heart


“Here, I’ll help you with your luggage.” grunted Key and started to haul Yerin’s stuff onto the cart which had his stuff on it, too.


“T-thanks.” said Yerin, surprised by his action.


“No problem.”


The two walked down the halls of the airport, looking for their flight number.


“Look!  There it is!” smiled Yerin and dragged Key and the cart towards the check-in counter.


The two checked in, posted their luggage, and soon, found their flight airway and got on to the plane just in time.


The seats were in twos and they sat down next to each other.


“Hey, Key?... Um... thanks for letting me stay at your place.” said Yerin.


Key looked at her and smiled, “You're welcome.”


Yerin blushed. ‘Why have I not noticed his cute smiles before?’


“So, what’s your family like?” asked she, curious.


“Well, my mom and dad are both teachers at my old high school and I have one older brother.  He’s only two years older than me and is in college, majoring in business.  His name’s Kim Kisung.”


“Oh, really?”




“Your family sounds interesting and really friendly.”


“Oh, they really are... just try not to get freaked out when you first meet them.”


“Uh, okay. ^^;;”


“Tell me about your family.”

“Well, my mom’s a housewife while my dad is a businessman.  I have an older brother, you already met him... heh heh, Geun Suk oppa.”


“Oh, yeah...” Kibum’s face turned bright red as he remembered that time when Geun Suk came to talk to Yerin at school.


An awkward silence fell among the two teenagers.


“Um, well, my oppa was happy to hear that I was going to be staying at your house since you’re a very protective friend, according to him.” Yerin tried to break the awkwardness.


“Ha ha ha, yeah, I can protect you from my evil older brother if he ever tries to attack you.” laughed Key.


Yerin gasped, “Your brother will attack me?!”


“No, silly!  I was just joking.” chuckled Key and patted Yerin’s head.


“Yah!  You’re turning like my brother!  He always tries to mess up my hair.” pouted she.


Suddenly, the intercom came on, “The plane will fly in less than 2 minutes.  Remember passengers, to put on your seat belts.”


Key quickly put on his seat belt then noticed that Yerin was having trouble with hers. 


He reached over and put the seat buckle in place. 


During that process, Key’s hands brushed against Yerin’s and Key tried to hide his blush, ‘Her hands are so soft...’


Soon, the plane lifted off the ground and flew towards Daegu.


“Hey Key, since your family lives in Daegu, they must have an accent.” giggled Yerin.


“Yup!  They do.  I used to have one too but after training many years in Seoul, I learned how to control it.”


“I want to hear!”


“Nah.  You’ll just have to wait until we get to our house.  Then you’ll hear it so much that it’s gonna be tiring.”


“Aw~!  But I wanna hear YOU say it~!  You party pooper!” Yerin made a blowfish face and turned away from Key.




It has been past one hour and Yerin fell asleep. 


Her head was bopping around when it landed on Key’s shoulder. 


He was surprised at first but smiled when he saw Yerin’s peaceful face.


‘She’s so pretty...’ thought he and unconsciously, his hand crept up to her face. 


He was about to touch it when Yerin stirred in her sleep and he snapped back to reality.


‘What was I thinking?!  Key, you babo!  Aish!’ thought he and hit his head against the front seat. 


Good thing nobody was sitting there at that moment.




DBSK decided to accompany the girls who were all going on trains to get to their destinations.  They all walked to the trains station together.


“Hyunju unni!  You’re so lucky~!  You’re going to be going on a Europe tour~!” pouted Yejin.


Hyunju laughed, “I’m sure you’ll be able to go someday, too.”


“Not really,” Yejin sighed, “I’ll always just be stuck in boring old Korea with Yena and possibly Minhae.  We’ll make her stay with us and never let her go!”


“Yah!  That’s so mean~!” Minhae giggled.


“I’ll rescue you from them.” winked Yunho at her.


“R-really oppa?” blushed Minhae.


“Of course.” grinned he.


“Oh gosh, Yunho hyung, you e!” Changmin shouted.


“Hey!  Age is just a number!” retorted Minhae, “It cannot interfere with love.”


“Ooh~!  Minhae~!  You love Yunho oppa?” teased Dana.


“Well, duh.  It’s pretty obvious.” Yena rolled her eyes.


“Yah!  And your love for Taeminnie is very obvious, too!” Minhae grinned evilly.


Yena’s face immediately turned red.


Yejin laughed at her twin’s reaction, “Ha ha ha!  But Taemin’s love for you is pretty obvious also so there’s no one sided love.”


“Is my love one-sided?” Changmin wondered out loud.


“Eh?  Who do you love, Changmin?” asked Jaejoong.


All the girls’ and guys’ attention turned to him.


“Uh, um... Yejin.” answered he shyly.


Yejin blushed madly.


“Omona, Yejin-ah!  He loves you back!  Another couple is made!” cheered Hyunju.


“This is too quick.” Dana commented.


“True, true.  But they’re actually pretty cute together.” said Yena.


“Oh yeah, Molly, when’s your symphony concert?” asked Jaejoong suddenly.


“Um, it’s right after we come back from break.” answered she, smiling.


“I’ll be there.” whispered he into her ear.


The group finally arrived at the train station and the girls turned to DBSK to say their last goodbyes.


“Thanks oppa-deul (oppas) for walking us all the way here.” smiled Dana.


“No problem.” said DBSK back.


“Bye, Yejin, I’ll miss you.” Changmin said shyly.


“Me too, oppa!” giggled Yejin and gave him a peck on the cheek before running with Yena into the train gateway.  Changmin blushed.


“Ha ha!  Our little magnae(youngest)’s growing up!” teased Junsu.


As Yejin, Yena, and Minhae were running, Yunho pulled Minhae into a hug and whispered, “Call me.” into her ear while putting a piece of paper into her hand.


Minhae was at a lost for words and finally managed a really happy smile before being dragged off by Yena, who came back to fetch her.


“Omo!  My train’s going to be here soon, too!” realized Hyunju looking at her watch.


“I gotta go, guys.  Bye.” smiled Hyunju and was about to walk away when Junsu stepped in front of her, blocking her way (again -___-;;).


“What is it, oppa?” asked she, annoyed. 


Junsu just smirked and kissed her on the lips, leaving a shocked Hyunju.


“Just wanted to do that before you go.  I’ll see you after break.” grinned Junsu and let her go.


“Yeah, uh, bye.” replied Hyunju quickly and ran off to her train’s gateway, her face already the color of a tomato.


Molly giggled, looking at Hyunju and Junsu then sighed, “Well, I have to go, too.”


“Okay.  Bye, Molly~!  We’ll see you soon.” smiled the guys.


Jaejoong hugged her tightly before letting her go.


“Wow, so many couples.” laughed Yoochun.


“Seriously, I don’t think any of us are single anymore...” Yunho grinned.


“We just have to be careful with our fans.” sighed Changmin sadly.


“True, true... but we’ll manage.” said Junsu.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha