Chapter 11

Music From the Heart


Molly was practicing her violin when the girls came into the dorm room. 


Right when they entered, Yerin and Hyunju started attacking Angel with a bunch of questions.


Molly, startled by the sudden noises, stopped playing and asked, “What happened?”


Yerin grinned sheepishly and answered, “Angel just got herself a boyfriend~!”


“Omo!  Really?!  Who is he?!” Molly was now curious as well.


“It’s Onew!” shouted Hyunju.


“Yah!  Keep it down, will ya?” said Angel as she blushed.


“You’re so lucky, Angel!  Onew seems really nice and awesome.  Congrats!” smiled Molly.


“Aw, thanks.” replied Angel.


“So, since when did you like him?!” asked Yerin, excited as ever.


“Um, I think since the first day I met him...” answered Angel dreamily.


“Omg, and you never told us?” Hyunju pouted.


“Heh heh ^^;; well, I never thought that he would like me back...” said Angel.


“Well, you guys go out now and it’s alllll good.” added Yerin and leaned back in the beanie chair.


“What should we do tomorrow?” wondered Hyunju out loud.


“I dunno... stay in the dorm and study?” suggested Molly.


All the girls gave Molly a skeptical look.


“I was just kidding.” said she defensively.




DBSK walked the girls back to their school and waved goodbye.  The girls entered their dorm and excitedly talked about the day and how awesome DBSK was even in real life.


“Yunho oppa is so hot!” squealed Minhae.


“Changmin oppa is so hot too!” said Yejin happily.


“They’re all hot. Duh.” commented Yena.


“Ugh, you just ruined the mood of our fangirl-ness.” pouted Yejin at Yena.


Yena shrugged, “Um, sorry?”


Minhae rolled her eyes at Yena, “Just forget it.”


Dana was on the internet while the other girls were talking and said, “Hey, guys, come over here.”


“What is it?” asked Yejin as they all crowded around Dana and the computer.


“Remember Jonghyun oppa and Taemin?  The ones in our homeroom class?”


“Yeah, of course.”


“Well, they’re going to be debuting with three other boys as SHINee soon!” Dana grinned excitedly.


“Omo, really?!  That’s so awesome!” squealed Minhae, “Now we’re friends with soon-to-be celebrities!”


“No wonder they’re so well known at school.” said Yena thoughtfully.


“Yeah, and the girls are always talking about SHINee.  I didn’t know who or what it was until now.” Yejin smiled sheepishly and scratched her head.


“Well now you know.” stated Dana and patted Yejin on the head.


“Hey, no touchie to the hair!” Yejin pouted.


The girls laughed and went back to searching other things on the internet.




Molly quietly walked out of the dorm room with her violin case and stand on a Sunday morning. 


She had woken up early to practice her violin for the upcoming auditions and didn’t want to bother the girls who were still sleeping soundly in their beds. 


She walked into the school building and decided to use one of the many practicing rooms. 


Molly set up her stand and took out her violin.  She tuned it with the tuner and started warming up with scales. 


After a while, she started playing the audition song. 


It’s been about two hours past when she felt someone watching her through the practice room’s window. 


She looked over but there was nobody there. 


Molly felt insecure, stopping every ten minutes but still not seeing anybody. 


Finally, she got the courage to ask, “Who’s there?!”


A guy with sunglasses peeked through the window and came in.  Molly looked at him suspiciously. 


The guy smiled and took off his sunglasses. 


Molly gasped.


“J-Jaejoong from DBSK?!” she was shocked.


Jaejoong grinned and replied, “Yes, that’s me.  I was just passing by hearing you play and I think it sounds amazing.”


Molly blushed, “T-thank you.”


‘Darn it!  I can’t even talk right in front of him!’ thought she.


Jaejoong laughed, “Why are you stuttering?”


“I-I’m not s-stuttering!” retorted she.


“Ha ha ha!  I’m guessing you’re a fan of DBSK?”


“Yeah... heh heh ^^;;”


“Well, nice to meet you.  What’s your name?”


“I’m Molly.” she replied and smiled.


“Can you play some more of your amazing violin skills?” Jaejoong asked like a gentleman.




Jaejoong took a seat by the wall and watched as Molly started to play again.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha