Chapter 4

Music From the Heart


Ashley and Elaine were walking down the school hallways, seeing all the new faces they didn’t recognize and the familiar ones they already knew.


“Wow, there’s a bunch of new students this year too,” said Ashley, amused.


“No, duh.  This school’s like super famous and only the talented can come here.  And trust me, there’s so many talented people out in this world that it’s not even funny,” replied Elaine.


“So, do we have any classes together this year?” asked Ashley.


“Let me see your schedule card,” answered Elaine.


She looked at both of the cards and nodded her head, smiling.


“We have homeroom, physics, and personality development.”


“Oh my gosh, personality development?  What kind of class is that?!”


“You know, like if we’re gonna be on TV, we have to be calm and not spazz,” laughed Elaine.


“They teach you not to spazz, huh,” giggled Ashley.


The girls were heading into their homeroom when a group of fangirls rushed past them, almost knocking both of them to the ground.


“Whoa!  These fangirls can be violent!” said Elaine.


“Hey, look.  It seems SHINee has arrived,” commented Ashley.


“No wonder the fangirls went crazy,” Elaine shook her head.


SHINee was a group that the SM Entertainment was training and were considered the next “big thing” in music biz. 


They were already popular at the school, especially with the girls.  However, they did not debut yet but they will soon. 


The boys were soon surrounded by the screaming fangirls.  Later, they departed and three of the boys started walking towards Ashley and Elaine’s direction.


“Oh, goodie.  They’re in the same homeroom as us.  We’re gonna have a peaceful year.” said Ashley sarcastically.


“Hey, at least we have some eye candy to look at.” laughed Elaine.




After they got all comfortable in their dorms, the girls realized that first period would be about to start soon and they all rushed to get ready for their first day of school. 


It was a little all too sudden for them but they had to deal with it. 


Soon, they were all dressed in their new clean uniforms and were walking down the hallways, trying to find their homeroom class.


“I have Mr. Lee for homeroom.  What about you?” asked Hyunju.


I have Mr.  Lee, too!! x3” said Yerin happily.


“Me, too.” smiled Molly.


“Oh my gosh, me too!” added Angel and they all high-fived each other.


They all entered the classroom and found empty seats to sit in. 


They were chatting when suddenly, almost all the girls in the room screamed. 


They saw three good looking guys enter the classroom. 


Yerin’s eyes almost bulged out when she recognized two of them. 


She poked Hyunju by the side and whispered, “Look!  It’s the two guys that bumped into us!” 


Hyunju looked carefully and recognized them too. 


“Wow, they’re really handsome.” commented Molly.


“Yeah, no wonder all the girls screamed.” said Angel.


“Psh~!  That’s good looking?  Whatever.” Yerin butted in.  She was still not over the rudeness of that one guy.


“You don’t think we’re good looking?” whispered someone right behind her suddenly.


Yerin turned around to see the rude guy standing right behind her, smirking.


“It’s you.” she said through gritted teeth.


“It’s me.” he answered coolly.


“We don’t want to create trouble, Key.” said the other guy that Yerin and Hyunju recognized. 


He had stopped the almost-fight last time too.


“Yeah, okay, Minho.” said Key and walked off to the back of the room still looking at Yerin.


“Hey, I hope my friend didn’t do anything to make you mad.” said one of the three hot guys - the one that Yerin and Hyunju didn’t know. 


Angel gasped when she saw his face clearly.  The guy turned to face Angel when he heard her gasp. 


He smiled and said, “It’s you.”


“Y-yeah.” said Angel back shyly.


“I didn’t know we’d have a class together already.” said Onew.


“Me neither.”


Molly looked from one to the other and asked, “So you guys know each other already?”


“Yeah.  I met her already.” answered Onew.  Angel blushed.


“Okay~ this is weird because Yerin and Hyunju, you guys seemed like you knew the other guys too.  I feel left out.” commented Molly.


“Don’t worry Molly, we don’t know them-know them.” replied Yerin still glaring at the guy named Key.


“So, you made other friends already?  I told you it’d be easy.” said Onew to Angel.


Angel grinned and replied, “Yeah, you were right Onew oppa.”


“But I’m still number one, right?” smiled he.




“Onew hyung!  Class is about to start so you better sit down.” interrupted Key.


“Yeah, okay.” replied Onew and smiled one last time at Angel before heading towards the back of the classroom.


“Sheesh, I told you he’s mean.  He even interrupts other people’s conversations!” declared Yerin.


“Whatever Yerin, just chill.” commented Hyunju.


Just then, the teacher came into the classroom and school officially began.

new chappie!
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P o s t e d : 10. 09. 10
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha