Chapter 12

Music From the Heart


It was another typical school morning day as Elaine woke Ashley up and both girls arrived on school campus.  They saw DBSK and SHINee together in one corner and decided to walk over there.


“Hey guys!” greeted Elaine.


“Elaine noona!  Ashley noona!  I missed you~!” shouted Taemin.


Minho looked at Elaine and winked.  She blushed.


“You guys know each other?” asked Junsu confused.


“Yup!  We met them some time ago when we went street shopping.” answered Ashley matter-of-factly.


“Oh~!  I see.” nodded Yoochun.


“Hey, are you guys practicing today, too?” questioned Elaine to Yunho.


“Of course.  We always need to perfect our live performances.” replied Yunho and grinned.


“Ugh, you’re such a perfectionist!” commented Ashley and rolled her eyes.


“Hey!  I’m not as bad as Jaejoong!” retorted Yunho.


“Huh?  What?  Did someone say my name?” said Jaejoong as he snapped out of his thoughts.


The whole group laughed.


“Hyung!  What were you thinking about?” asked Junsu.


“Uh-nothing.” smiled Jaejoong.




Hyunju, Yerin, Angel, and Molly were all heading towards school from their dormitory when they spotted Elaine and Ashley talking to a group of guys.


“Hey Elaine and Ashley!” greeted Yerin.


“Oh, hey girls!” Elaine returned the greeting.


Hyunju suddenly gasped, “Omo!  Aren’t you guys DBSK?!”


Junsu smiled, “Yup!  That’s us.”


“Elaine!  Ashley!  You guys were friends with DBSK?!” Angel was excited now.


“Ha ha, yeah.” answered Ashley awkwardly.


“Hey Molly.” smiled Jaejoong suddenly.


The whole group had a confused look on.


“You guys know each other?” asked Yerin to Molly.


Molly nodded and replied, “Hi Jaejoong oppa.”


Changmin looked at Jaejoong and asked, “Hyung, how do you know her?”


“Oh, we met yesterday.” explained Jaejoong.


“Well, I’ll introduce you guys to all the girls,” commented Elaine, “DBSK, this is Yerin, Hyunju, Angel, and Molly.”


“Ahem!” Onew cleared his throat.


“Oh!  Hey guys!  We didn’t see you there, heh heh ^^;;” chuckled Hyunju nervously.


“Onew oppa!” smiled Angel and went to hug Onew.


“Hey.” replied Onew and kissed her on the cheek.


“Aw~!  You guys are just too adorable!” squealed Yerin.


“Whoa!  Our little Onew has a girlfriend?!” asked Yunho taken aback.


“Hyung!  I’m not that little you know.” retorted Onew.


“Ha ha!  Our little Onew has grown~!” teased Changmin.


“But of course!  He’s eighteen now!” said Yoochun and smiled.


Junsu sighed, “Oh how fast the years go by...”


“You sound like an old man.” chuckled Jaejoong.


While DBSK were teasing each other, Jonghyun poked Key by the sides and whispered, “Remember what I told you yesterday!  Go apologize to Hyunju and Yerin about last time!”


Key groaned as Jonghyun pushed him towards Yerin and Hyunju.


As Key came closer to her, Yerin glared at him and asked coldly, “What do you want?”


Key tried to suppress the rising anger in him and said, “Hey, sorry about last time and Hyunju, you didn’t look bad in that outfit at all.  I didn’t mean it like that.”


Hyunju smiled, “Apology accepted.”


Yerin still glared at him, “I don’t think you’re serious.”


Key gritted his teeth, “Oh, you bet I am.”


“No, you’re not.”


“Yes, I am.” 


“No, you’re not.”










“STOP!” Hyunju puffed, “Geez, how many times do I have to say that?!”


“I’m sorry, Hyunju.” pouted Yerin, “I just don’t get along very well with Key, I guess.”


“Psh, you guess?!” Hyunju sighed, “Just stop fighting.”


Yerin looked sad now.


For some weird reason, Key wanted to comfort her, even though she got on his nerves a LOT.


“Hey, it’s alright.  We’ll just not fight as much anymore, kay?” he said to her.


She gave him a small smile as a reply.  It made him smile.


“Now they’re starting to get along.  Finally!” grinned Jonghyun happily.


The school bell rang, announcing that class was starting in ten minutes.


“Better get going!” commented Molly and all the girls, including Elaine and Ashley, and SHINee headed towards their classrooms.


DBSK watched as the group of friends walked off and walked to their practice rooms.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha