Chapter 6

Music From the Heart


“Oh my gosh, school was so tiring today!” yawned Ashley as she and Elaine walked down the practice halls. 


Many of the students were now filling up the empty rooms and practicing.


“It was only the first day and your tired already?” commented Elaine.


“Hey, it’s still tiring you know.  Or maybe you don’t know.” countered Ashley.


The two girls finally arrived at the room where DBSK would be practicing in and entered it quietly. 


The boys were dancing and sweating like crazy and didn’t see the girls coming in. 


The music ended and Yunho called out, “Ten minute break!”


“Hey guys!  Wow, you’re practicing so hard like always.” said Elaine brightly.


“Oh, you guys are here!  We’re gonna go out to eat for dinner later, wanna join?” greeted Junsu happily.


“Hmm... sure, I think so.” answered Ashley.


“Yay!  I can’t wait for the food!” cried out Changmin as the girls giggled.


“So how was school?” he asked.


“It was tiring.” stated Ashley matter-of-factly.


“Well, you’re gonna be missing it when it all ends.”


“Psh, they won’t, Changmin.  They’re not like you.” butted in Yunho.


“Hey, it’s not my fault I was actually smart and got good grades!” he pouted.


Yunho rolled his eyes and continued to drink water from the water bottle.


“How many more minutes left until 6pm?” asked Jaejoong suddenly.


“Em, more like how many more hours left?” answered Elaine, “There’s about 2 hours left from now.”


All the boys except for Yunho groaned.


“C’mon, guys.  Act like a man.  Two hours isn’t a lot.” said Yunho rolling his eyes.


“Easy for you to say, you actually like dancing.” complained Yoochun.


“I think he just enjoys torturing us.” whispered Junsu to the girls.  They giggled and Yunho shot Junsu a death glare.


Junsu made an innocent face and said, “What~?  I didn’t do anything.”


Changmin started up the music again and the girls left, saying they’ll be back when the two hours were over.




It was a Saturday morning as Angel woke up early and left the dorm, leaving Yerin, Hyunju, and Molly still sleeping inside. 


She just wanted to walk around the school campus and explore the neighborhoods and stores around the school. 


She didn’t wake up the others because she felt bad waking them up when they might be really tired. 


The first week of school was very tiring indeed. 


The campus was very empty, with all the students probably sleeping in or just hanging out inside the dorms. 


Angel was enjoying the fresh air when someone crept up from behind and covered her eyes, saying, “Guess who?”


Angel was startled and replied, “Um... I don’t know.”


She turned around to see Onew standing behind, smiling at her.


“Onew oppa!” she exclaimed.


“I’m sad, you didn’t recognize my voice.” he pouted.


“I’m sorry, I’m not very good at recognizing people’s voices.” she said guiltily.


“No need to feel guilty.  Hey, you wanna go to this bakery?  It’s really close from here and their cakes are really good.” he suggested.


“Okay, that sounds great!” she replied happily and the two walked out of the campus towards the bakery shop.


Inside the shop, there were so much variety of cute and delicious looking cakes that Angel was amazed and excited. 


Onew smiled down at her as he saw her excited expression, “So which cake do you want?”


“They all look so good!  Hmm... which one’s your favorite, oppa?” replied Angel happily.


“I’d say... the original chocolate fudge cake.” grinned Onew.


“Okay, I’ll take a slice of that one then.” Angel decided.


Onew ordered the cake and they both walked to an empty table of two with two slices of the chocolate fudge cake, one for each of them.

*stomach growls*... now i want some chocolate fudge cake -________-
P o s t e d : 10. 09. 12
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha