Chapter 8

Music From the Heart


Yejin, Yena, Minhae, and Dana had decided to go out for lunch to eat when they bumped into a group of guys on the way out of the school gates.


Yejin gasped, “Oh my gosh!  G-g-guys!  It’s DBSK!”


Changmin smiled, “Ah, more recognition.”


Yena and Minhae stood in shock and disbelief as DBSK came closer to them.


“Hey, aren’t you that girl we met last time?  Your name’s Dana, right?” said Junsu.


“Oh, yeah. You guys actually remembered my name!” shouted Dana excitedly.


Jaejoong laughed, “Of course, we don’t forget our fans that quickly.”


Minhae came out of her shock and pouted, “Dana!  I’m so jealous~!  They remember your name!”


“What’s your name?  We can remember yours from now on too.” asked Yunho to Minhae and flashed a killer smile.


“I-I’m Han Minhae.” she stuttered from nervousness at Yunho’s gaze.


“Nice to meet you, Minhae.” greeted Yoochun.


“What about you two?  We don’t know your names yet.” commented Jaejoong at Yejin and Yena.


“I’m Yejin and that’s my twin sister, Yena.” grinned Yejin happily.


“Are you guys identical twins?” asked Changmin.


“No, we’re fraternal but a lot of people say we look alike anyway.” replied Yena.


“Ooh!  My twin brother and I are fraternal, too!” shouted Junsu excitedly.


“Really?  That’s so cool!” joined in Dana.


“So where are you girls headed to?” Yoochun asked.


“We were just going out to grab some lunch.” Yejin smiled.


“Would you mind if we joined you?” asked Changmin.


“Nope!” answered Yejin.


“I guess we’re all going to have lunch together then.” grinned Minhae.


DBSK and the girls all walked out of the school gates together, talking and laughing on the way.




Elaine sighed as she laid down on Ashley’s bed.


“I’m bored~!” she whined and rolled around, holding onto a long pillow.


Elaine was over at Ashley’s house like always on Saturday and watched as Ashley finished typing something on the computer.


“I just finished my essay so now I can actually do something!” grinned Ashley as she turned off her computer and turned in her chair to look at Elaine.


“Yay~!  Finally!  That took forever!” shouted Elaine, “I say we go street shopping!  I really wanna check out some of the new cute accessories that probably came in today at the accessories store!”


“Okay, okay.  Hey, wanna invite DBSK along?” asked Ashley.


“Sure!  The more company, the better.” grinned Elaine happily as Ashley dialed Yoochun’s number on her cellphone.




“Yoochun oppa!  Elaine and I were gonna go street shopping because Elaine is just dying to check out the accessories store.  Do you guys wanna come along?” said Ashley into her phone.


“Oh, I’m sorry girls, but we’re having lunch right now with a group of friends.  Maybe next time?” answered Yoochun apologetically.


“It’s okay.  Next time’s fine.  I’ll talk to you some other time, bye!”


“Kay, bye!”


Elaine stared at Ashley, “So they can’t come?”


“Yeah, they’re having lunch with a group of friends right now.” answered Ashley.


“Oh well,” shrugged Elaine, “Too bad.  Let’s get going!”


Ashley was soon dragged out to the streets by Elaine. 


On the way there, Elaine accidently bumped into a guy.


“Oops!  I’m so sorry!  I didn’t mean to bump into you.” she apologized quickly.


“It’s okay.  It’s my fault, I should apologize.” replied the guy.


Elaine looked up, way up, to see the guy’s face.


“Whoa~ you’re really tall.  Hey, aren’t you one of the guys in SHINee?” asked Elaine.


The guy smiled, “Yeah, I am.  I’m Choi Minho and this is Lee Taemin, he’s also in SHINee.”


“Oh~!  Nice to meet you guys.  I’m Elaine and this is Ashley.” said Elaine happily.


“Hi~!” Taemin smiled.


“By the way, how old are you guys?” asked Ashley.


“I’m 16 years old and Minho hyung is 17.” answered Taemin.


“Oh~ really?  Ashley and I are both 17!” exclaimed Elaine.


“Yay~!  Now I have two noonas!” cheered Taemin.


“You’re so adorable!” squealed Elaine and pinched Taemin’s cheeks.


“Where are you girls headed to?” asked Minho.


“Oh, well, we were just about to go street shopping.  Wanna come along?” answered Ashley.


Minho and Taemin exchanged glances before saying, “Sure.”


The group of four arrived at the accessory store Elaine had been waiting to go to when Taemin’s stomach suddenly grumbled loudly.


“I’m hungry...” stated Taemin, “Ashley noona, can you go with me to get some food?”


“Okay.” smiled Ashley and told Elaine and Minho that Taemin and she was going to go grab some food.


Elaine excitedly went through the whole store, trying out all different types of hairpins and accessories. 


She picked up a pink hair bow with white polka dots on it and pinned it into her hair.


“Hey Minho, how’s this one?” she asked.


Minho stared at her then smiled, “You’re really cute - uh, I mean, that looks cute on you.”


He quickly changed his wording as his face turned a bright red.


Elaine blushed slightly and said, “I’ll get this one then.”


As Elaine was paying for her hair bow, the woman at the cashier smiled at the two and said, “Omo~ you two are such a cute couple!”


This made the two look away shyly and blush a deep red.


“Ahjumma, we’re actually not a cou-” started Elaine when Minho cut her off.


“Thank you.” he smiled and dragged her out of the store.


As they came out, Ashley and Taemin came to them with some food they bought.


Taemin noticed the two blushing and asked, “Did something happen while we were gone?”


“Uh- nothing.” answered Minho.


Ashley eyed the two suspiciously but didn’t say anything.

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P o s t e d : 10. 09. 17
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha