Chapter 15

Music From the Heart

“So what is it, oppa?” asked Yerin as she and Geun Suk stopped in an empty hallway.

“This better have nothing to do with Ara unni or else I’m really leaving you by yourself here.”


“Aish!  I promise this has nothing to do with Ara.  It’s actually about our parents, Yerin.  Umma and Appa decided to move to the States.  It’s official.  They sent me here to tell you this.” said Geun Suk.


“What?!  Why are they deciding to move to the States?!  Why now?!” yelled Yerin.


“Chill!  Well, now is actually a good time for them because for one, their eldest child a.k.a. me, already has a stable job as an actor and two, their youngest child, a.k.a. you, are living in a dormitory at MyungDong Academy so what is there to worry about?”


“Gah!  I can’t believe they’re really leaving me behind like this!  Where am I supposed to go during vacations when I can actually go see my family or during summer break when we don’t come to school at all?!”


“Oh, yeah!  You know the upcoming break?  Well, Ara and I are going to be at Jeju island so you can’t come over to stay.  Sorry about that.  Maybe you can ask one of your friends if you can stay at their house?  You know Umma and Appa will be gone by then.” stated Geun Suk.


“Ugh, I hate you, Oppa!  Jeez, now I have to find refuge at a friend’s house... When’s Umma and Appa leaving?  Are they going to be calling me?”


“They leave this friday.  Yeah, they’ll be calling you like every week on your cellphone just checking to see if you’re okay so no worries.”


“Fine.  I’ll call them later then.” grumbled Yerin and turned to go back into her classroom.


“Oh, and Oppa?  Next time, tell me it’s not going to be anything about Ara unni before coming to see me, kay?”

“Okay, dongseng.” chuckled Geun Suk and ruffled his little sister’s hair.


“Hey!  Stop messing my hair up!” growled Yerin.


Geun Suk just laughed and said, “I love you, Yerin-ah~!  Bye!”


Yerin rolled her eyes, “I love you too, Oppa.  Drive safe!  Bye!”


She turned her back and walked towards her classroom.


Geun Suk watched his little sister disappear then headed out of the school building.




“What was that about?” asked Hyunju as Yerin sat next to her.


“Ugh, my parents are going to move to the States and my brother will be not here because he’ll be traveling with his girlfriend, so, this upcoming break, I have nowhere to go...” sighed Yerin.


“Aw~!  That .” stated Hyunju, “Maybe you can come to my house.”




“Yeah, probably.  But if it doesn’t work out, there’s always Angel, Molly, Ashley, or Elaine.”


“Yeah... I guess so.  Hey, why is everybody teasing Key?” asked Yerin curiously.


“Oh, nothing.” smirked Hyunju.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha