Chapter 18

Music From the Heart


“Yay~!  Oh my gosh, I totally need my hot cocoa, NOW!” cried Yerin and literally tackled Hyunju to the ground when she came back from the store.


“Yah, yah, yah!  Wait!  Sheesh!” Hyunju grumbled then handed Yerin her hot cocoa.


Yerin peered at Hyunju’s face, “Why is your face so red?”


“I-It’s because of the cold, duh.”


“Oh rea~lly?  Did you see a hot guy or something?” asked Yerin, suspicious.


“N-no!” Hyunju tried to get away from Yerin.


“Who was it?!  Was it a guy that we all know?!” Yerin jumped up and down with excitement.


“Dude... you don’t need your hot cocoa to stay awake.” acknowledged Molly from her desk.


“Whatever.  So tell me, tell me, tell me!!” 


“Tell~ me, tell~ me, t-t-t-t-t-tell~ me!” Angel sang all of a sudden.


The girls gave her a look.


“What~?  It just reminded me of the Wonder Girls’ song, jeez.” Angel defended herself.


Hyunju lightly shook her head and thought that now there would be no more nagging from Yerin but she was wrong.


“Yah!  Cho Hyunju!  I told you to tell me!” yelled Yerin.


“Arasso, Arasso!  Aish!  You won’t leave me alone until I tell you, correct?” Hyunju was fed up.


“Yes~!” Yerin smiled cheekily.


“Okay, well, at the store... I, uh, met Junsu oppa.”


“What?!  Junsu oppa from DBSK, right?!” shouted Yerin.




“What’d you do?!”


“Well, we kinda bumped into each other and he was in a disguise so I didn’t know it was him until he recognized me first and took off his disguise.”


“Yeah~?  And~?”


“We were just talking about stuff... like he asked how you guys were doing and I answered the question.  I told him all about Onew oppa and Angel’s mushy letters.”


“Hey!  They are NOT mushy!” retorted Angel.


“Continue on please.” stated Molly.


“It kinda got awkward when he said, ‘What if I wrote those things to you?’ and then I realized he was teasing me.  Ugh.  Then I said I was leaving a-and... he, umm... blocked my way then came really close to my face...”




“NO!! No... he didn’t.  He just whispered a line that only Onew oppa would write to Angel in my ear.... He was teasing me again.” sighed Hyunju.


“... I think he likes you.” commented Molly thoughtfully.


Hyunju laughed, “That’s impossible!  He’s a celebrity!”


“So?  It doesn’t matter.  As long as he likes you and you like him, what else can get in the way, right Angel?” said Yerin and emphasized Angel’s name at the end.


“Of course!  Look at me and Onew oppa right now!” giggled Angel.


“Ah, the love birds...” chuckled Molly then turned back to her work.


‘Would it be possible for Jaejoong oppa and me to go out too, then?’ thought she in her head but quickly shook it off.




Ashley was lying down on her bed, bored to death, when her cellphone rang.


‘Ah!  A text message! ^^’


She opened it ::

‘Hey Ash~!  Wanna meet me at the cake cafe in 10 minutes?? -Your awesome Chunnie oppa!’


Ashley laughed and texted back ::

‘Sure!  I’ll be there. =] -Ash’


“Yay~!  I get to hang out with Yoochun oppa!” cheered Ashley and got ready to go.


It wasn’t long when she got there and Yoochun was already waiting for her by a booth.


“Oppa!  Hey!” greeted she and gave Yoochun a hug.


He grinned, “I haven’t hung out with you for a while.”


“Seriously~ you have too many schedules.” she pouted.


“Haha!  Aw~!  I’m sorry!  But I’m making up for it right now.  See?”


“Well... yeah, I guess I can forgive you, oppa.” laughed Ashley, “So, what’s up?”


“That’s what I wanted to ask you.” chuckled Yoochun, “Well, I’ve been doing good and the others as well.  How’s school going?  Isn’t your winter break coming up soon?”


“Oh yeah!  Guess what?  Yerin has nowhere to go so now she’s going to Key’s place.  His parents said yes.”


“Oh really?  I hope nothing naughty goes on there~.” Yoochun smirked.


“Oppa!!  You’re so erted!” Ashley hit him on the arm lightly.


Soon, the two ordered their cakes and ate them.


“Ashley, you got some cake on your face.” chuckled Yoochun and leaned over to wipe it off with his napkin.


Ashley blushed.  His face was really close to hers and it made her nervous.




“No prob.” he smiled and sat back down.


The two were done eating and Ashley grinned, “Oppa!  What are we gonna do now?”


“Hmm... I think I’m going to... tickle you!” Yoochun suddenly came over to her side of the booth and started to tickle her like mad.


Ashley couldn’t stop giggling and laughing as she was very ticklish.


“O-oppa! Ah-ha-ha! S-stop it! Ha ha!” she laughed.


The next thing they knew, Yoochun was pretty much hovered over her and their faces were only inches away. 


Their gazes were locked together and none of them looked away. 


Yoochun slowly but surely leaned in more and more until their lips touched. 


He kissed her gently at first but soon, it turned passionate and both deepened it more. 


Ashley’s arms were around Yoochun’s neck while Yoochun’s hands were trying to keep him up, trying not squish Ashley from under. 


Panting, they finally broke apart and Yoochun had a bigger grin plastered on his face than before.


“Why are you grinning like that, oppa?” giggled Ashley.


“Because I finally have you.” He answered back and stole her lips once more.

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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha