Chapter 1

Music From the Heart


Yerin ran as fast as she could before almost missing the train to MyungDong.  She sighed a sigh a relief as she got on the train just before it started to move.  Carefully, she entered the main part of the train and looked around, trying to find her seat.


‘44B... A-ha!  Found it!’ Yerin smiled and sat down.  Next to her was a... Girl? A boy?, who was sleeping, covering his or her face with a baseball cap.  The clothes looked like a boy... But the body was too skinny and small to be a guy’s.  This was a mystery. 


Yerin scrunched up her face in concentration but gave up and just sat back and relaxed in her seat.  She was on the KTX and it was very comfortable.  She didn’t notice that she dozed off and woke up when the train came to a halt.  


“Omo, is this my stop?!” she cried out, jumping out of her seat. 


“Calm down!  What’s your stop?” asked the person who was sitting in the seat next to her.


‘Oh, so it was a girl!’ thought Yerin as she saw the person’s face.  Her face was pretty and flawless with chocolate brown eyes.


“My stop is MyungDong... oh my gosh, don’t tell me... did it pass?!” Yerin spazzed.


“Just chill, girl!  No, it didn’t pass yet.  There’s still two more stops left before this train reaches MyungDong,” replied the girl and smiled.


“Oh, thanks, ha ha.” smiled Yerin and sat back down in her seat.


“By the way, my name’s Hyunju.  Cho Hyunju.” said the girl.


“My name’s Jang Yerin.” Yerin replied.


“So, why are you going to MyungDong?” asked Hyunju.


“I’m attending MyungDong Music Academy this year!”


“Really?!  I am, too!”


“Omo!!  I hope we have some classes together!!” squealed Yerin.


“This is so exciting!” Hyunju joined in.


Their conversation was cut off by the train stopping and announcing that they were at MyungDong.  The two girls excitedly got off the train and both headed towards the humungous school that was only about 30 feet away.




Two girls wearing almost the same clothes stood by MyungDong Academy’s entrance with tons of suitcases by their side, looking for someone.  They smiled as they spotted a tall, slim girl with long brown wavy hair and side bangs run up to them.


“Minhae-yah!  You’re here!!” cried both of the girls at the same time and double-hugged the girl.


“Whoa~!  You guys almost killed me right there.” smiled Minhae.


“Oh my gosh, I’m so nervous!!  I hope we share dorms together.” squealed one of the girls.


“I’m not nervous but I do hope we get to share dorms together.” smiled the other one.


“Gosh, Yejin, Yena!  You guys are twins but have such different personalities!  I don’t know if I can handle both of you at the same time.” joked Minhae.


“You’ve been handling both of us at the same time since first grade!  Trust me, you’ll survive.” joked Yejin (the twin with the pink shirt on).


“Ha ha!  Yeah, seriously, maybe that’s why you’re the only one that’s REALLY close to us... you know all the secrets to handling the Kang twins at the same time.” laughed Yena (the twin with the yellow shirt on).


“Well, we better go in and see the dorm list!!  Gosh, I’m so nervous!” shivered Yejin.


“Yeah, well, let’s go!” cried Minhae, locking arms with both the twins and dragging them into the school’s entrance.




Hyunju and Yerin had finally arrived into MyungDong Academy’s campus.  They looked around to see all the people going towards a certain direction and decided to follow the crowd.


“Is that the dormitory roommates list?” asked Hyunju looking at where all the people were crowded around.


“I’m guessing so.” shrugged Yerin.


As they were making their way towards the list, two guys bumped into them on accident.


“Oh, I’m sorry.” apologized Hyunju.


“Watch where you’re going!” answered one of the guys with an angry face.


“Mwoh!  It’s not like we bumped into you on purpose!” retorted Yerin.


“Well apparently, you don’t use your eyes very well, woman!” shouted the guy back.


“Yah!!  Take that back!” yelled Yerin.


Hyunju held back the angry Yerin while the other guy held his angry friend back also.


“I’m sorry, I apologize for my friend’s behavior.” apologized the guy who was holding back his friend in a deep voice.


“It’s okay.  We’re just sorry for bumping in.” accepted Hyunju and smiled apologetically at the guy.


“Well, we have to go.” said the deep voiced guy and dragged away his friend who was burning in anger.


After they were away from the girls, he said, “Yah, just because you’re not having a good day doesn’t mean you can just let your frustration out on innocent people, Key.”


Key sighed, “Yeah... I guess so.  I’m just really stressed right now.  It’s a good thing you held me back, Minho.”

Minho just smiled as a reply.




Yerin had cooled down after a while and Hyunju sighed in relief.


“That guy is such a jerk.” pouted Yerin.


“Yeah, yeah, you said that like 10 times already.” replied Hyunju and rolled her eyes, “Anyways, we got to check out our dorm roommates.”


“Oh yeah!  Let’s go!” cried Yerin and dragged Hyunju all the way to the front of the many papers glued to the bulletin board.


“Oh my gosh!  Guess what?!  We’re roommates!!  Yay~!!” shouted Yerin full of joy and started jumping up and down.


“Really?  That’s great.” smiled Hyunju, “But we’re also with these two other girls.  One room in a dorm holds four girls/guys, apparently.”


“Oh, that doesn’t matter.” replied Yerin.


“Yeah, I just hope we can get along with the other two girls.” nodded Hyunju and the two girls carried their luggage towards their new dorm building.


p o s t e d : 10. 09. 03
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@SHINee_Lover: haha thanx >< hopefully i'll get more subscribers for this :/
SHINee_Lover #3
i love this story its sooooooooo cute^^
@xLastXAngelx: aww thank you >< i hope i get more subscribers too! kkkk
Story~ story~ -smiles cheekily-<br />
This story should have more subscribers ^^ (although I'm only on chapter o.O) it's already amazing b(^^)b<br />
Keep updating I'm looking forward to future chapters ^_~
@WishIWasAzn: yeah u better remember this! :PP kkkk
AHHH i remember this story hahaha