Cinderella's Step Brother
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Eun Byul woke up; irritated by the sound she has repeatedly heard. Her half-awake hearing organ searched for the sound and found out that it was her phone. Eun Byul grumpily took her phone from her bedside table and saw that someone was calling. The girl clicked 'Call', without even knowing who the caller was since her half-awake eyes still couldn't process the little details. "Yoboseyo?" She croaked.


"Good Morning, owner" a familiar bass toned voice greeted Eun Byul from the other line.


Eun Byul sat up from her laying position, her eyes still slightly closed. "Chanyeol? Why are you calling at the early hour?" The girl asked after glancing at her digital clock the read 6:30 am. Since it was still a weekend, waking up at that hour was considered early.


"I wanted to hear your voice, owner. I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Chanyeol asked with a concerned tone.


"Yeah, you did." Eun Byul yawned and stretched before letting her fully wake up, "But, it's cool now, I'm awake. And, didn't I tell you not to call me 'owner'? It's embarrassing"


"But, I want to call you that." Eun Byul smiled as she imagined Chanyeol pouting from the other line.


"Okay, whatever." Eun Byul stated. It was too early for her to argue about pet names, so she decided to let it rest for a while.


"Hey, have you eaten breakfast yet?" Chanyeol asked. Eun Byul heard some shuffling sounds from the other line. I guess he just got out of bed.


"Not yet, you?" Eun Byul asked as she lay down again.


"Nope. Wanna eat breakfast with me?" Chanyeol invited. Eun Byul was tempted. Who wouldn't be? When your crush just asked you out to do something with them?


"Hmmmm... I'll think about it. I still wanna sleep~" Eun Byul complained. She wasn't intending on being hard-to-get, she really wanted to sleep.


"Wake up Eun Byul~" Chanyeol cooed.


"Ugh... Fine," Eun Byul scrambled out of her bed, "but I still haven't thought of eating breakfast with you."


"I know, just call me when you have decided. Remember, I won't take no as an answer. Bye, owner~" Chanyeol hang up before Eun Byul would complain.


"Seriously, that guy! Why did I even like him?" Eun Byul shrugged, throwing her phone carelessly on her bed before going to the bathroom to fix her. After going out of the bathroom with a presentable appearance, Eun Byul went out her room and decided to go down the kitchen. She planned that if her parents were home and food was served, she would sadly reject Chanyeol's offer. But if the opposite happens, she will go out to breakfast with her crush.


Suddenly, Eun Byul had a flashback of what happened yesterday at the mall.


Eun Byul was waiting patiently for Yul's arrival in a restaurant. Yul asked her to help him out with something. And being a good sunbaenim, she gladly agreed to help her dongsaeng.


She sipped onto her coke float as she continued on waiting for the boy, "Aish! What is taking him too long?"


Suddenly, a hand tapped Eun Byul's shoulder. The girl looked and saw Yul brightly smiling down on her, "Hi Eun Byul sunbaenim. Sorry for the wait. My mother made me do some errands."


"Sheesh! Mothers and their endless errands!" Eun Byul complained as she watched Yul take seat across her.


"I know right?" Yul agreed, laughing heartily.


"Let's get straight to the point, Yul-ssi. What help are you asking for?" Eun Byul asked.


"Sunbaenim! Help me ask someone to the dance!" Yul put his hands together and closed his eyes tightly.


Eun Byul watched her dongsaeng with a raised brow. "You want me, to help you, get a date to the dance?"


"N-ne Eun Byul sunbaenim" Yul nodded, a serious expression plastered on his cute, freshman face.


"I didn't expect that you would have trouble in finding a date, since you have that adorable face girls your year likes a lot." Eun Byul sighed as she took two pieces of French fries into .


"Y-you really thinks so?" Yul blushed as he stammered. The boy looked up at Eun Byul.


"Oh, please! I don't 'think so', I 'know so'." Eun Byul took a sip from her foamy coke float then continued, "Asking a girl out depends on who you want to ask out. Who is it then dear?"


"U-uhm... I-i wanted t-to ask Jun Mi sunbaenim..." Yul bit his lip in embarrassment. Nothing was more embarrassing to him than telling his crush's best friend that he likes the best friend.


Eun Byul stared for a moment at Yul, making the boy feel giddy in his seat, before showing off a face full of sympathy, "Awww... Dear, Jun Mi already has a date for the ball. I'm sorry honey."


"R-really? Aish! I'm just unlucky when it comes to girls." Yul cursed from under his breath.


"I'm really sorry, Yul-ssi. How about I help you find another date. There are so many girls in our school that might be interested in being your date." Eun Byul sympathized even more.


"W-well then," Yul took Eun Byul's hands. The girl looks aghast and surprised at the action. The younger boy then bore his eyes into Eun Byul's and spoke, "Will you be my date then, Eun Byul sunbaenim?"


"Eh?" Eun Byul dumbstrickingly said.


Just then, 11 familiar boys entered the mall. Loud roars of laughter and talking surrounded the mall when the boys -- EXO -- walked along the premises.


"Yah! Stop teasing my Sehunnie~" Luhan ordered, walking near the rainbow-hair maknae.


"We would have stopped teasing him if he didn't have every color on his hair!" Chanyeol stated and laughter from the other boys followed.


"Luhannie hyung~" Sehun pouted and walked near Luhan as if he was a seven year old boy hiding behind his mommy.


"Yeah! Why did you even color your hair like that?" Tao asked.


"J-just because... I told my mom about our performance the day after tomorrow. So my mom asked one of her friends, a hair stylist, to style and to color my hair. Umma told ahjumma to make my hair look unique. So unique that it stands out from Baek hyung's reddish hair. When stylist-nim finished drying my hair, I was shocked when I saw various colors on my hair." Sehun explained as he bawled up in Luhan's chest.


The other boy laughed loud while Luhan tried his best to prevent himself from laughing and continue cheering Sehun up. "D-don't worry, S-Sehunnie~ I'll color my hair, too. This time, I'll color it..." Luhan looked up as he thought of a color, "aha! I'll color it Cotton Candy pink! How does that sound Sehunnie~?"


"Th-that s-sounds nice..." Sehun commented.


The other laughed even more. Seeing Sehun with a rainbow colored hair was

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Omg!!! 600+ subs? TT^TT Thank you so much~! :* Check out my new story "The Man at Table Twelve" hope you love it as much as this. if not, more :*


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LoveBaek #1
Chapter 44: No regretting spending daunt to read finish ^^
liviya #2
Chapter 44: How cruel epilogue .anyways I love it.
Chapter 43: WTF
MsTrollolol #4
I apologize if I ever offend you with my comments
Chapter 42: Read this chapter... Not the epilogue...
isyasya #6
Chapter 45: Why did baekhyun died?!! :( .... But great story author-nim :).... Please make junmi and baekhyun happy
catwoman2448 #7
I loved the story until the end...not my favorite ending :(
Chapter 44: NO AUTHOR-NIM YOU CANT END IT LIKW THIS! NO!!! But still, they are so fudging cute like AJBDOSMAPSHSLNX