Cinderella's Step Brother
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Baekhyun drove along the quiet road, Jun Mi seated beside him in the passenger's seat.


He tried to stop grinning. I can finally have some alone time with her. Baekhyun didn't have the chance to solo Jun Mi yesterday since he practically pissed her off by snooping through her stuff.


Since he said to Jun Mi that they will go to the grocery, he stopped by the nearest convinience store.


The two teenagers got out of Baekhyun's car then entered the store.


Jun Mi uninterestingly walked around the store, not really in the mood to buy groceries. As much as she hates the class she was supposed to attend at the moment, she still didn't want to miss any classes. That kind of torture was far better than having to spend unestimated hours grocery shopping with the irritating erted egotistical jerk Bacon, Byun Baekhyun.


"Ugh! When can we leave?" Jun Mi impatiently complained.


"Just need to buy some pepero" Baekhyun lied. He just kept throwing random stuff onto the basket he was holding.


"Ugh! Hurry up!" Jun Mi stated, irritation clearly recoginzed in her tone of voice.


"Okay, okay, Ms. Second Placer." Baekhyun retracted.


He quickly took four boxes of assorted flavors from the 'Pepero' counter the zoomed towards the cashier, Jun Mi eventually following him.


Jun Mi stopped walking when she noticed a familiar face in front of them, "Mrs. Park?"


A woman in her forties turned around then smiled at Jun Mi. "Jun Mi-ssi! Omo~ you've changed a lot!"


"It's only been 3 weeks Mrs. Park. You're complimenting me too much." Jun Mi humbly stated.


"So how have you been Jun Mi-ssi?" Mrs. Park asked.


"I've been well." Jun Mi said.


"What are you doing here? School hasn't ended yet right?" Mrs. Park asked.


Jun Mi started panicking, but, as usual, a certain someone stood up for her. And that certain someone is Byun Baekhyun, "Jun Mi and I were ordered by the principal to buy some things for him. He said that they will serve as prizes for the children who will win in the contest the school is privately holding." Baekhyun explained, carefully not missing any detail so that he wouldn't answer too many questions.


"Oh, is that so? Well then... Oh! I almost forgot!" Mrs. Park shouted excitedly, "I have been wanting to give to you a newly born dog, but I keep forgetting to contact you Jun Mi-ssi."


"Dog?" Jun Mi's eyes sparkled. Just like the stars, Jun Mi has had a fascination over pets, especially for puppies/dogs.


Baekhyun saw the same sparkle in Jun Mi's eyes. "We'll take the dog." He stated, surprising both Mrs. Park and Jun Mi.


"Omo~ are you Jun Mi's boyfriend? You're too generous young man." Mrs. Park giggled, silently teasing Jun Mi.


"A-aniya, Mrs. Park. B-baekhyun is... I-I'm his renter?" Jun Mi explained. Meanwhile Baekhyun wanted to let Mrs. Park believe that he and Jun Mi were a couple.


"Ohh... Renter?" Mrs. Park asked.


"Yes, I, uh, rented a room in his house right after moving out of the apartment." Jun Mi explained.


"Oh... I see... About the puppy, when can you take it?" Mrs. Park asked.


Jun Mi stole a glance at Baekhyun. The boy answered in her behalf, "How about later Mrs. Park?"


"Oh, that would be wonderful! You can come with me after paying for our groceries." Mrs. Park stated.


"Ne~" Jun Mi and Baekhyun both cheerfully replied.


Jun Mi just couldn't believe the joy she is feeling right now. Baekhyun just indirectly gave me a puppy...


"Thank you..." It was barely a whisper, but Baekhyun heard it. His head spun to look at the one who spoke, Jun Mi.


Baekhyun tried to hide his grin and blush, but epicly failed. "No problem Ms. Second Placer..." He teased.


After Mrs. Park and the two teenagers were done with their groceries, the lady asked Jun Mi and Baekhyun to follow her.


"How about you Mrs. Park? How have you and your family been after the demolition?" Jun Mi asked. She wanted to pick up a conversation. Besides she forgot to ask the Parks' state and she felt that she was rude.


"Oh, don't worry about us Jun Mi dear. We are perfectly fine." Mrs. Park replied.


After minute

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Omg!!! 600+ subs? TT^TT Thank you so much~! :* Check out my new story "The Man at Table Twelve" hope you love it as much as this. if not, more :*


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LoveBaek #1
Chapter 44: No regretting spending daunt to read finish ^^
liviya #2
Chapter 44: How cruel epilogue .anyways I love it.
Chapter 43: WTF
MsTrollolol #4
I apologize if I ever offend you with my comments
Chapter 42: Read this chapter... Not the epilogue...
isyasya #6
Chapter 45: Why did baekhyun died?!! :( .... But great story author-nim :).... Please make junmi and baekhyun happy
catwoman2448 #7
I loved the story until the end...not my favorite ending :(
Chapter 44: NO AUTHOR-NIM YOU CANT END IT LIKW THIS! NO!!! But still, they are so fudging cute like AJBDOSMAPSHSLNX