Chapter 4

You've Changed, but I'll Change You Back.

Your POV:

I got bored listening to the teacher until she said something that caught my ears.

"Everyone, you will be paired with someone your opposite gender for your History Project."

"Please oh, please, don't pair me with the 'jerk'." you whispered to yourself. 

Junhyung's POV:

I'm in the same class with _____ right now. Well actually, we have the same class schedule. I just wanna slam my fist on the teacher's face if he ever paired me with someone clingy like ____. 

"Junhyung and HyunAh will be paired together."

I sighed with relief since I was paired to my girl. 

Your POV:

I'm so happy not to be paired with Junhyung, but him with that y is getting on my nerves. Being all so lovey-dovey in class. Ever heard of PDA? Well they portray it so greatly. 

"_____ and Yoseob"

'WTF?! I'm paired with the new guy? Oh well, doesn't hurt to have a new friend right?'
'WTH _____!!! Remember, he's a guy. DON'T. TRUST. HIM.'

Yoseob's POV:

YES! i got paired with _____. :) I know she's smart since I heard the guys saying I'm lucky to be paired with her. 

They were like "He's paired with the smartest of all. Lucky"

"AWW. Damn. My partner's so lazy.

". He's lucky to be paired with someone not so bossy unlike mine, so bossy."

I bet we'll be able to make a good project. 

I poked her side startling her and making her jump and glare at me.

Your POV:

I was thinking until someone poked my ticklish side making me jump and glare at the person. It was Yoseob.

"What do you want?" , I said coldly.

"Sorry" he said, using his aegyo 'Cute <3' you thought.

"Whatever. I'm going now." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist just like how Junhyung did when he broke up. Having flashbacks like those made my eyes teary. He turned me around and was about to speak until he saw my eyes teary. 

"____-ah. What are we going to---" He suddenly hugged me and patted my back.

Yoseob's POV:

When I turned her around, I saw her eyes teary and she was about to cry I didn't know what to do and just hugged her. 

She was struggling to get out of my hug but I hugged her tighter and whispered to her, 
"It's okay to cry, you can trust me."

And with that, she just cried on my chest soaking my uniform. I patted her back and her hair. And I totally forgot we were at the classroom.

I was receiving glares from the guys and the girls were like "Awww. So sweet." 

Your POV:

I don't know why I was still in his embrace but I felt comfortable with him and he was comforting me inside...the CLASSROOM?!

Junhyung's POV:

Me and my friends including HyunAh were about to go out of the room when I glanced and stopped at the persons hugging.

It was _____ and Yoseob. I don't know but there was this pain in my chest. 

'Junhyung, she's a for moving on and being inside another person's embrace' you thought. 

HyunAh pulled you out and you guys started walking away.

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Chapter 16: woaaaaa... i love your story :D :D :D :D can u plzzz make a sequel?? PWEEZZZ?
BAPrulez #2
Chapter 34: My first none exo and bap fic and I'm in love with it :)!!!!!
odinaryperson #3
Chapter 33: Wonderful ending!~ :D
Sooo happy right now.. :)
I'm happy for Yoseob & ___. ^_^
Pls make a sequel...if u made one, pls let me know.. gomawo~ XD
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Great ending....! totally love it ^^
Plsss do make a sequel... can't wait~~~
I enjoyed reading your story...:)
PrincessKitty #5
Awesome story><
Tinab2st9366 #6
Oh ok I can wait! Thank you for replying!
choicocks #7
Well yeah, about that. XD I deleted the sequel, I'm planning to rewrite the sequel because the storyline of the sequel wasn't planned when it was made. So I'll make a new one, is it okay to wait? :)
Tinab2st9366 #8
Hello I'm sorry I'm planning to read the sequel and I saw the comment that it was already made but I can't really find it I'm sorry for asking a stupid question