Chapter 21

You've Changed, but I'll Change You Back.

~ The next day ~

Yoseob's POV:

I'm gonna make it up to _______. I went to the flower shop and bought her favorite flowers, Red Roses and went to her house. I asked the maid not to prepare breakfast for her becuase I'll be the one to do it. 

After cooking, "Whatah! Breakfast in bed is ready." 

I went up to her room and opened the door, I saw her sleeping. I put down the tray on her table and shook her.

"_________, wake up." I said.

"Aniyo. There's no school." she said then stirred to the other side, her back facing me.

"Come on. I made you breakfast." I said.

She suddenly woke up, "Oh. Yoseob Oppa. You're here....." She paused a bit, "YOSEOB?! What are you doing here?"

"I decided to make it up to you. After you eat breakfast. Let's hang out, okay?"

"Eh? But---" "No buts. Come on. Eat up. I made this for you." I said with my puppy dog eyes.

"Okay. I can't resist your cuteness after all." She said then sighed. I jumped in victory. She was about to eat when she stopped and looked at me, "You didn't put poison here.. right?"

"Of course I didn't put poison there." I said reassuringly. She didn't eat, "Fine, I'll eat first then If I don't die, you'll eat." I took her spoon and got some bit of bacon and egg then put it inside my mouth. After a minute, "I didn't die. Now go eat up." I said then put her spoon back. 

She ate up with the spoon I used, I smirked then said, "Indirect kiss." then stuck out my tongue.

"Tsk. You're happy with an indirect kiss? So low." She said then laughed.

"Hey." I said seriously. She looked up at me and said, "Yeah?" 

"Sorry... for everything I've done." I said.

"It's....It's fine. I forgive you. I miss hanging out with you." She said.

"Chincha?! THANK YOU BABY _________!" I said then was about to hug her when she stopped me and said, "No hugging." 

"Waeeeeeeeeee?" I whined.

"I'm still eating. Later alright?" She said.

I chuckled then said, "Okay then." 

We just talked randomly when I asked, "Who's your bias in K-pop?" 

"Nichkhun Oppa!" She said happily.

"Anyone else? Hmmm.. how about, I give you a group and you tell me your bias in there. Ready?" I said.

"Neh!" She said after she finished eating.

"SHINee." "Minho Oppa!"
"Boyfriend." "Kwangmin Oppa" (all kpop groups are older than you guys alright? Well some are as the same age as you guys. I changed it, ok?)

"Big Bang." "Hmmm.. G-dragon Oppa!"
"Infinite." "Sungyeol Oppa"
"Teen Top." "Chunji Oppa, Neil Oppa and L.joe Oppa"
"MBLAQ" "Eh?"

"What? Come on, it's your cousin's group."
"Okay, Mir Oppa then!"

"Super Junior" "Kyuhyun Oppa, Donghae Oppa and Yesung Oppa."
"TVXQ" "Yunho Oppa."
"FT Island" "Hongki Oppa.
"SS501" "Jung Min Mal Oppa."
"B1A4" "Gongchan Oppa."
"U-kiss" "Dongho Oppa."
"ZE:A" "I'm not sure of their names, if I'm not mistaken, Siwan Oppa is the name of one of their members."
"Block B" "Zico Oppa of course!"
"CN Blue?" "Minhyuk Oppa."

"How about---" "Enough already. Imma take a shower."

She took a shower and I was waiting for her in her room. She came back with only a towel wrapped around her, she said, "Please get out of my room." 

I did as told and went out. After that, she opened the door because she's done. 

"Where are we going Yoseob Oppa?" She asked.

"Secret." I said.

"Aww. How about a clue?" She said while pouting.

I tried not to give in and succeeded, "Noooo." 

"Aww. Okay then."

We went inside my car and I drove, "Baby _______."

"Neh Oppa?"

"We're gonna travel for 2 hours. How about you sleep for a while?"

"Ah. That's great. Okay then."

"Oh. And Baby _______." 

"Neh Oppa?"

"Thank you."


"For forgiving me."

"It's alright. I'm gonna sleep now."

"Okay then."

'She doesn't know that I have a hell of a surprise for her.' I thought.

Your POV:

"Baby _______. Wake up. We're here." Yoseob Oppa said. 

I woke up and looked outside the window, "Airport?.."

"Neh." He said.

"Why are we here?"

"You'll see. Now, Kaja."

He went outside and opened my door for me, I swear my heart was beating loudly. We went inside the lobby and he talked to the receptionist. She told Yoseob that the 'jet' was ready.

Yoseob Oppa dragged me with him and we entered his private jet.

"Oppa. Where are we going?" I said. "What if my mom doesn't know?! She'll kill me! I didn't even tell---"

"Relax. Jeez. I didn't know you're a mommy's girl."

"WHAT?! I'm not. She's just scary when mad."

"Oh, don't worry. She know about this already."


"I told her." He said.

"Oh. So where are we going?"

"You'll know soon."

"Okay then." I said then slept beside him.

Yoseob's POV:

We were at the lounge room watching TV while sitting on a very comfy couch. She slept and I stared at her sleeping face, she was indeed beautiful. I continued watching tv when I felt weight on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw ________'s head leaning on my shoulder.

I pressed a button and the stewardess showed up, I told her to put a blanket over ________ because if I was the one who did, I would wake her up.

"_______, I hope you'll like my surprise." I whispered to her. I hugged her and drifted off to dreamland.

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Chapter 16: woaaaaa... i love your story :D :D :D :D can u plzzz make a sequel?? PWEEZZZ?
BAPrulez #2
Chapter 34: My first none exo and bap fic and I'm in love with it :)!!!!!
odinaryperson #3
Chapter 33: Wonderful ending!~ :D
Sooo happy right now.. :)
I'm happy for Yoseob & ___. ^_^
Pls make a sequel...if u made one, pls let me know.. gomawo~ XD
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Great ending....! totally love it ^^
Plsss do make a sequel... can't wait~~~
I enjoyed reading your story...:)
PrincessKitty #5
Awesome story><
Tinab2st9366 #6
Oh ok I can wait! Thank you for replying!
choicocks #7
Well yeah, about that. XD I deleted the sequel, I'm planning to rewrite the sequel because the storyline of the sequel wasn't planned when it was made. So I'll make a new one, is it okay to wait? :)
Tinab2st9366 #8
Hello I'm sorry I'm planning to read the sequel and I saw the comment that it was already made but I can't really find it I'm sorry for asking a stupid question