Chapter 12

You've Changed, but I'll Change You Back.


Your POV:
We were still stargazing and I was still in Yoseob Oppa's embrace. 
"Oppa." I said.
"Gomawo." And with that, I fell asleep.
Yoseob's POV:
She was already asleep, but I didn't want to wake her up so I carried her bridal style to my car and drove to their mansion. (Yes.. mansion XD)
I clicked the doorbell with my head and the screen litted up and a butler was there, he recognized me and let me enter since _____ always let me in their mansion.
I knocked the door with my head and a maid opened the door.
"Please be quiet ahjumma. She's asleep. Can you tell me where her room is?
"Neh, but you won't do anything bad, right?" She asked suspiciously.
"Just kidding. Her room is on the 3rd floor, white door (the one with like doors for presidents in the white house? The white big one with 2 guards at each side to open the door.) with 2 golden door knobs."
"Ah. Can you come with me, I think I won't be able to open her door."
"Of course!"
We went upstairs and entered her room. Her room was 10x bigger than mine. 
What? I'm a guy, I don't need much accessories you know. :)
"I'll be going now, take care of her." The maid said. 
"Of course. Thank you :)" I said and smiled at her, and she walked out.
I laid her down on her bed and covered her with her blanket. 
I was about to leave when she grabbed my wrist. I was shocked, 'Was she awake?'
I turned around and saw that she was crying in her sleep, I was about to wake her up from her nightmare when she said, 
"J-junhyung O-oppa, p-please d-d-d-don't leave m-me." 
My heart sank. She was still thinking of him even while she's asleep.
I took a comfy chair enough for me to sprawl my whole body down (like a couch that's comfy and very easy to carry) and sat beside her bed.
"I know you're sleeping, but, I love you Baby _____, please think of me. Please love me. Please be with me, please be my girlfriend." I said while tears were welling up in my eyes.
"Please marry me because you love me. Please spend your whole life with me. Please, just please, be with me."
I started to cry and looked down. After a while, I looked up and _____ was already sleeping peacefully. 
"I love you ______. Forever and always. Please realize that." 
And with that, I held back the urge to cry and slept.
Your POV:
I woke up on my bed. I looked out the window, it was morning. Thank God! It was a weekend, therefore, I don't need to go out today. 
I looked beside me and saw Yoseob Oppa. He must've brought me home. His face, there were marks of dried tears. Why did he cry? Did he hate the fact we're getting married? Did he hate me because I will be his bride? Did he not....does he hate me? I feel guilty, I forced him to marry me...
Tears started welling up in my eyes but I wiped them off before they even dropped.
Did he just act like it was alright to him..?
I love you Yoseob Oppa... why must you hate me? 
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Chapter 16: woaaaaa... i love your story :D :D :D :D can u plzzz make a sequel?? PWEEZZZ?
BAPrulez #2
Chapter 34: My first none exo and bap fic and I'm in love with it :)!!!!!
odinaryperson #3
Chapter 33: Wonderful ending!~ :D
Sooo happy right now.. :)
I'm happy for Yoseob & ___. ^_^
Pls make a sequel...if u made one, pls let me know.. gomawo~ XD
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Great ending....! totally love it ^^
Plsss do make a sequel... can't wait~~~
I enjoyed reading your story...:)
PrincessKitty #5
Awesome story><
Tinab2st9366 #6
Oh ok I can wait! Thank you for replying!
choicocks #7
Well yeah, about that. XD I deleted the sequel, I'm planning to rewrite the sequel because the storyline of the sequel wasn't planned when it was made. So I'll make a new one, is it okay to wait? :)
Tinab2st9366 #8
Hello I'm sorry I'm planning to read the sequel and I saw the comment that it was already made but I can't really find it I'm sorry for asking a stupid question