Chapter 29

You've Changed, but I'll Change You Back.

Yoseob's POV:

I finally found her, she was sitting on the shore of a beach near the café (I really don't know much places in Paris.. please forgive me. :]) with her feet getting hit by the waves.

I was about to approach her when she stood up then walked to the waters, but, half of her clothes were wet already yet she wasn't stopping.

"_______!!" I screamed. She didn't stop.

I ran to her spot and wrapped my arms on her waist, preventing her from continuing. 'Thank God, I'm a fast runner.' I thought.

I put my head on top of her shoulder and whispered on her ear, "________... please just stop. Let me take care of you."

She looked down then said, "Mianhae Oppa... for being a burden to you.."

"I-" I tried saying but she cut me off.

"Mianhae Oppa.." She said and kept repeating it.

I turned her around so we were now face-to-face.

"_______, please look at me." I said.

She just looked down, I could see her tears dropping. I lifted her chin and cupped her cheeks yet she avoided eye contact. I wiped her tears then repeated what I said, "_______, please look at me."

She looked at me but kept quiet.


"Neh Oppa?" she said weakly.

I cupped her cheeks again, "I...I l-love y-you."

"Can you repeat that again Oppa? I didn't understand what you said."

I took a deep breath and looked at her firmly. I can feel heat on my cheeks, "_______. I love you." I said then closed my eyes and kissed her on the lips.

She just froze at first, but relaxed and kissed me back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.

Your POV:

"_______. I love you." Yoseob Oppa said then closed his eyes and kissed me on the lips.

I was shocked, all the time I thought he hated me... but I was wrong. I relaxed and instinctively kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist.

We just stood there, kissing like we were the only people left in the world. He then closed the gap between us, and he started deepening the kiss.

Yoseob's POV:

We just stood there, kissing like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't hold any longer, I can't control myself (NO! Not the IT.) . her lips tasted so sweet.

I tightened my hug and closed the gap between us and started deepening the kiss, making it passionate.

I didn't know how long we were kissing, it felt like heaven.

After a few minutes, we pulled away, gasping for breath with burning cheeks.

"Oppa.." she said.

"Neh?" I asked softly.

"I.. I love you too." she said then looked away to hide her blushing cheeks.

I put my hand on her cheek, 'Gah! So warm!' I thought. and made her look at me.

"So cute!" I said.

"Oppa!" She said then pouted.

'OMG. Stop pouting, you're getting too cute!' I thought.

She just continued pouting. I started leaning closer to her face and captured her lips again. She was taken by surprise but hugged me tighter than before while kissing. I started carrying her bridal style to the seashore without breaking the kiss and laid her down on the sand. We pulled away and sat beside each other.

"Oppa, the sunset's so beautiful." She said then smiled.

"But you're more beautiful." I said then intertwined my fingers with hers. She giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. I removed my hand from hers and wrapped my arm around her.

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Chapter 16: woaaaaa... i love your story :D :D :D :D can u plzzz make a sequel?? PWEEZZZ?
BAPrulez #2
Chapter 34: My first none exo and bap fic and I'm in love with it :)!!!!!
odinaryperson #3
Chapter 33: Wonderful ending!~ :D
Sooo happy right now.. :)
I'm happy for Yoseob & ___. ^_^
Pls make a sequel...if u made one, pls let me know.. gomawo~ XD
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Great ending....! totally love it ^^
Plsss do make a sequel... can't wait~~~
I enjoyed reading your story...:)
PrincessKitty #5
Awesome story><
Tinab2st9366 #6
Oh ok I can wait! Thank you for replying!
choicocks #7
Well yeah, about that. XD I deleted the sequel, I'm planning to rewrite the sequel because the storyline of the sequel wasn't planned when it was made. So I'll make a new one, is it okay to wait? :)
Tinab2st9366 #8
Hello I'm sorry I'm planning to read the sequel and I saw the comment that it was already made but I can't really find it I'm sorry for asking a stupid question