Chapter 24 - Dinner (Part 2)

You've Changed, but I'll Change You Back.

Yoseob's POV:

We arrived the hotel and I asked the guys to prepare the ingredients while I call Minwoo to see how he's doing.

I dialed Minwoo's number on my cell phone.

"Yoboseyo hyung! How's it going?" He said.

"We just arrived the hotel."

"Oh. Ho-----" 'KYAAAA! OMONA!'

"What's that?!" I asked, bewildered at the sudden squeal.

"Oh. Hyung, that's just _______." He answered.

"What happened?! Why did she squeal?" I asked, worried about my baby ______.

"Oh. There was this lost puppy, a very cute Yorkshire (they're really cute!! I have a Yorkshire puppy and I just wanna squeeze it, but I refrain myself from doing so or it'll die.) that caught the twins' and ______ eyes. She walked near it and carried it. It's so cute!!" Minwoo squealed through the phone.

"Hyung, ______ wants to talk to you." "Alright."

"Oppa!!!! There's this really cute lost puppy.. can we keep him?"

"Yeah, Su----- wait.. WE?!" I asked.

"Neh. Please Oppa! Puhleaaaaaaase?" I can imagine her doing her puppy eyes.

"Alright alright. You ask Minwoo if there's any pet grooming center and go have the puppy groomed. Okay?" I said.

"Neeeeeeeeh! Gomawo Oppaaaaaaa! Saranghaeyo." She said which made my heart flutter.

"Whaaa...t?" I said.

Your POV:

Did I just say Saranghaeyo?! OMG! >///<  I'm really like that when I'm super excited.

"Whaaa...t?" Oppa said.

"Aniyoooo.... I said... Gomawo..yo?"

"A-arasso. I'll hang up now, ok? Bye Baby _______." He said.

"U-uh.. yeah. Byeeeee." I said then hung up. I turned around to return the cell phone to Minwoo, and I met 3 pairs of grinning eye smiles.

"What?" I asked.

Youngmin went beside me then nudged me at my side, "You just said to hyung 'Saranghaeyo'."

"Yeaaaaaaaah. I smell loooooooove~~" Minwoo teasingly cooed.

"Kwangmin-sshi... Do you smell anything?" I asked Kwangmin, because I think he's the most mature here.

"Aniyoooo.." I was about to sigh in relief until he said, "But I seeeeeeeeeense it."

I pouted, "You guys are meeeeaaaan."

They ruffled my hair, 'Thank God I have a comb with me.' "Ohohohoho ________. We're not, now let's go to the pet grooming center to have this puppy groomed." Minwoo-sshi said and we were now heading to the grooming center.

While we were at the grooming center, waiting for the puppy to be groomed,

"________. What will you name the puppy?" Kwangmin-sshi asked.

"Hmm....." I was thinking when I remember the moment I was with Zico Oppa,

~Flashback: At a café

"Hey _______."

"Neh Zico Oppa?"

"What pet do you think I should buy?" He asked.

I almost spitted out my drink, "Bwoh?!"

"Whaaat? Am I not allowed to have a pet?" He asked.

"Aniyooo. How about a dog?"


~Flashback ends

I dialed Zico Oppa's number.

"Yoboseyo?" He said.

"Zico OPPAAAAAAAAA." I yelled through the phone.

"Hmm.. Neh?"

"Can you give me a name for a dog?"

"Waeee?" He asked.

"I found a really cute puppy, and we're gonna keep it. But it has no name.. sooo....."

"Alright alright. Just name it after me because I haven't bought a pet yet." He said.

"Ahahahaha. Okay then Zico Oppa. I know you always wanted a pet, so come visit sometimes when I'm back so you could play with him." I said.

"Ahahaha. I will then. Bye _____."

"Bye Zico Oppa!"

I looked at Minwoo, "Minwoo-sshi, I'll name it Zico" I said then smiled.

"Wae?" He asked.

"Just doing it for a friend."

"Alright. Zico then."

~ back at the hotel ~

Yoseob's POV:

Jeongmin hyung gave me a recipe for a Carbonara dish.

'Step 1: Boil pasta in salted water (not too salty) for about 3-7 minutes with 200 degrees F.'

I did as told and started boiling the pasta.

'Step 2: While waiting for the pasta to boil. Start the sauce. Mix cream cheese in a bowl until soft. Slice some onion and garlic. mushroom and ham or bacon.'

I did as told. But the cream cheese looked a bit.....lumpy...noo...too soft. I opened another bag of cream cheese and mixed it again until it was perfect. Then I started slicing the other condiments.

'Step 3: After mixing and slicing. Prepare a sauce pan and put a bit of cooking oil/olive oil then cook or sauté the onion and garlic. Then start putting the cream cheese. When it boils, put the mushroom and ham or bacon.'

(NOTE: Uhm.. So this is not a real recipe. So do not try this at home, you might get poisoned.)

I did as told again. I went back to check the pasta and saw it was too.....soft that the pieces started to rip out. (is that even possible?!!)

"AISH!" I shouted. I did the pasta again. I went to check the sauce and it became black. "Shiiit.."

I did the sauce again. I quickly went to the boiling pasta and turned off the stove just in time so it won't get too soft. I went back to sauce and started mixing it again.

'Step 4: Prepare Basil leaves and chop a part to be used as design. Don't forget to stir the sauce and turn off the stove once it's cooked.'

I stirred the sauce first until it was cooked and turned the stove off. I prepared the table. Some elegant table cover, comfy seat cushion and fancy plates and utensils. Wine glasses for milk. Kekeke, I don't drink wine. And some ice cream glass for later's dessert and a teaplate for the upcoming cake.

I put the pasta into our plates and covered it (you know, the silver covers people use when presenting foods. the big one =] ). I prepared the candle but didn't light it yet. I also put a centerpiece -- a vase of white and red flowers freshly picked a while ago.

I started to chop some basil leaves.

I chopped, "Aish. So ugly."
And chopped, "Close.. but not perfect."
And chopped, "A little more."
And chopped, "Perfect!" I jumped around with the perfect chop of basil leaves... then it fell on the floor.


I chopped again until it was perfect and put it on the side of the teaplates.

"Time for the cake."

'Step 1: Mix eggs, flour, baking soda? or powder?, milk, water and sugar into a bowl. Mix until lumps disappear.'

"Easy." I said then started to do step 2.

'Step 2: Pour into an oven-safe container (the ones used for baking) and bake for 30-40 minutes with 250 degrees F.'

I waited and remembered, "Icing."

'Step 1: Mix butter, sugar, a bit of water and milk with the use of an automatic mixer until whipped and ready to be used.'

I did as told and went to the next step.

'Step 2: Get an icing bag. Put the icing and start doing the cake.'


Just in time, the oven 'DINGed'. I got the cake out and let it cool down for a while. I started to put the icing.

"Almost theeere." I said, struggling to keep the design perfect.
"Yes!" I said and accidentally pressed the bag. The icing went to some sides of the cake that shouldn't be iced.

I then thought of something, "Chocolate Cake Powder." I went to the refrigerator and got the powder. I poured it perfectly into the cake so it would look nice.
I put it inside the fridge. I put the ice cream we bought inside the freezer and I started to clean the kitchen.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I then changed into some casual 'CUTE' clothes and called Minwoo.

"Yoboseyo hyung. How's the cooking?"

"Ah. Minwoo, I'm done. You guys could bring ______ here now."

"Alright. We'll be there. Bye."

"Bye." I said then hung up.

'I just hope everything's edible here.' I thought then watched TV with Donghyun hyung, Jeongmin hyung and Hyunseong hyung.


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Chapter 16: woaaaaa... i love your story :D :D :D :D can u plzzz make a sequel?? PWEEZZZ?
BAPrulez #2
Chapter 34: My first none exo and bap fic and I'm in love with it :)!!!!!
odinaryperson #3
Chapter 33: Wonderful ending!~ :D
Sooo happy right now.. :)
I'm happy for Yoseob & ___. ^_^
Pls make a sequel...if u made one, pls let me know.. gomawo~ XD
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Great ending....! totally love it ^^
Plsss do make a sequel... can't wait~~~
I enjoyed reading your story...:)
PrincessKitty #5
Awesome story><
Tinab2st9366 #6
Oh ok I can wait! Thank you for replying!
choicocks #7
Well yeah, about that. XD I deleted the sequel, I'm planning to rewrite the sequel because the storyline of the sequel wasn't planned when it was made. So I'll make a new one, is it okay to wait? :)
Tinab2st9366 #8
Hello I'm sorry I'm planning to read the sequel and I saw the comment that it was already made but I can't really find it I'm sorry for asking a stupid question