Dinos, Camels and Cookies

Mission Makeover
“Is she your aunt?” Jiro asked surprised when they sat in his car. Selina nodded.
“Since when?” he asked again.
“Since I found out a few weeks ago,” she replied.
Without much further conversation, they arrived at the cinema and went in.

“Glenn? Are you okay?” Show was still worried and a bit angry too. Of some reason, he blamed it on Jiro.
“Yes, don’t worry, I just need some water,” she said, and drank some more.
Show was silently thinking to himself. He still hadn’t got any answers from Glenn and his dad about Jiro, and he still clearly remembered the picture he had seen when he was younger.
The more Show looked at him, the more he looked like the boy in the picture.
Fortunately, Show’s father wasn’t home yet. Show helped Glenn to her room, and after assuring that she was concentrating on reading a book, he went into his father’s study.
He started looking through the drawers, carefully making sure that everything still was at its right place after he had looked at it. It shouldn’t be obvious that someone had looked through his father’s documents.
After investigating the whole study, Show felt like giving up. He still hadn’t found the picture he was looking for.
He went to the kitchen to see if there was some cake left in the fridge. There was only a piece of banana cake, but he took it and sat down in a sofa in the living room. He sighed.
Suddenly, all the light went off. Show swore and went to look for an electric torch.
He couldn’t hear anything from Glenn upstairs, so he assumed that it was only on the ground floor the lights had gone out.
He d his way through the dark to a drawer, where he rummaged for a torch. He finally found one, and turned it on.
When he did, his eye caught something in the drawer. He carefully took it out.
It was the picture he had been searching for. He turned the torch towards it so he could look closely at it.
The baby had to be Jiro. It had all of his features, including his crafty gaze, which was one of the things Show hated the most.
Why didn’t Selina see it?
Why didn’t she realize how disgusting he was?
Show hit himself on the forehead.
Why did he even hate Jiro? What was his reason?
The lights were again. Show looked around. Still no sounds from Glenn. She was probably asleep.
Show took the picture and his troubled thoughts back to his room.

Selina came back from the cinema around eleven o’clock. It was all dark, and she silently went into the house. She didn’t want to wake anybody up.
She could see that Show’s dad had come home, but it was all silent in the house, so she assumed that everybody was asleep.
She took of her shoes and coat, and tiptoed upstairs. She didn’t turn on the lights, but her eyes gradually got used to the dark.
After getting ready for bed, Selina lied down to read some of her homework. She had already read it, but as the mid-term exams were coming up, it was better to be on the safe side.
She was dead tired when she finally closed the book. She yawned, arranged her pillows and turned off the light.
Only half awake, she heard footsteps outside of the door. She was too tired to care for it, so she just continued to try sleeping.
But as the footsteps came closer, she couldn’t. She the light again and sat up. The steps stopped right outside her door.
She couldn’t breathe while the door slowly got opened, but when she saw who it was, she sighed relieved.
“Show, what the heck are you doing here in the middle of the night?” she laughed silently.
“The camel doesn’t like cookies,” Show said in a blurry voice. Selina looked confused at him.
“The camel… what?”
“The camel doesn’t like the cookies, ‘cause the dino fell out of the window…”
Selina suddenly realized that he was walking and talking in his sleep. His eyes were open, and he was walking right about normally, but he was definitely sleeping inside. His mind was all gone.
“Show, I think you’re in the wrong place…” Selina got on her feet and started to help Show out of the room. He protested.
“But the dino…”
“There’re no dinos her, Show, please go back to your room.”
“Will the dino be there?”
He suddenly looked all pitiful, and Selina couldn’t stand leaving him.
“There are no dinos,” she silently said.
“But what about the rock…?”
“It is missing the dino, the camel won’t eat the cookies…”
“Let me help you…”
“I don’t want to leave!” It was the clearest sentence he had been saying. Selina had no chance of making him leave if he didn’t want to.
They were standing in the door opening, and Show’s gaze was still blurry. Selina knew it would be dangerous to wake him up.
“Okay, you can stay then,” she sighed.
Without a word, Show went into her room and cuddled into her bed.
His expression was so peaceful and adorable when he slept. Selina kept looking at his face for at least five minutes before pulling herself together.
Where should she sleep then?
She looked at the couch. It would be perfect. If not, then at least bearable. She couldn’t make herself waken Show.
She took a blanket and arranged the sofa’s pillows. She sighed, lied down on the couch and supported her head to her hand so she could look at Show.
Silently, she fell asleep.

Show opened his eyes. The light sneaked its way through the curtains.
In Selina’s room.
As struck by lighting, he quickly sat up in the bed. Why was he in Selina’s room?
He clearly remembered falling asleep in his own.
He looked at Selina’s clock. It was 8 in the morning. Fortunately, it was Saturday, but they still had to work in the company.
He looked around the room, and got a shock when he saw Selina sleeping on the sofa.
What had happened?
And he hadn’t even been drunk, so he was 100 % positive that he went to bed in his own room.
He got on his feet and tiptoed to the sofa. Selina was sleeping peacefully, but only with a short blanket over her and a few, small pillows for her head. It looked uncomfortable.
Show wondered what he should do. Finally, he decided it would be easiest to carry her to her own bed, as long as he did it carefully so she didn’t wake up.
Cautiously, he snuck his arms around her shoulders and under her knees, and picked her up. She hadn’t waked up.
While having her in his arms, he paused.
She had lost weight, and too much. But her features were as beautiful as ever, even without makeup. As she was sleeping, she looked like she was in a whole other world.
Who was in her dreams? She was smiling slightly.
He suddenly remembered that she had been on a date with Jiro last night, and feeling of anger ran through him. Not against Selina, but Jiro.
He had finally found the picture, but hadn’t figured its meaning out yet. It troubled him to the max.
But looking at Selina’s peaceful face, he couldn’t stay angry.
So what if she wasn’t dreaming about him? Seeing her smiling was all he needed.
He caught his own thoughts. What the hell was he thinking? He couldn’t be…?
He hurried to lay Selina down on the bed, but his rush woke her up. She looked surprised at him.
“So, did the dino find the camel? Or whatever it was?” she yawned in a blurry voice. Show let go of her, as he had still had his arms around her, and thought that she was probably still half sleeping.
“I want to hear about the rock and the cookies,” she said teasingly, and looked at him. He gaped.
“Do you have a hangover?” he asked.
“It wasn’t me walking in my sleep and mumbling strange stuff. You have some interesting dreams,” she smiled tiredly. Show was more confused that ever.
“How much did you drink yesterday?” he demanded to know.
“If one litre of smoothie counts, then a lot.” She stretched her body and sat up in the bed.
“Wait, didn’t I sleep on the sofa?” she asked confused, and looked around.
“Uhm, yeah, you did, and I’m sorry, you know, I don’t know why I… I mean, how did I end up sleeping in your room? I didn’t drink yesterday… Unless there was alcohol in the cake, but Glenn doesn’t use to use it in her bakery… and I went to sleep before my dad came home…” Show was mumbling to himself.
“I don’t know either. You just came into my room in the middle of the night and refused to leave because the rock was missing the dino and something about a camel and some cookies,” Selina explained.
“It has been too long since I last ate cookies…” Show randomly got distracted. Selina burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny!” Show said wronged. Selina started hiccupping from laughing.
“Sorry, I… I just thi-think… you’re so si-silly…”
Watching her laughing, Show couldn’t help but smile.
He closed his eyes. He was still wearing his pyjamas. A striped shirt and matching pants.
He opened his eyes to look at Selina, who had finally stopped laughing and tried to catch her breath again. She was also still wearing her nightdress.
“What about we call the others and invite them for an all-day pyjamas party? You can send Glenn for cakes and movies. She’ll do everything for her new little princess,” Show suggested.
“Stop calling me her princess.”
“You’re my princess.”
“Nevermind. If you call Hebe, I’ll call Jo and El,” he said.

“When is he actually gonna do it? He’s been postponing it for a long time already…” he heard Aaron say.
“Take it easy, he has to find the right time. When that Show-guy isn’t around the office.” Calvin took a sip of his coffee.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Just sign it, it isn’t that important,” he demanded.
“No! Don’t do it!”
It’s been a while…? (:
But here you get a relatively long chappie. I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow, as I have to go to my classmates’ confirmations both Saturday and Sunday, which includes wrapping in flowers, writing cards and so on.
But if I get enough comments, I’ll try to find some time to write (:
Omg, you guys are so sweet with the comments! :D
Please please continue commenting. It makes me much more motivated to write.
- Blitz

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Cecilia-lala #1
Chapter 33: Heeellooo!! I really really loove this story!! :3 It was soo funny to read it! You're such a food (haha I write "food" in place of "good" XD) wrtiter!! I already read one of your fic' Fall in love with my fake gilrfriend", it was such a good fic too!! (I don't write comment to this fic because I'm a lazy girl ^^" sorry, sorry (neaga neaga... Lol :Iknowwerethedooris:) aaah now I'll have this song in the head all
night OTL XD) Anyway, I'll keep read your other fic and (maybe) post comment on it XD

Ps: Show is sooo handsome! *0* I'm a new fan of him. I konw him since 1 month now and I'm like "how can I don't know him for so long, he is really too perfect!"
spring8655 #2
Chapter 21: loved it~
Is there a sequel?? :O